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Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet' [W:39] (1 Viewer)

Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

this isnt something that happened a year ago.....it is a bout a super bowl ad to aired this weekend....it just happens to be the same family in the another cheerios commercial

Why is this even a big deal? I don't get it....biracial family in a commercial and people get their panties in a wad? Then a clearly partisan source says something clearly partisan about it...

What happened to the righteous anger over the Duck Dynasty BS? Fine, First Amendment doesn't apply but where are your principles when you're against one guy getting "punished" for his views, and then go and "punish" a whole network for it?
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

So the point you tried to make previously was fatuous nonsense? Duly noted.
My point was about his decision making, which has nothing to do about the TV channels.:peace
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

My point was about his decision making, which has nothing to do about the TV channels.:peace

Since these are your exact words:

It seems as though Reince Priebus is cutting off his nose to spite his face. Banning Republicans from appearing on MSNBC is pretty stupid, in my opinion. Perhaps the Republicans should bring Michael Steel back, I think he did a much better job than Priebus does

...I'm pretty sure I was right in my first comment.
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

You get credit for being consistent, you did this when conservatives where making the stupid first amendment argument. So many people are so ignorant of the constitution. Usually the ones who claim to love it the most...

Who was claiming this as a free speech issue? I though the GOP just didn't like what MSNBC said about them.

I went to read the article to see who tweeted that, since "MSNBC" is not a person and cannot tweet anything. It had to be a person. Probably a staffer who staffs the twitter account.

The article has been updated to state that MSNBC found and fired the person who tweeted that, and printed MSNBC President's official policy, which states:

The tweet last night was outrageous and unacceptable. We immediately acknowledged that it was offensive and wrong, apologized and deleted it. We have dismissed the person responsible for the tweet. I personally apologize to Mr. Priebus and to everyone offended. At MSNBC, we believe in passionate, strong debate about the issues, and we invite voices from all sides to participate. That will never change.

Much ado about nothing, I think. The tweeter was referring to a number of online references by rightwingers to the former biracial Cheerios ad. Still, I see no point to referencing the prior references. Just a juvenile jab that one doesn't expect to see at a national news station.
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

Agreed. It seems as though Reince Priebus is cutting off his nose to spite his face. Banning Republicans from appearing on MSNBC is pretty stupid, in my opinion. Perhaps the Republicans should bring Michael Steel back, I think he did a much better job than Priebus does.

Anyone that watches MSNBC hates Republicans, anyhow.
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

Why is this even a big deal? I don't get it....biracial family in a commercial and people get their panties in a wad? Then a clearly partisan source says something clearly partisan about it...

What happened to the righteous anger over the Duck Dynasty BS? Fine, First Amendment doesn't apply but where are your principles when you're against one guy getting "punished" for his views, and then go and "punish" a whole network for it?

Which is exactly what you said about Rush. Right?
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

Anyone that watches MSNBC hates Republicans, anyhow.

I do and i don't. Some interesting perspective...
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

Anyone that watches MSNBC hates Republicans, anyhow.

If you don't watch MSNBC... how do you know you hate it so much?
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

Republicans say on stage at their convention: "We Love You Women".
Don't forget their narrative is also republicans hate women too.
Then read the Republican platform dealing with women's issues .
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

That reminds me of Liberals being afraid of saying out loud that they are liberals.
Or conservatives saying out loud that they are Republicans.
I do and i don't. Some interesting perspective...
Shout it, Shout it, Shout it out loud !
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

LOL, I remember the comment section on the youtube video of that commercial.

Comments such as "mudshark", "anti racist is the codeword for anti white", "race mixing propoganda", etc, were posted often.

And I'm certain those comments weren't coming from liberals.
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

Claiming that the "right wing" as some kind of all encompassing entity has a problem with interacial marriage...which is entirely false and is the problem with making wide reaching, hyperbolic, bigoted statements such as that.

As highlighted in part by one prominent right wing media figure that's actively part of a biracial marriage helping to start the twitter anger towards the post.

But then, something tells me based on your completely obtuse, hyperbolic, hyper partisan post there that some common sense and reasonable judgement of a situation isn't something I should hold my breath waiting for out of you.

I am sure there are some Right Wingers out there that don't fit the mold.
And on some technical level the essence of your point is legit due to those people's existence.

But in reality, if you don't want to be considered a drinker, then don't hang out at the bar.
Consider why people would assume you to be the drinker before getting offended at those who make the assumptions.
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

That this lowly employee felt he could say something like that representing (supposedly)MSNBC and get away with it shows that there is a culture in MSNBC that depicts those who do not agree with their politics as racists. All one has to do is watch Matthews or the biggest racist on the planet, Sharpton, who has his own show on that network. I think we all knew that though... right?
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

Which is exactly what you said about Rush. Right?

What does he have to do with anything? Tell you what, when he's banned from covering the Democrats let me know.
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

That reminds me of Liberals being afraid of saying out loud that they are liberals.
Or conservatives saying out loud that they are Republicans.

Shout it, Shout it, Shout it out loud !

Not aware of conservatives reluctant to state they are conservative. But many are not embracing of the current Republican party leadership/policies.

Your little false equivalency was sorta lame...
Re: Republican Party bans MSNBC over 'offensive' tweet'

It's worth pointing out that there actually was a pretty intense right wing internet backlash against the last multi-racial cheerios add in May 2013.

So why exactly does this person need to lose their job?

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