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This is the last government shut-down (1 Viewer)


Buttermilk Man
DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Olympia Wa
Political Leaning
This one will go long and it will be the last, because this one will do so much damage that the idiots in Washington will finally figure out that government managing its finances this poorly cant continue.

This is my prediction.

What say you?
Only as long as the capitalist the owners of govt. (and billion$ in free speech [sic]) will tolerate and yes, that might otherwise be a long time.

However, govt. spending is a huge profit center as is illegal immigrant workers, so...not that long.
Only as long as the capitalist the owners of govt. (and billion$ in free speech [sic]) will tolerate and yes, that might otherwise be a long time.

However, govt. spending is a huge profit center as is illegal immigrant workers, so...not that long.

They never figured in there ever being a President who looked at the massive shrinkage of government through budgetary induced shut-down as the feature rather then the bug.
This one will go long and it will be the last, because this one will do so much damage that the idiots in Washington will finally figure out that government managing its finances this poorly cant continue.

This is my prediction.

What say you?

How is the Trump will gone by March 2018 one working out?

What “damage” will be caused and since this is the third in calendar year 2018, what makes this one special?

I “predict” things will open back up before the second week in January ‘18.
This one will go long and it will be the last, because this one will do so much damage that the idiots in Washington will finally figure out that government managing its finances this poorly cant continue.

This is my prediction.

What say you?

I think Donald will come to his senses sooner rather than later if he wants to accomplish anything else in the remainder of his term and if he solves for the wall now then he’ll be fresh out of fear mongering material for his next campaign. There’s a reason neither party ever completely delivers on their platforms. They’d have nothing left to run on if they did. Even if he doesn’t cave - I’ll be happy to watch what’s left of his presidency wither and die while he pouts over funding he said wouldn’t be needed in the first place.
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This one will go long and it will be the last, because this one will do so much damage that the idiots in Washington will finally figure out that government managing its finances this poorly cant continue.

This is my prediction.

What say you?

Your prediction is totally wrong.

The idiots in Washington have no desire to figure things out.

I predict we'll have another shutdown in 2019.
I predict there will be many more.
This one will go long and it will be the last, because this one will do so much damage that the idiots in Washington will finally figure out that government managing its finances this poorly cant continue.

This is my prediction.

What say you?

I say your proposition is plausible, premature and presumptuous.
This one will go long and it will be the last, because this one will do so much damage that the idiots in Washington will finally figure out that government managing its finances this poorly cant continue.

This is my prediction.

What say you?

I say you do not understand what the United States constitution accomplished or how the resiliency it created functions. Trump is but another hurdle that will add to this as every difficulty has.
I think Donald will come to his senses sooner rather than later if he wants to accomplish anything else in the remainder of his term and if he solves for the wall now then he’ll be fresh out of fear mongering material for his next campaign. There’s a reason neither party ever completely delivers on their platforms. They’d have nothing left to run on if they did. Even if he doesn’t cave - I’ll be happy to watch what’s left of his presidency wither and die while he pouts over funding he said wouldn’t be needed in the first place.

i believe there is quite a bit to this theory
seems tRump started very late, shortly before congressional adjournment, to suddenly begin to seek funding for 'the wall'
now, his 2020 campaign is already soliciting funds from the base pointing at the opposition to 'the wall'
from Woodwards book "Fear" at page 15:
"number one" Bannon went on, "were going to stop massive illegal immigration to get our sovereignty back. ..."
'the wall' is shorthand for a key issue that always charges up the deplorables
if the wall were built, that campaign issue would dissolve with the last placement of concrete
This one will go long and it will be the last, because this one will do so much damage that the idiots in Washington will finally figure out that government managing its finances this poorly cant continue.

This is my prediction.

What say you?
It's strange that people can complain about how ineffective government is but then also happily slash the administration and oversight of it therefore creating or worsening their original complaint. You cant have half trillion dollar departments run by skeleton crew. That would only worsen corruption, inefficiency, negligence, and a skill gap.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
This one will go long and it will be the last, because this one will do so much damage that the idiots in Washington will finally figure out that government managing its finances this poorly cant continue.

This is my prediction.

What say you?
your assessment was cut abruptly short. But there can be many options and fortunately President Trump and Vicepresident Pence hold all the spades and facecards.
It's strange that people can complain about how ineffective government is but then also happily slash the administration and oversight of it therefore creating or worsening their original complaint. You cant have half trillion dollar departments run by skeleton crew. That would only worsen corruption, inefficiency, negligence, and a skill gap.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

two thoughts about the above perspective
to believe we are now understaffed requires a belief that the staffing levels were before appropriate
in my experience, there were about twice as many employees as was needed to fulfill the work of my element of my employing agency. a lot of dead wood was collecting a check while performing little to no meaningful work
second, the leadership determines who is essential to continuing operations and receive a check; and viola, it is the leadership employees of the agency. the result is too many chiefs giving orders and not enough indians to handle the actual work needed to be done
this, and prior shutdowns, place on center stage how mismanaged the staffing plans of our federal agencies actually are ... for those willing to look
I predict there will be many more.

Yes. It's the two wrongs make a (W)right philosophy in Washington and on DP.

I predict a gov't shutdown over DACA. The house will propose legislation, the Senate will veto and this will lead to shutdown because no one will, eventually, agree on another budget bill (and blame the dragging of feet on the other party).
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I don't see this shutdown as anything particularly epochal. It's relatively minimal, in that it only effects 25% of the nonessential government employees. It will likely go a little longer than most, since nothing occurs over the holiday days, but the onus is mostly on Trump because he will receive most of the blame. The Dems have little to lose, while Trump has a failed Presidency for the duration of the shutdown period.

