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Some here appear to not know what a lie is (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 25, 2019
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Political Leaning
Recently, at least three people, all of them known leftists, have contended certain things are "lies" and similar statements by known members of their side that are actually lies are ignored. I wouldn't make this OP if I wasn't flabbergasted at the apparent and obvious disconnect of many here and in the media as to what a lie is. I use the example of Dr, Fauci, who claims he is "Mr. Science" who intentionally and knowingly lied in March of 2020 when he said, "Masks do not provide the protection that people think they do and MAY stop only a few droplets." Many here have said "The science changed" when their people are caught in huge mistakes and falsehoods but true science never changes. Fake science does. We could chalk up his March of 2020 comment as a mistake IOF he didn't say a month later that he was worried about a run on medical masks leaving a shortage of masks for the medical community. This admission is him proving that he intentionally and knowingly lied a month earlier. Not only that, his lie jeopardized the lives of all of America because people did NOT wear masks for an entire month. In any event, this example is what a REAL lie is.

Contrast this with what liberals contend are lies by Trump where he said his crowd size was bigger than Obama's and they show pictures showing a smaller crowd size. Firstly the pictures may not have shown the full view or they could have been taken before all the people arrived at Trump's rally. In any event, there is no way to know if Trump had seen the pictures or made a headcount and Trump was just of the belief that his crowd size was larger. This statement of Trump is not a "lie", There were other equally vague examples involving Trump that the posters contend were lies and they are all the same. His OPINIONS and conjectures and beliefs are called "lies".

The same holds true with other conservatives the left hates. their opinions are called "lies" but those on the left who lie as I showed in the example of Fauci are ignored. So, I am wondering what criteria and proof the left accepts as being a lie.
Here's a lie for you, please tell me how this is OK. The lies that I mention are the ones that slip from Trump's ignorant mouth that are ignored by his supporters on the right. Are you saying that telling us he didn't know about the payments to a porn star and a stripper were just his opinion and that Rudy admitting it the next night was a lie? I'll wait for you to tell me how I'm failing to see the evidence.

Right leaning person says something they don’t like it’s a lie. If a left leaning person says something completely untrue it’s a misstatement or a quote taken out of context. Contrary to many opinions this is not a double standard, as democrats have no standard. To be fair the same thing gets said in reverse, so the only statements that are labeled lies are the ones we don’t like.
Recently, at least three people, all of them known leftists, have contended certain things are "lies" and similar statements by known members of their side that are actually lies are ignored. I wouldn't make this OP if I wasn't flabbergasted at the apparent and obvious disconnect of many here and in the media as to what a lie is. I use the example of Dr, Fauci, who claims he is "Mr. Science" who intentionally and knowingly lied in March of 2020 when he said, "Masks do not provide the protection that people think they do and MAY stop only a few droplets." Many here have said "The science changed" when their people are caught in huge mistakes and falsehoods but true science never changes. Fake science does. We could chalk up his March of 2020 comment as a mistake IOF he didn't say a month later that he was worried about a run on medical masks leaving a shortage of masks for the medical community. This admission is him proving that he intentionally and knowingly lied a month earlier. Not only that, his lie jeopardized the lives of all of America because people did NOT wear masks for an entire month. In any event, this example is what a REAL lie is.

Contrast this with what liberals contend are lies by Trump where he said his crowd size was bigger than Obama's and they show pictures showing a smaller crowd size. Firstly the pictures may not have shown the full view or they could have been taken before all the people arrived at Trump's rally. In any event, there is no way to know if Trump had seen the pictures or made a headcount and Trump was just of the belief that his crowd size was larger. This statement of Trump is not a "lie", There were other equally vague examples involving Trump that the posters contend were lies and they are all the same. His OPINIONS and conjectures and beliefs are called "lies".

The same holds true with other conservatives the left hates. their opinions are called "lies" but those on the left who lie as I showed in the example of Fauci are ignored. So, I am wondering what criteria and proof the left accepts as being a lie.

