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The Homosexual Agenda-Heres the Copy (1 Viewer)


Jun 14, 2005
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Homosexual Agenda

Well, now that conservative, libertarian ideology has caused me to be censored and banned by the bigoted homophile moderators of liberalforum.org, here I find myself. Fear not, that is what anonymous proxies and dynamic i.p.s' are for....

Homosexual political extremists who wish to force their bigoted agenda onto everyone else have a scripted Homosexual Agenda they follow.

Now one of the ways homosexual political extremists deny that a Homosexual Agenda exists is to use several scripted responses.

The first scripted response tactic is called "camp" and it plays out like this: "Agenda, what agenda! I seem to have lost my copy, can you make me a copy"? The second version of the camp tactic is this: My agenda, get out of bed, bruish my teeth, eat breakfast,..." etc, etc

The next scripted response is to claim that homosexual don't have any agenda other then to have all the rights everyone else does.

But in fact there is a written homsoexual agenda designed to crush all dissent and advance their vile politics of mass murder and recruitment of little kids into the homosexual lifestyle.

Before I actually post a copy of the Homosexual Aenda written by homosexual political extremists themselves, it would be entertaining to set up any homosexual political extremists first by seeing if any of them have any spine at all to deny that a Homosexual Agenda exists.

Now expect several things to happen, all of which are scripted:

1. No homosexual politcal extremist here are up to the challenge.

2. This messenger will be personally attacked via a scripted epithet list as a means of silencing all opposition.

3. The more observant homosexual political extremists will realize they are being set up so instead they will issue waffly, politician answers by relabeling what is their agenda as anything but the Homosexual Agenda but that they admit is an agenda, they just parse their words.

Any homophiles up to the challenge?
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Libertarian said:
But in fact there is a written homsoexual agenda designed to crush all dissent and advance their vile politics of mass murder and recruitment of little kids into the homosexual lifestyle.

Uh-huh. :roll:
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Libertarian said:
But in fact there is a written homsoexual agenda designed to crush all dissent and advance their vile politics of mass murder and recruitment of little kids into the homosexual lifestyle.

Gosh! :shock:
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Libertarian said:
But in fact there is a written homsoexual agenda designed to crush all dissent and advance their vile politics of mass murder and recruitment of little kids into the homosexual lifestyle.

No, it's a written Christian agenda designed to crush all dissent and advance the vile politics of paedophile priests and the recruitment of little kids into the hetersosexual lifestyle.

I personally say live and let live. I don't care if you prefer c*ck or *****. The fact that you're so obseesed with it suggets either: a) hatred or b) unresolved homosexual feelings within yourself. Either way, you should get help.
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Well, so far no homophiles seems to be up to the challenge, instead just some non-substantive replies....although a urethra used it as an excuse to attack one of the opponants of the Homosexual Agenda, Christians.

Funny thing is, the priests spoken of who have sex with children are primarily male homosexuals who happen to be priests having sex with males who happen to be children, the last tiem I checked, males having sex with males is very definition of homosexuality.

But there is a scripted Homosexual Agenda denial response to this, lets see if any homophile uses it.
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Libertarian said:
Well, so far no homophiles seems to be up to the challenge, instead just some non-substantive replies....although a urethra used it as an excuse to attack one of the opponants of the Homosexual Agenda, Christians.
First off, what the hell is a "homophile"?
Libertarian said:
Funny thing is, the priests spoken of who have sex with children are primarily male homosexuals who happen to be priests having sex with males who happen to be children, the last tiem I checked, males having sex with males is very definition of homosexuality.
That would explain why the majority of children molested by priests were girls. Actually, it doesn't. Try another argument.

Libertarian said:
But there is a scripted Homosexual Agenda denial response to this, lets see if any homophile uses it.
Was that it? Did I win?
Re: Homosexual Agenda

shuamort uses a homosexual agenda tactic of trying to deflect from the reality that there are more male homosexual priests having sex with underage boys by claiming that there is more heterosexual sex taking place with male priests and female children.

Look up the definition of homophile.
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Libertarian said:
shuamort uses a homosexual agenda tactic of trying to deflect from the reality that there are more male homosexual priests having sex with underage boys by claiming that there is more heterosexual sex taking place with male priests and female children.
Pfft, moreover pedophilia does not equal homosexuality. Of course, we're talking catholics here, so anything is possible. LOL
Libertarian said:
Look up the definition of homophile.
Oh, learn something new everyday.

