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President Trump proposes launching state-run media network (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 4, 2013
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[h=1]President Trump proposes launching state-run media network[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Unhappy with media coverage of his administration, President Trump said Monday that he has grand ideas to rule his own network.
“While CNN doesn’t do great in the United States based on ratings, outside of the U.S. they have very little competition. Throughout the world, CNN has a powerful voice portraying the United States in an unfair and false way,” he tweeted.
“Something has to be done, including the possibility of the United States starting our own Worldwide Network to show the World the way we really are, GREAT!”[/FONT]
if there was an remaining doubt that this guy is an autocrat with totalitarian ambitions, this should put a rest to those doubts.

I am looking forward to conservatives here, with their free market ideology, twisting themselves into pretzels defending the government getting into the news business to compete against private news services.
[h=1]President Trump proposes launching state-run media network[/h]
if there was an remaining doubt that this guy is an autocrat with totalitarian ambitions, this should put a rest to those doubts.

I am looking forward to conservatives here, with their free market ideology, twisting themselves into pretzels defending the government getting into the news business to compete against private news services.

I got the impression that it was going to be Trump's own network, kinda like CNN used to be Ted Turners network. Is that a problem for you?
I got the impression that it was going to be Trump's own network, kinda like CNN used to be Ted Turners network. Is that a problem for you?
"His own" means that Trump would own it. That would contradict the article which said "state owned," which means it would be run by the government. Based upon the Tweet, which criticized CNN, who Trump repeatedly claims has news that is anti-Trump, the "official" news would be pro-Trump -- all the time.

In essence, Trump is proposing Soviet style Pravda for America.
"His own" means that Trump would own it. That would contradict the article which said "state owned," which means it would be run by the government. Based upon the Tweet, which criticized CNN, who Trump repeatedly claims has news that is anti-Trump, the "official" news would be pro-Trump -- all the time.

In essence, Trump is proposing Soviet style Pravda for America.

Sounds like BS to me. Check back with me in two years and see if it actually happened the way you say.
Maybe they could call it 'Voice of America'.
[h=1]President Trump proposes launching state-run media network[/h]
if there was an remaining doubt that this guy is an autocrat with totalitarian ambitions, this should put a rest to those doubts.

I am looking forward to conservatives here, with their free market ideology, twisting themselves into pretzels defending the government getting into the news business to compete against private news services.

I think this is another Trump Troll. A successful one, it seems.
I don't see the problem. Fascist, communist, and other autocratic governments have done great work through state-owned media outlets.

And given that we have American conservatives right here on this site demonstrating their clear disdain for democracy, this would be a wonderful step to making Making America Great Again.

- Declaring that they should do whatever it takes to defeat "the left?"
- Blasting the free press as "fake news" and calling it the "enemy of the people" if it criticizes the Trump Administration or merely repeats Trump's own moronic declarations?

And what does "whatever it takes" involve? Is it the Supreme Court having to reject obnoxious and gross election rigging to deny blacks representation and voting capabilities? Is it a GOP-led Senate passing underhanded laws to steal Democratic governor's of their executive powers? Is it court-packing by denying to consider a seated President's nominee for the Supreme Court for an entire year, a first in American history?

News flash people: A democracy that seeks to ensure that only one political party ever wins, locking the media down into something soothing for the Trump fans, and court-packing to ensure political power is not a democracy. But what do political scientists, historians, and people with functioning brains call a one-party government with state-run institutions and media as well as a judiciary that answers to a Party? Yeah, let's all fear "the left" with their swastika and confederate flags, their bombs to politicians, and synagogue massacres.
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I think this is another Trump Troll. A successful one, it seems.

You missing it.
You don't understand Trump.

This is an obvious "want" of Trump.

He wants his reality accepted by everyone and even Fox, occasionally, points out what a lying, immoral, self serving monster he is.

This would be a 2018 Pravda, funded by you and I, to advance TRUMP personally under the disguise of "state run."

Anyone that does not realize that this is exactly what Trump wants.... frankly, has no clue about this vile orange man.
You missing it.
You don't understand Trump.

This is an obvious "want" of Trump.

He wants his reality accepted by everyone and even Fox, occasionally, points out what a lying, immoral, self serving monster he is.

This would be a 2018 Pravda, funded by you and I, to advance TRUMP personally under the disguise of "state run."

Anyone that does not realize that this is exactly what Trump wants.... frankly, has no clue about this vile orange man.

Wait when has Fox ever done that
I got the impression that it was going to be Trump's own network, kinda like CNN used to be Ted Turners network. Is that a problem for you?

Then it would not be a state run news outlet...it would a Trump run outlet.

