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Reuters: It Wasn't an Insurrection After All- Just a "Mostly Peaceful Protest (2 Viewers)

No one was legally invited in. If an officer breaks the rules, and are working against others, that is still just the officer breaking the law, breaking the rules. Those entering the Capitol still, as adults, should have known it was wrong, not okay.

But of course your evidence also comes from the federalist with very little context and info needed to judge what happened.

The source of the evidence is unimportant when the evidence is video evidence.

If the evidence was an article written by propagandists, I could understand your skepticism.

I've watched more than just thjis one video showing officers inviting folks in and they are not all at this entry point.

The TRUTH of the matter is that about 40 people out of 30,000 did anything that was violent. Most were just passers by that happened to exhibit poor judgement.

This meets the literal definition of a mostly peaceful protest and the actions of all, violent or not, were to petition the government for redress of grievances.
After all the bullshit distortions and lies the right tried to pass regarding the J6 insurrection, it is amazing how desperately they cling to a narrative that would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic.

What led to the insurrection? Donald Trump attempted to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 election. LEGITIMATE. That's one more lie the right can't let go of, despite the fact that they have continued to provide ZERO evidence that fraud existed to an extent that it affected the election's outcome.

Trump pressured the DoJ, the state officials in Arizona and Georgia, and his own Vice President to circumvent the election results and re-install him as POTUS against the will of the people.

Trump whipped the mob on January 6th into a frenzy, saying they needed to "fight like hell" and that he would join them in marching on the Capitol.

When the riot began Trump was implored by others to tell the mob to stand down. He refused for several hours, even after he knew Pence and other elected officials were in a potentially hazardous situation. Like a toddler denied a sweet he pouted that Pence wouldn't stop the certification of the electoral vote, told him he wouldn't be his friend anymore, and for hours "stood back and stood by."

Now that the "ANTIFA did it" bullshit has run out of steam, Trump supporters continue to try and paint the insurrection as "a patriotic demonstration that got out of hand because of 40 people." More bullshit. Look at the video of the mob storming the gates outside the Capitol, rushing up and climbing scaffolding and stairs, and pushing their way into the building. The only thing you could legitimately argue is that these dumbasses were utterly disorganized - it was an insurrection without any real sense of what to do beyond assault people, destroy property, and scream their victimhood status to the skies while taking selfies for their social media.

138 officers were injured in the "demonstration." 15 required hospitalization.
1 insurrectionist was shot and killed trying to access the area where elected officials were secured.
1 officer died of a stroke that day.
4 officers have died by suicide since.

But GOP politicians continue to downplay the event, ever fearful of Trump's base. And here you want to equate it to a group of drunk football fans chanting "**** Joe Biden" at a game.

You are entitled to your opinion.

All of the demonstrators also had opinions and they are entitled to theirs as well.

The First Amendment contains the protection of the right to peaceably assemble to petition the government for redress of grievances.

With the exception of a very few of the 30,000 attendees, that is EXACTLY what occurred.

As I recall, the 2016 election was also protested by many. Has that whole embarrassing chain of events slipped your mind?

I';m not aware of anyone saying that the J6 actions were committed by ANTIFA. Do you have a link?
The source of the evidence is unimportant when the evidence is video evidence.

If the evidence was an article written by propagandists, I could understand your skepticism.

I've watched more than just thjis one video showing officers inviting folks in and they are not all at this entry point.

The TRUTH of the matter is that about 40 people out of 30,000 did anything that was violent. Most were just passers by that happened to exhibit poor judgement.

This meets the literal definition of a mostly peaceful protest and the actions of all, violent or not, were to petition the government for redress of grievances.
The source is important, as is the context. The video does not show if it was officers opening the door or simply realizing they were overwhelmed with others already inside the Capitol at that point (they could have simply grudgingly given up).

Hundreds were violently entering various portions of that building. It was not just 40, as you contend. And the mob as a whole added to the overwhelming threat against those officers and those inside the Capitol. That is part of the totality of the situation. If you join a mob that is attacking a house, but you don't personally strike anyone or anything, you are still part of the violent mob, responsible for their actions as well. And if a person who happens to agree with you (perhaps they were at a party there and got mad at the hosts) or simply someone who already made it inside lets you into the house, you still know that you were not allowed in that house, you are still breaking the law by entering.
With the exception of a very few of the 30,000 attendees, that is EXACTLY what occurred.

