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So I'm like all broken or something. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
San Antonio Texas
Political Leaning
Thursday before last, my left ankle started to hurt. The Tallas bone, outside bottom edge of the foot. It happens every few months that it would hurt a bit and with some Advil and Ice would be fine the next day.

WELL.... not so now. My damned foot swelled up like a balloon. Took till this Tuesday for it to not be swollen, still hurts like hell.

So after first trying to say I had Gout, they put me on some really good high end narcotics, and tomorrow I get an MRI. They THINK I have some how pulled, torn or bruised some soft tissue.

Whih sucks cause I cannot work till I can walk again (Oh did I mention, cannot walk anymore. Foot hurts, and swells with walking)

GRRR... and I got Season Passes for the family to SeaWorld. :(
Thursday before last, my left ankle started to hurt. The Tallas bone, outside bottom edge of the foot. It happens every few months that it would hurt a bit and with some Advil and Ice would be fine the next day.

WELL.... not so now. My damned foot swelled up like a balloon. Took till this Tuesday for it to not be swollen, still hurts like hell.

So after first trying to say I had Gout, they put me on some really good high end narcotics, and tomorrow I get an MRI. They THINK I have some how pulled, torn or bruised some soft tissue.

Whih sucks cause I cannot work till I can walk again (Oh did I mention, cannot walk anymore. Foot hurts, and swells with walking)

GRRR... and I got Season Passes for the family to SeaWorld. :(

feel better.
That does suck. I hope it is nothing serious and you get better soon.
sorry to hear that, vic
hope it is minor and will heal soon

teach your kids how to push a wheelchair thru seaworld. you should get premium seats up front!
turn that lemon into lemonaid
Thursday before last, my left ankle started to hurt. The Tallas bone, outside bottom edge of the foot. It happens every few months that it would hurt a bit and with some Advil and Ice would be fine the next day.

You think its really the talus? That's not really on the bottom of the foot. Lateral portions of the foot that are on the bottom are the calcaneus and cuboid, and then you get to V metatarsal.
TY first off to all other respondent... and yes I might go the WC route for the kids... swallow my pride and all.

You think its really the talus? That's not really on the bottom of the foot. Lateral portions of the foot that are on the bottom are the calcaneus and cuboid, and then you get to V metatarsal.

Well Xray's showed nothing, and my wife think's its the talus (spelling + me = the sux) based on location of the pain.

Oh the Xray's DID show heavy calcification and scarring around the Achilles tendon and the Calcaneus... waiting on the MRI... I'mma gonna try to get a copy of those too.
Thursday before last, my left ankle started to hurt. The Tallas bone, outside bottom edge of the foot. It happens every few months that it would hurt a bit and with some Advil and Ice would be fine the next day.

WELL.... not so now. My damned foot swelled up like a balloon. Took till this Tuesday for it to not be swollen, still hurts like hell.

So after first trying to say I had Gout, they put me on some really good high end narcotics, and tomorrow I get an MRI. They THINK I have some how pulled, torn or bruised some soft tissue.

Whih sucks cause I cannot work till I can walk again (Oh did I mention, cannot walk anymore. Foot hurts, and swells with walking)

GRRR... and I got Season Passes for the family to SeaWorld. :(

Feel better soon buddy :(
Well Xray's showed nothing, and my wife think's its the talus (spelling + me = the sux) based on location of the pain.

Oh the Xray's DID show heavy calcification and scarring around the Achilles tendon and the Calcaneus... waiting on the MRI... I'mma gonna try to get a copy of those too.

The talus and calcaneus do articulate(talus on top of the calcaneus) and share ligamentous connections. Its just that the talus bone itself is neither lateral or on the inferior side of the foot. It sounds chronic based on your situation so recovery is going to be tougher and longer than it would if it was an acute injury.
TY first off to all other respondent... and yes I might go the WC route for the kids... swallow my pride and all.

Well Xray's showed nothing, and my wife think's its the talus (spelling + me = the sux) based on location of the pain.

Oh the Xray's DID show heavy calcification and scarring around the Achilles tendon and the Calcaneus... waiting on the MRI... I'mma gonna try to get a copy of those too.

I had a friend who had similar symptoms and it turned out to be plantar fasciitis. Whatever it is, I hope you get better soon.

MRI today, waiting for results
I hope you are feeling better soon! Nothing like being stuck in the hospital, in a cast, on crutches or unable to walk in a wheelchair. Been there, done that for 3 months in 2006.
I hope you feel better soon, Mr. V. That sucks to be laid up during the summer.
I hope you are feeling better soon! Nothing like being stuck in the hospital, in a cast, on crutches or unable to walk in a wheelchair. Been there, done that for 3 months in 2006.

Dear God please no. I just want to know what's wrong, and how to fix it. The pain goes from bearable to excruciating.
Dear God please no. I just want to know what's wrong, and how to fix it. The pain goes from bearable to excruciating.

I hate that you feel excruciating pain. Good meds help with that?
Yikes! Hope you feel better soon.
Thursday before last, my left ankle started to hurt. The Tallas bone, outside bottom edge of the foot. It happens every few months that it would hurt a bit and with some Advil and Ice would be fine the next day.

WELL.... not so now. My damned foot swelled up like a balloon. Took till this Tuesday for it to not be swollen, still hurts like hell.

So after first trying to say I had Gout, they put me on some really good high end narcotics, and tomorrow I get an MRI. They THINK I have some how pulled, torn or bruised some soft tissue.

Whih sucks cause I cannot work till I can walk again (Oh did I mention, cannot walk anymore. Foot hurts, and swells with walking)

GRRR... and I got Season Passes for the family to SeaWorld. :(

If your Season pass to Seaworld also icludes Aquatica I suggest you hobble along there and relax.
sorry to hear that, vic
hope it is minor and will heal soon

teach your kids how to push a wheelchair thru seaworld. you should get premium seats up front!
turn that lemon into lemonaid

If you do follow justabubba's suggestion regarding front seats at Seaworld do yourself a big favor, provide yourself with a waterproof cape/coat/ tarp because when Shamoo gets going with his tail flip, you are really going to need protection from water splash.
*waves hands quickly around your face* BOOGETY BOOGETY!!

(I love screwing with stoned people)

Har har har.

**** sucked. Seriously, I haven't slept right since I took it.

Well, Saturday has come and gone, no word from my Doc, so now Work is pissed at me, and guess what?? I STILL HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME.

Ready to scream.

My MRI was done and FAXED on Fri at 3pm. My "fmaily practitioner" hasn't gotten around to reading it. "We have a 72 hour policy" for getting back to patients on the MRI...

I'm about to pull my hair out here.

Just talked to them, they "might get to it" before 530PM today.
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