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This one will be hard to explain. (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2018
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Take a look at the Wall GoFundMe situation and compare it with the most successful GoFundMe ever, "Time's Up (sexual harassment of women)". Look at the numbers and you will notice something.

Wall: $13,079,492 : Raised by 214,199 people in 4 days : average donation $61.06

Time's Up: $22,103,100 : Raised by 21,545 people in 12 months : average donation $1025.90

Wall : 10 biggest donations total 121,615 dollars averaging 12 thousand

$50,000 - 1 day ago (Anonymous)
$12,000 - Fortress Stabilization Systems - 22 hours ago
$10,015 - 1 day ago
$10,000 - 1 day ago
$10,000 - 23 hours ago
$10,000 - 3 hours ago (Anonymous)
$9,000 - 20 hours ago
$5,200 - 3 hours ago (Anonymous)
$5,000 - 2 days ago (Anonymous)
$5,000 - 1 day ago

Time's Up : 10 biggest donations equals 12 million dollars averaging 1.2 million

$2,000,000 - Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg’s Wunderkinder Foundation - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$2,000,000 - Creative Artists Agency - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,500,000 - Mark Wahlberg on behalf of Michelle Williams - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Katie McGrath & J.J. Abrams - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - ICM Partners - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - William Morris Endeavor - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - United Talent Agency - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Anonymous - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Sherwood Foundation - 10 months ago (Offline Donation)
$500,000 - Meryl Streep - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)

Here's the thing. You would expect the Build the Wall donations to be made by massive corporations because it is a right wing movement. However, the opposite is the case. The Time's Up donations came from reputable businesses and celebrities that dug down hard into their wallets and were made in person over a 12 month period, whereas the Build the Wall donations were a lot of smaller donations in a matter of 4 days, many anonymously or people who's identities are harder to confirm. The 10 biggest Time's Up donations almost match the total of the entire Build the Wall donations. This suggests that Time's Up is more "grass roots" and lacks a socio-political agenda, whereas Build the Wall looks suspiciously like Russian hackers performing a political attack. Computers are being used to make massive numbers of small donations. Putin is buying his wall, there is simply no denying it any longer.
Here's the thing. You would expect the Build the Wall donations to be made by massive corporations because it is a right wing movement.
No, not at all.

The rest is just ridiculous.
In the end it would be impossible to hide the source of billions of dollars coming in. So it would still lead to Russia. So why bother with the ruse? Countries give other countries aid all the time. Russia could just send the US enough money to pay for the wall? It would cause a huge controversy here in the US, and that would be just what Russia wants.

I wonder if the thought has crossed Putin’s mind.
In the end it would be impossible to hide the source of billions of dollars coming in. So it would still lead to Russia. So why bother with the ruse? Countries give other countries aid all the time. Russia could just send the US enough money to pay for the wall? It would cause a huge controversy here in the US, and that would be just what Russia wants.

I wonder if the thought has crossed Putin’s mind.

Pocket change for Vlad! 25 billion, no problem..

From the WAPO: Many estimates are generally in the billions — in 2015, Bill Browder, a former fund manager in Russia and major critic of Putin, estimated the president's net worth at $200 billion, a figure that would likely make him the richest person on Earth.Feb 7, 2018
In the end it would be impossible to hide the source of billions of dollars coming in. So it would still lead to Russia. So why bother with the ruse? Countries give other countries aid all the time. Russia could just send the US enough money to pay for the wall? It would cause a huge controversy here in the US, and that would be just what Russia wants.

I wonder if the thought has crossed Putin’s mind.

If he could isolate the USA from military and economic aid from Mexico in the case of an invasion, that would make us much more vulnerable. Imagine if the USA was invaded and we couldn't call on either the Mexican or Canadian military for help.

For that matter, Canada could be behind it all instead of Russia. With us walled in and isolated from Mexico, Canada could make a move towards challenging U.S. dominance of North America.
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If he could isolate the USA from military and economic aid from Mexico in the case of an invasion, that would make us much more vulnerable. Imagine if the USA was invaded and we couldn't call on either the Mexican or Canadian military for help.

For that matter, Canada could be behind it all instead of Russia. With us walled in and isolated from Mexico, Canada could make a move towards challenging U.S. dominance of North America.

