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Reuters: It Wasn't an Insurrection After All- Just a "Mostly Peaceful Protest (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 13, 2012
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FBI reveals now that the January 6 "mostly peaceful protest" was actually a "mostly peaceful protest".

There might have been 40 of the 30,000 or so folks in attendance who communicated with each other for anything beyond car pooling and hotel arrangements.

There were no plans for any coordinated actions planned to occur if they actually got inside the Capitol Building.

If history is our guide in this review, it is very likely that of the 40 or so folks who did plan to do some mischief, about half were imbedded FBI agents working undercover promoting or actually creating the plans.

The propagandists in our media are once again shown to be lying propagandists pushing agendas rather than REPORTING facts.

The weak minded taken in by the efforts to deceive are once again shown to be nothing more or less than "the weak minded".

In passing, in my quick search, I could not find a reference to this reported by NBC, CBS, ABC, MSN or CNN. No real surprise that their "reporting" was lacking in this.

The propagandist misinformation campaign moves onward suppressing information and creating lies out of thin air as the goals of their masters demand. Why do their masters hold the goals they hold?

We must all ask one question as the deceptions and lies continue: "If this is true, what else must be true?". It is the only way left to us to separate the lies from the facts.


Mostly peaceful protest?

Let's see now .... 5 dead, 144 police injured, $1.5 million in Capitol damages, and 540 arrests (more to come).

Your view of "peaceful" is very different than the view of most Americans.

What the FBI is saying here is there was no overall planning for the insurrection.

It was mostly a spontaneous event that occurred after Donald Trump urged thousands of his thug supporters to march down to the US Capitol and "Fight like hell".

Their marching orders came straight from the top.
FBI reveals now that the January 6 "mostly peaceful protest" was actually a "mostly peaceful protest".

There might have been 40 of the 30,000 or so folks in attendance who communicated with each other for anything beyond car pooling and hotel arrangements.

There were no plans for any coordinated actions planned to occur if they actually got inside the Capitol Building.

If history is our guide in this review, it is very likely that of the 40 or so folks who did plan to do some mischief, about half were imbedded FBI agents working undercover promoting or actually creating the plans.

The propagandists in our media are once again shown to be lying propagandists pushing agendas rather than REPORTING facts.

The weak minded taken in by the efforts to deceive are once again shown to be nothing more or less than "the weak minded".

In passing, in my quick search, I could not find a reference to this reported by NBC, CBS, ABC, MSN or CNN. No real surprise that their "reporting" was lacking in this.

The propagandist misinformation campaign moves onward suppressing information and creating lies out of thin air as the goals of their masters demand. Why do their masters hold the goals they hold?

We must all ask one question as the deceptions and lies continue: "If this is true, what else must be true?". It is the only way left to us to separate the lies from the facts.

No matter how you spin it, you can't get around the broken doors and windows, the beaten police officers, the chants of "hang Mike Pence" and the trashing of the Capitol. All that happened.
FBI reveals now that the January 6 "mostly peaceful protest" was actually a "mostly peaceful protest".

There might have been 40 of the 30,000 or so folks in attendance who communicated with each other for anything beyond car pooling and hotel arrangements.

There were no plans for any coordinated actions planned to occur if they actually got inside the Capitol Building.

If history is our guide in this review, it is very likely that of the 40 or so folks who did plan to do some mischief, about half were imbedded FBI agents working undercover promoting or actually creating the plans.

The propagandists in our media are once again shown to be lying propagandists pushing agendas rather than REPORTING facts.

The weak minded taken in by the efforts to deceive are once again shown to be nothing more or less than "the weak minded".

In passing, in my quick search, I could not find a reference to this reported by NBC, CBS, ABC, MSN or CNN. No real surprise that their "reporting" was lacking in this.

The propagandist misinformation campaign moves onward suppressing information and creating lies out of thin air as the goals of their masters demand. Why do their masters hold the goals they hold?

We must all ask one question as the deceptions and lies continue: "If this is true, what else must be true?". It is the only way left to us to separate the lies from the facts.

So...do we think Nancy is going to accept this? Will she turn her dog and pony show from "Trump insurrection" to "DC incompetence"?


Mostly peaceful protest?

Let's see now .... 5 dead, 144 police injured, $1.5 million in Capitol damages, and 540 arrests (more to come).

Your view of "peaceful" is very different than the view of most Americans.
At least two of those dead and a LOT of those injured are because of the actions of the Capitol Police.

Yeah...I don't think the FBI is going to be arresting anymore grandmothers who got invited into the Capitol by the police.

