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Q for my liberal friends: Clinton vs Sanders... (1 Viewer)


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Sep 3, 2011
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Q for my liberal friends: Clinton vs Sanders...

...which are you supporting and why? What makes one better then the other for you?

I'm intellectually curious. They do have differences, absolutely, but they're similar in some aspects, too.

Conservatives and other non-liberals... go away.
I might not be liberal through and through but I am voting for Bernie so I will throw in my two cents. Bernie has a 4 decade track record of serving the people rather than the corporate establishment. I truly believe he means everything he says. Of all the candidates, with the possible exception of Rand Paul, he is the least likely to get us into more unnecessary wars.

And of most importance to me at this point in history is he is the only candidate that I believe will do everything in his power to fight for true campaign finance reform. We have to put the government back into the hands of the People instead of the hands of corporations.

Hillary says the right things but it is all a means to an end. She is DEEP into the pockets of the rich and powerful. Bernie will have an uphill battle and may in the end fail at meaningful reform, but Hillary won't even try.
Sanders, by a long way.

He is the best chance we have of moving away from the clearly flawed political system we have now, where decisions are in the hands of big money and big corporations. Sanders has actually done good on his promise to not be beholden to any super PACs. The fact that he even has a chance of winning is a sign that power can belong to the people rather than to just those with deep pockets. Bernie's individual donation numbers give me genuine hope.

I also feel that Bernie has mobilized the young. Over the past few decades, the millennial generation has been taken advantage of by the political class, and has been unengaged with the political process. I believe that a Bernie victory would show many of my 18-30ish year old peers that if we do engage enough that we can make a difference to our future, because a hell of a lot of us have lost that hope. I don't want us to continue to be steamrolled by the baby boomers.

He is, of course, not perfect. His age, and ability to work across the aisle and actually get stuff done are concerns for me.
Q for my liberal friends: Clinton vs Sanders...

...which are you supporting and why? What makes one better then the other for you?

I'm intellectually curious. They do have differences, absolutely, but they're similar in some aspects, too.

Conservatives and other non-liberals... go away.

That is a mean question. It boils down to asking, if the smell of corruption, harming persons harmed by ones spouse or gross negligence with confidential government information outways a dreamer stuck in irrational fantasies out of the 19th century and internalized in the 1968 movements. That is a real disservice the Democrats are doing the traditional liberal cause.
I might not be liberal through and through but I am voting for Bernie so I will throw in my two cents. Bernie has a 4 decade track record of serving the people rather than the corporate establishment. I truly believe he means everything he says. Of all the candidates, with the possible exception of Rand Paul, he is the least likely to get us into more unnecessary wars.

And of most importance to me at this point in history is he is the only candidate that I believe will do everything in his power to fight for true campaign finance reform. We have to put the government back into the hands of the People instead of the hands of corporations.

Hillary says the right things but it is all a means to an end. She is DEEP into the pockets of the rich and powerful. Bernie will have an uphill battle and may in the end fail at meaningful reform, but Hillary won't even try.
I do believe that Sanders is the only candidate on either side that is being 100% honest.
I do believe that Sanders is the only candidate on either side that is being 100% honest.

Even most my conservative friends believe that. They believe his policies are completely wrong, but that he is honest in his motives.
Even most my conservative friends believe that. They believe his policies are completely wrong, but that he is honest in his motives.
That's a fair assessment. I like a lot of what he says/wants, but I have been saying the devil is in the details, and lately the devil is starting to show.
I have to agree with the others. Love him or hate him, he's got a multi-decade track record of holding true to his beliefs and the American people. He actively participated in the black and gay rights movement decades before it became popular to do so.

I will definitely be voting for him and have already sent off my vote for him in the primary. I've thought long and hard about it, and if Hillary gets the nomination I will not vote. Just because she's facing an even worse monster doesn't mean I should vote for a lesser monster. She has no firm convictions and cares only for her own ego. I've seen her too often transform like a chameleon to fit whatever is politically popular at the time then pretend she's always held that position. Disgusting.
Q for my liberal friends: Clinton vs Sanders...

...which are you supporting and why? What makes one better then the other for you?

I'm intellectually curious. They do have differences, absolutely, but they're similar in some aspects, too.

Conservatives and other non-liberals... go away.


1. I wouldn't vote for Clinton under any circumstance, since she voted for the Iraq War, which is a personal litmus test I apply to any politician.
2. I don't trust her.
3. I don't like her.
4. I think Sanders has some good ideas. Not all of them are good. But some are. Which is a lot better than what I see out of any Republican.
That is a mean question. It boils down to asking, if the smell of corruption, harming persons harmed by ones spouse or gross negligence with confidential government information outways a dreamer stuck in irrational fantasies out of the 19th century and internalized in the 1968 movements. That is a real disservice the Democrats are doing the traditional liberal cause.

I have to agree with the others. Love him or hate him, he's got a multi-decade track record of holding true to his beliefs and the American people. He actively participated in the black and gay rights movement decades before it became popular to do so.

I will definitely be voting for him and have already sent off my vote for him in the primary. I've thought long and hard about it, and if Hillary gets the nomination I will not vote. Just because she's facing an even worse monster doesn't mean I should vote for a lesser monster. She has no firm convictions and cares only for her own ego. I've seen her too often transform like a chameleon to fit whatever is politically popular at the time then pretend she's always held that position. Disgusting.

I can't vote in the Democratic primary in NY (I cashed out my D card after Kerry folded on Ohio in 2004), but I'd vote for Sanders in the general. If Clinton is the nominee, which she likely will be, I'm voting third party again.
Even most my conservative friends believe that. They believe his policies are completely wrong, but that he is honest in his motives.

My conservative friends as well. He's the only Democrat in decades that some of these guys have had a shred of respect for, which means he must be doing something right.
I liked Bernie until he decided to play the "I'm more leftist" game with Hillary. The democrats have gone full out in support of illegal aliens, and gun control, otherwise I'd vote for Bernie. I want the universal health care and infrastructure investment, but if it comes at the expense of public safety I'm out
I can't vote in the Democratic primary in NY (I cashed out my D card after Kerry folded on Ohio in 2004), but I'd vote for Sanders in the general. If Clinton is the nominee, which she likely will be, I'm voting third party again.

Yeah, totally agree with you there. I'm lucky that Texas has open primaries so I don't have to be a registered Democrat, but I do have to pick a side. We'll definitely win NH and if we can get an Iowa win, I have a feeling it's going to landslide towards Bernie. There simply is zero enthusiasm for Clinton. I have a feeling it'll be 2008 all over again.

I liked Bernie until he decided to play the "I'm more leftist" game with Hillary. The democrats have gone full out in support of illegal aliens, and gun control, otherwise I'd vote for Bernie. I want the universal health care and infrastructure investment, but if it comes at the expense of public safety I'm out

I mean, you could pretend this is a new development, but Bernie has been football fields left of Clinton for 40 years.
Yeah, totally agree with you there. I'm lucky that Texas has open primaries so I don't have to be a registered Democrat, but I do have to pick a side.

In NY, you have to register for a party to vote in that party's primary. I ditched the Dems a while back, so I haven't been able to vote in a primary in about 12 years.
A day or too ago I said in a comment that one reason I joined this forum was to find out why Mrs Clinton in the most probable next Pres of the US. All the pundits say so, so it must be true.

But unless I have missed them - who reads everything? - comments praising Mrs C's policies or personal qualities are strangely absent. Surely there must be someone here who likes and admires her? Just a bit?
In NY, you have to register for a party to vote in that party's primary. I ditched the Dems a while back, so I haven't been able to vote in a primary in about 12 years.

Same here

But it's a small price to pay for not being associated with that gang of crooks and fools
Clinton is largely financed by big banks and large corporations. Bern is mainly funded by unions and small contributions. There is more, but that mainly sums it up. So yeah, Bern.
Although I am not a huge government liberal, Bernie Sanders is at least honest while Hillary Clinton is far from it.
Q for my liberal friends: Clinton vs Sanders...

...which are you supporting and why? What makes one better then the other for you?

I'm intellectually curious. They do have differences, absolutely, but they're similar in some aspects, too.

Conservatives and other non-liberals... go away.

i'm leaning Sanders, as he's the more proven pro-labor candidate. i also think that he's less likely to sign us up for extended war. i don't harbor any illusions that Clinton won't win the nomination, though.
Q for my liberal friends: Clinton vs Sanders...

...which are you supporting and why? What makes one better then the other for you?

I'm intellectually curious. They do have differences, absolutely, but they're similar in some aspects, too.

Conservatives and other non-liberals... go away.

Since this is an open discussion forum, I will opine regardless of my political leaning.
Sanders is the most preferable of all, for he is the most sincere candidate out there. I do not agree with his entire platform. Guess what? No one candidate is perfect. But again, I do so love his sincerity and true compassion.
Yeah, totally agree with you there. I'm lucky that Texas has open primaries so I don't have to be a registered Democrat, but I do have to pick a side. We'll definitely win NH and if we can get an Iowa win, I have a feeling it's going to landslide towards Bernie. There simply is zero enthusiasm for Clinton. I have a feeling it'll be 2008 all over again.

I so hope you are right.
I'm not a liberal...but if I were, I'd vote for Hillary Clinton.

I just do not think Bernie Sanders, or anyone identifying as a socialist of any kind, can get elected in the United States at this time.

Or at least those where the words I would have typed if this question were put to me a month and a half ago.

I would still vote for Hillary Clinton...but the certainty of Bernie Sanders defeat if he is nominated is not with me any more. Some of the things I am hearing from people I would have sworn would not vote for him...indicates the electorate (at least in New Jersey) is waking up.

No matter which one gets the Democratic Party nomination, I will be voting for that person with a smile on my face...and certainly in my mind that I have done the right thing.
Bernie of Clinton.
I would never vote for corrupt political opportunists, regardless of what their platform/political affiliation is. They will change it to whatever suits their purpose at any given moment.
Of course I cannot vote so my opinion is kinda irrelevant.
I'm not a liberal...but if I were, I'd vote for Hillary Clinton.

I just do not think Bernie Sanders, or anyone identifying as a socialist of any kind, can get elected in the United States at this time.

Or at least those where the words I would have typed if this question were put to me a month and a half ago.

I would still vote for Hillary Clinton...but the certainty of Bernie Sanders defeat if he is nominated is not with me any more. Some of the things I am hearing from people I would have sworn would not vote for him...indicates the electorate (at least in New Jersey) is waking up.

No matter which one gets the Democratic Party nomination, I will be voting for that person with a smile on my face...and certainly in my mind that I have done the right thing.

I agree with the bolded completely. Assume Trump is the nominee for the GOP. I think he would dispatch Hillary the way he did his republican rivals. Trump v Sanders would be a fascinating race. Both have enthusiastic supporters and the Capitalism v Socialism argument that such a race would (should) inspire would be a good thing. Either way, thank God for both men--they saved us from a Bush v Clinton battle that no one in America wanted.

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