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Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comment (1 Viewer)


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Jul 26, 2011
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Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comment

Earlier this year, Carter and a friend got into an Facebook argument with someone regarding "League of Legends," an online video game with notoriously die-hard fans. Justin's father, Jack, explained to ABC local affiliate KVUE that at the end of the conversation "omeone had said something to the effect of 'Oh you're insane, you're crazy, you're messed up in the head,’ to which [Justin] replied 'Oh yeah, I'm real messed up in the head, I'm going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’ and the next two lines were lol and jk [all sic]."

In jail since Feb for something so trivial? This is terrifying that you can be imprisoned for an obvious joke. If you applied this same standard to everyone on the internet... tens of thousands would be in jail.

The authorities involved in this are evil jerks that should be stripped of their power and up on charges.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

Ironically I just finished watching this, decided I was going to post it and then saw your thread....

Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

Some of the most dangerous words in all of politics have to be "the state is responsible for public safety". The government was never given that job and yet the people are lead to believe they were.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

That's ****ed up.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

I've always been opposed to restrictions on free speech simply because the speech either offends someone, or carries the possibility of harm.

For example:

Sexual harassment; as the video report provided in post #2 states, has been determined to be whatever someone who feels "offended" considers offensive. This leads to some really drastic outcomes. Case in point, I attended a recent "training session" where one example used was a man who had a picture of his wife and kids at the beach, where the wife was wearing a bikini. If a female co-worker passing his desk was offended, he would be required to remove the photo and face a counseling session on sexual harassment.

Offensive speech: I've personally experienced the kind of reaction shown on college campuses where radicals think only their speech should be protected. After leaving the Army I attended a university to get a graduate degree, and was elected to the student government as a graduate senator. A group called "Citizens in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador" [CISPES] held a peace conference. I attended as a visitor, not a speaker, but was asked my opinion of the low turnout for the event by a local newspaper. I merely stated that I thought it would have attracted more notice if the program included more controversy through debates between opposing viewpoints. CISPES immediately reacted by trying to get me impeached. When that failed they would come to senate meetings and disrupt them whenever I spoke, then tried to impede my re-election by disrupting public debates I had with my opponents. (I actually got re-elected by the highest vote for the position in 15 years.) :lol:

I've always felt that words only have the power that each person gives to them. Take the word “nigger;” when a White uses it toward a Black it is “hate speech” and grants the Black the right to strike back with near-impunity due to “incitement.” However, the same word used by a Black against another Black in a violent beat-down…perfectly okay even though it is being used to denigrate the person being beaten.

You cannot shield people from ideas, nor prevent or even inhibit evil thoughts or deeds by stifling free speech rights. The ideas will simply go underground and people with evil intent will still act regardless. But by allowing laws that limit expression due to offense or fear of the mere possibility of harm, you are only serving to severely restrict your own freedom.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

I think the addition of eating their still beating hearts pushed this into the realm of "obvious satire".
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

We're talking about Texas here. I wouldn't live in Texas because it seems the insane is running the asylum in that state.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

So are all the random black people on Facebook and Twitter getting rounded up over their continuous death threats? Funny how you hear about them running their online mouth but there being *zero* consequence afterward. But here we have a teenager that was joking around, which he made sure to write in, and he gets hauled in. Granted, state and local authorities have to be cautious, but the hypocrisy in the U.S. today is starling. If Justin Carter can get arrested then every one of those black people that Tweet death threats should too. It's either all or none.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

Shooting up a school? Yeah, that's not a red-button issue.

I'm as big of a proponent of the First Amendment as anyone else, but my God...put limits on your stupidity. Talking about that crap on FB is just retarded beyond measure. We have a bunch of kids these days who want to yell "FIRE!" in a crowded building. Sheesh...

As much as I am a libertarian, I'm more of a meritocrat. Stupidity like this could really make me imagine an overhaul of today's rights.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

We're talking about Texas here. I wouldn't live in Texas because it seems the insane is running the asylum in that state.

this sort of absurd overreaction is definitely not unique to Texas.. it permeates almost all of society....even where you live.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

An overreaction based on an irrational fear of firearms in the hands of civilians.......why does that surprise anybody?
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

Sarcasm does not translate well in text... especially for cops apparently.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

Sarcasm does not translate well in text... especially for cops apparently.

well, it could have been worse.. it could have been a pop tart fashioned into a gun ( Maryland).. or an NRA t-shirt (W. Virginia)

the authorities, across the land, have lost their ****ing minds.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

well, it could have been worse.. it could have been a pop tart fashioned into a gun ( Maryland).. or an NRA t-shirt (W. Virginia)

the authorities, across the land, have lost their ****ing minds.