Unfortunately Trump impetuously jumped into this shutdown, and doesn't seem to have formulated an exit strategy. He's in so deep with his base, that he can't easily back-out. Sadly, the Democrats are going to have to figure-out a way for him, so he can portray to his base that he "won". It's like they're babysitting an acting-out child.
I predict there will be many more.

I would actually support a president saying that he will no longer sihn "continuing resolutions" etc. From now on i will only sign actual budgets. This chaos every couple of months just so that we can essentially spend the exact same ammount of momey that we would have if wed have juat passed a budget ia silly. The country needs more stability. A yearly budget ahould be easy.

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I would actually support a president saying that he will no longer sihn "continuing resolutions" etc. From now on i will only sign actual budgets. This chaos every couple of months just so that we can essentially spend the exact same ammount of momey that we would have if wed have juat passed a budget ia silly. The country needs more stability. A yearly budget ahould be easy.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

I agree, but would take it one step further - stating that no 'tag along' legislation can be attached to a "must pass" budget bill.
I don't see this shutdown as anything particularly epochal. It's relatively minimal, in that it only effects 25% of the nonessential government employees. It will likely go a little longer than most, since nothing occurs over the holiday days, but the onus is mostly on Trump because he will receive most of the blame. The Dems have little to lose, while Trump has a failed Presidency for the duration of the shutdown period.

Unfortunately Trump impetuously jumped into this shutdown, and doesn't seem to have formulated an exit strategy. He's in so deep with his base, that he can't easily back-out. Sadly, the Democrats are going to have to figure-out a way for him, so he can portray to his base that he "won". It's like they're babysitting an acting-out child.

That (bolded above) is hard to do without demorats admitting to their own base that they "caved" to give Trump that "win". This is where the sausage factory 'dealing' will likely come into play - the most likely way to call this a "win - win" is to include some amnesty (usually now called "immigration reform") which has nothing to do with this budget bill.

IMHO, Trump should have insisted on a separate Great Wall Of Trump bill which reduces foreign aid to Mexico (possibly some other countries too) and maybe even adding a remittance tax then "repurpose" that funding to cover the cost of the Great Wall Of Trump. That approach would be much closer to his campaign promise and also would not increase the federal deficit.
This one will go long and it will be the last, because this one will do so much damage that the idiots in Washington will finally figure out that government managing its finances this poorly cant continue.

This is my prediction.

What say you?

I say that the shutdown is limited and with some mitigating executive action, the effects will be minimal.
That (bolded above) is hard to do without demorats admitting to their own base that they "caved" to give Trump that "win". This is where the sausage factory 'dealing' will likely come into play - the most likely way to call this a "win - win" is to include some amnesty (usually now called "immigration reform") which has nothing to do with this budget bill.

IMHO, Trump should have insisted on a separate Great Wall Of Trump bill which reduces foreign aid to Mexico (possibly some other countries too) and maybe even adding a remittance tax then "repurpose" that funding to cover the cost of the Great Wall Of Trump. That approach would be much closer to his campaign promise and also would not increase the federal deficit.
The bolded isn't a bad idea. But Trump seems to only like bombastic acrimonious actions. I'll also add that a remittance tax against a specific country is hard to pull-off, since it is so easily circumvented. But it probably would bring in some revenue.
This one will go long and it will be the last, because this one will do so much damage that the idiots in Washington will finally figure out that government managing its finances this poorly cant continue.

This is my prediction.

What say you?

How many people think I am right?
Depends. If they cave to Trump, there will be at least one more.
How is the Trump will gone by March 2018 one working out?

What “damage” will be caused and since this is the third in calendar year 2018, what makes this one special?

I “predict” things will open back up before the second week in January ‘18.

I shoulda bet you!
i believe there is quite a bit to this theory
seems tRump started very late, shortly before congressional adjournment, to suddenly begin to seek funding for 'the wall'
now, his 2020 campaign is already soliciting funds from the base pointing at the opposition to 'the wall'
from Woodwards book "Fear" at page 15:
'the wall' is shorthand for a key issue that always charges up the deplorables
if the wall were built, that campaign issue would dissolve with the last placement of concrete

Interesting! So it's in the right-wing nuts interest for the wall NOT to be built, so that they can continue to use it to fire up their base.
I think Donald will come to his senses sooner rather than later if he wants to accomplish anything else in the remainder of his term and if he solves for the wall now then he’ll be fresh out of fear mongering material for his next campaign. There’s a reason neither party ever completely delivers on their platforms. They’d have nothing left to run on if they did. Even if he doesn’t cave - I’ll be happy to watch what’s left of his presidency wither and die while he pouts over funding he said wouldn’t be needed in the first place.

As you radicals continue to ignore basic civics this is another example of nothing more than blame placing and total ignorance of the FACT that without a budget this type action will occur over and over again. When you operate on continuing resolutions funding bills will always face scrutiny and potentially create the shutdown we have now. NO BILL has been submitted to the President thus this is a Congressional shutdown not a Presidential shutdown. Far too many people don't understand how our govt. works or doesn't work. Pass a budget and these shutdowns go away, Continuing resolutions aren't necessary thus will NEVER lead to a shutdown when there is an actual budget in place

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