So what's up with your bigoted scripted agenda by the way? We all know what you're going to say next, let's see if you do it.
Re: Homosexual Agenda

One of the ways homophiles attempt to excuse pedophilia is to try to claim adult males having sex with male children is not homosexuality. They do this by convneiently redefining what constitutes homosexual behavior into this: "Homosexuality is about two consenting adults loving eachother". This is laughable, considering all the homosexual recruiting oing on with children where adult homosexual political organizations designs to recruit children frequently use the term "gay youth". Well, these youths can't be homosexual if the redefinition passes muster, as it is contradictory.

It appears the above poster is using that scripted homosexual agenda tactic.
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Re: Homosexual Agenda

Libertarian said:
One of the ways homophiles attempt to excuse pedophilia is to try to claim adult males having sex with male children is not homosexuality. It appears the above poster is using that scripted homosexual agenda tactic.
You're more than welcome to prove your claim or you can just keep talking out of your script. One will get you credence the other will get you laughed at. Please use unbiased sources if you want credibility.
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Libertarian said:
Well, now that conservative, libertarian ideology has caused me to be censored and banned by the bigoted homophile moderators of liberalforum.org, here I find myself. Fear not, that is what anonymous proxies and dynamic i.p.s' are for....

Welcome Libertarian. You need not be concerned about needing proxies to post your opinion here at Debate Politics as long as you adhear to the rules.

But in fact there is a written homsoexual agenda designed to crush all dissent and advance their vile politics of mass murder and recruitment of little kids into the homosexual lifestyle.

Before I actually post a copy of the Homosexual Aenda written by homosexual political extremists themselves, it would be entertaining to set up any homosexual political extremists first by seeing if any of them have any spine at all to deny that a Homosexual Agenda exists.

I think you are being a little shallow and your definition of 'agenda' may need to be revisted. Just because one lives by the ocean doesn't mean they are surfers. If I read the New York Times and believe they have an agenda, does that credit me as a NYT activist? If a friend of mine is an illegal alien, does that put me on the path to being a activist toward legalizing them because some joe smith wrote an article?

But, I do however agree with you that homosexuals in general are targeting youngsters rather than adults into accepting that lifestyle as they know us old folks will not budge. No, I am not saying for any illegal activities. I know for sure if my lifestyle was not popular and with the perception of being rebellious; I would write books, newspaper articles, websites, and do my best to get on TV and into popular programming so the next generation would accept it as more common than it actually is.
Re: Homosexual Agenda

vauge said:
But, I do however agree with you that homosexuals in general are targeting youngsters rather than adults into accepting that lifestyle as they know us old folks will not budge.
C'mon Vauge, I thought I've got you to budge a little bit.
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Yes, they are rampantly, rampagingly trying to recruit children into the lifestyle, and interesting thing is, their homosexual pedphile connection, most of the evidence comes from homosexual themselves.

Lets not forget their homopedohile recruitment attempts in "Fistgate".
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Re: Homosexual Agenda

Libertarian said:
Yes, they are rampantly, rampagingly trying to recruit children into teh lifestyle, and interesting thing is, their homosexual pedphile connection, most of the evidence comes from homosexual themselves.

Lets not forget their homopedohile recruitment attempts in "Fistgate".

You keep talking but not proving anything.

Galenrox is correct, the views you're espousing are not in line with the Libertarian party. See my sig for a link to the party's website. Of course, you're also allowed to speak your own mind, no matter how crazy it is, such is free speech.
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Libertarian said:
Yes, they are rampantly, rampagingly trying to recruit children into the lifestyle, and interesting thing is, their homosexual pedphile connection, most of the evidence comes from homosexual themselves.

Lets not forget their homopedohile recruitment attempts in "Fistgate".

Fistgate - I am not familiar with.

As far as the 'pedophile connection' - even if it were true - how could this ever be proven? Few folks (gay or not) acutally tell the world if they have been molested.
I was raped as a youngster. I am not gay, nor does it seem the guy that did that to me.
It is extreamly hard to prove a negative.
Homosexual Agenda via Fistgate exposed

This is a reprint of a story which broke the Fistgate scandal in the May issue of Massachusetts News. We advise caution. Even though this is what the state is teaching to children as young as 12-years of age, it is extremely offensive. Over 1,000,000 citizens have now seen this story which was written by two of the outraged parents.

By Brian Camenker and Scott Whiteman

"Fisting [forcing one's entire hand into another person's rectum or vagina] often gets a bad rap....[It's] an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with...[and] to put you into an exploratory mode."