Lie: “You are not going to believe what my top people are finding on Obama’s birth certificate!”
Recently, at least three people, all of them known leftists, have contended certain things are "lies" and similar statements by known members of their side that are actually lies are ignored. I wouldn't make this OP if I wasn't flabbergasted at the apparent and obvious disconnect of many here and in the media as to what a lie is. I use the example of Dr, Fauci, who claims he is "Mr. Science" who intentionally and knowingly lied in March of 2020 when he said, "Masks do not provide the protection that people think they do and MAY stop only a few droplets." Many here have said "The science changed" when their people are caught in huge mistakes and falsehoods but true science never changes. Fake science does. We could chalk up his March of 2020 comment as a mistake IOF he didn't say a month later that he was worried about a run on medical masks leaving a shortage of masks for the medical community. This admission is him proving that he intentionally and knowingly lied a month earlier. Not only that, his lie jeopardized the lives of all of America because people did NOT wear masks for an entire month. In any event, this example is what a REAL lie is.

Contrast this with what liberals contend are lies by Trump where he said his crowd size was bigger than Obama's and they show pictures showing a smaller crowd size. Firstly the pictures may not have shown the full view or they could have been taken before all the people arrived at Trump's rally. In any event, there is no way to know if Trump had seen the pictures or made a headcount and Trump was just of the belief that his crowd size was larger. This statement of Trump is not a "lie", There were other equally vague examples involving Trump that the posters contend were lies and they are all the same. His OPINIONS and conjectures and beliefs are called "lies".

The same holds true with other conservatives the left hates. their opinions are called "lies" but those on the left who lie as I showed in the example of Fauci are ignored. So, I am wondering what criteria and proof the left accepts as being a lie.
I often see conservatives and their sources use lies of omission as a debate tactic. In their minds, they technically don't "lie" but deliberately omit other facts or take statements out of context to alter the intended meaning to serve a political agenda.

It's still a lie.
Look at the OP examples. One touches on crucial public health policy during a health crisis, and the other is completely unimportant and petty beyond words.

We understand the motivation of Fauci's deception (the supply issue.)

Why does Trump feel the need to repeatedly bicker about the size of his crowds? The last time I recall crowd size being referenced as even interesting was back during the Million Man march.

So I contend that WHY you're lying matters. Fauci "lied" in service of the public health, and Trump "lied" because he apparently experiences truth in the form of intense pain.
You posted "but true science never changes."
With all due respect, that quote is absolutely incorrect. Scientists HAVE to change their mind on a (nearly) daily basis, simply because new facts and information comes
with evaluation and learning. True, some things are fairly absolute...like the speed of light, but when you are faced with MANY unknown variables, one has to reevaluate
what we know as true in the time reality we call NOW. It's always easy to play the proverbial Monday-Morning-Quarterback. :)
Look at the OP examples. One touches on crucial public health policy during a health crisis, and the other is completely unimportant and petty beyond words.

We understand the motivation of Fauci's deception (the supply issue.)

Why does Trump feel the need to repeatedly bicker about the size of his crowds? The last time I recall crowd size being referenced as even interesting was back during the Million Man march.

So I contend that WHY you're lying matters. Fauci "lied" in service of the public health, and Trump "lied" because he apparently experiences truth in the form of intense pain.
OMG! One of the first posters proves the correctness of my OP. Here you are saying you KNOW Fauci lied but it's OK because he LIED to protect the supply issue. Do you realize the magnitude of Fauci's lie because he knew he was lying (it wasn't a mistake) and he endangered hundreds of thousands of people by not being truthful and saying, "Look, America, I know you are concerned and want protection but the medical community needs the medical masks. In the interim, cloth masks are just fine." Instead, he LIED and said essentially that maks do NOT work. We know trhat a month later he admitted his lie and doubled down on masks thereafter at least a hundred times.

So, your post is exactly what I mean with this OP. Trump THOUGHT his crowd size was larger than Obama's and said so. there is not a scintilla of evidence that he made a headcount or saw pictures and there is no evidence of Trump's crowd having been larger as more people arrived. In any event, his opinion of cro2wd size means nothing to America. It just peeves the leftists at CNN and MSNBC and the leftists regurgitate their claims.

On the one hand, Fauci (their darling) LIES and admits it and endangers lives and this is OK
Trump thinks his crowd size was bigger than Obamas and the left goes absolutely berserk.

Trump's statement was not a lie unless he said after he viewed many films at all times of the day and counted the people and KNEW his crowd size was smaller and still said it was bigger.

