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Should Joe Biden run for President in 2020 ? (1 Viewer)

Logician Man

All along the Watchtower a wildcat did growl
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Jul 23, 2018
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caught between the moon and New York City
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I'm interested in whether or not Democrats think Joe Biden should run for President in 2020, or do you thing the Dems should go in a different direction with younger, fresh faces. At first, I thought it would be best for someone to replace Pelosi as Speaker of the House, but after observing how a hard nosed seasoned political veteran played hardball with a hard nosed moronic POTUS, I'm now wondering if it would be wise to have a seasoned Democratic nominee with W.H. experience, who will not back down from the Orange Bully-in-Chief as the Democratic nominee. What do you fellow Dems think about Joe Biden running for POTUS in 2020 ? What are the pros and cons ?
Biden is easily the most qualified man to run for president based on his service and experience. Plus he has strong appeal to the blue collar wing of the party. He is bright and commands an audience.

However, I question his health and stamina over grueling long campaign.

My choice right now that I want to see run is Robert Francis O'Rourke.
Biden would be my number one pick. He's an experienced and reasonable adult that most moderate Americans can get behind. Standing next to Trump it'd be like they came from different planets and people will be reminded what reasonable used to look like before all of this mess.
I'm interested in whether or not Democrats think Joe Biden should run for President in 2020, or do you thing the Dems should go in a different direction with younger, fresh faces. At first, I thought it would be best for someone to replace Pelosi as Speaker of the House, but after observing how a hard nosed seasoned political veteran played hardball with a hard nosed moronic POTUS, I'm now wondering if it would be wise to have a seasoned Democratic nominee with W.H. experience, who will not back down from the Orange Bully-in-Chief as the Democratic nominee. What do you fellow Dems think about Joe Biden running for POTUS in 2020 ? What are the pros and cons ?

Nah. If we're going for old men, Bernie all the way: better policy, better judgment (Biden fails the crucial Iraq litmus test), better speaker, comparable popularity, doesn't take corporate cash.
i'm interested in whether or not democrats think joe biden should run for president in 2020, or do you thing the dems should go in a different direction with younger, fresh faces. At first, i thought it would be best for someone to replace pelosi as speaker of the house, but after observing how a hard nosed seasoned political veteran played hardball with a hard nosed moronic potus, i'm now wondering if it would be wise to have a seasoned democratic nominee with w.h. Experience, who will not back down from the orange bully-in-chief as the democratic nominee. What do you fellow dems think about joe biden running for potus in 2020 ? What are the pros and cons ?

yes!! Pleeeeeeease !!!

drunk joe biden.jpg
I really don't care about age that much as long as they are in good health. Bernie, for example, is pretty old for a Presidential candidate but has the energy level of someone 20 years younger.

I like Biden, though he wouldn't be my first choice for POTUS. But seeing as how he is the frontrunner at the moment, it would be foolish for him not to run short of personal reasons.

Also, a think a Biden/Trump debate would be so much fun to watch. :)
I'm interested in whether or not Democrats think Joe Biden should run for President in 2020, or do you thing the Dems should go in a different direction with younger, fresh faces. At first, I thought it would be best for someone to replace Pelosi as Speaker of the House, but after observing how a hard nosed seasoned political veteran played hardball with a hard nosed moronic POTUS, I'm now wondering if it would be wise to have a seasoned Democratic nominee with W.H. experience, who will not back down from the Orange Bully-in-Chief as the Democratic nominee. What do you fellow Dems think about Joe Biden running for POTUS in 2020 ? What are the pros and cons ?

Hell no.

It's not about "younger", it's about Biden being a hired player in everything from the continuance AND INCREASE of mandatory minimums, three strikes, pot wars, private prisons, Anita Hill, student loans...the list is too damn long but let's just say that another Third Way angry old white guy from a long line of Third Way angry old white guys ain't gonna cut it this time.

They had their day in the sun and it has lasted a half century, the half century that SUCKED no matter WHICH party was in charge.
Nah. If we're going for old men, Bernie all the way: better policy, better judgment (Biden fails the crucial Iraq litmus test), better speaker, comparable popularity, doesn't take corporate cash.

Will Bernie finally join the Democratic Party or does he plan to do another "race with the parking brake on" as an independent "running as a Democrat" while still remaining outside the party?
If the latter, forget it. Much as I love him, I am not willing to suffer a repeat of 2016 with the DNC. If he isn't going to straighten out things with the party, there is no way to avoid a repeat of what they did to him last time.

Not saying it was all Bernie's fault but flat out refusing to JOIN the party was the biggest factor.
Look at AOC, she is every bit as progressive as Bernie but SHE JOINED, so the party HAS to deal with her.
Don't join, and they can ignore you or WORSE, treat you as an outsider who isn't welcome.
I really don't care about age that much as long as they are in good health. Bernie, for example, is pretty old for a Presidential candidate but has the energy level of someone 20 years younger.