I';m not aware of anyone saying that the J6 actions were committed by ANTIFA. Do you have a link?

Happy to help.
At at least one entry point, the police opened the doors inviting the demonstrators to walk in.

At at least one point in the barricades, the police opened them to invite the demonstrators to walk in.

Walking in to demonstrate is vastly different than staging an insurrection. Seems like about 40 out of 30,000 were violent.

Did you watch all the video/read the text in your cited source? It doesn't support your claims.

Brief skirmishes at other points of entry bought little time for people inside to prepare for the coming siege. Once police lines broke, security became overwhelmed at the size of the mob breaking through, with some of the rioters armed with a form of pepper spray. Clashes occurred at various entrances.

Paints the picture of a police force overwhelmed by more than just "40" violent people, and with violence occurring at multiple sites.

After breaching the Capitol complex, rioters smashed doors, shattered windows, ravaged offices, and breached both legislative chambers, interrupting congressional business and prompting members to hide or evacuate, culminating in some of the most devastating security failures since the War of 1812. Top officials charged with protecting the nation’s seat of government resigned in the aftermath, following top lawmakers’ demands to step down.

Hardly a "peaceful demonstration."
Are you saying that thousands of attendees at sport and other public venues around the US need to convicted of rape?

It's interesting that what citizens in a free country see as free speech is being called terrorism by the authorities. Outraged parents speaking up at School Board meetings are being silenced.

Most despotic thugs DO see Free Speech as terrifying. Nothing new here.

Interesting that you recommend Free Speech be criminalized. You must be a Democrat party member.

Did they then break into the white national anthem "Sweet Caroline"?
The source of the evidence is unimportant when the evidence is video evidence.

If the evidence was an article written by propagandists, I could understand your skepticism.

I've watched more than just thjis one video showing officers inviting folks in and they are not all at this entry point.

The TRUTH of the matter is that about 40 people out of 30,000 did anything that was violent. Most were just passers by that happened to exhibit poor judgement.

This meets the literal definition of a mostly peaceful protest and the actions of all, violent or not, were to petition the government for redress of grievances.
I would encourage you to review the latest senate judiciary committee report. It states among other things, that Donald Trump intentionally inserted people into the DOJ to help him pull off his failed coup. These things are all connected my friend. Your ex-president God turns out to be a traitor to our democracy/constitution. There is no way around it.
The source of the evidence is unimportant when the evidence is video evidence.

If the evidence was an article written by propagandists, I could understand your skepticism.

I've watched more than just thjis one video showing officers inviting folks in and they are not all at this entry point.

The TRUTH of the matter is that about 40 people out of 30,000 did anything that was violent. Most were just passers by that happened to exhibit poor judgement.

This meets the literal definition of a mostly peaceful protest and the actions of all, violent or not, were to petition the government for redress of grievances.
How dare you? Who in hell do you think you are fooling?

The source is important, as is the context. The video does not show if it was officers opening the door or simply realizing they were overwhelmed with others already inside the Capitol at that point (they could have simply grudgingly given up).

Hundreds were violently entering various portions of that building. It was not just 40, as you contend. And the mob as a whole added to the overwhelming threat against those officers and those inside the Capitol. That is part of the totality of the situation. If you join a mob that is attacking a house, but you don't personally strike anyone or anything, you are still part of the violent mob, responsible for their actions as well. And if a person who happens to agree with you (perhaps they were at a party there and got mad at the hosts) or simply someone who already made it inside lets you into the house, you still know that you were not allowed in that house, you are still breaking the law by entering.

Your words are contradictory.

I said that about 40 were violent. You say that there were more than that.

Then you go on to say that those who were not violent were actually violent because they were only WITH folks who were violent.

Whatever the circumstances of the occasions when the barricades were moved by the police or the doors were opened by the police, the barricades and the doors were moved and opened by the police.

Again, 30,000 in attendance, 3 windows broken and a door scratched. These are the damages listed so far by those on your side of the question in this forum.

No statues pulled down. No spray painted profanities on the walls of the building, the chambers or the offices.

This was a very restrained crowd of 30,000 mostly peaceful demonstrators that you are laboring to present a crazed mob of violent insurrectionists.

At some point, reality needs to intrude into your descriptions of the events.

Happy to help.