PS. Thanks for confirming my OP in just the third post here.
You posted "but true science never changes."
With all due respect, that quote is absolutely incorrect. Scientists HAVE to change their mind on a (nearly) daily basis, simply because new facts and information comes
with evaluation and learning. True, some things are fairly absolute...like the speed of light, but when you are faced with MANY unknown variables, one has to reevaluate
what we know as true in the time reality we call NOW. It's always easy to play the proverbial Monday-Morning-Quarterback. :)
Once again, TRUE science does NOT change because if it did, the original claim is not science but opinion and speculation. 2+2 will always equal 4 whether an Orwellian leftist likes it or not. What Fauci, Walensky, the WHO and every government official had was the OPINIONS of those in the medical and science community which Fauci himself (the liar) tried to pawn off as "science".
Once again, TRUE science does NOT change because if it did, the original claim is not science but opinion and speculation. 2+2 will always equal 4 whether an Orwellian leftist likes it or not. What Fauci, Walensky, the WHO and every government official had was the OPINIONS of those in the medical and science community which Fauci himself (the liar) tried to pawn off as "science".
Tell me, Mr. Debator,

What "science" changed (according to Fauci himself) from March of 2020 when he said "Masks do not provide the level of protection people think they do and MAT stop a few droplets" to just a month later when he said he was trying to save masks for the medical community and what he said a month before was not correct?
OMG! One of the first posters proves the correctness of my OP. Here you are saying you KNOW Fauci lied but it's OK because he LIED to protect the supply issue. Do you realize the magnitude of Fauci's lie because he knew he was lying (it wasn't a mistake) and he endangered hundreds of thousands of people by not being truthful and saying, "Look, America, I know you are concerned and want protection but the medical community needs the medical masks. In the interim, cloth masks are just fine." Instead, he LIED and said essentially that maks do NOT work. We know trhat a month later he admitted his lie and doubled down on masks thereafter at least a hundred times.

So, your post is exactly what I mean with this OP. Trump THOUGHT his crowd size was larger than Obama's and said so. there is not a scintilla of evidence that he made a headcount or saw pictures and there is no evidence of Trump's crowd having been larger as more people arrived. In any event, his opinion of cro2wd size means nothing to America. It just peeves the leftists at CNN and MSNBC and the leftists regurgitate their claims.

On the one hand, Fauci (their darling) LIES and admits it and endangers lives and this is OK
Trump thinks his crowd size was bigger than Obamas and the left goes absolutely berserk.

Trump's statement was not a lie unless he said after he viewed many films at all times of the day and counted the people and KNEW his crowd size was smaller and still said it was bigger.

PS. Thanks for confirming my OP in just the third post here.

Yes, not all lies are equal, and not all are actually problematic.

You're playing pretty fast and loose with your claims about Fauci. Did he "essentially say something," or did he say something?

Trump made the same incorrect claim loudly and repeatedly after he was corrected on it, and not even just about that event. He's a serial crowd-size fibber.
Tell me, Mr. Debator,

What "science" changed (according to Fauci himself) from March of 2020 when he said "Masks do not provide the level of protection people think they do and MAT stop a few droplets" to just a month later when he said he was trying to save masks for the medical community and what he said a month before was not correct?
My comments aren't about Fauci specifically (though I can certainly imagine good reasons to lie and mislead the general public) but more about your hilarious understanding of science in particular.
Yes, not all lies are equal, and not all are actually problematic.

You're playing pretty fast and loose with your claims about Fauci. Did he "essentially say something," or did he say something?

Trump made the same incorrect claim loudly and repeatedly after he was corrected on it, and not even just about that event. He's a serial crowd-size fibber.
I had this silly debate with someone elsewhere he claimed that Fauci never came out and said "masks don't work" and I'll do with you what I did with him. Here is his actual comments:

"There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," he said during a March 8, 2020, interview with 60 Minutes. "When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better, and it might even block a droplet. But it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And often, there are unintended consequences. People keep fiddling with the mask, and they keep touching their face…When you think 'masks,' you should think of health care providers needing them."

If anyone says the above does not essentially say "Masks don't work" they are being lairs in keeping with the OP.
My comments aren't about Fauci specifically (though I can certainly imagine good reasons to lie and mislead the general public) but more about your hilarious understanding of science in particular.
Whether you don't like my take on real science or not, you admit that Fauci LIED, endangered millions of people, possibly causing deaths, and you don't care cause he's a liberal.
I had this silly debate with someone elsewhere he claimed that Fauci never came out and said "masks don't work" and I'll do with you what I did with him. Here is his actual comments:

"There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," he said during a March 8, 2020, interview with 60 Minutes. "When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better, and it might even block a droplet. But it's not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And often, there are unintended consequences. People keep fiddling with the mask, and they keep touching their face…When you think 'masks,' you should think of health care providers needing them."

