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Transgender women are women (1 Viewer)

The point remains that we have someone claiming, based on 50 years of research that there is no such thing as biological sex. You said a transgender woman is born a female. So I have two apparently conflicting points of view and have to determine which is true since they both can't be. You're the educated one here so tell,me who is telling the truth.

Just use the scientific method. Flip a coin. I mean, hell, you've only heard about the subject from two people. One an historian you heard about and the other a guy in the internet. We're not working with a robust knowledge base here.
Not what I meant but Canukistan is funny. It's always fun to mock Canada.

I had never heard it until 2 friends from Ontario Canada used it independently in different forums. I love Canada and Ive been there more than a few times. Canada what the US used to be and could be if we had a rational government and laws based on logic.
I have read somewhere where he might be female to male transgendered and if that is true then I can start to envision where he would want to try to rationalize that biological gender does not exist as a way to support who is is. that claim is not factually accurate because if there is no biological gender then there is no transition, which obviously happens to anyone who makes a declaration that there are transgendered before the age of puberty when our bodies becomes gender differentiated by the action of sex hormones. I understand his goal but his argument is not logically supported.

The very idea of being transgendered (gender change, realignment or confirmation) is an admittance that a persons body is incongruent with their [psychological gender identity and that is not medially or logically possible if there is no biological gender. The very existence of a non-binary gender means that they are living in the middle of the two biological gender extremes and the possibility that emotionally they are not psychologically differentiated gender either.

But if there is no biological sex what's the point?
The Grammarly thesaurus helps.

BTW, Grammarly's spell checker doesn't recognize their own name. :lol:

No way. You're good cop. If you wanna be bad cop you gotta start it. Them's the rules.
Transgender women are born female. They're women with women's rights and women's privileges. Their brain is female and always has been. How Neanderthal is it to define a person not by their brain but by their extremities.

Feminism, which is inherently gender affirming, has always been at odds with progressive trans rights advocates who insist gender doesn’t exist. Nobody likes the erasure of their identity or lived experience.
No way. You're good cop. If you wanna be bad cop you gotta start it. Them's the rules.

Oh, ok. I'm glad someone told me because if I get another infraction I might get a 3 day time out.
Feminism, which is inherently gender affirming, has always been at odds with progressive trans rights advocates who insist gender doesn’t exist. Nobody likes the erasure of their identity or lived experience.

It's impossible to claim gender doesn't exist. You're mistaken.
Just use the scientific method. Flip a coin. I mean, hell, you've only heard about the subject from two people. One an historian you heard about and the other a guy in the internet. We're not working with a robust knowledge base here.

You have no,idea what else I've read. I am dealing with one moron, you and I brought up another moron from Canada with a position directly opposed to you but has if this moment you haven't utter a sensible word about 2 opposing positions. Why is it I can have a reasonable conversation with Lisa but with you is nothing but buffoonery for you. She is superior to you in all ways and so is my dog and he eats cat sh it.

He's gonna explain how, if none of it really means anything, why it exists. Spoiler alert: Liberals.
Feminism, which is inherently gender affirming, has always been at odds with progressive trans rights advocates who insist gender doesn’t exist. Nobody likes the erasure of their identity or lived experience.

You're wasting your time with that moron.
But if there is no biological sex what's the point?

There very much is a biological sex/gender. It is that very biological/psychological gender incongruency is what makes person transgendered or non-binary.
That’s exactly what JK Rowling is saying.

Well, if she said it, then I guess we need to dismantle the tens of thousands of gender departments at universities across the globe. They all got hoaxed. The Harry Potter woman figured it out.
You're wasting your time with that moron.

Why are you trying to hurt my feelings. What did I do?

You have no,idea what else I've read. I am dealing with one moron, you and I brought up another moron from Canada with a position directly opposed to you but has if this moment you haven't utter a sensible word about 2 opposing positions. Why is it I can have a reasonable conversation with Lisa but with you is nothing but buffoonery for you. She is superior to you in all ways and so is my dog and he eats cat sh it.

