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Thousands expected at Boston ‘free speech’ rally and counter-protest (1 Viewer)

Won't you be disappointed to discover how many liberals avail themselves of that right.

The ones with a brain will be with me, so no, I won't be disappointed at all.
Assholes in every group... :shrug:

I wouldn't start calling every single protesting right winger a fascist as a result of piss throwing.

I love freedom of speech, and everybody has a right to it. Violent offenders should be arrested.

Every antifa thug is an asshole. Fact!
I don't think liberals and conservatives are going to be killing each other

I don't either. However, if a fascist, or communist faction acquire political power and start trying to dissolve our system for their gains, we'll find out why the Founders wrote the 2nd Amendment.

Antifa and BLM have already been accepted by the left as their version of the Brownshirts. That won't have a happy ending for them.
The police need not be the biggest threat to oppose racially driven police brutality. And to characterize gangs and crime as "black people" is racist.

98% of black murder victims are murdered by blacks.
If they a violent, then arrest them.

Morning SheWolf....But that's a problem right there isn't it? I mean, those on the political left that are applauding the violence perpetrated by groups like antiFa, and BLM are entrenched in positions of leadership in the local governments, and State governments that are behind the scenes telling police to not do their jobs properly and give these thugs "space" etc....This is more dangerous than anything I can remember....
98% of black murder victims are murdered by blacks.

98% of poor murder victims are murdered by poor people. Skin color has nothing to do with it.
98% of poor murder victims are murdered by poor people. Skin color has nothing to do with it.

The numbers prove that statues aren't the problem.
FBI stats don't categorize it like you do....

So you think the murders are because black people like to murder?
The numbers prove that statues aren't the problem.

The statues are garbage. Foreign soldiers killing hundreds of thousands of Americans to preserve slavery. I guess Al Qaeda statues are next.
The statues are garbage. Foreign soldiers killing hundreds of thousands of Americans to preserve slavery. I guess Al Qaeda statues are next.

The Confederates were Americans, too.
The Confederates were Americans, too.

No they were not. What, now you want give everyone living in North America citizenship, even if they're foreigners that have expressly denounced citizenship and declared war against the US?

They formed a foreign country. They took arms against the US. They were foreigners. They killed Americans - real, actual Americans.

They are traitorous scum and foreign soldiers fighting for slavery. A disgrace. They should be relegated to a footnote in history, they aren't worth a page.

There are plenty of real Americans, patriots, who deserve those monuments. Tear down the monuments to scum.
No they were not. What, now you want give everyone living in North America citizenship, even if they're foreigners that have expressly denounced citizenship and declared war against the US?

They formed a foreign country. They took arms against the US. They were foreigners. They killed Americans - real, actual Americans.

They are traitorous scum and foreign soldiers fighting for slavery. A disgrace. They should be relegated to a footnote in history, they aren't worth a page.

There are plenty of real Americans, patriots, who deserve those monuments. Tear down the monuments to scum.

I hate to break it to you, but Confederates were, by every metric, Americans.

What Americans deserve a monument?
No they were not. They renounced citizenship. They were a foreign country. They fought against the US, not with the US.


She was a real American, not traitorous scum like Confederates.

They still lived in America. They were Americans.

Are Native Americans not Americans?

What did Ida Wells do? How did her contribution do more than say, Simon B. Buckner jr.?
They still lived in America. They were Americans.

Everyone living in America are Americans? No. Being an American means having citizenship. Confederates renounced citizenship and formed a foreign country.

They were not Americans. They were foreign soldiers. They fought against America. All to preserve slavery. One of history's most disgusting group of scumbags. They could have all been shot for treason.
They still lived in America. They were Americans.

Are Native Americans not Americans?

What did Ida Wells do? How did her contribution do more than say, Simon B. Buckner jr.?

Timothy McVeigh was an American. So was the Unibomber. Some consider them heroes too

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