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Puerto Rican Statehood due to government shutdown! (1 Viewer)

Old English

Active member
Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Okay, fine, I'll explain: For the first time in the history of mankind, world peace, which, it turns out, is not just some author's fairy tale utopia, is in our sights! So, you see, while it might not be pretty, the point still remains that, due to what happened in congress, we must now have a national conversation about Puerto Rican statehood! And every second they delay talking about it, is just making my case stronger!; I have the ability to open up a greater forum on civil rights here, destroying the tea party in the process! That is the importance of this tiny island in the Caribbean Sea to the rest of the world; however, even if you don't believe me about world peace, then think about what is fair: is it fair that Puerto Ricans are affected by things like the Affordable Care Act and yet, due to their territorial status, they can't vote in presidential elections; think about all the small businesses they have in Old San Juan--I'm talking about goods and products that you can't find at Wallmart--Puerto Rico could, not only help restart our economy, but build a bridge into Latin America; and, guess what? According to a non-binding referendum of Puerto Ricans, 61% said they were in favor of Puerto Rican statehood. I have now made an effective case why Puerto Rican statehood deserves to be a national issue, so why won't they talk about it? These are the issues that matter right now!
Puerto Rico/Pooro is a disaster area.
They are completely Broke and can't sell their debt.
My invite to go for Countryhood/independence... we don't want a 51st state of Haiti II.

Puerto Rico is living an impoverished debt nightmare reminiscent of southern Europe or Detroit – Quartz


Puerto Rico’s poverty rate hit 44.9%, according to new data released today by the US Census Bureau—that’s nearly double the poverty rate in Mississippi, the most impoverished of the fifty states. It’s the latest in a string of bad economic news for the self-governing US territory.
Puerto Rico’s rap sheet isn’t so different from that of many troubled European countries. It’s been in a recession since 2006—longer even than Greece. And like many euro zone countries, it can’t inflate its way out of its problems because it uses the US dollar.
In June 2012, the Puerto Rican government had $67.7 billion in total debt outstanding, not including $30 billion in unfunded pension liabilities. That works out to more than $18,000 per capita, compared to about $11,000 for Massachusetts, the most indebted US state per capita.
Puerto Rico’s debt to GDP ratio comes out to 84% versus the US median of 3%,
according to Morgan Stanley. Although the territory’s unemployment rate has fallen from a high of 16.9% in 2010, it’s still high at 13.5% as of July.


Yields on Puerto Rican municipal bonds have doubled from a year ago, as investors have grown worried that the little US territory won’t be able to pay off its massive debt pile. And if you’re an American the drama could hit close to home; there’s a decent chance that your pension fund has some Puerto Rican bonds in its portfolio. Detroit’s July bankruptcy hasn’t helped—the city’s potentially huge losses for bondholders are making investors in the entire asset class jittery.
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Okay, fine, I'll explain: For the first time in the history of mankind, world peace, which, it turns out, is not just some author's fairy tale utopia, is in our sights! So, you see, while it might not be pretty, the point still remains that, due to what happened in congress, we must now have a national conversation about Puerto Rican statehood! And every second they delay talking about it, is just making my case stronger!; I have the ability to open up a greater forum on civil rights here, destroying the tea party in the process! That is the importance of this tiny island in the Caribbean Sea to the rest of the world; however, even if you don't believe me about world peace, then think about what is fair: is it fair that Puerto Ricans are affected by things like the Affordable Care Act and yet, due to their territorial status, they can't vote in presidential elections; think about all the small businesses they have in Old San Juan--I'm talking about goods and products that you can't find at Wallmart--Puerto Rico could, not only help restart our economy, but build a bridge into Latin America; and, guess what? According to a non-binding referendum of Puerto Ricans, 61% said they were in favor of Puerto Rican statehood. I have now made an effective case why Puerto Rican statehood deserves to be a national issue, so why won't they talk about it? These are the issues that matter right now!

Puerto Rico isn't a state it's a commonwealth...

It should be ratified as a state....
It is a colony.

No, the Dutch East Indies were a colony, Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth with the ability to pursue statehood or independence as it so chooses. Their citizenship is on par with any American.
No, the Dutch East Indies were a colony, Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth with the ability to pursue statehood or independence as it so chooses. Their citizenship is on par with any American.

It is a colony as long as the ultimate political power on everything comes out of Washington. There are different types of colonies. Greenland is a colony in the Kingdom of Denmark for example, they are self governing but ultimately any decision can be overwritten by Copenhagen if they so choose so. Same goes for places like Gibraltar, American Samoa and so on and so on.

As long as it is not a full member of the nation concerned with the exact same rights as everyone else, then it is a colony. Call it a commonwealth but that is just window dressing for the truth that your own SC has cemented.. Puerto Rico is a colony and the ultimate political power is with the US congress.
It is a colony as long as the ultimate political power on everything comes out of Washington. There are different types of colonies. Greenland is a colony in the Kingdom of Denmark for example, they are self governing but ultimately any decision can be overwritten by Copenhagen if they so choose so. Same goes for places like Gibraltar, American Samoa and so on and so on.

As long as it is not a full member of the nation concerned with the exact same rights as everyone else, then it is a colony. Call it a commonwealth but that is just window dressing for the truth that your own SC has cemented.. Puerto Rico is a colony and the ultimate political power is with the US congress.

The ultimate political power rests with the people of Puerto Rico who can change their status when they wish. Gibraltar doesn't have that much power as their only alternative is to become Spanish.

By your own definition, California is a colony because ultimate political power is in Washington.
The ultimate political power rests with the people of Puerto Rico who can change their status when they wish.

No they cant. It will need approval of the US congress.. your SC has stated so.

By your own definition, California is a colony because ultimate political power is in Washington.

Yes and no. California is at worst a province of the United States, but even a province is mostly independent of central control and their political elected representatives cant be replaced or approved by a central control. The US congress can replace the Governor of Puerto Rico at any time they wish since they are the ones that approve him despite him being technically democratically elected.. the fact is he is not officially elected unless the US Congress approves of him. They can also replace the whole legislative congress if they wish too.. as they have to approve them.
For the first time in the history of mankind, world peace, which, it turns out, is not just some author's fairy tale utopia, is in our sights!
No. World peace is a pipe dream.

And every second they delay talking about it, is just making my case stronger!
No. It really isn't.

I have the ability to open up a greater forum on civil rights here, destroying the tea party in the process!
Is that what you think?
Let me clue you in to something. While you may believe you have an ability to do something, there is not much interest in the first part, and there is no way you can do what you say in the second part.

, not only help restart our economy, but build a bridge into Latin America
One we don't need such a bridge, and two, we don't need to restart our economy, nor would accepting PR as a State help it.

and, guess what? According to a non-binding referendum of Puerto Ricans, 61% said they were in favor of Puerto Rican statehood.
Who cares?

I have now made an effective case why Puerto Rican statehood deserves to be a national issue, so why won't they talk about it?
No, you have made no effective case.
They don't talk about it, as it isn't a concern at this time. Or in other words, there is nothing "deserving" to be talked about.

These are the issues that matter right now!
No they don't matter "right now".
We have far more concerning issues than PR statehood.
World peace is not as far off as you think, following President's Obama call to Iran and also the progress we are making on Syria. So, you see, by having a conversation about Puerto Rican statehood we are sending a message to the rest of the world that America is not doing it for the money, that we have the ability to transcend all these petty differences and stand together as one country, that we have the ability, right now, to do something legendary by bringing democracy back to the people like us! We have the ability, by forcing a national conversation on Puerto Rican Statehood--or independence--to set a precedent that, we the people, have the most power in this system, not rich tea party members and their complaisant republican allies! Think about it...
There is no time to argue with the republicans about the affordable care act--that is exactly what they want! No, and again no! We must move forward now! You see, even if the affordable care act is wrong, which we know it isn't--Now, thanks to the affordable care act, since kids can stay on their parents health plan until 26, a family can afford to send not just one of their kids to college but all of them; folks, wake up, this is what real change looks like; after all we live on planet earth--using the US debt to fight Obamacare is definitely wrong! So let's move forward and send a message to the rest of the world, at a crucial moment while everyone is watching us, by forcing a national conversation about Puerto Rican statehood!

Due to how our representatives act, this issue has the ability to also send a message to Washington that no longer can our representatives play this game! We have the ability to have a consummate democracy while still keeping true to the value of our forefathers! Wake up, this is right now!

Contrary to popular belief, the Affordable care act is good for small business too, which Puerto Rico has plenty of; you see, Puerto Rico might not be perfect right now, but that's because of its territorial status; with a little investment it can help restart our economy! After all, this system is all built on the prostitution of land, right? right?
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World peace is not as far off as you think, following President's Obama call to Iran and also the progress we are making on Syria.
So, you see, by having a conversation about Puerto Rican statehood we are sending a message to the rest of the world that America is not doing it for the money, that we have the ability to transcend all these petty differences and stand together as one country, that we have the ability, right now, to do something legendary by bringing democracy back to the people like us! We have the ability, by forcing a national conversation on Puerto Rican Statehood--or independence--to set a precedent that, we the people, have the most power in this system, not rich tea party members and their complaisant republican allies! Think about it...

