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President Obama sent 'secret letter' to leader of Iran (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 13, 2011
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US President Barack Obama is said to have written a secret letter to Iran's supreme leader describing a shared interest in fighting Islamic State.The letter, reported by the Wall Street Journal, urges Ayatollah Ali Khamenei toward a nuclear agreement.
The US chief stresses any co-operation on fighting IS is contingent on Iran reaching such an agreement by a 24 November diplomatic deadline.
The White House has declined to comment on Mr Obama's "private correspondence".
The letter, sent last month, is at least the fourth time Mr Obama has written to the Iranian leader since taking office in 2009 and underscores his view that Iran is important in an emerging campaign against IS.
Officials with the Obama administration have, in recent days, placed the chances for a deal on Iran's nuclear programme at only 50-50, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Read more @: President Obama sent 'secret letter' to leader of Iran

No news on what exactly the letter stated. But more news coming in that the Obama administration has opened some other channel of communications as well. Would be interesting to see what the letter said. But anyways, I have no problem with this. I think the US and Iran should communicate more.
"Secret letter." There's interesting terminology.

Like a message from one head of state to another is supposed to always be public?
Communication is good.
"Secret letter." There's interesting terminology.

Like a message from one head of state to another is supposed to always be public?

When one is an enemy of the US.....and that one sponsors terrorism, has delayed negotiations for time. So they can hardened their facility from Air Strikes. Then yeah most communications from one head of state to another needs to be monitored.

Report: Obama secretly wrote to Iranian supreme leader Khamenei last month about fighting ISIS, nuclear deal.....

As a special bonus, if you believe the WSJ, our allies weren’t told that O was reaching out to their mortal Shiite enemy behind their backs. Imagine the reaction in the Saudi, Jordanian, Turkish — and Israeli — embassies today, knowing that stopping Iran’s nuclear program with an air attack is now impossible. Thanks to the White House, of course.

The letter appeared aimed both at buttressing the Islamic State campaign and nudging Iran’s religious leader closer to a nuclear deal. Mr. Obama stressed to Mr. Khamenei that any cooperation on Islamic State was largely contingent on Iran reaching a comprehensive agreement with global powers on the future of Tehran’s nuclear program by a Nov. 24 diplomatic deadline, the same people say. The October letter marked at least the fourth time Mr. Obama has written Iran’s most powerful political and religious leader since taking office in 2009 and pledging to engage with Tehran’s Islamist government. The Obama administration launched secret talks with Iran in the Omani capital of Muscat in mid-2012, but didn’t notify Washington’s Mideast allies about this covert diplomatic channel until late 2013.

The timing makes sense. Not only is the November 24th deadline for a nuclear deal bearing down, but by the time O wrote Khamenei last month, a GOP Senate takeover was already looking likely......snip~

Report: Obama secretly wrote to Iranian supreme leader Khamenei last month about fighting ISIS, nuclear deal « Hot Air
And we have a winner... DING DING DING!!!!

The next scandal in the Obama Administration. I want to know how this got out and... more importantly what the terms of "cooperation on the Islamic State" are. As well as what exactly this has to do with Iran and it's Nuclear Program?? How are the two even remotely connected in anyway? Unless...Iran is funding the Islamic State. But that's just conjecture on my part. Otherwise it looks like agenda-driven political nonsense from the leader of this nation. We've come a long way from let's never negotiate with terrorists. Also, why does this not seem to be within the best interests of the United States?? Hmmmm
Why is Obama so keen to reach a compromise with a guy responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans who sponsors terror on a global scale, but not with Republicans? Who does he think are his enemies?
If it was a secret one of two things are certain: Obama is negotiating an illegal agreement and/or he's putting the screws to The United States.
Why is Obama so keen to reach a compromise with a guy responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans who sponsors terror on a global scale, but not with Republicans? Who does he think are his enemies?

That's a rhetorical question, right? ;)
Read more @: President Obama sent 'secret letter' to leader of Iran

No news on what exactly the letter stated. But more news coming in that the Obama administration has opened some other channel of communications as well. Would be interesting to see what the letter said. But anyways, I have no problem with this. I think the US and Iran should communicate more. [/FONT][/COLOR]

Nice... three birds one stone.