I like Biden, though he wouldn't be my first choice for POTUS. But seeing as how he is the frontrunner at the moment, it would be foolish for him not to run short of personal reasons.

Also, a think a Biden/Trump debate would be so much fun to watch. :)

Not buying the "front runner" nonsense even one little bit.
Hell No....Him and Hillary refusing to leave the stage is proof of how weak the bench is in the D party, in large part by the designs of Clinton Corp.

There should be a whole crop of younger better people shoving these two out of the way.
Biden is easily the most qualified man to run for president based on his service and experience. Plus he has strong appeal to the blue collar wing of the party. He is bright and commands an audience.

However, I question his health and stamina over grueling long campaign.

My choice right now that I want to see run is Robert Francis O'Rourke.

Good post till you mentioned Opie O'Rourke.
Will Bernie finally join the Democratic Party or does he plan to do another "race with the parking brake on" as an independent "running as a Democrat" while still remaining outside the party?
If the latter, forget it. Much as I love him, I am not willing to suffer a repeat of 2016 with the DNC. If he isn't going to straighten out things with the party, there is no way to avoid a repeat of what they did to him last time.

Not saying it was all Bernie's fault but flat out refusing to JOIN the party was the biggest factor.
Look at AOC, she is every bit as progressive as Bernie but SHE JOINED, so the party HAS to deal with her.
Don't join, and they can ignore you or WORSE, treat you as an outsider who isn't welcome.

As I've repeatedly stated, Bernie joining the party would have almost certainly made little difference in the debacle of the 2016 primaries between Clinton's financial bailout of the DNC and its attendant obligations to her, the unpopularity of his policies with the establishment, and Clinton's favourability with the same, including with many key executive/lead positions in the DNC who resigned in disgrace over their unethical skewing of the primaries. Even if he had joined the party permanently, I couldn't see any of that hamfisted skullduggery meaningfully diminish for those very important and domineering reasons.

As to AOC, coward New Dems within the party speaking anonymously (precisely because they rightly fear her immense power and following, and the backlash of speaking openly against her) want to primary her, and the establishment's rankling hatred of the woman is a pretty open secret, with many indeed wanting to ignore, isolate and minimize her by any means possible; the only counterpoint to this thus far has been Pelosi appointing her to the FSC: a bone thrown as consolation for keeping her off the Ways and Means Committee she desired to be a part of.

That all having been said, yes, Bernie should join, but for a litany of reasons I don't think for a second that it would have made any kind of difference in 2016, and I am confident about that. If anything, the treatment of AOC confirms rather than refutes this.
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As I've repeatedly stated, Bernie joining the party would have almost certainly made little difference in the debacle of the 2016 primaries between Clinton's financial bailout of the DNC and its attendant obligations to her, the unpopularity of his policies with the establishment, and Clinton's favourability with the same, including with many key executive/lead positions in the DNC who resigned in disgrace over their unethical skewing of the primaries. Even if he had joined the party permanently, I couldn't see any of that hamfisted skullduggery meaningfully diminish for those very important and domineering reasons.

As to AOC, coward New Dems within the party speaking anonymously (precisely because they rightly fear her immense power and following, and the backlash of speaking openly against her) want to primary her, and the establishment's rankling hatred of the woman is a pretty open secret, with many indeed wanting to ignore, isolate and minimize her by any means possible; the only counterpoint to this thus far has been Pelosi appointing her to the FSC: a bone thrown as consolation for keeping her off the Ways and Means Committee she desired to be a part of.

That all having been said, yes, Bernie should join, but for a litany of reasons I don't think for a second that it would have made any kind of difference in 2016, and I am confident about that. If anything, the treatment of AOC confirms rather than refutes this.

I misstated, so my apologies.

Bernie SHOULD HAVE JOINED, like back in 2008. With his charisma and his considerable and now proven crowdfunding mojo, that is when he should have begun his White House juggernaut as a Dem.
Joining in 2016 making a difference against Hillz? No, you are ABSOLUTELY 100% right, it would not have.
Even joining right NOW, in time for the 2020, it's already too late...too many others have already hopped on board.

I love Bernie but he had his chance to run the race and he chose to run it with the parking brake on.
It's too bad but it is what it is and therefore I concede your excellent points...all of them.

But, underestimate AOC at your own peril, and I say this TO all her Dem detractors.
It appears that she actually LEARNED from the Sanders "parking brake" episode.
She is not even remotely old enough to run. She will qualify in time for the 2028 elections.

