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Thousands expected at Boston ‘free speech’ rally and counter-protest (1 Viewer)

Everyone living in America are Americans? No. Being an American means having citizenship. Confederates renounced citizenship and formed a foreign country.

They were not Americans. They were foreign soldiers. They fought against America. All to preserve slavery. One of history's most disgusting group of scumbags. They could have all been shot for treason.

Even by that definition, every Confederate was an American.
Even by that definition, every Confederate was an American.

They were foreign soldiers and you know it. They left the US and fought against us, tried to destroy our country.
They were foreign soldiers and you know it. They left the US and fought against us, tried to destroy our country.

Most of them were born in The United States.
Most of them were born in The United States.

Who cares? Renounce citizenship to try to destroy America and one is not an American. Do you not understand? They left. They became a foreign nation. They were no longer part of us. They tried to destroy our country.
Who cares? Renounce citizenship to try to destroy America and one is not an American. Do you not understand? They left. They became a foreign nation. They were no longer part of us. They tried to destroy our country.

Very few people living in the South (any?) renounced their citizenship.
Anyone with a brain doesn't.

I have a brain. They abandoned this country because they wanted slavery. Its that simple. We should remember those that fought for slavery with shame and derision. Did you wish they could have won?
I have a brain. They abandoned this country because they wanted slavery. Its that simple. We should remember those that fought for slavery with shame and derision. Did you wish they could have won?

No and I never said I do.

However, the hatred expressed towards them and their decendents is completely irrational and un-American.
No and I never said I do.

However, the hatred expressed towards them and their decendents is completely irrational and un-American.

Hatred of those that fought for slavery is the most American thing I can imagine
Very few people living in the South (any?) renounced their citizenship.

States left the US and became a foreign country. Those fighting for that foreign country were foreign fighters. They tried to destroy our country.
Hatred of those that fought for slavery is the most American thing I can imagine

Do you hate the Founders, too? What about the troops that fought the Indians?
Do you hate the Founders, too? What about the troops that fought the Indians?

Nope. The founders were great. Certainly flawed men but great. It is a national shame what we did to the American indian and I believe there should be no statues to Andrew Jackson and his ilk
Nope. The founders were great. Certainly flawed men but great. It is a national shame what we did to the American indian and I believe there should be no statues to Andrew Jackson and his ilk

Most Americans feel the same way about the Confederate leaders.

Your rediculous outrage is a small fringe minority.

What about statues honoring Lincoln and Grant? They killed more indians than Jackson.
Most Americans feel the same way about the Confederate leaders.

Your rediculous outrage is a small fringe minority.

What about statues honoring Lincoln and Grant? They killed more indians than Jackson.

Tear down all the statues. The hero worship we have in this nation is ridiculous anyway. But Lincoln and grant fought to PRESERVE this country....not for slavery
Tear down all the statues. The hero worship we have in this nation is ridiculous anyway. But Lincoln and grant fought to PRESERVE this country....not for slavery

They slaughtered a bunch of indians, too. Does one cancel out the other? Please say yes.
They slaughtered a bunch of indians, too. Does one cancel out the other? Please say yes.

So lets tear down all the statues. Problem solved
They still lived in America. They were Americans.

Are Native Americans not Americans?

What did Ida Wells do? How did her contribution do more than say, Simon B. Buckner jr.?

Most of them were born in The United States.

No and I never said I do.

However, the hatred expressed towards them and their decendents is completely irrational and un-American.

Man if you only felt this way about immigrants.
Look at these Antifa animals. The police need to open fire.
No and I never said I do.

However, the hatred expressed towards them and their decendents is completely irrational and un-American.

The poor little leftists are totally irrelevant. All they have left is to wallow in their own puke and diarrhea. What a pathetic bunch of losers. What a bunch of haters.
The poor little leftists are totally irrelevant. All they have left is to wallow in their own puke and diarrhea. What a pathetic bunch of losers. What a bunch of haters.

Good. Discount them at your own peril

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