New York Times is paywalled for me. I will not pay to be propagandized.

That said...

You are presenting a propaganda piece saying that there were Twitter users posting crap on Twitter and offering that as evidence that this was a wide spread notion?

Yours is an interesting delusion.
Did you watch all the video/read the text in your cited source? It doesn't support your claims.

Brief skirmishes at other points of entry bought little time for people inside to prepare for the coming siege. Once police lines broke, security became overwhelmed at the size of the mob breaking through, with some of the rioters armed with a form of pepper spray. Clashes occurred at various entrances.

Paints the picture of a police force overwhelmed by more than just "40" violent people, and with violence occurring at multiple sites.

After breaching the Capitol complex, rioters smashed doors, shattered windows, ravaged offices, and breached both legislative chambers, interrupting congressional business and prompting members to hide or evacuate, culminating in some of the most devastating security failures since the War of 1812. Top officials charged with protecting the nation’s seat of government resigned in the aftermath, following top lawmakers’ demands to step down.

Hardly a "peaceful demonstration."

Did I say it was a "peaceful demonstration"? I thought I've said "mostly peaceful protest" or "mostly peaceful demonstration". The few out of the many makes "mostly peaceful" accurate.

Who were you quoting in your post?

On this forum, I have only used the descriptions of the damages as portrayed by the Democrat Faithful on this forum.

That amounts to 3 broken windows and a scratched door.

Do you have a different, more extensive listing of the damages documented from a reputable source? This article presents a lot of propaganda as do most media outlets.

The actual video presents actual events in the limited time spans shown. The words of the propagandists present what they present.
Last edited:
New York Times is paywalled for me. I will not pay to be propagandized.

That said...

You are presenting a propaganda piece saying that there were Twitter users posting crap on Twitter and offering that as evidence that this was a wide spread notion?

Yours is an interesting delusion.

You're the one who said it best:

"The source of the evidence is unimportant when the evidence is video evidence." (Post #778)

Look at the video and tell me only 40 people were involved in violence that day with a straight face. you want to talk about delusion? You're so far down the Trumpist/CEC rabbit hole you can't acknowledge what's right in front of your face. Get help. No one here is buying that bullshit.
I would encourage you to review the latest senate judiciary committee report. It states among other things, that Donald Trump intentionally inserted people into the DOJ to help him pull off his failed coup. These things are all connected my friend. Your ex-president God turns out to be a traitor to our democracy/constitution. There is no way around it.

With respect, you are presenting the lies of professional liars as if their product is not lies.
How dare you? Who in hell do you think you are fooling?


You nonsensical and unrelated comment is noted.
With respect, you are presenting the lies of professional liars as if their product is not lies.
An army of "professional liars" likely numbering in the millions, or this POS grifter, his sycophants,
and a bus load of indicted "friends," Manafort, Gates, Stone, Flynn, Barrack, Parnas, Broidy, ...

August 5, 2021
"..Elliott Broidy — a former finance chairman of the Republican National Committee who pleaded guilty last year to charges that he illegally lobbied the US on behalf of a Malaysian businessman and pushed the Trump administration to extradite a Chinese dissident — now stands accused of illegally lobbying federal officials to take “anti-Qatari” positions and of “orchestrating a disinformation campaign” against the country, according to the suit filed by a Qatari luxury travel company.

In 2018, Broidy stepped down as deputy finance chair of the RNC after reports that he agreed to pay $1.6 million as part of a confidentiality agreement to a former Playboy model whom he allegedly impregnated. That payment was arranged in 2017 by Trump’s longtime lawyer Michael Cohen.

Now, Broidy and another former Trump advisor, George Nader — who is also a defendant in the complaint and is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence on child sex-trafficking charges — are accused of hiring internet trolls and influencers to claim that Qatar businesses were sponsors of terrorist groups and of enlisting a company to set up websites like Qaterexposed.com and BoycottQatarnow.com, the lawsuit claims...."

Convicted Mueller witness dropped $4M on unsuccessful ...
... brought in from a consulting firm called ZAMZAM on behalf of George Nader. ... was also lobbying the then-president on Nader's behalf.
.Apr 22, 2021


September 22, 2021
"...The indictment of two Republican operatives on charges they allegedly funneled money from a Russian national to the Trump campaign’s joint fundraising committee is the latest in a string of high profile — and high stakes — foreign straw donor schemes exposed by the Department of Justice.
Federal prosecutors claim Jesse Benton and Doug Wead accepted $100,000 from an unidentified Russian foreign national in exchange for getting the person a meeting with then-candidate Donald Trump at a fundraiser in 2016. Allegedly, the two funnelled $25,000 to the Trump campaign’s joint fundraising committee and pocketed the other $75,000.

