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Rush Limbaugh Ratings Drop In Several Big Markets (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 18, 2011
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During the whole Fluke flap, his ratings went up (probably due to people tuning in out of curiosity and because conflict is interesting). That was no more 'breaking news" than this is now.
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Well, you can't deny Limbaugh's influence when this is considered "breaking news". LOL

Breaking news blogs...I didnt know where else to put it lol...I was going to put it in partisan politics but then I said it doesnt belong there..so here it is...heheh
But defenders say that what looks like a decline actually represents a leveling out following increased attention from the controversy. In late March, Limbaugh boasted that his ratings had increased by as much as 60 percent in the month since he had called Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" on air.

"On the range of all 600 radio stations, our ratings are up anywhere from 10 percent to 60 percent, depending on the station," he said.

"The most likely reason for these shifts is that Limbaugh talked about Sandra Fluke at the beginning of March, so it brought in a lot of non-regular listeners," one radio insider told me. "Now that the issue has more or less passed, those people aren't listening anymore."

So it actually proves that Fluke supporters helped increase Limbaugh's ratings for a limited time!:shock:
Breaking news blogs...I didnt know where else to put it lol...I was going to put it in partisan politics but then I said it doesnt belong there..so here it is...heheh

Sure, 'cause there's nothing partisan or biased about the Huffington Post. Lol.
So it actually proves that Fluke supporters helped increase Limbaugh's ratings for a limited time!:shock:

If some Fluke supporters want to claim this is some sort of backlash from that whole controversy, what does it mean that his ratings are up in other major markets, including San Francisco and Vegas?
If some Fluke supporters want to claim this is some sort of backlash from that whole controversy, what does it mean that his ratings are up in other major markets, including San Francisco and Vegas?

That's just a Fluke.
(sorry I couldn't resist.)
While I'm not a Limbaugh defender this is a non-story. From your 2nd link:

Whatever the cause, industry sources caution that the monthly ratings provide only an incomplete snapshot of Limbaugh's performance, and that it is necessary to put the numbers in context.

Radio uses what's known as the Portable People Meter, or PPM,...This means that when a few listeners change listening habits, it can account for a significant shift in the monthly numbers. As a result, data can swing significantly month to month while actually looking relatively stable over an extended period of time.

As evidence of those drastic swings, Limbaugh's numbers were actually up significantly in some markets -- by as much as 79 percent in both San Francisco and Las Vegas -- even as he took losses in Dalls-Ft. Worth, Tampa-St. Petersburg, Kansas City, and the cities mentioned above.

Rush is tons fairer than Breitbart, so it's not exactly hard.

Are you serious rockett..There is nothing fair about rush limbaugh hes a flaming right wing nutjob out of the same mold as Glen Beck..hes twists everything in the favor of the right wing....
you forgot recovering drug addict as well... ;)

problem with knowing what is for real about Rush's numbers is because the syndicate pimping him doesn't release it's numbers and because Rush is shotgun patterned across the nation it is difficult for independent sources to get accurate numbers.

I doubt the curiosity factor lasted longer than a week at best. Would be nice if now we can get some real numbers.
Are you serious rockett..There is nothing fair about rush limbaugh hes a flaming right wing nutjob out of the same mold as Glen Beck..hes twists everything in the favor of the right wing....

Like what?.........
Are you serious rockett..There is nothing fair about rush limbaugh hes a flaming right wing nutjob out of the same mold as Glen Beck..hes twists everything in the favor of the right wing....

OMG, a conservative talk show host who twists things in favor of the right. :shock: Is the FCC aware of this?
The conservative radio host's ratings fell 27 percent in the key 25-54 demo in New York City, 31 percent in Houston-Galveston, 40 percent in Seattle-Tacoma, and 35 percent in Jacksonville, according to a selection of the March 29-April 25 Arbitron ratings provided by an industry source.

Rush Limbaugh Ratings Drop In Several Big Markets

Limbaugh takes post-Fluke ratings hit - POLITICO.com

It is amazing to me his ratings have been so high for so long. Not sure what people like about his vitriol.
I wonder why his ratings are dropping
Haven't heard about Rush for some time.

Like a lot of celebs they have to periodically do something controversial to get people's attention. In a way he reminds me of Britney Spears. When her popularity dwindled she would do something like shave her head to get back on the front page.
Are you serious rockett..There is nothing fair about rush limbaugh hes a flaming right wing nutjob out of the same mold as Glen Beck..hes twists everything in the favor of the right wing....

It appears he likes little girls too. Remember his trip to the Dominican Republic with his bottle of Viagra!
It appears he likes little girls too. Remember his trip to the Dominican Republic with his bottle of Viagra!

We're not interested in your own fantasies.
We're not interested in your own fantasies.

It's a good thing I didn't post them then. I wouldn't want to embarrass your wife.
Wow. Just wow.

And farewell to your credibility. :2wave:

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