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Reuters: It Wasn't an Insurrection After All- Just a "Mostly Peaceful Protest (1 Viewer)

Constant claims that 1/6 was an insurrection.
The office of the United States attorney for the District of Columbia has a “Sedition Task Force” focused on the January 6 riot . . . but it doesn’t have a sedition case.​
Federal prosecutors haven’t charged any terrorism offenses, but, as a rationale for denying one defendant bail, they are trying to convince a skeptical federal judge that by damaging a doorway in forcing her way into the Capitol — a crime often treated as a misdemeanor, and for which the maximum sentence is just ten years — she committed a “crime of terrorism.”​
Let’s be real. With due respect to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Capitol melee is by no stretch of the imagination the greatest threat to our democracy in living memory. It is not 9/11. It is not the Boston Marathon bombing. Indeed, the June 14, 2017, Washington baseball field shooting spree, in which a radical leftist tried to mass-murder much of the Republican congressional delegation, bore more hallmarks of a terrorist attack — albeit one that, like the deadly Black Lives Matter riots of last summer, the media-Democrat complex always remembers to forget.​
What the Capitol Riot Prosecutions Tell Us
The rioters will be punished appropriately, but not punished as if they were terrorists who were trying to overthrow the United States government.​
By ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, June 12, 2021​
Sorry, but no. If it were an insurrection, and had evidence to support such a charge, wouldn't the federal prosecutors file such charges?

Instead, the charges filed are trespass, destruction of government property, disruption and obstruction of congress, all appropriate and all in evidence.
Multiple broken windows. Multiple damaged doors and frames. Feces and urine on the walls and floors. Stolen US gov. property. 140+ officers injured. Fire extinguishers discharged all over the building. Not to mention all the damage that took place outside the building.

I'll bet the clean up alone cost $100 grand. The repairs in the millions.

What world exactly do you you live in? That post is just a complete lie.

Here is a little THINK for you.

The cost of repairing damages from the attack on the U.S. Capitol and related security expenses have already topped $30 million and will keep rising, Architect of the Capitol J. Brett Blanton told lawmakers on Wednesday.

The events of Jan. 6, he said, were "difficult for the American people and extremely hard for all of us on campus to witness."

Blanton said that congressional appropriations committees have already approved a transfer request of $30 million to pay for expenses and extend a temporary perimeter fencing contract through March 31.

You really are not very much of a deep digger when it comes to facts, are you.

Just to expose the error with a bit more completeness than the one your propagandists have lied you into believing, here is another point of view:

It shows that your number of $30 Million is undermined by another number of $1.5 million. Both are outrageously over stated. Give me the $1.5 Million and I'll fix the window and the door and keep the balance of $1.499999 Million.

The two ridiculous numbers are separated by about 2 Thousand Percent. Pretty close by AntiDonald Standards. Both are outrageous acts of theft by our government from the treasury.

“Your client acknowledges that the riot that occurred on January 6,2021, caused as of May 17,2021, approximately $1,495,326.55 damage to the United States Capitol,” the plea letter in the case of Paul Hodgkins authored by Assistant U.S. Attorney Mona Sedky said.
It is unclear what the almost $1.5 million in Hodgkin’s plea agreement covers. The spokesperson for the Architect of the Capitol told the Post that assessments of the damage done on Jan. 6 were given to the Justice Department.

What crimes do the indictments charging the folks define to have been done?

After the Grandma here in Indiana was charged by the marauding prosecutors, I started to suspect that the clown show DOJ thugs were being even more ridiculous than we have seen them to be lately.

Grandma's crime? PARADING! As seems to happen more and more, our national news 'reporters" are laboring to hide the facts.

There were 30,000 people present. Very little actual damage was done. No fire bombs, no shootings by the demonstrators, no arson, no looting or any of the rest of the horrific violence committed by the folks in the summer riots.

An obvious over reaction by the overreaching morons in Washington DC.

This was a mostly peaceful protest by any reasonable definition.
Accurate descriptions are now called delusional.

Orwell's fiction becomes fact.
only one window? only one scratched door? you KNOW we have all seen the pictures, right? so, yeah, delusional.
What crimes do the indictments charging the folks define to have been done?

After the Grandma here in Indiana was charged by the marauding prosecutors, I started to suspect that the clown show DOJ thugs were being even more ridiculous than we have seen them to be lately.

Grandma's crime? PARADING! As seems to happen more and more, our national news 'reporters" are laboring to hide the facts.