Why would you decide between two morons? You can't do better? What about Wikipedia.

In my defense, I don't eat poop. So, the dog might have me on smarts but I've got that.
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Well, if she said it, then I guess we need to dismantle the tens of thousands of gender departments at universities across the globe. They all got hoaxed. The Harry Potter woman figured it out.

That would probably be for the best.
That would probably be for the best.

Learning is tough. A lot of people don't like it. They even don't like when other people do it.
Learning is tough. A lot of people don't like it. They even don't like when other people do it.

And a lot of people don’t know the difference between humanities and hard science.
And a lot of people don’t know the difference between humanities and hard science.

Gender is not humanities. It's sociology and anthropology. Biology is also not humanities. Humanities aren't soft science. You have no idea what you're talking about. Why are you comparing something that is not a science to hard science?

I think the problem here is some people don't know humanities is not science. Not soft or hard. And Gender does not fall under humanities. Gender is soft science under sociology and anthropology.
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Gender is not humanities. It's sociology and anthropology. Biology is also not humanities. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Gender studies is not hard science. And yeah, I know exactly what I’m talking about. If you graduate with a degree in gender studies it is issued as an Arts degree not a Science degree.
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Gender studies is not hard science. And yeah, I know exactly what I’m talking about. If you graduate with a degree in gender studies it is issued as an Arts degree not a Science degree.


Your post is moronic. You tried to act like people don't know the difference between humanities and hard science when humanites isn't even ****ing science.

Further, you thought gender fell under humanities, which is unbelievably ignorant and wrong.

Lastly, Masters of Science in Gender exist. So you're wrong there too.

1. Wrong about humanities being soft science.
2. Wrong about gender being a humanities.
3. Wrong about gender not being a science.

Gender is sociology and anthropology and science degrees in the field exist.

Everything you posted was wrong.
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Your post is moronic. You tried to act like people don't know the difference between humanities and hard science when humanites isn't even ****ing science.

Further, you thought gender fell under humanities, which is unbelievably ignorant and wrong.

Lastly, Masters of Science in Gender exist. So you're wrong there too.

1. Wrong about humanities being soft science.
2. Wrong about gender being a humanities.
3. Wrong about gender not being a science.

Gender is sociology and anthropology and science degrees in the field exist.

Everything you posted was wrong.

Learn to read. I said it isn’t hard science and it isn’t. Hard science degrees in the field do not exist. The only reason a hard science degree is issued is if you’re doing a hard science in addition to gender studies. Gender studies by itself is just an Arts degree.
Learn to read. I said isn’t hard science and it isn’t.

And it's not humanities either. And humanities is not science. So when you've got all that figured out, you might get around to sociology and anthropology, which are ****ing sciences, and the departments under which gender exists.

Gender has always been a sociological term. It was first employed by sociology. The term was borrowed by biology to use as a euphemism for sex on forms and now millions of idiots believe gender is a biological term.

You may even come to realize that science degrees exist in gender. Then you will have learned today.
And it's not humanities either. And humanities is not science. So when you've got all that figured out, you might get around to sociology and anthropology, which are ****ing sciences, and the departments under which gender exists.

Gender has always been a sociological term. It was first employed by sociology. The term was borrowed by biology to use as a euphemism for sex on forms and now millions of idiots believe gender is a biological term.

You may even come to realize that science degrees exist in gender.

Some anthropologists and sociologists like to think so, but the reality is that those fields only get you an Arts degree. :lol: They aren’t regarded as hard science because they aren’t. They’re humanities.
Was J.K Rowling being blatantly insensitive? Does a female's ability to ovulate and menstruate make her definitively different than a transgender?

Obviously, there are biological differences between people's given gender but shouldn't we respect, care, and treat everyone with dignity?
Did you really just ask if a female actually having female body parts and the accompanying function thereof made them a woman as compared to a man that may or may not have been surgically altered to somewhat cosmetically appear as though they are a woman based on how they 'feel'?

Doesnt science and fact come into play here?

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