The above quotation comes from Massachusetts Department of Education employees describing the pleasures of homosexual sex to a group of high school students at a state-sponsored workshop on March 25, 2000.

On March 25, a statewide conference, called "Teach-Out," was sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Education, the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.

Among the goals were to build more Gay/Straight Alliances in Massachusetts and expand homosexual teaching into the lower grades. Scores of gay-friendly teachers and administrators attended. They received state "professional development credits."

Teenagers and children as young as 12 were encouraged to come from around the state, and many were bussed in from their home districts. Homosexual activists from across the country were also there.

To say that the descriptions below of workshops and presentations of this state-sponsored event for educators and children are "every parent's nightmare," does not do them justice. It is beyond belief that this could be happening at all. One music teacher who attended out of curiosity said that she could not sleep for several nights afterwards and had nightmares about it.

"Queer sex for youth, 14-21"
In one well-attended workshop, "What They Didn't Tell You About Queer Sex & Sexuality In Health Class: A Workshop For Youth Only, Ages 14-21," the three homosexual presenters acting in their professional capacities coaxed about 20 children into talking openly and graphically about homosexual sex. The three presenters, who described themselves as homosexual, were:

Margot E. Abels, Coordinator, HIV/AIDS Program, Massachusetts Dept. of Education
Julie Netherland, Coordinator, HIV/AIDS Program, Massachusetts Dept. of Education
Michael Gaucher, Consultant, HIV/AIDS Program, Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health
The workshop syllabus included:
"What's it like to be young, queer and beginning to date?
"Are lesbians at risk for HIV?
"We will address the information you want about queer sexuality and some of the politics that prevent us from getting our needs met."
The workshop opened with the three public employees asking the children "how they knew, as gay people, whether or not they've had sex." Questions were thrown around the room about whether oral sex was "sex," to which the Department of Public Health employee stated, "If that's not sex, then the number of times I've had sex has dramatically decreased, from a mountain to a valley, baby." Eventually the answer presented itself, and it was determined that whenever an orifice was filled with genitalia, then sex had occurred. The Department of Public Health employee, Michael Gaucher, had the following exchange with one student, who appeared to be about 16 years old:

Michael Gaucher: "What orifices are we talking about?"
Student: [hesitation]
Michael Gaucher: "Don't be shy, honey; you can do it."
Student: "Your mouth."
Michael Gaucher: "Okay."
Student: "Your ass."
Michael Gaucher: "There you go."
Student: "Your *****. That kind of place."

But since sex occurred "when an orifice was filled," the next question was how lesbians could "have sex." Margot Abels discussed whether a dildo had to be involved; when it was too big or too small; and what homosexual resources students could consult to get similar questions answered.

Role playing and "carpet munching"
Then the children were asked to role-play. One student was to act the part of "a young lesbian who's really enraptured with another woman, and it's really coming down to the wire and you're thinking about having sex." The other student played the "hip GSA (gay, straight alliance) lesbian advisor, who you feel you can talk to." The "counseling" included discussions of lesbian sex, oral-vaginal contact, or "carpet munching," as one student put it. The student asked whether it would smell like fish. At that point the session turned to another subject.

"A lesson in fisting?"
There was a five minute pause so that all of the teenagers could write down questions for the homosexual presenters. The first question was read by Julie Netherland, "What's fisting?"

A student answered this question by informing the class that "fisting" is when you put your "whole hand into the ass or *****" of another. When a few of the students winced, the Department of Public Health employee offered, "A little known fact about fisting: you don't make a fist like this. It's like this." He formed his hand into the shape of a tear drop rather than a balled fist. He informed the children that it was much easier.

Margot Abels told the students that "fisting" is not about forcing your hand into somebody's "hole, opening or orifice" if they don't want it there. She said that "usually" the person was very relaxed and opened him or herself up to the other. She informed the class that it is a very emotional and intense experience.

At this point, a youngster of about 16 asked why someone would want to do that. He stated that if the hand were pulled out quickly, the whole thing didn't sound very appealing to him. Margot Abels was quick to point out that although fisting "often gets a really bad rap," it usually isn't about the pain, "not that we're putting that down." Margot Abels informed him and the class that "fisting" was "an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with." When a child asked the question, "Why would someone do this?" Margot Abels provided a comfortable response to the children, in order to "put them into an exploratory mode."

"Rubbing each others' clits..."
Michael Gaucher presented the next question, "Do lesbians rub their clits together?"