Trying to get the thread moved to CT, I see. :)
In the end it would be impossible to hide the source of billions of dollars coming in. So it would still lead to Russia. So why bother with the ruse? Countries give other countries aid all the time. Russia could just send the US enough money to pay for the wall? It would cause a huge controversy here in the US, and that would be just what Russia wants.

I wonder if the thought has crossed Putin’s mind.


When you're a left wing loon, regular people putting up their hard earned money to fund the wall somehow turns into Russia, Russia, Russia!!!!

Good job!

When you're a left wing loon, regular people putting up their hard earned money to fund the wall somehow turns into Russia, Russia, Russia!!!!

Good job!

Are you talking about me? Go reread that. I was explaining why it isn’t Russia.
Take a look at the Wall GoFundMe situation and compare it with the most successful GoFundMe ever, "Time's Up (sexual harassment of women)". Look at the numbers and you will notice something.

Wall: $13,079,492 : Raised by 214,199 people in 4 days : average donation $61.06

Time's Up: $22,103,100 : Raised by 21,545 people in 12 months : average donation $1025.90

Wall : 10 biggest donations total 121,615 dollars averaging 12 thousand

$50,000 - 1 day ago (Anonymous)
$12,000 - Fortress Stabilization Systems - 22 hours ago
$10,015 - 1 day ago
$10,000 - 1 day ago
$10,000 - 23 hours ago
$10,000 - 3 hours ago (Anonymous)
$9,000 - 20 hours ago
$5,200 - 3 hours ago (Anonymous)
$5,000 - 2 days ago (Anonymous)
$5,000 - 1 day ago

Time's Up : 10 biggest donations equals 12 million dollars averaging 1.2 million

$2,000,000 - Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg’s Wunderkinder Foundation - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$2,000,000 - Creative Artists Agency - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,500,000 - Mark Wahlberg on behalf of Michelle Williams - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Katie McGrath & J.J. Abrams - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - ICM Partners - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - William Morris Endeavor - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - United Talent Agency - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Anonymous - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Sherwood Foundation - 10 months ago (Offline Donation)
$500,000 - Meryl Streep - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)

Here's the thing. You would expect the Build the Wall donations to be made by massive corporations because it is a right wing movement. However, the opposite is the case. The Time's Up donations came from reputable businesses and celebrities that dug down hard into their wallets and were made in person over a 12 month period, whereas the Build the Wall donations were a lot of smaller donations in a matter of 4 days, many anonymously or people who's identities are harder to confirm. The 10 biggest Time's Up donations almost match the total of the entire Build the Wall donations. This suggests that Time's Up is more "grass roots" and lacks a socio-political agenda, whereas Build the Wall looks suspiciously like Russian hackers performing a political attack. Computers are being used to make massive numbers of small donations. Putin is buying his wall, there is simply no denying it any longer.

:lamo Or maybe big corporations and leftwing celebrities don't want the wall.
Hmm, that implies I am still a dummy, just the wrong one. ;)


You're right.

I'm really digging myself in a hole with you right now. I'll up the ante and take one in the gut along with another apology for being a horse's ass.
Take a look at the Wall GoFundMe situation and compare it with the most successful GoFundMe ever, "Time's Up (sexual harassment of women)". Look at the numbers and you will notice something.

Wall: $13,079,492 : Raised by 214,199 people in 4 days : average donation $61.06

Time's Up: $22,103,100 : Raised by 21,545 people in 12 months : average donation $1025.90

Wall : 10 biggest donations total 121,615 dollars averaging 12 thousand

$50,000 - 1 day ago (Anonymous)
$12,000 - Fortress Stabilization Systems - 22 hours ago
$10,015 - 1 day ago
$10,000 - 1 day ago
$10,000 - 23 hours ago
$10,000 - 3 hours ago (Anonymous)
$9,000 - 20 hours ago
$5,200 - 3 hours ago (Anonymous)
$5,000 - 2 days ago (Anonymous)
$5,000 - 1 day ago

Time's Up : 10 biggest donations equals 12 million dollars averaging 1.2 million

$2,000,000 - Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg’s Wunderkinder Foundation - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$2,000,000 - Creative Artists Agency - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,500,000 - Mark Wahlberg on behalf of Michelle Williams - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Katie McGrath & J.J. Abrams - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - ICM Partners - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - William Morris Endeavor - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - United Talent Agency - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Anonymous - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Sherwood Foundation - 10 months ago (Offline Donation)
$500,000 - Meryl Streep - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)