On a side note...has the FBI come out and said the riots throughout last summer are all "mostly peaceful protests", yet? You know, like that dufus on CNN did on camera while the fires were raging behind him? Or...should we ask if the FBI is even investigating? After all, there was HUNDREDS of millions of dollars of damage done...not $1.5 million, which...in DC...is chump change.
So...do we think Nancy is going to accept this? Will she turn her dog and pony show from "Trump insurrection" to "DC incompetence"?

Not over a report of a report, she won't. Wait for official findings. Besides, I thought you guys never believe anonymous sources:
"Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation.
This is fake news by your own definition.
FBI reveals now that the January 6 "mostly peaceful protest" was actually a "mostly peaceful protest".

There might have been 40 of the 30,000 or so folks in attendance who communicated with each other for anything beyond car pooling and hotel arrangements.

There were no plans for any coordinated actions planned to occur if they actually got inside the Capitol Building.

If history is our guide in this review, it is very likely that of the 40 or so folks who did plan to do some mischief, about half were imbedded FBI agents working undercover promoting or actually creating the plans.

The propagandists in our media are once again shown to be lying propagandists pushing agendas rather than REPORTING facts.

The weak minded taken in by the efforts to deceive are once again shown to be nothing more or less than "the weak minded".

In passing, in my quick search, I could not find a reference to this reported by NBC, CBS, ABC, MSN or CNN. No real surprise that their "reporting" was lacking in this.

The propagandist misinformation campaign moves onward suppressing information and creating lies out of thin air as the goals of their masters demand. Why do their masters hold the goals they hold?

We must all ask one question as the deceptions and lies continue: "If this is true, what else must be true?". It is the only way left to us to separate the lies from the facts.

Several questions remain unanswered.

1. How many people actually entered the Capitol building on 01/06/21?

2. Of that number, how many actually "broke in," as opposed to how many entered casually to wander around after the doors were "opened?"

3. How many actually engaged in anything more than "trespassing/disorderly conduct?" (Even if one includes the "casual" entrants in question #2).

We know several hundred people have been charged with something. This article lists the number charged (615 at the time of my post):

The vast majority have been charged with these "crimes:"

1. Entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.

2. Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted; building or grounds without lawful authority; disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly or disruptive conduct on Capitol grounds; parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.

I think the difference between item 1 and item 2 consists of those of the outside crowd who simply walked in (some waved in by capitol police per video evidence) after the doors had been opened; as opposed to some at the forefront who were aware they were not supposed to enter.
FBI reveals now that the January 6 "mostly peaceful protest" was actually a "mostly peaceful protest".

There might have been 40 of the 30,000 or so folks in attendance who communicated with each other for anything beyond car pooling and hotel arrangements.

There were no plans for any coordinated actions planned to occur if they actually got inside the Capitol Building.

If history is our guide in this review, it is very likely that of the 40 or so folks who did plan to do some mischief, about half were imbedded FBI agents working undercover promoting or actually creating the plans.

The propagandists in our media are once again shown to be lying propagandists pushing agendas rather than REPORTING facts.

The weak minded taken in by the efforts to deceive are once again shown to be nothing more or less than "the weak minded".

In passing, in my quick search, I could not find a reference to this reported by NBC, CBS, ABC, MSN or CNN. No real surprise that their "reporting" was lacking in this.

The propagandist misinformation campaign moves onward suppressing information and creating lies out of thin air as the goals of their masters demand. Why do their masters hold the goals they hold?

We must all ask one question as the deceptions and lies continue: "If this is true, what else must be true?". It is the only way left to us to separate the lies from the facts.

The real crime, beyond the violent acts, was the encouragement by trump & his ilk to cause violence and stop the election results...
Far more than 40 have been arrested, maybe a 1000 by the time it is all done.

The Trump alt and GOP fascist right have learned they are no sturmtruppen.
At least two of those dead and a LOT of those injured are because of the actions of the Capitol Police.

Yeah...I don't think the FBI is going to be arresting anymore grandmothers who got invited into the Capitol by the police.

On a side note...has the FBI come out and said the riots throughout last summer are all "mostly peaceful protests", yet? You know, like that dufus on CNN did on camera while the fires were raging behind him? Or...should we ask if the FBI is even investigating? After all, there was HUNDREDS of millions of dollars of damage done...not $1.5 million, which...in DC...is chump change.

Poor stupid Ashli.
Anti American scum attacked the country at the behest of Trump
He is a traitor and so os anyone who supports him.
Several questions remain unanswered.

1. How many people actually entered the Capitol building on 01/06/21?

2. Of that number, how many actually "broke in," as opposed to how many entered casually to wander around after the doors were "opened?"

3. How many actually engaged in anything more than "trespassing/disorderly conduct?" (Even if one includes the "casual" entrants in question #2).