I doubt that anyone alive today will ever see world peace.

It's a long way off and I see no real signs that it's getting any closer.
I doubt that anyone alive today will ever see world peace.

It's a long way off and I see no real signs that it's getting any closer.

Minus the fact that, instead of bombing Syria, following Assad's use of chemical weapons, Obama instead used the UN to broker a deal to destroy their stockpile of chemical weapons; minus the fact that economic sanctions are proving their efficacy through the first talks between America and Iran in decades!
But wake up! The Cold War isn't over just yet: as long as there are governments like North Korea, who are still fighting the cold war, or post soviet regimes like Assad who is just like Saddam Hussein, there is still work to do; however, I tend to believe that the people of North Korea are not stupid, and it's only a matter of time until they too wake up--I know they would rather live in a free society than a society where there is forced militarism: AND THAT IS WHY FORCING A NATIONAL CONVERSATION ABOUT PUERTO RICAN STATEHOOD IS SO IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW: IT HAS THE ABILITY TO SEND A MESSAGE TO THE REST OF THE WORLD THAT THE PEOPLE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE; THAT THE PEOPLE DESERVE A VOICE!
Forcing a government shutdown is not a good looking accomplishment for the history books, puerto rican statehood is! We can usher in a new era called world peace if we stand together!
World peace is not as far off as you think, following President's Obama call to Iran and also the progress we are making on Syria. So, you see, by having a conversation about Puerto Rican statehood we are sending a message to the rest of the world that America is not doing it for the money, that we have the ability to transcend all these petty differences and stand together as one country, that we have the ability, right now, to do something legendary by bringing democracy back to the people like us! We have the ability, by forcing a national conversation on Puerto Rican Statehood--or independence--to set a precedent that, we the people, have the most power in this system, not rich tea party members and their complaisant republican allies! Think about it...

Oh yes the famous call that made the world a better place.

There are blind people everywhere.
How could there be world peace if a lot of the world does not want peace?
Forcing a government shutdown is not a good looking accomplishment for the history books, puerto rican statehood is! We can usher in a new era called world peace if we stand together!

No, it would only be a "good looking accomplishment" if the people of Puerto Rico overwhelmingly voted to become a state. That could have happenned any time before, but the people of PR seem unwilling as yet. No conversation needed until they start it. The rest of your descriptions and assumptions are just silly and betray a lack of education of process and American politics.
Can't tell if this thread is about Puerto Rico or world peace.

As for Puerto Rico, we should get rid of responsibility for it. It is much more aligned with 3rd world South American thinking than the United States. It's like Tijuana, don't get off the main streets. It is filled with Democrats.
World peace is not as far off as you think, following President's Obama call to Iran and also the progress we are making on Syria. So, you see, by having a conversation about Puerto Rican statehood we are sending a message to the rest of the world that America is not doing it for the money, that we have the ability to transcend all these petty differences and stand together as one country, that we have the ability, right now, to do something legendary by bringing democracy back to the people like us! We have the ability, by forcing a national conversation on Puerto Rican Statehood--or independence--to set a precedent that, we the people, have the most power in this system, not rich tea party members and their complaisant republican allies! Think about it...
Apparently you are living in a pipe dream that certainly is biased with false information.
No, it would only be a "good looking accomplishment" if the people of Puerto Rico overwhelmingly voted to become a state. That could have happenned any time before, but the people of PR seem unwilling as yet. No conversation needed until they start it. The rest of your descriptions and assumptions are just silly and betray a lack of education of process and American politics.

Just wanted to let you know that, not only am I Puerto Rican, according to a non-binding state referendum by the Puerto Rican government 61% of Puerto Ricans approved of statehood!; not that any of that matters though because Puerto Ricans don't even have a voice to begin with!
I know quite a few Puerto Ricans. They have no decided view on statehood. Votes have been inconclusive whenever they have been held.
Can't tell if this thread is about Puerto Rico or world peace.

As for Puerto Rico, we should get rid of responsibility for it. It is much more aligned with 3rd world South American thinking than the United States. It's like Tijuana, don't get off the main streets. It is filled with Democrats.

That is racist; try saying that on the national stage and you will get eaten alive by the public; however, Puerto Rico is not a 3rd world country; take a look at Old San Juan, look at all the amazing small businesses they have there; let me tell you something, cruise boats filled with tourists stop at old San Juan where they go to buy goods and products that you can't find at Wallmart. What about the El Conquistador resort--go look that up on the internet right now!
Puerto Rico is like a Los Angeles surrounded by water.

One L.A. is already too much for a country to handle.

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