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Say, has anyone heard from Anthony Fauci lately? (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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Political Leaning
I mean. How in the world are so many getting by without the insufferable a$$hole Fauci constantly in your grill?

He has been dispatched to Bush league JV status as Covid that never was as scary as he made it to be, is allowed to fade to black.

I don’t care to see or hear anything from little tyrant until the day he flies west.


Has anyone else noticed a strange lacuna in the COVID-19 media Force? As though a single voice with a million appearances on national television has suddenly gone silent? Actually, yes, someone has, but before we get there, let’s take a quick peek at the media page for Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) as of this morning.

I mean. How in the world are so many getting by without the insufferable a$$hole Fauci constantly in your grill?

He has been dispatched to Bush league JV status as Covid that never was as scary as he made it to be, is allowed to fade to black.

I don’t care to see or hear anything from little tyrant until the day he flies west.


Has anyone else noticed a strange lacuna in the COVID-19 media Force? As though a single voice with a million appearances on national television has suddenly gone silent? Actually, yes, someone has, but before we get there, let’s take a quick peek at the media page for Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) as of this morning.

He's now keeping a low profile. It's getting closer to the election.
I mean. How in the world are so many getting by without the insufferable a$$hole Fauci constantly in your grill?

He has been dispatched to Bush league JV status as Covid that never was as scary as he made it to be, is allowed to fade to black.

I don’t care to see or hear anything from little tyrant until the day he flies west.


Has anyone else noticed a strange lacuna in the COVID-19 media Force? As though a single voice with a million appearances on national television has suddenly gone silent? Actually, yes, someone has, but before we get there, let’s take a quick peek at the media page for Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) as of this morning.

Good riddance to bad rubbish... and let's hope we stay rid of him.
Good riddance to bad rubbish... and let's hope we stay rid of him.
What is it about the world's leading expert in virology and infectious diseases that upsets you so much? Let me guess; he's working under a Democrat administration therefore anything he says or does must automatically be challenged. Am I close?
Like I said, just go away.
I mean. How in the world are so many getting by without the insufferable a$$hole Fauci constantly in your grill?

He has been dispatched to Bush league JV status as Covid that never was as scary as he made it to be, is allowed to fade to black.

I don’t care to see or hear anything from little tyrant until the day he flies west.


Has anyone else noticed a strange lacuna in the COVID-19 media Force? As though a single voice with a million appearances on national television has suddenly gone silent? Actually, yes, someone has, but before we get there, let’s take a quick peek at the media page for Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) as of this morning.

You need weekly reminders the COVID situation is getting better?
I mean. How in the world are so many getting by without the insufferable a$$hole Fauci constantly in your grill?

He has been dispatched to Bush league JV status as Covid that never was as scary as he made it to be, is allowed to fade to black.

I don’t care to see or hear anything from little tyrant until the day he flies west.


Has anyone else noticed a strange lacuna in the COVID-19 media Force? As though a single voice with a million appearances on national television has suddenly gone silent? Actually, yes, someone has, but before we get there, let’s take a quick peek at the media page for Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) as of this morning.

Cases down all over the USA. What would you like him to say?
Cases down all over the USA. What would you like him to say?
From his cell?

Its time for him to tell us what the acceptable metric (cases/deaths) was that he wanted to achieve that ultimately made him pull a Jimmy Hoffa like this.

Is he calling the game due to lightning?

From his cell?

Its time for him to tell us what the acceptable metric (cases/deaths) was that he wanted to achieve that ultimately made him pull a Jimmy Hoffa like this.

Is he calling the game due to lightning?

View attachment 67378314

A whole lot of accusing going on.

Jailed for what?
I mean. How in the world are so many getting by without the insufferable a$$hole Fauci constantly in your grill?

He has been dispatched to Bush league JV status as Covid that never was as scary as he made it to be, is allowed to fade to black.

I don’t care to see or hear anything from little tyrant until the day he flies west.


Has anyone else noticed a strange lacuna in the COVID-19 media Force? As though a single voice with a million appearances on national television has suddenly gone silent? Actually, yes, someone has, but before we get there, let’s take a quick peek at the media page for Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) as of this morning.

He will be back to talk about the necessity of social distancing from Russians and how being Ukranian is like being vaccinated
From his cell?

Its time for him to tell us what the acceptable metric (cases/deaths) was that he wanted to achieve that ultimately made him pull a Jimmy Hoffa like this.

Is he calling the game due to lightning?

View attachment 67378314
Ridiculous propagandizing.
Gee. Kinda like the Spanish flu went away all on its own, too.

You've been wrong about every single covid related metric or prediction you've made and you actually have the advantage of living through it.

Now you're making shit up about pandemics you didn't live through as well?

Cases down all over the USA. What would you like him to say?
I want to know what the magic number was that was used. I have for 2 years been asking for it.

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