Trump can have as many news outlets as he wishes.
I don't see the problem. Fascist, communist, and other autocratic governments have done great work through state-owned media outlets.

And given that we have American conservatives right here on this site demonstrating their clear disdain for democracy, this would be a wonderful step to making Making America Great Again.

- Declaring that they should do whatever it takes to defeat "the left?"
- Blasting the free press as "fake news" and calling it the "enemy of the people" if it criticizes the Trump Administration or merely repeats Trump's own moronic declarations?

And what does "whatever it takes" involve? Is it the Supreme Court having to reject obnoxious and gross election rigging to deny blacks representation and voting capabilities? Is it a GOP-led Senate passing underhanded laws to steal Democratic governor's of their executive powers? Is it court-packing by denying to consider a seated President's nominee for the Supreme Court for an entire year, a first in American history?

News flash people: A democracy that seeks to ensure that only one political party ever wins, locking the media down into something soothing for the Trump fans, and court-packing to ensure political power is not a democracy. But what do political scientists, historians, and people with functioning brains call a one-party government with state-run institutions and media as well as a judiciary that answers to a Party? Yeah, let's all fear "the left" with their swastika and confederate flags, their bombs to politicians, and synagogue massacres.

Are you Ojeda? LoL
You missing it.
You don't understand Trump.

This is an obvious "want" of Trump.

He wants his reality accepted by everyone and even Fox, occasionally, points out what a lying, immoral, self serving monster he is.

This would be a 2018 Pravda, funded by you and I, to advance TRUMP personally under the disguise of "state run."

Anyone that does not realize that this is exactly what Trump wants.... frankly, has no clue about this vile orange man.

You mean Mycrfot? Gee thanks Captain Obvious!:lamo
You missing it.
You don't understand Trump.

This is an obvious "want" of Trump.

He wants his reality accepted by everyone and even Fox, occasionally, points out what a lying, immoral, self serving monster he is.

This would be a 2018 Pravda, funded by you and I, to advance TRUMP personally under the disguise of "state run."

Anyone that does not realize that this is exactly what Trump wants.... frankly, has no clue about this vile orange man.

An obvious "want". LOL!!


Trump has your number.
it's not radical or loyal ENOUGH for Trump.

He wants to write the stories, pick the hosts, dictate the editorials.

He'll probably just hire Hannity to run his network. so it works out the same.

Funny thing about this is during the general election many people in the media, including Fox thought that if Trump lost the GE he would start his own network, they thought he was pretty much using the GE and his attacks on the media to advertise for starting his own network. Well he won, and Fox became his own personal state media network so that talk died down. But once he leaves office, Fox will abandon him so I can see Trump starting his own network.
I think this is another Trump Troll. A successful one, it seems.

These are "official" white house business with his "tweets", so I'm glad you think it is amusing that the president does this regardless whether he is trolling or not. It only shows how low trump supporters really are and why it's profoundly important to get adults back in the white house in 2020.
[h=1]President Trump proposes launching state-run media network[/h]
if there was an remaining doubt that this guy is an autocrat with totalitarian ambitions, this should put a rest to those doubts.

I am looking forward to conservatives here, with their free market ideology, twisting themselves into pretzels defending the government getting into the news business to compete against private news services.

If there ever was any doubt about you being 24/7 anti Trump and ignoring official data you continue to show your partisanship in every post. Free market is something you don't understand as you want big govt. saving you from many of the poor choices you have made. Free market still promotes freedom of the Press to report the news not make it up or ignore it. The official federal data isn't being reported and you continue to buy the negative media spin over and over again along with the indoctrinated minions
If there ever was any doubt about you being 24/7 anti Trump and ignoring official data you continue to show your partisanship in every post. Free market is something you don't understand as you want big govt. saving you from many of the poor choices you have made. Free market still promotes freedom of the Press to report the news not make it up or ignore it. The official federal data isn't being reported and you continue to buy the negative media spin over and over again along with the indoctrinated minions

What "official" federal data is NOT being reported? Be specific with examples.
These are "official" white house business with his "tweets", so I'm glad you think it is amusing that the president does this regardless whether he is trolling or not. It only shows how low trump supporters really are and why it's profoundly important to get adults back in the white house in 2020.

I didn't really say anything to indicate that I'm amused...but yeah...I am. One would think that y'all would have learned by now, but you haven't.

It makes me think, maybe, you really enjoy being trolled by Trump.
I didn't really say anything to indicate that I'm amused...but yeah...I am. One would think that y'all would have learned by now, but you haven't.

It makes me think, maybe, you really enjoy being trolled by Trump.

It makes me think you enjoy having a toddler as president like Trump is acting. When did cons stop being adults and professional at least? This isn't Hannity, it's the president acting like a goddamn child.

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