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Shouldn't Candace Owens be making her man a sandwich? (1 Viewer)

Dans La Lune

Senior Defenestrator
DP Veteran
Aug 30, 2019
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Oceania, 1984
Political Leaning
The audacity of this woman, Candance Owens, trying to speak her opinion in a room full of men is APPALLING. Why is she wearing man pants?

In all seriousness, she is standing on the shoulders of women who fought for her rights while using that exact power to tear down women's rights.

She also looks and sounds awfully uncomfortable speaking this nonsense, almost as if selling her soul and dignity to white supremacy wasn't quite worth it. She'll have to ask for a bigger cheque next time.

The audacity of this woman, Candance Owens, trying to speak her opinion in a room full of men is APPALLING. Why is she wearing man pants?

In all seriousness, she is standing on the shoulders of women who fought for her rights while using that exact power to tear down women's rights.

She also looks and sounds awfully uncomfortable speaking this nonsense, almost as if selling her soul and dignity to white supremacy wasn't quite worth it. She'll have to ask for a bigger cheque next time.

Candace Owens is good at what she does and it brings her into money

that being said she is a vile POS human being, nothing more than a dishonest propagandist and opportunist to which we have many in this country that care more about making a buck than and seeling their soil then they do America, rights, democracy etc

They dont care what damage their falsehoods and lies do just that it erns them money or an angle to make money
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The audacity of this woman, Candance Owens, trying to speak her opinion in a room full of men is APPALLING. Why is she wearing man pants?

In all seriousness, she is standing on the shoulders of women who fought for her rights while using that exact power to tear down women's rights.

She also looks and sounds awfully uncomfortable speaking this nonsense, almost as if selling her soul and dignity to white supremacy wasn't quite worth it. She'll have to ask for a bigger cheque next time.

Do you know this idiot keeps calling the goings on in the Ukraine "Hunter Biden's Burisma War" in her Twitter feed. No, I'm not kidding.

This is the new Republican Party. Stupid, petulant, stupid, and un-American. And really stupid.
Check out the Klan rally in this thread. Just call her a n***er and be done with it already. We all know that's what youse really wanna call her, but ain't got the balls

Strong conservative black women scare leftist cucks 😂🤣
Check out the Klan rally in this thread. Just call her a n***er and be done with it already. We all know that's what youse really wanna call her, but ain't got the balls

Strong conservative black women scare leftist cucks 😂🤣

holy vile dishonest bigotry . . . wow, this makes me sad and is part of the problem with the world and country
32 year old black woman worth about $3M.

I’d say some people are just flat out jealous.
The audacity of this woman, Candance Owens, trying to speak her opinion in a room full of men is APPALLING. Why is she wearing man pants?

In all seriousness, she is standing on the shoulders of women who fought for her rights while using that exact power to tear down women's rights.

She also looks and sounds awfully uncomfortable speaking this nonsense, almost as if selling her soul and dignity to white supremacy wasn't quite worth it. She'll have to ask for a bigger cheque next time.

you can say all the BS you want about Candace Owens and lies about republicans all being Archie Bunker and expecting sandwiches from women or whatever. who cares?

From what I have heard thus far, I hope we are looking at a future Female Republican President of the US right there.
The audacity of this woman, Candance Owens, trying to speak her opinion in a room full of men is APPALLING. Why is she wearing man pants?

In all seriousness, she is standing on the shoulders of women who fought for her rights while using that exact power to tear down women's rights.

She also looks and sounds awfully uncomfortable speaking this nonsense, almost as if selling her soul and dignity to white supremacy wasn't quite worth it. She'll have to ask for a bigger cheque next time.

All republicans, minus a few that probably are that dumb and scummy to believe the lies they spew, sell their soul to pander to hateful morons
holy vile dishonest bigotry . . . wow, this makes me sad and is part of the problem with the world and country
I know, right? We should report the OP. Because the shit he said about that black woman ain't no dog whistle its full-blown rape whistle racism
32 year old black woman worth about $3M.

I’d say some people are just flat out jealous.
LOL, yeah,one of the standard moronic right wing non response, people are jealous. do you realize how stupid that is? Must be jealous to hate people who pander to moronic scumbags to make money.
you can say all the BS you want about Candace Owens and lies about republicans all being Archie Bunker and expecting sandwiches from women or whatever. who cares?

From what I have heard thus far, I hope we are looking at a future Female Republican President of the US right there.

So when she's President she can talk about the Russian invasion of Ukraine being "Hunter Biden's War". Yes, sounds wonderful.
you can say all the BS you want about Candace Owens and lies about republicans all being Archie Bunker and expecting sandwiches from women or whatever. who cares?

From what I have heard thus far, I hope we are looking at a future Female Republican President of the US right there.

Rooting for an anti-feminist black female white supremacist isn't the diversity flex you think it is.
Check out the Klan rally in this thread. Just call her a n***er and be done with it already. We all know that's what youse really wanna call her, but ain't got the balls

Strong conservative black women scare leftist cucks 😂🤣
Every now and then we get an influx of really dumbass, foul-mouthed rightards here. It's like some other discussion site did a housecleaning based on IQ.
Just FYI. I see you're new here and I just wanted to give you a heads-up. You'll recognize them by their stupid, juvenile trolling.
Did you listen to Owens' attack on "radical feminism" and insistence that women should be at home making sandwiches?
They don't read, they don't watch, the troll forums and make moronic one liners or copy and paste stupid links they also don't read

Every now and then we get an influx of really dumbass, foul-mouthed rightards here. It's like some other discussion site did a housecleaning based on IQ.
Just FYI. I see you're new here and I just wanted to give you a heads-up. You'll recognize them by their stupid, juvenile trolling.

And with stupid names that make it clear they are trolling. Although, I see plenty of people been here a long time that post stupid, juvenile trolling. It's called people who have no facts, logic or reasoning to support their BS "opinions" *(more like beliefs), opinions tend to have some sort of fact or facts to support the opinion
Did you listen to Owens' attack on "radical feminism" and insistence that women should be at home making sandwiches?
No because she isnt very bright. Neither is this thread title.
note that it is the leftist commentator in that video that has a problem with a strong female having the gall to use a microphone to amplify her voice, because in his mind, obviously, women should be seen but not heard...

wow that's pretty sexist and misogynistic leftists.

do you all really believe such things?
Did you listen to Owens' attack on "radical feminism" and insistence that women should be at home making sandwiches?

you know its perfectly fine for a woman to make her husband a sandwich if she wants to.

it's only when a man EXPECTS her to that it is an issue.

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