Here's the thing. You would expect the Build the Wall donations to be made by massive corporations because it is a right wing movement. However, the opposite is the case. The Time's Up donations came from reputable businesses and celebrities that dug down hard into their wallets and were made in person over a 12 month period, whereas the Build the Wall donations were a lot of smaller donations in a matter of 4 days, many anonymously or people who's identities are harder to confirm. The 10 biggest Time's Up donations almost match the total of the entire Build the Wall donations. This suggests that Time's Up is more "grass roots" and lacks a socio-political agenda, whereas Build the Wall looks suspiciously like Russian hackers performing a political attack. Computers are being used to make massive numbers of small donations. Putin is buying his wall, there is simply no denying it any longer.

Well, IMO, no one with any sense and serious money would donate any money to the "wall" campaign at this point. Even if you take the page at face value, it's a complete mess. The person doesn't even know how to contribute the money at this point. They're working on "legal documents" to bind the government, a couple of bills have been proposed, etc. but there is no funding mechanism in place. And if the legislation is passed, why not donate directly instead of through this guy's gofundme page?

Then the crazy restriction that if they don't raise $1 billion, or close to it, then all donations will be refunded has disappeared. That's kind of odd because it was a HUGE restriction that after $13 million in donations just went poof.
Well, IMO, no one with any sense and serious money would donate any money to the "wall" campaign at this point. Even if you take the page at face value, it's a complete mess. The person doesn't even know how to contribute the money at this point. They're working on "legal documents" to bind the government, a couple of bills have been proposed, etc. but there is no funding mechanism in place. And if the legislation is passed, why not donate directly instead of through this guy's gofundme page?

Then the crazy restriction that if they don't raise $1 billion, or close to it, then all donations will be refunded has disappeared. That's kind of odd because it was a HUGE restriction that after $13 million in donations just went poof.


Just donated another $100.

Just for you.
Take a look at the Wall GoFundMe situation and compare it with the most successful GoFundMe ever, "Time's Up (sexual harassment of women)". Look at the numbers and you will notice something.

Wall: $13,079,492 : Raised by 214,199 people in 4 days : average donation $61.06

Time's Up: $22,103,100 : Raised by 21,545 people in 12 months : average donation $1025.90

….Here's the thing. You would expect the Build the Wall donations to be made by massive corporations because it is a right wing movement. However, the opposite is the case. The Time's Up donations came from reputable businesses and celebrities that dug down hard into their wallets and were made in person over a 12 month period, whereas the Build the Wall donations were a lot of smaller donations in a matter of 4 days, many anonymously or people who's identities are harder to confirm. The 10 biggest Time's Up donations almost match the total of the entire Build the Wall donations. This suggests that Time's Up is more "grass roots" and lacks a socio-political agenda, whereas Build the Wall looks suspiciously like Russian hackers performing a political attack. Computers are being used to make massive numbers of small donations. Putin is buying his wall, there is simply no denying it any longer.

Are you kidding me? :doh

You think big donations to Times Out for an SJW cause over 12 months by clearly rich progressive-left people in numbers about 1/10th that of the 214,200 people who donated almost as much in a mere 4 days for a border wall...somehow to YOU equates as the smaller number of people being more "grass roots?" Really?

I have been considering making a small donation to the Wall fund myself...Yet I am NOT a "rich person," but rather an average lower-middle class working citizen who supports the idea of legal immigration and opposes mass migration. My donation would be what I think I'd afford out of a months wages, because I have to balance my personal budget.

IMO the data you present shows the opposite, that many MANY people would like to see a wall, since our government leaders in Congress refuse to pass legislation which would stem this mass migration movement.
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Take a look at the Wall GoFundMe situation and compare it with the most successful GoFundMe ever, "Time's Up (sexual harassment of women)". Look at the numbers and you will notice something.

