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Transgender women are women (1 Viewer)

Some anthropologists and sociologists like to think so, but the reality is that those fields only get you an Arts degree. :lol: They aren’t regarded as hard science because they aren’t. They’re humanities.

That's pathetic ignorance. Science degrees are available in sociology, anthropology and gender. None of those are humanities.
That's pathetic ignorance. Science degrees are available in sociology, anthropology and gender. None of those are humanities.

Wrong. Gender studies, sociology, and anthropology are all Arts degrees. Science degrees are only available for science.
Wrong. Gender studies, sociology, and anthropology are all Arts degrees. Science degrees are only available for science.

That's pathetically ignorant. If one has never been to a university, try Google.

Master of Science in Social Studies of Gender | Graduate School.

Sociology and anthropology degrees are science degrees. Not liberal arts.

There's no arts degree in anthropology. You don't even know what that word means, do you. You don't know the difference between sociology and anthropology, do you.
Jamie Lee Curtis is an XY female. No one questions her being female. Every cell in her body is "male".

"Jamie Lee Curtis: Male and Female?
Long-standing rumor holds that actress Jamie Lee Curtis acknowledged in an interview that she was born with both male and female sex organs."

Jamie Lee Curtis: Male and Female?

"e. A variation on this theme is that Jamie Lee was born an intersexual with (either) XY choromosomes or XXY chromosomes instead of the XX that genetic females have, depending on the rumor you’re hearing."
"he bottom line is that Jamie Lee Curtis has never admitted to being a hermaphrodite, and her doctors are unable to state one way or the other due to patient-doctor confidentiality.
So this LA legend falls squarely into the “undetermined” category, with me giving a vote to “who cares? does it matter?”"
Top L.A. Legends #16: Jamie Lee Curtis is a hermaphrodite (aka Jamie Lee Curtis has a teeny weenie) | Blogging.la

Unless you have links to her medical records it is pure speculation on your part.

As far as the OP, maybe in todays world they are women. I am not convinced.
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That's pathetically ignorant. If one has never been to a university, try Google.

Master of Science in Social Studies of Gender | Graduate School.

Sociology and anthropology degrees are science degrees. Not liberal arts.

There's no arts degree in anthropology. You don't even know what that word means, do you. You don't know the difference between sociology and anthropology, do you.

Apparently you still haven’t learned to read since you last responded. In order for a degree to be issued as Science the student must complete separate hard scientific courses. That’s what makes a degree in Science. As I said, gender studies, anthropology, and sociology alone are Liberal Arts degrees and about as valuable as all of the art and papers tossed into the dumpster at the end of the semester.
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That's pathetically ignorant. If one has never been to a university, try Google.

Master of Science in Social Studies of Gender | Graduate School.

Sociology and anthropology degrees are science degrees. Not liberal arts.

There's no arts degree in anthropology. You don't even know what that word means, do you. You don't know the difference between sociology and anthropology, do you.

$20 says that he doesn't know the difference between astronomy and astrology, or archeology and anthropology.
"Jamie Lee Curtis: Male and Female?
Long-standing rumor holds that actress Jamie Lee Curtis acknowledged in an interview that she was born with both male and female sex organs."

Jamie Lee Curtis: Male and Female?

"e. A variation on this theme is that Jamie Lee was born an intersexual with (either) XY choromosomes or XXY chromosomes instead of the XX that genetic females have, depending on the rumor you’re hearing."
"he bottom line is that Jamie Lee Curtis has never admitted to being a hermaphrodite, and her doctors are unable to state one way or the other due to patient-doctor confidentiality.
So this LA legend falls squarely into the “undetermined” category, with me giving a vote to “who cares? does it matter?”"
Top L.A. Legends #16: Jamie Lee Curtis is a hermaphrodite (aka Jamie Lee Curtis has a teeny weenie) | Blogging.la

Unless you have links to her medical records it is pure speculation on your part.

I never heard anyone claim she was a hermaphrodite.

I heard she's an XY female, which do exist and are, by all external appearance, female.

XY gonadal dysgenesis - Wikipedia
Apparently you still haven’t learned to read since you last responded. In order for a degree to be issued as Science the student must complete separate hard scientific courses. That’s what makes a degree in Science. As I said, gender studies, anthropology, and sociology alone are Liberal Arts degrees.

You're completely wrong. Have you ever been to a university?
I’m completely right and yes.

Any idiot can Google and find science degrees in sociology, anthropology and gender from countless major institutions. Your moronic bs doesn't pass a Google search.

I already provided a link to a university offering a Masters of Science in Gender.

You can ignore reality but everyone can see.
Any idiot can Google and find science degrees in sociology, anthropology and gender. Your moronic bs doesn't pass a Google search.

Google is the height of confirmation bias. Read the reqs. There’s no such thing as a Science degree issued in any of those fields that doesn’t require completion of hard science courses.
Google is the height of confirmation bias. Read the reqs. There’s no such thing as a Science degree issued in any of those fields that doesn’t require completion of hard science courses.