After Trump won the 2016 election, the payment processing company owned by one of Nader’s straw donors, who allegedly facilitated the donations to Clinton, gave $1 million to Trump’s inauguration and later met Trump in the Oval Office.

Foreign straw donor schemes are not limited to presidential elections and recent cases have exposed attempts to funnel foreign money into congressional races and even local elections..."
You're the one who said it best:

"The source of the evidence is unimportant when the evidence is video evidence." (Post #778)

Look at the video and tell me only 40 people were involved in violence that day with a straight face. you want to talk about delusion? You're so far down the Trumpist/CEC rabbit hole you can't acknowledge what's right in front of your face. Get help. No one here is buying that bullshit.

People chanting or just being present are people chanting or just being present.

You presented Tweets as evidence of something they were not.

Presenting Tweets as evidence proves only that Tweets were posted.

There needs to be real world evidence of a thing to prove it happened in the real world.

So far, 3 broken windows and one scratched door have been presented by your fellows on this board in support of the notion that 30,000 rioters joined in an attempted insurrection.

Your evidence is weak, but your dogma is strong.
An army of "professional liars" likely numbering in the millions, or this POS grifter, his sycophants,
and a bus load of indicted "friends," Manafort, Gates, Stone, Flynn, Barrack, Parnas, Broidy, ...

August 5, 2021
"..Elliott Broidy — a former finance chairman of the Republican National Committee who pleaded guilty last year to charges that he illegally lobbied the US on behalf of a Malaysian businessman and pushed the Trump administration to extradite a Chinese dissident — now stands accused of illegally lobbying federal officials to take “anti-Qatari” positions and of “orchestrating a disinformation campaign” against the country, according to the suit filed by a Qatari luxury travel company.

In 2018, Broidy stepped down as deputy finance chair of the RNC after reports that he agreed to pay $1.6 million as part of a confidentiality agreement to a former Playboy model whom he allegedly impregnated. That payment was arranged in 2017 by Trump’s longtime lawyer Michael Cohen.

Now, Broidy and another former Trump advisor, George Nader — who is also a defendant in the complaint and is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence on child sex-trafficking charges — are accused of hiring internet trolls and influencers to claim that Qatar businesses were sponsors of terrorist groups and of enlisting a company to set up websites like Qaterexposed.com and BoycottQatarnow.com, the lawsuit claims...."

September 22, 2021
"...The indictment of two Republican operatives on charges they allegedly funneled money from a Russian national to the Trump campaign’s joint fundraising committee is the latest in a string of high profile — and high stakes — foreign straw donor schemes exposed by the Department of Justice.
Federal prosecutors claim Jesse Benton and Doug Wead accepted $100,000 from an unidentified Russian foreign national in exchange for getting the person a meeting with then-candidate Donald Trump at a fundraiser in 2016. Allegedly, the two funnelled $25,000 to the Trump campaign’s joint fundraising committee and pocketed the other $75,000.

After Trump won the 2016 election, the payment processing company owned by one of Nader’s straw donors, who allegedly facilitated the donations to Clinton, gave $1 million to Trump’s inauguration and later met Trump in the Oval Office.

Foreign straw donor schemes are not limited to presidential elections and recent cases have exposed attempts to funnel foreign money into congressional races and even local elections..."

(edited for length. sorry...)

The Senate judiciary Committee is a group of lying thieves who make their livings lying and stealing.

Anything they produce is a lie and based on and motivated by their political desires and goals that are entirely unrelated to anything unconnected to their political desires and goals.

It's cute that you don't understand this, but a little sad at the same time.

If you would like to dissolve corruption in politics, dissolving the major political parties and barring from government employment anyone who was ever elected anywhere might be a good start.

Also strict term limits and prohibiting any elected official from ever subsequently serving in the employ of a defense contractor or a media outlet might be helpful.
Thanx for commenting...

Your posts are really just worthless in every way.

I suppose I'll give it one more chance before I just begin the ignore function.

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