There were 30,000 people present. Very little actual damage was done. No fire bombs, no shootings by the demonstrators, no arson, no looting or any of the rest of the horrific violence committed by the folks in the summer riots.

An obvious over reaction by the overreaching morons in Washington DC.

This was a mostly peaceful protest by any reasonable definition.
"An obvious over reaction by the overreaching morons in Washington DC."
Agreed. The Democrat's and the 'news' (political propaganda) media's (same thing really) exaggeration and hyperbole, their constant pushing the politically driven, and factually baseless, narrative of 'insurrection' and 'sedition' serves only their perception of gaining political advantage, and nothing more.
Exactly the same for Pelosi's so called 'independent commission', more accurately called a kangaroo court and political circus, than anything else.
I also didn't say intelligent or insightful.

Little insight is necessary to see why you think Babbit's death was a miscarriage of justice but the black guys deaths were well deserved.
You are vomiting more bile into the forum.

You seem to be fixated on things I don't say that you conjure in your anger and hate.
Just quoting you...if you want to call your words "bile"...I'm cool with that.
Have you been able to find a listing of what the actual injuries were or are you content to simply parrot the propaganda your handlers feed you?

I do know 140 cops were injured by Trump supporters and numerous Trump supporters are in jail for assault. Are you still denying that because your propaganda won't allow you to be honest?
You saw snap shot depictions of a vary small percent of what happened framed by the propagandists and edited to elicit a particular impression in the weak minded.

30,000 attendees.

1 Broken Window.

1 Scratched Door.

The officer is a patriot who was merely watering the tree of liberty with the blood of a tyrant.
Righties can crow all they want about what Reuters calls it: the actual DOJ charges speak for themselves:

Just another example of people not being able to tell the difference between narrative and actual events.
Righties can crow all they want about what Reuters calls it: the actual DOJ charges speak for themselves:

Just another example of people not being able to tell the difference between narrative and actual events.
Agreed. From you citation:
"obstruction of an official proceeding. He had been charged with a six-count indictment that included civil disorder, violent entry and disorderly conduct, as well as a felony count for obstruction of an official proceeding,"

I'm not seeing any charges for incitement, insurrection nor treason, which is of no surprise to those who listen to (read) reason.
The office of the United States attorney for the District of Columbia has a “Sedition Task Force” focused on the January 6 riot . . . but it doesn’t have a sedition case.​
Federal prosecutors haven’t charged any terrorism offenses, but, as a rationale for denying one defendant bail, they are trying to convince a skeptical federal judge that by damaging a doorway in forcing her way into the Capitol — a crime often treated as a misdemeanor, and for which the maximum sentence is just ten years — she committed a “crime of terrorism.”​
Let’s be real. With due respect to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Capitol melee is by no stretch of the imagination the greatest threat to our democracy in living memory. It is not 9/11. It is not the Boston Marathon bombing. Indeed, the June 14, 2017, Washington baseball field shooting spree, in which a radical leftist tried to mass-murder much of the Republican congressional delegation, bore more hallmarks of a terrorist attack — albeit one that, like the deadly Black Lives Matter riots of last summer, the media-Democrat complex always remembers to forget.​
What the Capitol Riot Prosecutions Tell Us
The rioters will be punished appropriately, but not punished as if they were terrorists who were trying to overthrow the United States government.​
By ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, June 12, 2021​

As predicted back in June already, and in many instances even earlier than that.
Constant claims that 1/6 was an insurrection.
The office of the United States attorney for the District of Columbia has a “Sedition Task Force” focused on the January 6 riot . . . but it doesn’t have a sedition case.​
Federal prosecutors haven’t charged any terrorism offenses, but, as a rationale for denying one defendant bail, they are trying to convince a skeptical federal judge that by damaging a doorway in forcing her way into the Capitol — a crime often treated as a misdemeanor, and for which the maximum sentence is just ten years — she committed a “crime of terrorism.”​
Let’s be real. With due respect to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Capitol melee is by no stretch of the imagination the greatest threat to our democracy in living memory. It is not 9/11. It is not the Boston Marathon bombing. Indeed, the June 14, 2017, Washington baseball field shooting spree, in which a radical leftist tried to mass-murder much of the Republican congressional delegation, bore more hallmarks of a terrorist attack — albeit one that, like the deadly Black Lives Matter riots of last summer, the media-Democrat complex always remembers to forget.​
What the Capitol Riot Prosecutions Tell Us
The rioters will be punished appropriately, but not punished as if they were terrorists who were trying to overthrow the United States government.​
By ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, June 12, 2021​
Sorry, but no. If it were an insurrection, and had evidence to support such a charge, wouldn't the federal prosecutors file such charges?