Or a screwdriver left in the bed of a student's truck in a school parking left (I still shake my head over that one ten years later).
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

You shouldn't write "I'm going to shoot up a school" anywhere. Saying something like that isn't "trivial". He shouldn't have been jailed, but he's a dumb****,
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

An overreaction based on an irrational fear of firearms in the hands of civilians.......why does that surprise anybody?
Um, no. I'm pretty sure it was based in the line, "I'm going to shoot up a school."
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

It is not just the "terrorism" thing but also the anti-bullying people who want to criminalize words. It is one thing if some sort of action is taken to coincide with threats, but when there is no action taken it is just words on a screen which you can turn off any time it offends you. If the police want to investigate I can understand that. When they found no guns or plans to carry out the attack they should have simply given up. Also, shouldn't they be ticketing the person who reported this for filing an obviously false report which has wasted the time of authorities and the resources of the state? I do hope the kid gets some compensation for this through some civil suits and i hope some of that money comes from the twats who reported the obvious sarcasm out of spite.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

You shouldn't write "I'm going to shoot up a school" anywhere. Saying something like that isn't "trivial". He shouldn't have been jailed, but he's a dumb****,

You just wrote you were going to shoot up a school, and I am pretty sure no one should be worried about that, unless you are correct and then someone should probably tell the FBI.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

You shouldn't write "I'm going to shoot up a school" anywhere. Saying something like that isn't "trivial". He shouldn't have been jailed, but he's a dumb****,

I remember a story about Denmark when the Germans occupied it in the war. Jews were told to wear a yellow Star of David and most of the Danish citizens wore one, too. Might be a myth, but it's an attractive one.
So I think we should all shoot up a school and eat their still-beating hearts.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

An overreaction based on an irrational fear of firearms in the hands of civilians.......why does that surprise anybody?

A tortured spin put on a story to try to advance a threadbare agenda- why does that surprise anybody?
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

We're talking about Texas here. I wouldn't live in Texas because it seems the insane is running the asylum in that state.

On behalf of my fellow Texans, I thank you.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

Um, no. I'm pretty sure it was based in the line, "I'm going to shoot up a school."

Yes, this really isn't the best time to make such comments. Now, suppose he'd have made good on that threat. How many people would bitch about the authorities not doing anything despite the kid clearly stating his intent?
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

Yes, this really isn't the best time to make such comments. Now, suppose he'd have made good on that threat. How many people would bitch about the authorities not doing anything despite the kid clearly stating his intent?

I can agree in today's world it was not the best time to post such comments on facebook.
However, since the lol, etc was added at the end and taking the post in context, is was sarcasim.

It is a shame the US has evolved to the point it is in. A few bad apples makes everyone a suspect.

I for one am tired of the political correctness and having to watch what you say because you may offend someone, or what you say is taken as a literal threat.

LE should have talked to the teens and parents. End of case.

Yep, we are also a country of its always someone elses fault.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

Yes, this really isn't the best time to make such comments. Now, suppose he'd have made good on that threat. How many people would bitch about the authorities not doing anything despite the kid clearly stating his intent?
Exactly. There have been cases where people have made threats online and carried out those threats, but they were initially ignored because people assumed they were joking or being sarcastic and they didn't want to "take it too seriously". The guy probably should not have been arrested, but taking his comment seriously and investigating it is not out of line.
Re: Teen Justin Carter Jailed In Texas After Making Sarcastic Threat In Facebook Comm

However, since the lol, etc was added at the end and taking the post in context, is was sarcasim.
Posting "lol" after such a comment could just as easily indicate psychopathy as it could indicate sarcasm. The problem is that you're looking at this from the perspective of knowing that the guy wasn't serious. If the guy had been serious, we'd be looking at the same post and saying, "what a psychopath. I can't believe he laughed about it."

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