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Stats compared: UK stabbings 2018 vs US shootings 2018 (1 Viewer)

Infinite Chaos

DP Veteran
Oct 28, 2007
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I often get told by US posters when they are backed into a corner "ah, you can't compare the US (for shootings) against any other country"

Well, your President just did that by trying to paint London's sad knife death statistics this year in bad light to the NRA - when trying to defend the 2nd Amendment.


So, anyone care to start off with posting US deaths from gunshot this year vs UK deaths from stabbings or maybe we "can't compare the US (for shootings) against any other country....."

Please comment on - Stabbings UK vs shootings USA

and - Stabbing deaths UK vs shooting deaths USA
I often get told by US posters when they are backed into a corner "ah, you can't compare the US (for shootings) against any other country"

Well, your President just did that by trying to paint London's sad knife death statistics this year in bad light to the NRA - when trying to defend the 2nd Amendment.


So, anyone care to start off with posting US deaths from gunshot this year vs UK deaths from stabbings or maybe we "can't compare the US (for shootings) against any other country....."

Please comment on - Stabbings UK vs shootings USA

and - Stabbing deaths UK vs shooting deaths USA

London a city of nearly 9 million, with 4 million daily commuters and nearly 20 million overseas visitors, has 130 murders last year, of which over a third were due to domestic violence. Indeed domestic violence is often one of the main reasons for knife crime.

Not sure what Trump's philosphy is, perhaps that everyone should carry a gun to protect themselves from a knife - LOL.

Obviously Trump has once again upset people, and the Mayor has even invited him to the prestigous St Bartholomew's Hospital (Barts) which dates back to 1123.
Considering the murder rate in the US is 5 times higher than it is in the UK[1], and similarly high compared to every country in western Europe, nobody in Europe gives two flying ****s what Americans have to say on criminality, justice, or the proper structure of a society. Get your own **** together first, America, before you start handing out unsolicited pointers. You're a bit like a 200 kg obese person giving out weight-loss and health advice. Yeah, no thanks.
~ Not sure what Trump's philosphy is, perhaps that everyone should carry a gun to protect themselves from a knife - LOL ~

Just watching the BBC News 24 Dateline London report where several senior news journalists from different major news media across the world comment on world news... The consensus is that this is Trump simply playing to his alt right voting base where facts are unimportant and lies about "furriners" wins votes.

Sad state of affairs really, that a man can lie to openly and it is cheered unthinkingly by his adoring voter base.
Considering the murder rate in the US is 5 times higher than it is in the UK[1], and similarly high compared to every country in western Europe, nobody in Europe gives two flying ****s what Americans have to say on criminality, justice, or the proper structure of a society. Get your own **** together first, America, before you start handing out unsolicited pointers. You're a bit like a 200 kg obese person giving out weight-loss and health advice. Yeah, no thanks.

The US also has 5 times the amount of minorities that the UK and most of western Europe does and they commit a very disproportionate amount of crimes.
The US also has 5 times the amount of minorities that the UK and most of western Europe does and they commit a very disproportionate amount of crimes.

If true, why didn't Trump mention this at the NRA or was he worried his voters would demand he do something about the crime rate in the US?

Or is there another reason?
If true, why didn't Trump mention this at the NRA or was he worried his voters would demand he do something about the crime rate in the US?

Or is there another reason?

I try not to get into the mind a Trump hes a very stupid and delusional man
I try not to get into the mind a Trump hes a very stupid and delusional man

But what does that say for the voters at the NRA and on the alt-right he's appealing to?
Violent crime in the USA is a problem, obviously. But no one seems to want to have an honest discussion about why violent crime is so pervasive here. So what is there to say? Yes, the UK is a safer country than the USA. So is Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, and many others.
I often get told by US posters when they are backed into a corner "ah, you can't compare the US (for shootings) against any other country"

Well, your President just did that by trying to paint London's sad knife death statistics this year in bad light to the NRA - when trying to defend the 2nd Amendment.


So, anyone care to start off with posting US deaths from gunshot this year vs UK deaths from stabbings or maybe we "can't compare the US (for shootings) against any other country....."

Please comment on - Stabbings UK vs shootings USA

and - Stabbing deaths UK vs shooting deaths USA

Over the long term the US with our second amendment rights have had far fewer gun violence, violence overall, deaths. Sorry to be the one to have to break it to ya.
The US also has 5 times the amount of minorities that the UK and most of western Europe does and they commit a very disproportionate amount of crimes.

Lol, "All of our problems stem from the brown folk". Keep deluding yourself, the US has a fundamental problem and it effects all races.

Over the long term the US with our second amendment rights have had far fewer gun violence, violence overall, deaths. Sorry to be the one to have to break it to ya.

The murder rate in the US is 5 times higher than in the UK, so that is factually false.

Violent crime in the USA is a problem, obviously. But no one seems to want to have an honest discussion about why violent crime is so pervasive here. So what is there to say? Yes, the UK is a safer country than the USA. So is Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, Japan, and many others.