You're spewing moronic bs. It's pathetic.

Have a good day.
Yeah, I guess that's 'harassment' and should be a company policy. OTOH, those policies arent laws. (Unless perhaps they fall into the category of hate speech in some cases? I dont believe in hate speech laws.)

Companies have the right to set standards for personal conduct. When I ran a business, my employees, off duty activity wasn't my concern as long as it didn't affect their job performance. I don't believe in hate speech either but I do believe in certain hate acts on protected classes.
Companies have the right to set standards for personal conduct. When I ran a business, my employees, off duty activity wasn't my concern as long as it didn't affect their job performance. I don't believe in hate speech either but I do believe in certain hate acts on protected classes.

Yes I know and I was concurring. (except for the hate speech part.)

This is the barely coherent and grammatically inept speech of a man who desperately wants to be able to claim that he "cured coronavirus."

That's it, in a nutshell. When we do get a handle on this crisis, he wants to be able to pull out footage and declare "I called it! I said use this! I said try this! I told them to do this, it was my idea!" He's just doing it with lots of stupid stuff because he doesnt want to miss an opportunity. He's afraid 'the big one' will be mentioned and he wont get credit for it.

It's all about declaring himself the savior of the cv crisis and we'll hear all about it, esp in his campaign. (Which is basically each of his press briefings these days) --- Lursa
Did you really just ask if a female actually having female body parts and the accompanying function thereof made them a woman as compared to a man that may or may not have been surgically altered to somewhat cosmetically appear as though they are a woman based on how they 'feel'?

Doesnt science and fact come into play here?

I wasn't making a declaration, I was asking a question for opinions on debating the subject. The next sentence states there are obvious biological differences.
I wasn't making a declaration, I was asking a question for opinions on debating the subject. The next sentence states there are obvious biological differences.

For trans peoples mental health, they would be much better served by coming to the understanding that they are men that for whatever reason feel like they should have been born women...but that they are men. First step always...learn to love yourself as YOU.
For trans peoples mental health, they would be much better served by coming to the understanding that they are men that for whatever reason feel like they should have been born women...but that they are men. First step always...learn to love yourself as YOU.

I'm not in their head to be able to recommend what would mentally help. Many believe they're as much a woman as a biological female, which is what they truly feel.
I'm not in their head to be able to recommend what would mentally help. Many believe they're as much a woman as a biological female, which is what they truly feel.
Right. Thats what we call a 'delusion'. Some people feel the same way about themselves as animals.

The thing is...THEY KNOW that the science proves the point.

As soon as feeling loses to science.......
Was J.K Rowling being blatantly insensitive? Does a female's ability to ovulate and menstruate make her definitively different than a transgender?

Obviously, there are biological differences between people's given gender but shouldn't we respect, care, and treat everyone with dignity?
Not sure she was treating people indignantly. I do think trans women are different than women as do you because you made a distinction.
Not sure she was treating people indignantly. I do think trans women are different than women as do you because you made a distinction.

I, merely, asked was she insensitive and didn't state a position on that. Biologically, transwomen are different, emotionally/mentally, I'm not so sure.
I, merely, asked was she insensitive and didn't state a position on that. Biologically, transwomen are different, emotionally/mentally, I'm not so sure.

Are you asserting that women are different emotionally/mentally than men?
Was J.K Rowling being blatantly insensitive? Does a female's ability to ovulate and menstruate make her definitively different than a transgender?

Obviously, there are biological differences between people's given gender but shouldn't we respect, care, and treat everyone with dignity?

Here are some of her twitter posts:

"If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth."

"The idea that women like me, who’ve been empathetic to trans people for decades, feeling kinship because they’re vulnerable in the same way as women - ie, to male violence - ‘hate’ trans people because they think sex is real and has lived consequences - is a nonsense."

"I respect every trans person’s right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female. I do not believe it’s hateful to say so."

Boy has she taken some serious abuse for these statements. It's amazing she has not backed down like so many others.
Martina Navratilova is another woman who has been raked over the coals for speaking honestly.
I don't care what J.K Rowling says. Maybe one day she can stop pissing the Harry Potter franchise in the mud with her stupid revisions, and her blatantly ignoring her own previous material.

Did you just call her George Lucas?
Are you asserting that women are different emotionally/mentally than men?

I'm not saying it, the rest of the world is. Men are usually more aggressive, analytic, mechanical, and emotionally unavailable, while women are often more nurturing, intuitive, emotionally mature, and socially adept. Neither better, merely different.

Here are some of her twitter posts:

"If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth."

"The idea that women like me, who’ve been empathetic to trans people for decades, feeling kinship because they’re vulnerable in the same way as women - ie, to male violence - ‘hate’ trans people because they think sex is real and has lived consequences - is a nonsense."

"I respect every trans person’s right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female. I do not believe it’s hateful to say so."

Boy has she taken some serious abuse for these statements. It's amazing she has not backed down like so many others.
Martina Navratilova is another woman who has been raked over the coals for speaking honestly.

I didn't even comment personally, only asked a question.

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