Wall: $13,079,492 : Raised by 214,199 people in 4 days : average donation $61.06

Time's Up: $22,103,100 : Raised by 21,545 people in 12 months : average donation $1025.90

Wall : 10 biggest donations total 121,615 dollars averaging 12 thousand

$50,000 - 1 day ago (Anonymous)
$12,000 - Fortress Stabilization Systems - 22 hours ago
$10,015 - 1 day ago
$10,000 - 1 day ago
$10,000 - 23 hours ago
$10,000 - 3 hours ago (Anonymous)
$9,000 - 20 hours ago
$5,200 - 3 hours ago (Anonymous)
$5,000 - 2 days ago (Anonymous)
$5,000 - 1 day ago

Time's Up : 10 biggest donations equals 12 million dollars averaging 1.2 million

$2,000,000 - Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg’s Wunderkinder Foundation - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$2,000,000 - Creative Artists Agency - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,500,000 - Mark Wahlberg on behalf of Michelle Williams - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Katie McGrath & J.J. Abrams - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - ICM Partners - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - William Morris Endeavor - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - United Talent Agency - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Anonymous - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Sherwood Foundation - 10 months ago (Offline Donation)
$500,000 - Meryl Streep - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)

Here's the thing. You would expect the Build the Wall donations to be made by massive corporations because it is a right wing movement. However, the opposite is the case. The Time's Up donations came from reputable businesses and celebrities that dug down hard into their wallets and were made in person over a 12 month period, whereas the Build the Wall donations were a lot of smaller donations in a matter of 4 days, many anonymously or people who's identities are harder to confirm. The 10 biggest Time's Up donations almost match the total of the entire Build the Wall donations. This suggests that Time's Up is more "grass roots" and lacks a socio-political agenda, whereas Build the Wall looks suspiciously like Russian hackers performing a political attack. Computers are being used to make massive numbers of small donations. Putin is buying his wall, there is simply no denying it any longer.

That is some serious :spin: there.

Just donated another $100.

Just for you.

It wasn't for me - I'm a big believer is helping people in my own community usually at orgs where I know the people running the charity, so I'd have suggested donating to a local charity, maybe one that helps veterans (I volunteer for a good one) or provides food or shelter or healthcare.

But if it makes YOU feel better to waste some money to own a lib, that's good with me. :peace
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Take a look at the Wall GoFundMe situation and compare it with the most successful GoFundMe ever, "Time's Up (sexual harassment of women)". Look at the numbers and you will notice something.

Wall: $13,079,492 : Raised by 214,199 people in 4 days : average donation $61.06

Time's Up: $22,103,100 : Raised by 21,545 people in 12 months : average donation $1025.90

Wall : 10 biggest donations total 121,615 dollars averaging 12 thousand

$50,000 - 1 day ago (Anonymous)
$12,000 - Fortress Stabilization Systems - 22 hours ago
$10,015 - 1 day ago
$10,000 - 1 day ago
$10,000 - 23 hours ago
$10,000 - 3 hours ago (Anonymous)
$9,000 - 20 hours ago
$5,200 - 3 hours ago (Anonymous)
$5,000 - 2 days ago (Anonymous)
$5,000 - 1 day ago

Time's Up : 10 biggest donations equals 12 million dollars averaging 1.2 million

$2,000,000 - Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg’s Wunderkinder Foundation - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$2,000,000 - Creative Artists Agency - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,500,000 - Mark Wahlberg on behalf of Michelle Williams - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Katie McGrath & J.J. Abrams - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - ICM Partners - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - William Morris Endeavor - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - United Talent Agency - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Anonymous - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Sherwood Foundation - 10 months ago (Offline Donation)
$500,000 - Meryl Streep - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)

Here's the thing. You would expect the Build the Wall donations to be made by massive corporations because it is a right wing movement. However, the opposite is the case. The Time's Up donations came from reputable businesses and celebrities that dug down hard into their wallets and were made in person over a 12 month period, whereas the Build the Wall donations were a lot of smaller donations in a matter of 4 days, many anonymously or people who's identities are harder to confirm. The 10 biggest Time's Up donations almost match the total of the entire Build the Wall donations. This suggests that Time's Up is more "grass roots" and lacks a socio-political agenda, whereas Build the Wall looks suspiciously like Russian hackers performing a political attack. Computers are being used to make massive numbers of small donations. Putin is buying his wall, there is simply no denying it any longer.

We have another typical naming convention stereotype brewing. :lol:
Look at the GoFundMe home page and you will notice an obvious bias. Go there a few times at different time intervals and notice how the "We The People Will Build the Wall" is always front and center and the "Ladders to Go Over Trump's Wall" is never there. If they were both given fair and equal time in that advertising list things would likely be different.



  • TopGoFundMes.jpg
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I can't believe everyone is simply allowing this to happen and no one is doing anything about it.
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:lamo Or maybe big corporations and leftwing celebrities don't want the wall.