If the Dems manage to avoid screwing the pooch, and she manages to avoid doing something extremely stupid, I wager she WILL be our President in 2028.
But I could be wrong, there is always an equal chance that she goes "KABOOM"...but my gut says she isn't likely to.
But a lot of her Dem competition will.
I'm interested in whether or not Democrats think Joe Biden should run for President in 2020, or do you thing the Dems should go in a different direction with younger, fresh faces. At first, I thought it would be best for someone to replace Pelosi as Speaker of the House, but after observing how a hard nosed seasoned political veteran played hardball with a hard nosed moronic POTUS, I'm now wondering if it would be wise to have a seasoned Democratic nominee with W.H. experience, who will not back down from the Orange Bully-in-Chief as the Democratic nominee. What do you fellow Dems think about Joe Biden running for POTUS in 2020 ? What are the pros and cons ?

I've always liked Joe, but I think his time has come and gone. 2016 would have ideal for him. That is without the death of his son. Biden would be 78 I believe come 2020. Against Trump, I sure as heck would vote for him if he was the Democratic nominee. But I think the Democrats would be better suited with a fresh young face instead of an old establishment figure. What the Democrats need is someone who can attract the independent vote. Hillary couldn't do that in 2016. There are a couple or three who have announced that I think would have a hard time doing that. This is why I say a fresh young face, from fly over country, all the better.

The Democrats haven't done so good with Northeastern liberal. Hillary lost, John Kerry lost, Dukakis lost. Who won? Fresh young faces from Illinois, Obama, Bill Clinton, Arkansas, Jimmy Carter, Georgia.
I misstated, so my apologies.

Bernie SHOULD HAVE JOINED, like back in 2008. With his charisma and his considerable and now proven crowdfunding mojo, that is when he should have begun his White House juggernaut as a Dem.
Joining in 2016 making a difference against Hillz? No, you are ABSOLUTELY 100% right, it would not have.
Even joining right NOW, in time for the 2020, it's already too late...too many others have already hopped on board.

I love Bernie but he had his chance to run the race and he chose to run it with the parking brake on.
It's too bad but it is what it is and therefore I concede your excellent points...all of them.

But, underestimate AOC at your own peril, and I say this TO all her Dem detractors.
It appears that she actually LEARNED from the Sanders "parking brake" episode.
She is not even remotely old enough to run. She will qualify in time for the 2028 elections.

If the Dems manage to avoid screwing the pooch, and she manages to avoid doing something extremely stupid, I wager she WILL be our President in 2028.
But I could be wrong, there is always an equal chance that she goes "KABOOM"...but my gut says she isn't likely to.
But a lot of her Dem competition will.

2028 is 10 years from now, and she'll have much more experience under belt. We'll see how she ages in experience.
He should have run in 2016. It's too late now. Time for a new generation.
2028 is 10 years from now, and she'll have much more experience under belt. We'll see how she ages in experience.

One thing is for sure...the numbers are in her favor. Third Way, Blue Dog, etc are shrinking and her segment is growing.
If she flames out, more from her political neck of the woods will take her place. The Democratic Party cannot stop the shift back towards liberalism. It is mathematically impossible.
One thing is for sure...the numbers are in her favor. Third Way, Blue Dog, etc are shrinking and her segment is growing.
If she flames out, more from her political neck of the woods will take her place. The Democratic Party cannot stop the shift back towards liberalism. It is mathematically impossible.

I don't know if it is mathematically impossible, but I hope they come back to where I am. They have gone far to the right.
I hope Joe runs. I don't know if he'd be my choice at this point, but I want him in there.
I don't know if it is mathematically impossible, but I hope they come back to where I am. They have gone far to the right.

I bet if you run the numbers you will find out it's true. I see no evidence pointing to massive growth in center-Right Conserv-A-Dems anywhere, not in the news, not "no-wherez", but everyone is seeing tectonic shifts to center-Left and progressive, not to mention it is the very thing the DLC establishment mucks are whining about.
Why? Because they see the numbers.

So rest assured, they can't stop what's coming. The Democratic Party is going to once again become the liberal party. They can't move to the Right, because unless you're Trump-Right, you're a RINO and they don't want that.
Center or Center-Right means spineless, stands for nothing, loses elections. (based on the last few elections)
Where else can they go besides Center-Left and Progressive. If they want to win, that's what they have to do.
Oh...Sherrod Brown.

Yeah I know, he hasn't announced yet.
Watch this space ;)
I'm interested in whether or not Democrats think Joe Biden should run for President in 2020, or do you thing the Dems should go in a different direction with younger, fresh faces. At first, I thought it would be best for someone to replace Pelosi as Speaker of the House, but after observing how a hard nosed seasoned political veteran played hardball with a hard nosed moronic POTUS, I'm now wondering if it would be wise to have a seasoned Democratic nominee with W.H. experience, who will not back down from the Orange Bully-in-Chief as the Democratic nominee. What do you fellow Dems think about Joe Biden running for POTUS in 2020 ? What are the pros and cons ?

As someone who regularly voted in democrat primaries for years I would love to vote for Biden, especially if he chose the ditzy beauty Ocasio-Cortez as his running mate, freshly fitted with an untouchable lying birth certificate declaring her old enough to vote.

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