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Should a plagiarizer become first lady? [W:92] (1 Viewer)

Should a plagiarizer become first lady?

  • No, the first lady needs to respect other's intellectual property

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Yes, plagiarism isn't too big a deal

    Votes: 11 61.1%

  • Total voters
First it wasn't "word for word." - and yes I've read the comparison.

Second she didn't write it

Third we don't vote for President based on who will be the first lady.
For SURE!!!

I mean, the choice is Bill Clinton for the First Lady.
First it wasn't "word for word." - and yes I've read the comparison.

Second she didn't write it

Third we don't vote for President based on who will be the first lady.

As far as I can see, her being first lady is the only reason to justify voting for Trump.

The RNC last night was a debacle, not least of which was Melania Trump's plagiarism of Michelle Obama's speech, word for goddamn word.

Paragraph in question...

From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life: that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily life.

Michelle Obama said...

“And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you're going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them, and even if you don't agree with them,” Obama said, according to a transcript from CNN.

Please. You didn't read the comparison. To call this a debacle is a freaking joke.

The RNC last night was a debacle, not least of which was Melania Trump's plagiarism of Michelle Obama's speech, word for goddamn word.

Should someone who publicly stated that she wasn't proud of her country be First Lady?? If the quality of First Lady is the standard by which we choose our Presidents, then G.W. Bush would be elected President for life and Bill Clinton would have never been elected.
Well, the OP has managed to plagiarize the other 200 threads on the subject. There's that.
Have a question you should add to the poll.

The question should be: Should a women who puts our national security at grave risk because she
uses a home brew server and then places Top Secret/Code material on it. In violation
of Existing federal law? Should that women be allowed to run for president?

The answer is NO! :lol:
American politics ---

Outrage and wall-to-wall media coverage about Melania Trump reading lifted words off a teleprompter - a speech she didn't write. "This is horrible! How can we trust a First Lady and President who plagiarize others???" while at the same time a woman who kept top secret national security information on an unsecure server in a basement is hailed as intelligent, trustworthy and qualified to be the leader of the same country whose classified information she doesn't care to protect.

What a sideshow this is.
Nobody should base their vote off this.
The difference is one meant it and the other merely said it.
A debacle? Hyperbole much?

The RNC last night was a rousing success.

Yup. A rousing success in showing the world what racist, bigoted, and borderline fascist the right wingers in this country are.
American politics ---

Outrage and wall-to-wall media coverage about Melania Trump reading lifted words off a teleprompter - a speech she didn't write. "This is horrible! How can we trust a First Lady and President who plagiarize others???" while at the same time a woman who kept top secret national security information on an unsecure server in a basement is hailed as intelligent, trustworthy and qualified to be the leader of the same country whose classified information she doesn't care to protect.

What a sideshow this is.

Well the defense the last few weeks is that Clinton was too stupid to understand she did anything wrong. But yes, hilarious that the media is more outraged about a speech written by most likely a recent college grad than the Secretary of State exposing national top secret information to basically anyone.

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