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The Hypocrisy of the Word Insurrection (1 Viewer)

The biggest problem with the violence on 1/6 was that the President of the United States aided it in his effort to overturn an election because he lost.

You bet.

Had those morons in the mob actually gotten to the congress......

They would have killed them with the flags they brought.

Had they somehow grabbed something....the whole country would have rolled over the election would have been invalidated. Nobody would have been able to stop an essentially unarmed (or underarmed mob) of a whole 1,000 people from staving off both police and military. The police and military would have bowed to them and Trump would be the new dictator.

It's amazing people still push this narrative and think it sounds anything but stupid.
You bet.

Had those morons in the mob actually gotten to the congress......

They would have killed them with the flags they brought.

Had they somehow grabbed something....the whole country would have rolled over the election would have been invalidated. Nobody would have been able to stop an essentially unarmed (or underarmed mob) of a whole 1,000 people from staving off both police and military. The police and military would have bowed to them and Trump would be the new dictator.

It's amazing people still push this narrative and think it sounds anything but stupid.

What does this comment have to do with the post its responding to?

Trump wanted to buy time to pressure Republican legislators to reject the electors. He goaded the mob on with his tweet about Pence betraying him in order to create that delay.

In that context, your scenario is meaningless.
The 5000+ people that stayed at the rally are protestors. That's fine. I encourage it.

The 800 or so that went in are insurrectionists.
But it was well over 800. The capitol grounds were closed. The entrances were barricaded and manned by cops. Anyone who breached any barricade and entered capitol grounds is as least guilty of federal trespassing. And I'll guarantee that number was well into the thousands.
You bet.

Had those morons in the mob actually gotten to the congress......

They would have killed them with the flags they brought.

Had they somehow grabbed something....the whole country would have rolled over the election would have been invalidated. Nobody would have been able to stop an essentially unarmed (or underarmed mob) of a whole 1,000 people from staving off both police and military. The police and military would have bowed to them and Trump would be the new dictator.

It's amazing people still push this narrative and think it sounds anything but stupid.
I think you're wrong. Although that didn't actually happen, they attempted it. Doesn't matter the outcome at this point, it was an attempted coup. Or call it what you want. It really happened.
But it was well over 800. The capitol grounds were closed. The entrances were barricaded and manned by cops. Anyone who breached any barricade and entered capitol grounds is as least guilty of federal trespassing. And I'll guarantee that number was well into the thousands.

I don't care if they stepped on the grass. If they went into or onto the building, they need smashing.
You bet.

Had those morons in the mob actually gotten to the congress......

They would have killed them with the flags they brought.

Had they somehow grabbed something....the whole country would have rolled over the election would have been invalidated. Nobody would have been able to stop an essentially unarmed (or underarmed mob) of a whole 1,000 people from staving off both police and military. The police and military would have bowed to them and Trump would be the new dictator.

It's amazing people still push this narrative and think it sounds anything but stupid.

You think 800 people couldn't kill some old geezers without firearms?
Had those morons in the mob actually gotten to the congress......

They would have killed them with the flags they brought.

Had they somehow grabbed something....the whole country would have rolled over the election would have been invalidated. Nobody would have been able to stop an essentially unarmed (or underarmed mob) of a whole 1,000 people from staving off both police and military. The police and military would have bowed to them and Trump would be the new dictator.

It's amazing people still push this narrative and think it sounds anything but stupid.
The level of rank mendacity in that post is simply astounding. Success is not the measure, intent is. They nearly killed a number of people, mostly police officers, and injured all over a hundred, many seriously and permanently. To claim they were "essentially unarmed" is belied by reality and the ample evidence on video and other records. Bear spray, baseball bats, truncheons, helmets, body armor, molotov cocktails, and, yes, flagpoles (many reinforced), as well as improvised weapons (fire extinguishers, metal poles, and police shields) were liberally distributed throughout the mob, and brought to the event.

What sounds stupid is denying the obvious reality. You're getting quite adept at that - or at least practiced.
You think 800 people couldn't kill some old geezers without firearms?