Instead, the charges filed are trespass, destruction of government property, disruption and obstruction of congress, all appropriate and all in evidence.

My favorite charge by the overreaching morons of the DOJ was against the Grandma from Indiana: "Parading". Why they left out "Taking Selfies" from the charges is a mystery.

It seems appropriate to quote the great John McEnroe: "You cannot be serious!".

Follow the link in this article to another describing the dismissal of charges against the miscreant arsonist-looter-thugs from the summer riots.
only one window? only one scratched door? you KNOW we have all seen the pictures, right? so, yeah, delusional.

Pictures of what? Exactly. Is there a catalogue of broken windows and scratched doors?

"An obvious over reaction by the overreaching morons in Washington DC."
Agreed. The Democrat's and the 'news' (political propaganda) media's (same thing really) exaggeration and hyperbole, their constant pushing the politically driven, and factually baseless, narrative of 'insurrection' and 'sedition' serves only their perception of gaining political advantage, and nothing more.
Exactly the same for Pelosi's so called 'independent commission', more accurately called a kangaroo court and political circus, than anything else.

It seems more and more appropriate to change the animal that represents the Dems from the Jack Ass to the Kangaroo. ;)
Little insight is necessary to see why you think Babbit's death was a miscarriage of justice but the black guys deaths were well deserved.

If a racist is making your observations, then your observations may seem reasonable to that racist.

I have no idea why you are quoting my posts and then attaching your thoughts to them.
I do know 140 cops were injured by Trump supporters and numerous Trump supporters are in jail for assault. Are you still denying that because your propaganda won't allow you to be honest?

What were the actual injuries to the Capitol Police officers?

What is the actual number that you evade by using the word "numerous".

In what way am I not being honest?
At least two of those dead and a LOT of those injured are because of the actions of the Capitol Police.

Yeah...I don't think the FBI is going to be arresting anymore grandmothers who got invited into the Capitol by the police.

On a side note...has the FBI come out and said the riots throughout last summer are all "mostly peaceful protests", yet? You know, like that dufus on CNN did on camera while the fires were raging behind him? Or...should we ask if the FBI is even investigating? After all, there was HUNDREDS of millions of dollars of damage done...not $1.5 million, which...in DC...is chump change.
I’m a grandmother and I was there that day. The capitol police they said to me, well, I don’t quite remember because it was so loud. But it was something like “please come in, Mike pence off that way” and I asked if he’d hold my noose while we took a selfie.

I just don’t understand all this brouhaha. we took the selfie. now he said to the gentleman next to me will you please wait until after the picture is taken and then you can brutally beat me, and I didn’t like that one bit because I thought that it would look much better if he were fatally injured or at least in excruciating pain when the picture was taken. that gives the picture more pizzazz don’t you think? now thank God he didn’t die because one of the thing is I wanted was to tag him on Facebook, because my friends will get such a kick out of that!

anyway define gentleman took this selfie well the nice officer held my news and then I took it back well they kicked the windows in. but very gently very gently. And well he wasn’t beaten too badly. I’m just glad the medias straightening this out because they are darn right that this was not organized, we heard Mr. Trump tell us to go over there and it was just a spur of the moment thing like when I get a craving for a grilled ham and cheese. Those are delicious don’t you think? It was very peaceful and Miss Pelosi‘s office. And let me tell you those gentlemen wrote one of the sweetest, kindest, warmest death threats I have ever seen. If that’s not peaceful I just don’t know what is seriously what is?

being arrested was just terrible and there was no need for it. I was just there because I’m so sick and tired of this democracy thing. These liberals think that winning an election gives you the right to be president and I don’t agree with that anymore I can’t. If we start letting liberals get elected just because we vote for them then we won’t have democracy at all! I’m just so thankful that we got those economic relief thingy checks in the mail so that I could get bailed out in time to come home and watch Downton Abbey and have a nice hot grilled ham and cheese.

in the selfie turned out so nice despite the blood on the camera lens. Gives it a little flavor you know
It seems more and more appropriate to change the animal that represents the Dems from the Jack Ass to the Kangaroo. ;)
The Dems seem to keep thinking that trial by public opinion in a kangaroo court for their political opponents will always be a winner for them, but little do they realize that it more often not their political ambitions end up being unrealized.

