clone said:
hey you ****ing racist bastards
i could argue against you, but whats the use if your just guna be a close minded little prick that just loves to hate.
so ill take this approach instead
go **** yourselves
Naw, crackers don't hate you because we are racist! We hate you because you guys are just stupid, & cannot win wars on the battlefield.
Shyte, guys could not fight your way out of a paper bag, & that is WHY you turds have to resort to murder, & terror tactics.
Hell, pathetic goat sodomizers could not even defeat tiny Israel, & Israel has roughly ONLY 3.6 million inhabitants!
Ahh, I know what you are thinking: You will say its because America supplies, & supports Israel. You are correct, ..but it is WAY more than that.
Shucks, people even recieved aid, munitions, & weaponry from the Soviet Union; & still could NOT defeat Israel in spite of aLL the arab countries that were alligned against Israel in 1967, & 1973!
Lets see, over 300 million muslims who despise Israel, ..& vow to destroy Israel....but cannot do it!
You people have the palestinians be your surrogates, ...but in truth you people do not even give a damn about the palestinians; & in fact the palestinians ACTUALLY live better among israli's when they are acting civilized, ...which has not been very often!
Arafat was an as.shole who made a fortune for himself, & he did not do anything positive to help the palestinian people out except buy weapons, ..& pay families for their suicide missions that he thought gave glory to Allah!
I wonder as to WHY Arafat himself did NOT want to give glory to ALLAH, & be a real leader & sacrifice himself for a glorious suicidal death?
And...who is that piece of fecal matter who pretends to be Allah's servant by exporting terror all over the world? Whats his name...Al Zachari? Why doesn't he lead by example in one great glorious pre-meditated murder, perhaps to be committed upon old women, or children?
Its bas.tards like you that are the haters, & the racists.....wanting to destroy a "minority" whom are no threat to the 300 million muslims that Israel has to put up with,... you savages for the last 57 years.
Here is a clue for you: NO, will never extricate Israel from the holy land, & will NEVER defeat them in war either.
You better pray that Israel doesn't just lose patience with you treacherous murderers, ..& force out ALL muslims from Israel, & then decide to turn the most threatening muslim countries into glass, they HAVE the means, & could have done it long ago!
If the shoe was on the other foot, ..I have no doubt your muslim sum-a-bytchin' friends would have done it to Israel.....LONG AGO!
And....You know it too. Have a nice day,! :2wave: