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Red State election. Who would win? (1 Viewer)

Who would win?

  • Putin

    Votes: 13 92.9%
  • Biden

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters

j brown's body

"A Soros-backed animal"
DP Veteran
Jun 18, 2018
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Who do you think would win?
Putin. They seem to love them some Russia.
Putin. They seem to love them some Russia.
I don't know that they love Russia so much as they think Putin is dreamy, because, well, so did Donny T.
I don't know that they love Russia so much as they think Putin is dreamy, because, well, so did Donny T.

Well come on - have you seen him shirtless on a horse? To die for.
I don't hear much criticism of Russia or Putin from the right.
Are you listening? As I recall it was Hilary Clinton who presented the "Reset Button" to the Russians. And then sent blankets to Ukraine when they invaded. Trump sent ammo and weapons - do the math.
Are you listening? As I recall it was Hilary Clinton who presented the "Reset Button" to the Russians. And then sent blankets to Ukraine when they invaded. Trump sent ammo and weapons - do the math.

All I need to know about Trump and Putin was watching the body language in Helsinki. Trump was totally cowed, and sided with Putin over US intelligence.
All I need to know about Trump and Putin was watching the body language in Helsinki. Trump was totally cowed, and sided with Putin over US intelligence.
I KNEW you'd trot that out. Trump was shining Putin on. Trump ALSO brow-beat NATO nations to pay their share so it could do its mission - fight Russia if necessary. As I mentioned about Trtump sent weapons and ammo to Ukraine to FIGHT Russian backed separatists.
Who do you think would win?
Putin, the right wants security more than freedom. They hate dissent, they need scapegoats, they want military power, they need to perceive strength and despise compromise.
I KNEW you'd trot that out. Trump was shining Putin on. Trump ALSO brow-beat NATO nations to pay their share so it could do its mission - fight Russia if necessary. As I mentioned about Trtump sent weapons and ammo to Ukraine to FIGHT Russian backed separatists.
Trump was shining Putin on :ROFLMAO:

Trump sold weapons to Ukraine, yes.
I KNEW you'd trot that out. Trump was shining Putin on. Trump ALSO brow-beat NATO nations to pay their share so it could do its mission - fight Russia if necessary. As I mentioned about Trtump sent weapons and ammo to Ukraine to FIGHT Russian backed separatists.

So who do you thunk would win?
Didn't Trump try to get Ukraine to manufacture dirt on his opponent before they could get aid to buy their weapons?

I seem to remember something about that, lol. SOLD them some tanks, but the aid was held up.
Blue state election. Who would win?
Biden or Bernie?
The Weekend at Bernie's Bernie.

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