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This is why Obama has a Telepromteur as a shadow (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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Political Leaning

He can't speak without a script... Not even to 6th graders.

I howled at the last line... Luckily didn't have a mouthful of drink or my iPad Pro would have worn it.

Only some 230+ days until this race baiting national embarrassment exits stage left.

He can't speak without a script... Not even to 6th graders.

I howled at the last line... Luckily didn't have a mouthful of drink or my iPad Pro would have worn it.

Only some 230+ days until this race baiting national embarrassment exits stage left.

more anti american hatred
more anti american hatred

Leftists wrote the book on anti-America hatred. You ought to educate yourself on these things, that way you won't sound so ignorant next time. Food for thought.
Leftists wrote the book on anti-America hatred. You ought to educate yourself on these things, that way you won't sound so ignorant next time. Food for thought.

just an attempt at deflection, time to own up.
just an attempt at deflection, time to own up.

It seems you're a defender of our racist, anti-American Socialist.

Tell me... What person with half a brain requires a TelePrompTer to speak to a class of 6th graders? Obama... And without the crutch, he's a mess.

He can't speak without a script... Not even to 6th graders.

I howled at the last line... Luckily didn't have a mouthful of drink or my iPad Pro would have worn it.

Only some 230+ days until this race baiting national embarrassment exits stage left.

Komrade! You are so right, how in the world kan some one who uses the same tool used by every president since as long as the tool existed by qualified to be president? Klearly it is a travesty when some one stutters. Put him up against the wall. In fakt, we better not vote for him in November. I wonder if you have any other stunning advice for who to vote for. Let's look, shall we?

He has to earn it... am glad he's in the race... was my pick last time.

Demokrats may give their nomination... I mean really... how does an inexperienced, economic illiterate, race baiter trained, terrorist as pal get the nomination of his party? Ahead of The Vagina that was supposed to be given it?

How does a guy lose the lead of his party's nomination from making an impassioned plea followed by a "scream". Never understood it, except that the choosers didn't want him. Juxtapose that vs. Obama and it's utterly laughable.

OK, so we do not want some one inexperienced, economically illiterate, or race baiting. So that rules out Trump. So that means I should, based on your standards, should vote for Clinton. Thanks Komrade, you made this choice so klear!

He can't speak without a script... Not even to 6th graders.

I howled at the last line... Luckily didn't have a mouthful of drink or my iPad Pro would have worn it.

Only some 230+ days until this race baiting national embarrassment exits stage left.

Obama needs a teleprompter to say adult things well. Trump says childish, racist and inflammatory things entirely off the cuff.

Yeah, I'll go with the stuttering, non-racist, non-fascist adult, thankyouverymuch.
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It seems you're a defender of our racist, anti-American Socialist.

Tell me... What person with half a brain requires a TelePrompTer to speak to a class of 6th graders? Obama... And without the crutch, he's a mess.

"Socialist"? LOL! I find it best not to use words one doesn't understand.
Leftists wrote the book on anti-America hatred. You ought to educate yourself on these things, that way you won't sound so ignorant next time. Food for thought.

Lefty's... herp derp... ignorant lefty's derp!
just an attempt at deflection, time to own up.

Own up to what? LMAO

Leftists have a rich history of violence in my country, dang, it's happening right now with you people. You can't get enough of it.
Komrade! You are so right, how in the world kan some one who uses the same tool used by every president since as long as the tool existed by qualified to be president? Klearly it is a travesty when some one stutters. Put him up against the wall. In fakt, we better not vote for him in November. I wonder if you have any other stunning advice for who to vote for. Let's look, shall we?

OK, so we do not want some one inexperienced, economically illiterate, or race baiting. So that rules out Trump. So that means I should, based on your standards, should vote for Clinton. Thanks Komrade, you made this choice so klear!

Obama needed a Telepromteur to address a class of 6th graders.

He also needed it so he didnt reveal who he really is. Now that's gone, we know who he is, and we all know his record of failure, and the lies he attempts to cover for it.

He can't speak extemporaneously about matters outside of his race baiting dogma... And when he tries, you get what we had the other day... Incoherence and stuttering.

Calling for an end to illegal immigration and halting immigration from a group who is responsible for worldwide terrorism is not racist... It's called sanity. Your only rebuttal is to do what Leftists do, and twist reality, and then cling bitterly to it. It's how you can remain a Leftista... Believing the lies you tell yourself.

As Richard Feymann noted, "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool." And your type is expert at fooling yourselves all day long. It's why you're Leftists and support and promote a criminal for president.

Now... Have you figured out the difference between ... Principle... And Principal yet?

Next up for Redress on English... Accept and Except.
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Obama needed a Telepromteur to address a class of 6th graders.

He also needed it so he didnt reveal who he really is. Now that's gone, we know who he is, and we all know his record of failure, and the lies he attempts to cover for it.

He can't speak extemporaneously about matters outside of his race baiting dogma... And when he tries, you get what we had the other day... Incoherence and stuttering.

Calling for an end to illegal immigration and halting immigration from a group who is responsible for worldwide terrorism is not racist... It's called sanity. Your only rebuttal is to do what Leftists do, and twist reality, and then cling bitterly to it. It's how you can remain a Leftista... Believing the lies you tell yourself.

As Richard Feymann noted, "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool." And your type is expert at fooling yourselves all day long. It's why you're Leftists and support and promote a criminal for president.

Now... Have you figured out the difference between ... Principle... And Principal yet?

Next up for Redress on English... Accept and Except.