And maybe corporations and the wealthy are much more left wing than right wing.
Here is an interesting article on the Time's Up movement. Here is a quote:

"Time’s Up has turn into the largest GoFundMe ever"

"The Time’s Up crowdfund is probably the most profitable fundraiser in GoFundMe historical past. The alliance of Hollywood actresses and filmmakers made headway this 12 months as they vowed to shake up the business off the again of the #MeToo motion.

Buzzfeed revealed that in addition to drawing consideration to sexual harassment within the movie business, the authorized protection fund on GoFundMe was 2018’s hottest trigger on the positioning, having raised over $22 million. That’s nearly as a lot as the remainder of the highest 10 campaigns mixed.

Becoming a member of forces with the Nationwide Girls’s Legislation Heart and a community of attorneys, the fund helps the authorized instances of people that’ve come ahead to report office harassment. It places victims who attain out in contact with the authorized professionals who can information them by the method.

Time’s Up was created final December when Mónica Ramírez and the Alianza Nacional de Campesinas (Nationwide Alliance of Farmworker Girls) had been impressed by the #MeToo motion to spotlight the sexual harassment of feminine farmworkers. Ramírez wrote an open letter to Hollywood which led celebrities to rally collectively to create an organisation that focussed on the abuse of girls in all industries, somewhat than simply in leisure.

“We’re very particularly centered on what I’d name office points. Equity, security, fairness within the office,” expertise company govt Christy Haubegger informed TIME, as one of many group’s founders. “In the event you had been to attract a Venn diagram, #MeToo extra broadly is a marketing campaign and a motion round every kind of sexual assault.”

In January, the group made headlines by carrying all black and bringing activists to talk on the pink carpet. Shortly afterwards a number of actresses and actors, together with Timothée Chalamet, donated their salaries from the indefinitely shelved Woody Allen venture.

You may attain out to Time’s Up for assist right here."

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Take a look at the Wall GoFundMe situation and compare it with the most successful GoFundMe ever, "Time's Up (sexual harassment of women)". Look at the numbers and you will notice something.

Wall: $13,079,492 : Raised by 214,199 people in 4 days : average donation $61.06

Time's Up: $22,103,100 : Raised by 21,545 people in 12 months : average donation $1025.90

Wall : 10 biggest donations total 121,615 dollars averaging 12 thousand

$50,000 - 1 day ago (Anonymous)
$12,000 - Fortress Stabilization Systems - 22 hours ago
$10,015 - 1 day ago
$10,000 - 1 day ago
$10,000 - 23 hours ago
$10,000 - 3 hours ago (Anonymous)
$9,000 - 20 hours ago
$5,200 - 3 hours ago (Anonymous)
$5,000 - 2 days ago (Anonymous)
$5,000 - 1 day ago

Time's Up : 10 biggest donations equals 12 million dollars averaging 1.2 million

$2,000,000 - Kate Capshaw and Steven Spielberg’s Wunderkinder Foundation - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$2,000,000 - Creative Artists Agency - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,500,000 - Mark Wahlberg on behalf of Michelle Williams - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Katie McGrath & J.J. Abrams - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - ICM Partners - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - William Morris Endeavor - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - United Talent Agency - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Anonymous - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)
$1,000,000 - Sherwood Foundation - 10 months ago (Offline Donation)
$500,000 - Meryl Streep - 11 months ago (Offline Donation)

Here's the thing. You would expect the Build the Wall donations to be made by massive corporations because it is a right wing movement. However, the opposite is the case. The Time's Up donations came from reputable businesses and celebrities that dug down hard into their wallets and were made in person over a 12 month period, whereas the Build the Wall donations were a lot of smaller donations in a matter of 4 days, many anonymously or people who's identities are harder to confirm. The 10 biggest Time's Up donations almost match the total of the entire Build the Wall donations. This suggests that Time's Up is more "grass roots" and lacks a socio-political agenda, whereas Build the Wall looks suspiciously like Russian hackers performing a political attack. Computers are being used to make massive numbers of small donations. Putin is buying his wall, there is simply no denying it any longer.

Smells like money laundering to me!
Are you kidding me? :doh

You think big donations to Times Out for an SJW cause over 12 months by clearly rich progressive-left people .

You may want to get the name of the movement correct before you go criticizing it. That is of course if you expect your posts to be taken with any credibility.

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