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The 20 something generation is kind of gross (1 Viewer)


Tart with a Heart
DP Veteran
Sep 19, 2008
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New England
Political Leaning
Not all, but a lot of them. I've been noticing at the beach this summer, all the people who *should* be in their prime physical condition walking around with doughy moobs and muffin tops. I cannot believe all the man teets I've seen this summer on otherwise good looking guys. And the young women? Good Lord. Nice thong bathing suit, but I could do without your cottage cheese cheeks in my face.

I honestly don't recall ever seeing 20 somethings so out of shape. There are always a few, but it's like the majority do nothing but play video games and slob off on taco bell all day. What the heck is going on with this generation? Get out and do something physical!
Don't be jealous. Just because I have bigger tits, doesn't mean you need to hate, yo.
Nothing wrong with women with big asses

I blame college food. I'm 20. I'm not reall overweight at 185 and 5'11" (maybe 15 pounds). I never had trouble keeping my weight down until college. At college all they serve is ****. Regular college meals offered include burgers, pizza, fried chicken, french fries, chips, dozens of varieties of dessert. Sure there are a couple of health options (a Salad and Wrap). The salad costs extra at my school and the wraps were recently down-sized because "there were too many calories in them before." I can only eat from these two healthy options so often!!! I bike regularaly, work in a garden for a nearby middle school daily and enjoy playing hoops now and then. I blame the food, dammit!

Sure there are tons of lazy slobs in my age group that sit around and do nothing also...
College food is bad. I qualify as an overwieght 20 something but its cause I have a med that raises my blood sugar a few ticks. Total carb restriction diet now. Gonna be hard to keep up at school.
College food is bad. I qualify as an overwieght 20 something but its cause I have a med that raises my blood sugar a few ticks. Total carb restriction diet now. Gonna be hard to keep up at school.

There's tons of varieties of low carb and health food at colleges!!! You can have water, a salad, or a sandwhich. Quit whining, you have endless choices!! :p
Presuming that the OP is older than these twenty-somethings, why is the OP checking out the younger folks? :)
I blame college food. I'm 20. I'm not reall overweight at 185 and 5'11" (maybe 15 pounds). I never had trouble keeping my weight down until college. At college all they serve is ****. Regular college meals offered include burgers, pizza, fried chicken, french fries, chips, dozens of varieties of dessert. Sure there are a couple of health options (a Salad and Wrap). The salad costs extra at my school and the wraps were recently down-sized because "there were too many calories in them before." I can only eat from these two healthy options so often!!! I bike regularaly, work in a garden for a nearby middle school daily and enjoy playing hoops now and then. I blame the food, dammit!

Sure there are tons of lazy slobs in my age group that sit around and do nothing also...

I had to laugh at this. Yea, blame the food. That makes sense. It's the tacos man!!!! LOL
Not all, but a lot of them. I've been noticing at the beach this summer, all the people who *should* be in their prime physical condition walking around with doughy moobs and muffin tops. I cannot believe all the man teets I've seen this summer on otherwise good looking guys. And the young women? Good Lord. Nice thong bathing suit, but I could do without your cottage cheese cheeks in my face.

I honestly don't recall ever seeing 20 somethings so out of shape. There are always a few, but it's like the majority do nothing but play video games and slob off on taco bell all day. What the heck is going on with this generation? Get out and do something physical!

We're toppling over with laziness and pizza. . . we're so obese many people weigh as much as a family of Ethiopians. You're expecting skinny people or something?
I had to laugh at this. Yea, blame the food. That makes sense. It's the tacos man!!!! LOL

Not sure what to make of this... Sure maybe part of it is genes and a slowing metabolism as I get older. With regular exercise, that leaves food as the main culpret, however, does it not?
Not all, but a lot of them. I've been noticing at the beach this summer, all the people who *should* be in their prime physical condition walking around with doughy moobs and muffin tops. I cannot believe all the man teets I've seen this summer on otherwise good looking guys. And the young women? Good Lord. Nice thong bathing suit, but I could do without your cottage cheese cheeks in my face.