If anyone says the above does not essentially say "Masks don't work" they are being lairs in keeping with the OP.
The early anti-mask statements were clearly an attempt to avoid a mask buying frenzy among the general public, in order to conserve available resources for healthcare workers. Obviously, this approach failed, and was poorly conceived to begin with, as it resulted in the spread of disinformation, which continues to be parotted by the ignorant even to this day.
Whether you don't like my take on real science or not, you admit that Fauci LIED, endangered millions of people, possibly causing deaths, and you don't care cause he's a liberal.
No. I admit I can understand a scenario in which Fauci believes lying to the public is the best course of action and I might even agree with him depending on the circumstances. I don't know if he did actually lie. There's also a scenario early on where he doesn't think masks are necessary for the general public and wants to prevent a mass panic buy of essential hospital safety equipment which is necessary with or without an airborne pandemic. Also I have no problem with you sharing your adorable and hilarious musing on science. In fact I advocate for more. 😄
Once again, TRUE science does NOT change because if it did, the original claim is not science but opinion and speculation. 2+2 will always equal 4 whether an Orwellian leftist likes it or not. What Fauci, Walensky, the WHO and every government official had was the OPINIONS of those in the medical and science community which Fauci himself (the liar) tried to pawn off as "science".
We disagree what the meanings are but why are you bringing up Dr. Fauci anyway? If you truly want to evaluate what a lie is, look to Donald Trump.
He's made False and misleading claims for 5 years totaling over 30,500 of them.
Recently, at least three people, all of them known leftists, have contended certain things are "lies" and similar statements by known members of their side that are actually lies are ignored. I wouldn't make this OP if I wasn't flabbergasted at the apparent and obvious disconnect of many here and in the media as to what a lie is. I use the example of Dr, Fauci, who claims he is "Mr. Science" who intentionally and knowingly lied in March of 2020 when he said, "Masks do not provide the protection that people think they do and MAY stop only a few droplets." Many here have said "The science changed" when their people are caught in huge mistakes and falsehoods but true science never changes. Fake science does. We could chalk up his March of 2020 comment as a mistake IOF he didn't say a month later that he was worried about a run on medical masks leaving a shortage of masks for the medical community. This admission is him proving that he intentionally and knowingly lied a month earlier. Not only that, his lie jeopardized the lives of all of America because people did NOT wear masks for an entire month. In any event, this example is what a REAL lie is.

Contrast this with what liberals contend are lies by Trump where he said his crowd size was bigger than Obama's and they show pictures showing a smaller crowd size. Firstly the pictures may not have shown the full view or they could have been taken before all the people arrived at Trump's rally. In any event, there is no way to know if Trump had seen the pictures or made a headcount and Trump was just of the belief that his crowd size was larger. This statement of Trump is not a "lie", There were other equally vague examples involving Trump that the posters contend were lies and they are all the same. His OPINIONS and conjectures and beliefs are called "lies".

The same holds true with other conservatives the left hates. their opinions are called "lies" but those on the left who lie as I showed in the example of Fauci are ignored. So, I am wondering what criteria and proof the left accepts as being a lie.

Let's see. We have a poster who wanted to talk about Fauci when the rest of us were talking about Trump, who pouted and said "buh bye" because he didn't get his way to talk about Fauci when none of the rest of us were, so he came to this section and started a whiny thread that starts out with a lie since I am not a "well known leftist". Unlike your crush Trump, I was never a leftist, never donated to leftist politicians, and never supported leftist causes like he did for decades until 5 minutes before declaring himself a Republican - something I have been since 1980. This same poster considered Trump's declarations of "Covid will magically disappear" and "It will all turn out well (because President Xi told him so)" to not be lies.

You are just whining up a storm today. Poor man.
The line "true science never changes" has to be one of the most unintentionally hilarious lines I've ever read. :ROFLMAO:
r/confidentlyincorrect material right there.
We disagree what the meanings are but why are you bringing up Dr. Fauci anyway? If you truly want to evaluate what a lie is, look to Donald Trump.
He's made False and misleading claims for 5 years totaling over 30,500 of them.

That's why he started this thread. He wanted to talk about Fauci while we were all talking about Trump. He pouted, took his toys and left that thread, and came here to start a new whinefest.
r/confidentlyincorrect material right there.
Seriously. 😄

I mean what is science other than the study of how matter and energy change over time. That's what it is. 2+2=4 is an equation that describes a change. How ****ing dumb can these people get?

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