Michael Gaucher and Margot Abels asked the kids if they thought it was possible and whether someone would do a "hand-diagram" for the class. No one volunteered, but a girl who looked about 15 or 16 then stepped up to the board and drew a three foot high vagina and labeled each of the labia, the clitoris, and "put up inside the 'G'-spot." While drawing, Michael Gaucher told her to use the "pink" chalk, to which Margot Abels responded, "Not everyone is pink, honey." All of the children laughed.

After the chalk vagina was complete, the children remarked on the size of the "clit," and the presenters stated that that was a gifted woman. Then Margot Abels informed all of the young girls that, indeed, you can rub your "clitori" together, either with or without clothes and "you can definitely orgasm from it." Michael Gaucher told the kids that "there is a name for this: tribadism," which he wrote on the board and told one girl who looked about 14 to "bring that vocabulary word back to Bedford." Julie Netherland informed the children that it wasn't too difficult because, "When you are sexually aroused, your clit gets bigger."

"Should you spit after you suck another boy (or a man)?"
Michael Gaucher read the following from a card: "Cum and calories: Spit versus swallow and the health concerns." Gaucher informed the children that although he didn't know the calorie count of male ejaculation, he has "heard that it's sweeter if people eat celery." He then asked the boys, "Is it rude not to swallow?" Many of the high school boys mumbled "No," but one about the age of 16 said emphatically, "Oh no!" One boy, again about the age of 16, offered his advice on avoiding HIV/AIDS transmission while giving oral sex by not brushing your teeth or eating course food for four hours before you "go down on a guy," "because then you probably don't want to be swallowing cum."

Another question asked was whether oral sex was better with tongue rings. A 16-year-old student murmured, "Yes," to which all of the children laughed. Michael Gaucher said, "There you have it" and stated something to the effect that the debate has ended.

Use a condom? It's your decision, really.

Re: Homosexual Agenda

Libertarian said:
Yes, they are rampantly, rampagingly trying to recruit children into the lifestyle, and interesting thing is, their homosexual pedphile connection, most of the evidence comes from homosexual themselves.

You have said a lot of stuff without one shred of evidence. That is making you look like a dumb bigot. Care to disprove that?

Thare are paedophiles (note correct spelling) who have sex with children of the opposite sex. Shall we call them heterosexuals and claim that heterosexuality is therefore evil?

Libertarian said:
Lets not forget their homopedohile recruitment attempts in "Fistgate".

You'll have to enlighten me on that one!
Re: Homosexual Agenda

One often hears that there is an aggressive HIV/AIDS prevention campaign, but the session ran 55 minutes before the first mention of "protection" and safer sex came. In the context of the "safer sex" discussion, however, it was pointed out that these children could make an "informed decision" not to use a condom. Outside in the conference hall, the children could easily obtain as many condoms, vaginal condoms and other contraceptive devices as they wished from various organizations which distribute such.

Well, yes...it really is about sex!
Another popular session was presented by the same three public employees in their professional capacity and was called, "Putting the 'Sex' Back Into Sexual Orientation: Classroom Strategies for Health & Sexuality Educators."
The workshop included:

What does it mean to say "being gay, lesbian and bisexual isn't about sex?...How can we deny that sexuality is central for all of us? How do we learn to address the unique concerns of queer youth?...This workshop is for educators to examine strategies for integrating sexuality education and HIV prevention content specific to gay, lesbian and bisexual students into the classroom and GSA's....additional strategies will be discussed."

The three presenters now assumed the task of teaching teachers how to facilitate discussions about "queer sex" with their students.

Tired of denying it
Margot Abels opened by telling the room full of teachers (and two high school students), "We always feel like we are fighting against people who deny publicly, who say privately, that being queer is not at all about sex... We believe otherwise. We think that sex is central to every single one of us and particularly queer youth."

Margot Abels, Julie Netherland and Michael Gaucher reviewed a few "campaigns" that have been used to demonstrate to queer youth how to best "be safe" while still enjoying homosexual sex.

The campaign, "Respect yourself, protect yourself," was thought to be good in getting the message to kids that they should use protection, but since it made children who didn't protect themselves feel bad, it ultimately was a poor message. Michael Gaucher pointed out that children "with an older partner that they are not feeling they can discuss things with, does that mean that they don't respect themselves?"

The campaign, "No sex, no problem," was ridiculed, as the campaign assumed that children could opt not to have sex. Additionally, the campaign made those children who had already had sex feel bad or think they had a problem, since they had had sex.