I honestly don't recall ever seeing 20 somethings so out of shape. There are always a few, but it's like the majority do nothing but play video games and slob off on taco bell all day. What the heck is going on with this generation? Get out and do something physical!

I'm too lazy to go out and be active. Gyms, bleh. I can't swim
Who needs exercise I ask you?! :p

Besides, I think I look okay for a lazy individual. I don't look hideous in a suit
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School food here at BU is actually pretty good. Out of the 8 sections at most dining halls only one is fried. All the others have a lot of fruits and vegs. Plus we have some of the best places to run ever, the Charles River that is.
School food here at BU is actually pretty good. Out of the 8 sections at most dining halls only one is fried. All the others have a lot of fruits and vegs. Plus we have some of the best places to run ever, the Charles River that is.

Sounds much better than UMaine!!!
Presuming that the OP is older than these twenty-somethings, why is the OP checking out the younger folks? :)

She likes to from time to time wonder what it would be like to be a Cougar.
I'm surprised. That's not the case here! I've heard of the 'freshman 20' so I know that is definitely an issue. We have lots of colleges and universities in my neck of the woods but I seriously don't see the people you are seeing. On the other hand, who cares? People come in all shapes and sizes. That's life.
I'm surprised. That's not the case here! I've heard of the 'freshman 20' so I know that is definitely an issue. We have lots of colleges and universities in my neck of the woods but I seriously don't see the people you are seeing. On the other hand, who cares? People come in all shapes and sizes. That's life.

Admit it, some shapes and sizes are nicer than others..... :p
Oh, I know! But again it's to each his own, right? Like I LOVE Johnny Depp. However, he is a stick. Give me a Seth Rogen any day.

Admit it, some shapes and sizes are nicer than others..... :p
College food is bad. I qualify as an overwieght 20 something but its cause I have a med that raises my blood sugar a few ticks. Total carb restriction diet now. Gonna be hard to keep up at school.

I gained 30 pounds in college because of the disgusting food, so I get that. But I also tried to remain active as possible so my 30 pounds looked healthy. I had started out below 100, so 30 wasn't too bad,

Presuming that the OP is older than these twenty-somethings, why is the OP checking out the younger folks? :)

No one was checking anyone out, and your attempt of a wisecrack is as soft at your generation's man teets. I can't help it if everytime I look beyond my own nose, there a jiggly pair of moobs in front of me (plus it doesn't help when my 10 year old points and says, "Are those moobs, mom?"

As far as if I'm checking anyone out, I'll do what I please. I can still manage to turn a few college guys' heads at the beach, so I'd say I'm doing OK. But this generation doesn't offer much to look at besides gay gays. Those are the only hot guys in this age group.

Sounds much better than UMaine!!!

That's because you're drinking your calories at UMaine. ;)

She likes to from time to time wonder what it would be like to be a Cougar.

Yes, if a woman notices blubber on the beach, she must be a sexual stalker. :roll: Hint: I wouldn't break my marriage vows for a lazy, fat guy.
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I blame college food. I'm 20. I'm not reall overweight at 185 and 5'11" (maybe 15 pounds). I never had trouble keeping my weight down until college. At college all they serve is ****. Regular college meals offered include burgers, pizza, fried chicken, french fries, chips, dozens of varieties of dessert. Sure there are a couple of health options (a Salad and Wrap). The salad costs extra at my school and the wraps were recently down-sized because "there were too many calories in them before." I can only eat from these two healthy options so often!!! I bike regularaly, work in a garden for a nearby middle school daily and enjoy playing hoops now and then. I blame the food, dammit!

Sure there are tons of lazy slobs in my age group that sit around and do nothing also...

I thought conservatives and libertarians were all about personal responsibility :roll:
this depresses me, actually considered in the healthy weight range but I got a few extra pounds I don't need 6'1 190 LBS...I noticed though that I was one of the skinnier people when I went to a water park a couple weeks ago which isn't a good thing.

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