When a similar situation occurs for one of their own, they refuse to conduct it in the court of public opinion and redirect to an official investigation. If it weren't for double standards the Dems would have no standards at all.
The murdered Air Force veteran was a tyrant?
1) She wasn't murdered. She was stopped during a riot to protect the lives of congress people. Her death was collatoral damage. So, stop lying right then and there.
The murdered Air Force veteran was a tyrant?
Yes. The that traitor attacked her country and was a tyrant. Much like that military veteran Benedict Arnold.
I’m a grandmother and I was there that day. The capitol police they said to me, well, I don’t quite remember because it was so loud. But it was something like “please come in, Mike pence off that way” and I asked if he’d hold my noose while we took a selfie.

I just don’t understand all this brouhaha. we took the selfie. now he said to the gentleman next to me will you please wait until after the picture is taken and then you can brutally beat me, and I didn’t like that one bit because I thought that it would look much better if he were fatally injured or at least in excruciating pain when the picture was taken. that gives the picture more pizzazz don’t you think? now thank God he didn’t die because one of the thing is I wanted was to tag him on Facebook, because my friends will get such a kick out of that!

anyway define gentleman took this selfie well the nice officer held my news and then I took it back well they kicked the windows in. but very gently very gently. And well he wasn’t beaten too badly. I’m just glad the medias straightening this out because they are darn right that this was not organized, we heard Mr. Trump tell us to go over there and it was just a spur of the moment thing like when I get a craving for a grilled ham and cheese. Those are delicious don’t you think? It was very peaceful and Miss Pelosi‘s office. And let me tell you those gentlemen wrote one of the sweetest, kindest, warmest death threats I have ever seen. If that’s not peaceful I just don’t know what is seriously what is?

being arrested was just terrible and there was no need for it. I was just there because I’m so sick and tired of this democracy thing. These liberals think that winning an election gives you the right to be president and I don’t agree with that anymore I can’t. If we start letting liberals get elected just because we vote for them then we won’t have democracy at all! I’m just so thankful that we got those economic relief thingy checks in the mail so that I could get bailed out in time to come home and watch Downton Abbey and have a nice hot grilled ham and cheese.

in the selfie turned out so nice despite the blood on the camera lens. Gives it a little flavor you know
We already knew that liberals and Trump haters can write fiction. See Woodward, Wolff, etc.
Agreed. From you citation:
"obstruction of an official proceeding. He had been charged with a six-count indictment that included civil disorder, violent entry and disorderly conduct, as well as a felony count for obstruction of an official proceeding,"

I'm not seeing any charges for incitement, insurrection nor treason, which is of no surprise to those who listen to (read) reason.
The office of the United States attorney for the District of Columbia has a “Sedition Task Force” focused on the January 6 riot . . . but it doesn’t have a sedition case.​
Federal prosecutors haven’t charged any terrorism offenses, but, as a rationale for denying one defendant bail, they are trying to convince a skeptical federal judge that by damaging a doorway in forcing her way into the Capitol — a crime often treated as a misdemeanor, and for which the maximum sentence is just ten years — she committed a “crime of terrorism.”​
Let’s be real. With due respect to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Capitol melee is by no stretch of the imagination the greatest threat to our democracy in living memory. It is not 9/11. It is not the Boston Marathon bombing. Indeed, the June 14, 2017, Washington baseball field shooting spree, in which a radical leftist tried to mass-murder much of the Republican congressional delegation, bore more hallmarks of a terrorist attack — albeit one that, like the deadly Black Lives Matter riots of last summer, the media-Democrat complex always remembers to forget.​
What the Capitol Riot Prosecutions Tell Us
The rioters will be punished appropriately, but not punished as if they were terrorists who were trying to overthrow the United States government.​
By ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, June 12, 2021​

As predicted back in June already, and in many instances even earlier than that.
None of those terror attacks specifically targeted the seat of democracy and the democratic process. They only sought to harm people not overturn an election. BLM riots were just legitimate protests that got out of control and a few windows got broken. The perps in each case got charged appropriately.

This is why I said the charges speak for themselves because many of those at the Capitol riot are being charged with interfering with the election in addition to breaking windows, assaulting cops and shitting on the carpet. That shows a different kind of sinister intent.

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