After reviewing a few of the campaigns, Margot Abels described the project she works on. The "Gay/Straight Alliance HIV Education Project" goes to five different schools each year conducting up to eight "HIV prevention sessions" in that school's gay club. These same presenters who just told a group of children how to properly position their hands for "fisting" were now telling a room full of educators that they would visit their schools and conduct the same workshops for their students.

An enormous amount of very disturbing material was distributed at the conference. Much of it encourages young children to become actively engaged in homosexual activities. The Sidney Borum Community Health Center table was giving out a cassette sized "pocket sex" kit, which included two condoms, two antiseptic "moist" towelettes, and six bandages, which were for "when the sex got really rough," according to the high school volunteer behind the desk. There was a supply of condoms supplied by both Sidney Borum and Planned Parenthood, all of which were for the taking. Children as young as 12 or 13 participating and receiving "information" and materials.

But most shocking of all was that there was an eerie sense of solidarity in the air, against "those bigots who would stop our progress."
Re: Homosexual Agenda

shuamort said:
C'mon Vauge, I thought I've got you to budge a little bit.

You probably have. Vauge is a closet-nice-guy.
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Lib, please provide links to your source.

I think I just got sick to my stomach.
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Well, naughtynurse trots out the scripted homosexual agenda tactic of referring to her political opposition as a "bigot".

Here are some more scripted Homosexual Agenda epithets designed to silence opposition and critical thinking:

nazi, wrong headed, mean spirited, hate filled, homophobic, bible thumper, preacher, intolerant, Reagan-Lover, Helms-Lover, (insert your hated conservative here)-Lover, ad nauseum.

This follows a specific tactic espoused in the Homosexual Agenda of which I will post the entire Agenda as soon as some homophiles deny the existence of such if they have any spine that is.....they must sense the lion is toying with the mouse right about now.....
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Massachusetts Sex Educator Sues After Being Fired for 'Graphic' Class
Former sexuality and HIV/AIDS educator Margot Abels on Monday filed suit against the Massachusetts Department of Education for firing her last spring for leading a "graphic sexual talk" with teens, and against the two "conservative activists who secretly taped the session," the Boston Globe reports. Abels accuses Parents' Rights Coalition's Brian Camenker and Scott Whiteman of "violating her civil rights and the state's antiwiretapping law" by recording her sex education workshop at Tufts University in March, and accuses Education Commissioner David Driscoll of violating her civil rights by terminating her employment after the tape was publicized and "generated a storm of controversy." Although Abels' question-and-answer workshop was held on a Saturday and sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian Student Education Network, she "insists" that the department was aware of her work and supported it, and is suing for reinstatement and back wage payment. Abels is also suing for punitive damages from Camenker and Whiteman for initiating abusive phone calls and threats towards her after the tape was released to a local talk-radio show. Camenker, whose group has won legislative limits on sex education and "vehemently opposes" teaching about homosexuality, called the lawsuit an "attempt to intimidate opponents of the 'homosexual movement.'" Whiteman's attorney Chester Darling added that Abels' lawsuit was "ludicrous," saying, "My client taped the commission of a crime, and we're going to prove it in any court in the Commonwealth that we're dragged into" (Greenberger, Boston Globe, 11/28).


They sound like swell non-hating fellows. :roll:

I think Abels won the case and got compensation. Conservatives protest about straight sex education and promote absitanity (spelling) anyway.
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Naughty Nurse said:
You probably have. Vauge is a closet-nice-guy.

I will let you dream there sweet thang. ;)

But, I have to admit, because of this forum I am more confident talking and reading about homosexuality in general.
Re: Homosexual Agenda

Libertarian said:
This follows a specific tactic espoused in the Homosexual Agenda of which I will post the entire Agenda as soon as some homophiles deny the existence of such if they have any spine that is.....they must sense the lion is toying with the mouse right about now.....
Oh, to hold the power in your paws. :roll: Seriously, I've been a homosexual all my life and I can vouch that we are not an organized group. You can claim that all homosexuals want to marry and I can show you those whom are opposed to gay marriage. There are those who are for safe sex education and then there is a barebacking community. I could go on and on. The thing is, will you listen?
Re: Homosexual Agenda

vauge said:
I will let you dream there sweet thang. ;)

But, I have to admit, because of this forum I am more confident talking and reading about homosexuality in general.

Wait to go, Vauge. I just knew you weren't that much of a bigot.

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