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Texas law requires women to hear description of fetus before abortion (1 Viewer)

I offer to adopt the child myself; and since she's my daughter, she probably moves back in with us while she's pregnant. Asking a mother not to kill her child does not require dismissing her needs.

You are not looking at the bigger picture. Your daughter DOES NOT WANT TO CARRY THIS CHILD. So you would insist she does, eh?
This is why abortion threads suck.
You are not looking at the bigger picture. Your daughter DOES NOT WANT TO CARRY THIS CHILD. So you would insist she does, eh?

I would. You shouldn't kill your child simply because it would make you uncomfortable or inconvenience you.
I would. You shouldn't kill your child simply because it would make you uncomfortable or inconvenience you.

Thankfully, you are not my mother.
Quite a silly, unnecessary law in my opinion, especially since it is constitutionality is questionable, and will have little affect on abortions performed, guess you gotta come to expect it from Texas.
So, a parasite is more to you than your own daughters well being. Gotcha.
So, a parasite is more to you than your own daughters well being. Gotcha.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is where it ends. That was absolutely repulsive.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is where it ends. That was absolutely repulsive.

Yes. It is repulsive that someone would force their daughter to carry something implanted in her that was forced and she so determined to NOT carry it...by her own mother.
Quite repulsive.
So, a parasite is more to you than your own daughters well being. Gotcha.

Maybe somebody just cannot be pursuaded to see their grandchild as a parasite, any more than they saw their daughter that way when she was at the stage of development.
When you are forced to spread your legs and a seed planted inside of you against your will, then you can call it anything you want. As the host, you know this thing is growing in you and you also know some people will call you a murderer if you want what was forced into you, removed.
It's only complicated for those who want to justify abortion. Human life begins at conception.

Before implantation, meiosis and all that even begin to take place, eh? Often it just doesn't even if fertilisation does occur.

but whatever the pro-life crowd thinks: just because sperm met egg doesn't mean ANYTHING has truly begun to happen - or will continue. In fact: it's more likely to not happen than it is to happen.

I'd like to count life when it's more than likel to CONTINUE to develop: thus - conception is no such starting point.

at minimum, two-thirds of all human eggs fertilized during normal conception either fail to implant at the end of the first week or later spontaneously abort. Some experts suggest that the numbers are even more dramatic.

an estimated 31 percent of implanted embryos later miscarry,

It's just ridiculous to want to count on things SO soon before things even truly begin. . . I'm always surprised at this from pro-lifers who are so staunch: wouldn't implantation be more sound? Or a time after that? Why this love of conception when it's more than likely to fail in those early weeks even in a perfect environment?
Oh, is this another rape baby scenario? Everyone does know how a rare a situation that actually is, right?
Texas, is clearly a stupid place.

But at least they ain't forcing women to undergo unwanted vaginal invasion, like in VA.

They are both awful! This is so damn dumb! Nobody should be able to force a woman that is getting a LEGAL abortion to do any damn thing. This is a clear violation of rights and TX and VA can suck it:(
Oh, is this another rape baby scenario? Everyone does know how a rare a situation that actually is, right?

Rare unless it happens to you.
When you are forced to spread your legs and a seed planted inside of you against your will, then you can call it anything you want. As the host, you know this thing is growing in you and you also know some people will call you a murderer if you want what was forced into you, removed.

I'm sorry you were raped. I cannot even imagine what that's like. :(
I need to stay out of these threads.
Hugs, Josie. Just differing opinions.
Would you at 15 years old? or if you were a rapist? or if the child were to be so disabled the only merciful thing would be to abort the fetus. There are parental rights which trump a grandparent's rights.

interesting. the only merciful option for a disabled child is to kill it. you stay the F away from my down syndrome cousin.
So, a parasite is more to you than your own daughters well being. Gotcha.

not at all. your question basically asks me "At what point are you willing to kill your grandchild". The answer is "at roughly the same point at which I am willing to rape my daughter to produce a child - which is effectively never"
You are not looking at the bigger picture. Your daughter DOES NOT WANT TO CARRY THIS CHILD. So you would insist she does, eh?

I've deployed overseas multiple times, making my wife effectively a single mother. I was deployed to Iraq when she was pregnant. Many times she wished she was not a mother, did not have to deal with the children by herself, etc. but no, I would never have countenanced her killing the children because she did not want them at that point in time.
interesting. the only merciful option for a disabled child is to kill it. you stay the F away from my down syndrome cousin.

I don't think Connery is talking about common disabilities. There are several disorders in which a child may live only a few hours or weeks or be born with severe malformations that can be very painful. This makes a difficult situation for everyone, especially an infant in pain.
By the same token the father who must be responsible for the raising of the child be given a projection of the financial burden, the emotional and familial responsibility to digest and then allow the two parties to discuss this.

well naturally. if you're not willing to risk becoming a father, then you shouldn't be sexually active in the first place.

The law is just so wrong in may ways. It handcuffs the physician, the woman is scapegoated and the child who may become the responsibility of the state is hardly thought of.

are you saying that it would be preferable if we were to kill orphans than make them wards of the state?
well naturally. if you're not willing to risk becoming a father, then you shouldn't be sexually active in the first place.

are you saying that it would be preferable if we were to kill orphans than make them wards of the state?

Cp, I find it compelling that you have chosen to ignore my post, I see that you are currently viewing this thread.
well naturally. if you're not willing to risk becoming a father, then you shouldn't be sexually active in the first place.

Your comment reminded me of this:

Cp, I find it compelling that you have chosen to ignore my post, I see that you are currently viewing this thread.

:). yeah, I was reading instead of watching, and sliced my finger open good - we got out of here pretty quick once i had a makeshift compression bandage on, and i left the computer on.

i'll look back for the post. but typing hurts - my reply may be short.

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