Funny. I remember Obama attending a GOP leadership function in 2010 and speaking without a TelePrompTer for a couple hours.

He was so effective, the obstructive GOP was too afraid to let him come back with cameras the next year, since he basically dismembered the stupider members extremely effectively.

Obama rumbles with House GOP - POLITICO

But have fun pretending he can't speak well.
Obama needed a Telepromteur to address a class of 6th graders.

He also needed it so he didnt reveal who he really is. Now that's gone, we know who he is, and we all know his record of failure, and the lies he attempts to cover for it.

He can't speak extemporaneously about matters outside of his race baiting dogma... And when he tries, you get what we had the other day... Incoherence and stuttering.

Calling for an end to illegal immigration and halting immigration from a group who is responsible for worldwide terrorism is not racist... It's called sanity. Your only rebuttal is to do what Leftists do, and twist reality, and then cling bitterly to it. It's how you can remain a Leftista... Believing the lies you tell yourself.

As Richard Feymann noted, "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool." And your type is expert at fooling yourselves all day long. It's why you're Leftists and support and promote a criminal for president.

Now... Have you figured out the difference between ... Principle... And Principal yet?

Next up for Redress on English... Accept and Except.

why are you making crap up?
Obama needed a Telepromteur to address a class of 6th graders.

He also needed it so he didnt reveal who he really is. Now that's gone, we know who he is, and we all know his record of failure, and the lies he attempts to cover for it.

He can't speak extemporaneously about matters outside of his race baiting dogma... And when he tries, you get what we had the other day... Incoherence and stuttering.

Calling for an end to illegal immigration and halting immigration from a group who is responsible for worldwide terrorism is not racist... It's called sanity. Your only rebuttal is to do what Leftists do, and twist reality, and then cling bitterly to it. It's how you can remain a Leftista... Believing the lies you tell yourself.

As Richard Feymann noted, "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool." And your type is expert at fooling yourselves all day long. It's why you're Leftists and support and promote a criminal for president.

Now... Have you figured out the difference between ... Principle... And Principal yet?

Next up for Redress on English... Accept and Except.

Komrade, kalm down. Say it, don't spray it. I realize it is kinda embarrassing that I was able to use your own words against you, but when your whole ideology is democrats bad, it really makes it easy. You will komplain about anything, then not understand why people are able to point out that you support some one who does everything you komplain about. As the saying goes, those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.

He can't speak without a script... Not even to 6th graders.

I howled at the last line... Luckily didn't have a mouthful of drink or my iPad Pro would have worn it.

Only some 230+ days until this race baiting national embarrassment exits stage left.

I don't fault Obama for having a teleprompters, its no different than those who read their speeches.I don't care if a politician reads their speeches from a paper or a teleprompter. Yes I realize lib-tard comedians and lib-tard trolls made fun of Bush for how he talked. But there are way more important things to criticize a president over than him reading a prepared speech or not sounding like a good talker without a prepared speech.
Komrade, kalm down. Say it, don't spray it. I realize it is kinda embarrassing that I was able to use your own words against you, but when your whole ideology is democrats bad, it really makes it easy. You will komplain about anything, then not understand why people are able to point out that you support some one who does everything you komplain about. As the saying goes, those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.

What a rebuttal...

Obama used a TelePrompTer with 6th graders, and it's been his shadow.

Without one he's anything but eloquent, and it's these moments he reveals the real Obamarama Ding Dong.

I love your use of "k"'s... It always cracks me up, as it reinforces I live rent free between your ears, and few grasp the context of your usage; you look like the English perfesser you are... The one who doesn't know the difference between Principle and Principal...

...Whereas my selective use of it requires no clarification... Not to anyone with at least a little brain matter.

And you... Are the typical Leftist who has fallen for the entire latrine of BS fed to you. That ain't chocolate dripping from your chin.

Bon appetito!
What a rebuttal...

Obama used a TelePrompTer with 6th graders, and it's been his shadow.

Without one he's anything but eloquent, and it's these moments he reveals the real Obamarama Ding Dong.

I love your use of "k"'s... It always cracks me up, as it reinforces I live rent free between your ears, and few grasp the context of your usage; you look like the English perfesser you are... The one who doesn't know the difference between Principle and Principal...

...Whereas my selective use of it requires no clarification... Not to anyone with at least a little brain matter.

And you... Are the typical Leftist who has fallen for the entire latrine of BS fed to you. That ain't chocolate dripping from your chin.

Bon appetito!

Komrade, the 6th grader thing was refuted, in this very thread. He talked to the 6th graders with no teleprompter, then to the press with. Fakts are not your friend. Nor, apparently, is logik.
Komrade, the 6th grader thing was refuted, in this very thread. He talked to the 6th graders with no teleprompter, then to the press with. Fakts are not your friend. Nor, apparently, is logik.
Why is using a teleprompter a bad thing for Obama to do anyways?

That's what I did all the ****ing time in my broadcasting class.
Why is using a teleprompter a bad thing for Obama to do anyways?

That's what I did all the ****ing time in my broadcasting class.

For some, what Obama does is inherently bad. That the same things he complained about Obama over apply to his chosen candidate does not matter.
For some, what Obama does is inherently bad. That the same things he complained about Obama over apply to his chosen candidate does not matter.
It's been this way all throughout Obama's presidency. If Obama walks to the left, he'll be criticize for not walking to the right.

I mean there's plenty of actual issues to criticize Obama for, but this teleprompter **** is not one of them.
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