More like, if they really wanted to assassinate them (which is what it would have been), they would have brought more firepower.
The level of rank mendacity in that post is simply astounding. Success is not the measure, intent is. They nearly killed a number of people, mostly police officers, and injured all over a hundred, many seriously and permanently. To claim they were "essentially unarmed" is belied by reality and the ample evidence on video and other records. Bear spray, baseball bats, truncheons, helmets, body armor, molotov cocktails, and, yes, flagpoles (many reinforced), as well as improvised weapons (fire extinguishers, metal poles, and police shields) were liberally distributed throughout the mob, and brought to the event.

What sounds stupid is denying the obvious reality. You're getting quite adept at that - or at least practiced.

Spare me the faux outrage.

Intent....to take selfies in front of pictures in the capital. To stop and pause.

To rush the offices ? One of them did. Had they really been committed to the sillyness you claim the woke capital police would have been dead along with a lot of congresscritters.

Didn't happen.

And when I get ready to seriously storm something where I know armed people will be, I will for sure have a flagpole and fire extinquisher in hand.....no gun will stand up to those. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:.

I agree, it sounds stupid for you deny that reality. You are well beyond practiced.

Why you feel the need to insult people is beyond me. I actually respect your knowledge.

It seems you are bent on making sure that other people know you don't like them by personally attacking them. But then, I've come to realize there is a class of left-wing elitists who think that is their natural right.
I think you're wrong. Although that didn't actually happen, they attempted it. Doesn't matter the outcome at this point, it was an attempted coup. Or call it what you want. It really happened.

A stupid disorganized mob who let the moment get away from them.

That's what happened.
What does this comment have to do with the post its responding to?

Trump wanted to buy time to pressure Republican legislators to reject the electors. He goaded the mob on with his tweet about Pence betraying him in order to create that delay.

In that context, your scenario is meaningless.

Yes, that is what he was trying to do.

He fires up a group of unrelated individuals who are carrying torches and pitchforks to a gunfight.

That was his master plan.

Got it.
A stupid disorganized mob who let the moment get away from them.

That's what happened.

And a president who goaded them on in order to buy time in order to overturn an election he lost. Nothing to see here.
And a president who goaded them on in order to buy time in order to overturn an election he lost. Nothing to see here.

Yep....you could see that in everything they did.

I guess stopping for selfies was a great way to efficiently pull that off.

Reality doesn't. You don't get to rewrite history, either.
Kudos First time I've seen a progressive argue that Biden's DOJ is out of touch with reality. Brave stance.
Kudos First time I've seen a progressive argue that Biden's DOJ is out of touch with reality. Brave stance.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, but I don't care.
Ttwtt is exactly right. Most people who attended the rally did not get violent, did not storm the capital, did nothing worse than attend a speech by the then president. This does not excuse what those who did storm the capital did, but to villainize those who did not by association is the exact same thing I and many others criticized our right wing friends for.

It wouldn't be much fun though if the usual suspects who don't think beyond their own noses, couldn't do that though, right?

Thank you for speaking up. I believe it's been only two MODS from the forum who have, both you and Red.
Props. :)
Yep....you could see that in everything they did.

I guess stopping for selfies was a great way to efficiently pull that off.


You can see video footage of them picking up the pace of the violence as Trump tweeted to them that Pence had betrayed them.

But then, selfies. So it's a wash, I guess.
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Yep....you could see that in everything they did.

I guess stopping for selfies was a great way to efficiently pull that off
Selfies plus conspiracy, assault, violent entry, physical violence, obstruction of Congress, destruction of property, carrying deadly or dangerous weapons, and other charges. NBD, amirite?

It's crystal clear that the mob of predominately white men carrying Trump flags and makeshift weapons was getting special treatment from the highest levels of government. If there was a mob of black or Hispanic men, not carrying Trump flags, attacking the Capitol building what do you think would have happened?

More like, if they really wanted to assassinate them (which is what it would have been), they would have brought more firepower.

Yeah, that's what Vilbrun Guillaume Sam thought. It worked out, though, that he was merely pulled into pieces by an angry mob. No firepower necessary.

Yeah, that's what Vilbrun Guillaume Sam thought. It worked out, though, that he was merely pulled into pieces by an angry mob. No firepower necessary.

Glad we agree it was a mob.

If had been an insurrection, he'd been shredded with a lot of other woke CP.

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