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The DP Party. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 10, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific Rim
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Since we're all getting cozzy and fuzzy. The site represents a good portion of conservatives and liberals. What do you think, hypothetically, of the DP party? I think it's be pretty interesting.
jfuh said:
Since we're all getting cozzy and fuzzy. The site represents a good portion of conservatives and liberals. What do you think, hypothetically, of the DP party? I think it's be pretty interesting.

as long as the party supports guiness as its beer of choice, it has my endorsement.:2wave:
jfuh said:
Since we're all getting cozzy and fuzzy. The site represents a good portion of conservatives and liberals. What do you think, hypothetically, of the DP party? I think it's be pretty interesting.

It would fracture almost immediately. I say we try instead to replace those firebreathing pundits as the primary commentators on politics.

I get Rush Limbaugh's show and airtime. With him gone, all those people will have no one else to listen to. I'll have a captive audience. My power will be boundless! Mwahahahahahaha!

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jallman said:
as long as the party supports guiness as its beer of choice, it has my endorsement.:2wave:

Guiness is only good in Dublin, no where else. If you've tasted Guiness in Dublin, anywhere else you taste it is just crap.
Guiness is fine. It's got a watery mouth feel though. I like my brews a bit chewier.
Young's Oatmeal Stout - a fine beer. English and goes well with any party.
Simon W. Moon said:
Guiness is fine. It's got a watery mouth feel though. I like my brews a bit chewier.

Chewier? Are you sure your not drinking cereal Simon???:shock:
vauge said:
Young's Oatmeal Stout - a fine beer. English and goes well with any party.

The best beer is Budweiser, not the American Budweiser that's watery crap. The REAL Budweiser made in the Czech Republic since 1600's, its pronounced Budvar. It's got a real bite to it, no beer is better.
GarzaUK said:
The best beer is Budweiser, not the American Budweiser that's watery crap. The REAL Budweiser made in the Czech Republic since 1600's, its pronounced Budvar. It's got a real bite to it, no beer is better.

Actually there are no better beers in the world than our own Alaskan microbrews...especially from Glacier Brewhouse. There is an imperial stout here that is so strong, they serve it in a brandy snifter because it is illegal to serve a full pint of it.
Yeah, but your allowed 1 plant for your own medical use right? :2wave:
GarzaUK said:
The best beer is Budweiser, not the American Budweiser that's watery crap. The REAL Budweiser made in the Czech Republic since 1600's, its pronounced Budvar. It's got a real bite to it, no beer is better.

Ah, something we agree on, I see. :mrgreen:

I don't think there's a single American beer that I really like compared with an equivalent European beer. My favorite beer is probably Guiness. I don't mind the taste of it here in America and in England, although you might be right that it tastes the freshest in Ireland. Although I'd take it in any form over an American beer. Here are some other European beers I prefer:

Stella Atois

There are also various French and Belgium beers I like, I forget the names. I think Belgium makes really, really good beers, Garza.
Blue Moon!! I looovve Blue Moon. With the orange and the yumminess....Mmmm...
Kelzie said:
Blue Moon!! I looovve Blue Moon. With the orange and the yumminess....Mmmm...

God, I can't stand Blue Moon...lol

I don't know what it is but American beers always seem to have a taste that I can't stand. The last time I drank Coors, I literally felt like I was going to throw up. I even like Japanese and Mexican beers better than American ones, lol.

Or is Blue Moon Canadian? I don't like them that well either, lol.
George_Washington said:
God, I can't stand Blue Moon...lol

I don't know what it is but American beers always seem to have a taste that I can't stand. The last time I drank Coors, I literally felt like I was going to throw up. I even like Japanese and Mexican beers better than American ones, lol.

Or is Blue Moon Canadian? I don't like them that well either, lol.

I dunno. It's orange and I love it madly. :mrgreen:
Kelzie said:
Blue Moon!! I looovve Blue Moon. With the orange and the yumminess....Mmmm...

Dixie blackened voo-doo and arrogant bastard ale are another two good ones. Blue moon is only tolerable IF you have the orange.
vauge said:
Yeah, but your allowed 1 plant for your own medical use right? :2wave:

Three plants in your domicile. Three ounces on your person as long as it is all in one bag and not divided for resale...and its for personal use...medical or otherwise. Alaska is awesome. :mrgreen:
jallman said:
Dixie blackened voo-doo and arrogant bastard ale are another two good ones. Blue moon is only tolerable IF you have the orange.

Well sure. It's blasphemy if you have it without.
jallman said:
sort of like a heff without the lemon

Yes. Sure I could think of many more blanks without the blanks two glasses of wine ago. You'll forgive me of course. :2wave:
George_Washington said:
Ah, something we agree on, I see. :mrgreen:

I don't think there's a single American beer that I really like compared with an equivalent European beer. My favorite beer is probably Guiness. I don't mind the taste of it here in America and in England, although you might be right that it tastes the freshest in Ireland. Although I'd take it in any form over an American beer. Here are some other European beers I prefer:

Stella Atois

There are also various French and Belgium beers I like, I forget the names. I think Belgium makes really, really good beers, Garza.

You have never tasted Guiness until you have tasted it in Dublin, purity. Never tried Boddington's or Bittburger, they only really have them in England.
Stella Atois is a great beer, too pricey for my student lifestyle though lol. Europe do the best beers, along with South Africa and Austrailia. Castlemaine XXX (Austrailia) is one of the best lagers around.
American beers (Miller, Budweiser, Rolling Rock, Coors) they are just too damn watery, its like drinking beer flavoured soda, Canadian beers aren't much better.
Jallman yeah I'd believe that, you need something to keep you warm across there lol.
GarzaUK said:
You have never tasted Guiness until you have tasted it in Dublin, purity. Never tried Boddington's or Bittburger, they only really have them in England.
Stella Atois is a great beer, too pricey for my student lifestyle though lol. Europe do the best beers, along with South Africa and Austrailia. Castlemaine XXX (Austrailia) is one of the best lagers around.
American beers (Miller, Budweiser, Rolling Rock, Coors) they are just too damn watery, its like drinking beer flavoured soda, Canadian beers aren't much better.
Jallman yeah I'd believe that, you need something to keep you warm across there lol.

I agree with you %100 that Europe has the best beers. I've tried beers from other countries like Canada, Australia, Mexico, etc. But I just haven't ever tasted anything that really had the flavor of European beers. You couldn't get me to give up Guiness for anything but I'm sure you're right that it tastes the best in Dublin.
Pacridge said:
Here in Oregon it's 7.

Which, of course, breaks down to 140 for each Eugenian and 1 for everybody else.

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