We know several hundred people have been charged with something. This article lists the number charged (615 at the time of my post):

The vast majority have been charged with these "crimes:"

1. Entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.

2. Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted; building or grounds without lawful authority; disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly or disruptive conduct on Capitol grounds; parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.

I think the difference between item 1 and item 2 consists of those of the outside crowd who simply walked in (some waved in by capitol police per video evidence) after the doors had been opened; as opposed to some at the forefront who were aware they were not supposed to enter.
I saw people breaking into the capitol and attacking the police, but all I did was walk in. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to be there.
Not over a report of a report, she won't. Wait for official findings. Besides, I thought you guys never believe anonymous sources:

Nancy has impeached a President...twice...over a "report of a report". She doesn't give a rat's ass about "official findings". It's all about political advantage for her.

This is fake news by your own definition.
Wait...you don't believe the FBI?
FBI reveals now that the January 6 "mostly peaceful protest" was actually a "mostly peaceful protest".

There might have been 40 of the 30,000 or so folks in attendance who communicated with each other for anything beyond car pooling and hotel arrangements.

There were no plans for any coordinated actions planned to occur if they actually got inside the Capitol Building.

If history is our guide in this review, it is very likely that of the 40 or so folks who did plan to do some mischief, about half were imbedded FBI agents working undercover promoting or actually creating the plans.

The propagandists in our media are once again shown to be lying propagandists pushing agendas rather than REPORTING facts.

The weak minded taken in by the efforts to deceive are once again shown to be nothing more or less than "the weak minded".

In passing, in my quick search, I could not find a reference to this reported by NBC, CBS, ABC, MSN or CNN. No real surprise that their "reporting" was lacking in this.

The propagandist misinformation campaign moves onward suppressing information and creating lies out of thin air as the goals of their masters demand. Why do their masters hold the goals they hold?

We must all ask one question as the deceptions and lies continue: "If this is true, what else must be true?". It is the only way left to us to separate the lies from the facts.

Reuters is now owned by TASS the Russian propagan..."news" agency. Couple that with the fact that the author of this disinformation was deported from the UK as a security risk, and the circle is completed as useful idiots push the fake story along.

Nancy has impeached a President...twice...over a "report of a report". She doesn't give a rat's ass about "official findings". It's all about political advantage for her.

Wait...you don't believe the FBI?

I don't believe the FSB. You seem to. Are they singing your song?
If it wasn't a coup attempt, why were Trumpers preparing to invade the tunnel system?

We all know that if this so called mostly peaceful protest had been staged by the left Republicans would not stop going on about it for decades.

We all watched what happened on live TV.
It is what it is and what it was was an attempt to storm the building with many people wanting to harm duly elected representatives.
They chanted they wanted to hang Mike Pence, that's not the actions of a peaceful protest.

Nancy has impeached a President...twice...over a "report of a report". She doesn't give a rat's ass about "official findings". It's all about political advantage for her.

Wait...you don't believe the FBI?
Your whole report is fake news from an anonymous source. When the FBI makes an official report I'll pay attention to it.
You are dismissed.
What the FBI is saying here is there was no overall planning for the insurrection.

It was mostly a spontaneous event that occurred after Donald Trump urged thousands of his thug supporters to march down to the US Capitol and "Fight like hell".

Their marching orders came straight from the top
Yeah, you can lie about it all you like. It still doesn't change that it was just a riot at the most, and that even though bad actors did exist in the crowd. It turned out to not actually be an insurrection, like so many have tried preaching for months now. Your lie is slowly dying, the only choice you have left is if you are actually willing to let yourself pass into nothingness along with it.

Oh and if anyone else is interested, yes. Rogue Valley took the whole "Fight like hell" quote as far out of context as they could.. not really a big shocker there.

I guess this also means that you're just going to gloss over the fact that he said they were going to "Peacefully and patriotically" make their voices heard as well?

This is the kind of crap that keeps chasing people in the center away and continues to alienate anyone near you, who has even an inkling to look up the facts.
FBI reveals now that the January 6 "mostly peaceful protest" was actually a "mostly peaceful protest".
Your source said nothing about "peaceful". Why lie?
At least two of those dead and a LOT of those injured are because of the actions of the Capitol Police.

Yeah...I don't think the FBI is going to be arresting anymore grandmothers who got invited into the Capitol by the police.

On a side note...has the FBI come out and said the riots throughout last summer are all "mostly peaceful protests", yet? You know, like that dufus on CNN did on camera while the fires were raging behind him? Or...should we ask if the FBI is even investigating? After all, there was HUNDREDS of millions of dollars of damage done...not $1.5 million, which...in DC...is chump change.
What do last summers riots have to do with crazy Trumpers on Jan 6?

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