Based on your previous postings, I'm guessing you're going with the "our problems all stem from the minorities" bit. In other threads you've said Germany was lawless and a dangerous, shariah controlled nightmare. So which is it, is it a violent nightmare or is it dramatically safer than the US? You can't have both.
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Why does Trump always have to make the stabbing motion when he tells such stories to the NRA audience. :shock:

Major Hospitals in London are busy, as tit's a major global city, and this is especialy true of the cities four major truma centres at the Royal London Hospitals (Part of Barts), St Mary's Hospital, King's College Hospital and St George's Hospital, as well as some more local A&E (ER) Departments.

Major Trauma Centres in England

Urgent and emergency care services in England -NHS Choices

The reorganisation of the Emergency system has led to the creation of very large specialist major trauma centres, which are at the high end of critical care, followed by more local Emergency Departments through to the creation of lower level minor injuries departmemts and walk in centres.

I doubt very much that the Royal London is like a war zone, indeed it used to be on the television in the UK aspart of a series about the London Helicoper Emergency Service (HEMS). As major trauma centres all have helicopter landing facilities and state of the art facilities in terms of major trauma such as serious stabbings. Therefore a lot of the serious stabbings are now concentrated in relation to the 4 Major Trauma Units in London, when in the past they would have just gone to a local Emergency Department.
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"Your second-amendment rights are under seige today!" ... "Your rights will never be under seige while I'm your President!"...Who does he think he is?
Lol, "All of our problems stem from the brown folk". Keep deluding yourself, the US has a fundamental problem and it effects all races.

And yet predominantly white places have a much lower crime and murder rate. It has nothing to do with "brown folk" as you put it but more to do with cultural homogeneity.
And yet predominantly white places have a much lower crime and murder rate. It has nothing to do with "brown folk" as you put it but more to do with cultural homogeneity.

The vast majority of murders in the US are done by someone of the same race as the victim. Even if we isolated only white people in the US, it would still have a dramatically higher murder rate than all of the countries in western Europe. Pretending that America being a cultural melting pot is the primary reason America has a violence problem is unsupported fantasy land nonsense. Your racism is attempting to take the place of reason.
The vast majority of murders in the US are done by someone of the same race as the victim. Even if we isolated only white people in the US, it would still have a dramatically higher murder rate than all of the countries in western Europe. Pretending that America being a cultural melting pot is the primary reason America has a violence problem is unsupported fantasy land nonsense. Your racism is attempting to take the place of reason.

Again has nothing to do with race, Hawaii is an example of non white cultural homogeneity that has a low murder rate

The ten whitest states have a lower than the national average murder rate while the 10 most mixed states (excluding Hawaii) have a higher murder rate than the national average

Claiming that clashing cultures has nothing to do with the problem is ignorant
Again has nothing to do with race, Hawaii is an example of non white cultural homogeneity that has a low murder rate

The ten whitest states have a lower than the national average murder rate while the 10 most mixed states (excluding Hawaii) have a higher murder rate than the national average

Claiming that clashing cultures has nothing to do with the problem is ignorant

Your claim is that the intermixing of races is the primary reason the US has a violence problem. Totally unsupported nonsense with an obvious agenda.
US is behind us on so many levels now. From high speed trains, internet speed, General infrastructure, social aspects like time off work etc, general happiness etc etc etc.
Who cares what that dying country thinks anymore.
I often get told by US posters when they are backed into a corner "ah, you can't compare the US (for shootings) against any other country"

Well, your President just did that by trying to paint London's sad knife death statistics this year in bad light to the NRA - when trying to defend the 2nd Amendment.


So, anyone care to start off with posting US deaths from gunshot this year vs UK deaths from stabbings or maybe we "can't compare the US (for shootings) against any other country....."

Please comment on - Stabbings UK vs shootings USA

and - Stabbing deaths UK vs shooting deaths USA

Apple's and Oranges......
Not even close.
How many millions died of gunshot in Europe in WWI and WW2?

Russian or Spanish Civil Wars? We wont even speak of the magnitude of violent premature deaths ( bombing, artillery )which would make the already soaring numbers go stratospheric. Since we last liberated, occupied then protected y'alls butts after your last major screw up, its been a bit more civilized at American taxpayer expense.

So you are right...not even close.
How many millions died of gunshot in Europe in WWI and WW2?

Russian or Spanish Civil Wars? We wont even speak of the magnitude of violent premature deaths ( bombing, artillery )which would make the already soaring numbers go stratospheric. Since we last liberated, occupied then protected y'alls butts after your last major screw up, its been a bit more civilized at American taxpayer expense.

So you are right...not even close.

Dismissed for inanity.
And yet predominantly white places have a much lower crime and murder rate. It has nothing to do with "brown folk" as you put it but more to do with cultural homogeneity.

No it has to do with small town mentality and reality. More social adhesion due to smaller population mostly. And cultural homogeneity only works in smaller towns with no big town problems. And a lot of white people live in smaller towns, hence the lower crime and murder rate. At least relatively predominantly that is because most African Americans live in Metropolitan Areas.

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