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Swiss prepare to vote in referendum on abolishing military service (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 14, 2012
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Swiss prepare to vote in referendum on abolishing military service | euronews, world news

Switzerland goes to the polls this weekend to vote for the third time in two decades on whether to abolish compulsory military service.

Campaigners raised the 100,000 signatures necessary to force a referendum.

Go to the link, watch the video, it's just 1min long.

My opinion is that the draft is stupid these days. A professional army is always better. Then again, the military can help center a man, bring discipline and balance, or so I am told.

The draft was abolished in my country a few years before I got to be 18 and when I was 18 the law was that if I go to college, I don't have to go mandatory military service. And ofc, I went to college and became an engineer. But I am registered with a division. So until the age of 26 (or 28 I think) I can be called to serve as an officer (because I have a college degree). Now it's not even this, it's just... pure volunteer army much like most of Europe and the USA. If you turn 18 and drop out of school, you don't have to serve in the army as mandated by law... which I think it's wrong.

The best way is the way I described. You turn 18, if you're not in an education facility you go to do military service for 1 year and then you're free. This will encourage people to go to college and get an education... and if not, then you may be a punk and could do with some discipline.
Swiss prepare to vote in referendum on abolishing military service | euronews, world news

Go to the link, watch the video, it's just 1min long.

My opinion is that the draft is stupid these days. A professional army is always better. Then again, the military can help center a man, bring discipline and balance, or so I am told.

The draft was abolished in my country a few years before I got to be 18 and when I was 18 the law was that if I go to college, I don't have to go mandatory military service. And ofc, I went to college and became an engineer. But I am registered with a division. So until the age of 26 (or 28 I think) I can be called to serve as an officer (because I have a college degree). Now it's not even this, it's just... pure volunteer army much like most of Europe and the USA. If you turn 18 and drop out of school, you don't have to serve in the army as mandated by law... which I think it's wrong.

The best way is the way I described. You turn 18, if you're not in an education facility you go to do military service for 1 year and then you're free. This will encourage people to go to college and get an education... and if not, then you may be a punk and could do with some discipline.

And yet it is favored to be rejected. Why? The usual obvious reasons:

1. Those who had to serve figure that those after them should also have to serve (i.e., fraternity hazing)
2. The majority of the people are not subject to the draft, or at least not any longer, and are voting on the requirements of a minority.

A couple other possible reasons:

1. Swiss are noted for a high percentage of the population that have firearms--because many are in some kind of military status: active, reserve, etc. If they aren't serving, some may be happier if they do not have guns and they can be more restricted.
2. Taking people out of the job market may be viewed as helping the job situation. People who are less available may not be a threat to those who are more available.

Then again, maybe someday they will be invaded.
They should get rid of it. I think the president's argument was really weak. It essentially comes down to the fact that they'd have to pay the soldiers more and treat them better because they don't have to be there.
Abolishing military service right now, when we are at the brink of war, is stupid. May be in 5 or 10 years time. :peace
The Swiss should build up their navy.
The Swiss should build up their navy.

No need for outdated and vulnerable surface warships, I hear the Swiss have a secret nuclear submarine fleet that's so quiet and so undetectable you won't find any images or reference on the internet or anywhere.
The Swiss should build up their navy.

They can already make a black hole whenever they want with the Hadron Collider. What other superweapon do you want? :)
They can already make a black hole whenever they want with the Hadron Collider. What other superweapon do you want? :)

All I'm saying is that the Swiss would be better off with a large navy. It's the reason so many people in the world speak English today, but no-one speaks Swiss.
Abolishing military service right now, when we are at the brink of war, is stupid. May be in 5 or 10 years time. :peace

Who are the Swiss on the brink of war with?
No need for outdated and vulnerable surface warships, I hear the Swiss have a secret nuclear submarine fleet that's so quiet and so undetectable you won't find any images or reference on the internet or anywhere.

If that's so, how did you hear it?
Who are the Swiss on the brink of war with?

Tardiness. It's been a brutal war that lasted for centuries now. So far the swiss have won every battle but the enemy's forces are limitless... they keep on coming and coming, trying to poke holes in the Swiss anti-tardiness resistance.

It is especially problematic since just south of their border, in Italy, tardiness has massive popularity and recruitment camps.
Tardiness. It's been a brutal war that lasted for centuries now. So far the swiss have won every battle but the enemy's forces are limitless... they keep on coming and coming, trying to poke holes in the Swiss anti-tardiness resistance.

It is especially problematic since just south of their border, in Italy, tardiness has massive popularity and recruitment camps.

I live in the capital of tardiness; we call it mañana. It will win! I've certainly become a bit of a convert.
So, you reckon the Swiss will get involved in a major conflagration when they've stayed out of all the others?

They may not participate, but that's no reason to put guns down. The times are hard.
They may not participate, but that's no reason to put guns down. The times are hard.

It's an excellent reason. Why do you think they, and the likes of Costa Rica are the most prosperous nations in their respective geographical regions?
It's an excellent reason. Why do you think they, and the likes of Costa Rica are the most prosperous nations in their respective geographical regions?

I don't know, care to explain. :)
I don't know, care to explain. :)

% of GDP spent on military by country. World Bank Link.

Involved NATO country (UK) % = 2.5%
Involved NATO country (France) % = 2.3%
Germany (less involved in military spending, bigger industrial sector) = 1.8%
Switzerland (no involvement, high standard of living, huge industries such as Nestle) = 0.8%

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