1) Making an ally out of Iran
2) Getting a nuke agreement
3) BIG regional partner against IS​

Hope like hell it works. Making an ally out of Iran might strain our relationship with Saudi Arabia and a little with Israel... but honestly, I'd much rather have Iran as an ally than the Saudi's. Every time we turn around those that actually cause us problems from that region almost always seem to emanate out of or have ties to the Saudi's.
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Why is Obama so keen to reach a compromise with a guy responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans who sponsors terror on a global scale, but not with Republicans? Who does he think are his enemies?

Nice... three birds one stone.

1) Making an ally out of Iran
2) Getting a nuke agreement
3) BIG regional partner against IS​

Hope like hell it works. Making an ally out of Iran might strain our relationship with Saudi Arabia and a little with Israel... but honestly, I'd much rather have Iran as an ally than the Saudi's. Every time we turn around those that actually cause us problems from that region almost always seem to emanate out of or have ties to the Saudi's.

1. Iran perceives us as an enemy because they want regional hegemony, meaning that their strategic goals are incompatible with ours. Also, we tempt their young people with blue jeans and democracy, which makes us Satan.
2. A "nuclear deal" where "Iran get's to keep their nukes and we get to deal with it" isn't a "deal", it is a "surrender".
3. Iran is already dedicating their available resources against IS. It's not like sending them a letter is suddenly going to create a division of reserve Qods Force guys for them.

If we give Iran the nuclear greenlight, Saudi Arabia has basically already said that they will immediately begin their own program. Given your last paragraph, you might enjoy spending some time ruminating on the implications of that.
Why is Obama so keen to reach a compromise with a guy responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans who sponsors terror on a global scale, but not with Republicans? Who does he think are his enemies?

Obama thinks I'm the enemy. :lamo
Megyn Kelly's file just got through answering questions about this secret letter.

Dems are too stupid to watch FOX so they can learn how to beat the real GOP.
The GOP that just defeated them--FOX.

GOOD Dems like me who are more mod/con have no problem with this .
1. Iran perceives us as an enemy because they want regional hegemony, meaning that their strategic goals are incompatible with ours. Also, we tempt their young people with blue jeans and democracy, which makes us Satan.
2. A "nuclear deal" where "Iran get's to keep their nukes and we get to deal with it" isn't a "deal", it is a "surrender".
3. Iran is already dedicating their available resources against IS. It's not like sending them a letter is suddenly going to create a division of reserve Qods Force guys for them.

If we give Iran the nuclear greenlight, Saudi Arabia has basically already said that they will immediately begin their own program. Given your last paragraph, you might enjoy spending some time ruminating on the implications of that.

Iran's populace is by far the most westernized of the all those ME Muslim countries. Iran does not desire to make a caliphate which works well for us. Iran does not want a caliphate made which works well for us. Iran's mullahs get further and further up on the ropes by their own people every year. Iran is not the scary beast you guys are making them out to be. Saudi Arabia is.
Iran's populace is by far the most westernized of the all those ME Muslim countries. Iran does not desire to make a caliphate which works well for us. Iran does not want a caliphate made which works well for us. Iran's mullahs get further and further up on the ropes by their own people every year. Iran is not the scary beast you guys are making them out to be. Saudi Arabia is.

Saudi doesn't fund Hamas and Hezbollah. Iran does.

A secret treaty with Iran would not only be invalid, but illegal; possibly even treason.
Saudi doesn't fund Hamas and Hezbollah. Iran does.

Iran doesn't have it's people funding and flying planes into our buildings.
Megyn Kelly's file just got through answering questions about this secret letter.

Dems are too stupid to watch FOX so they can learn how to beat the real GOP.
The GOP that just defeated them--FOX.

GOOD Dems like me who are more mod/con have no problem with this .

Megyn is married with kids.
Iran doesn't have it's people funding and flying planes into our buildings.

Do you have proof of that? There is verifiable proof Iran funds Hamas and Hezbollah.
Μολὼν λαβέ;1063952749 said:
Do you have proof of that? There is verifiable proof Iran funds Hamas and Hezbollah.

Did Hamas and Hezbollah fly planes into our buildings? Last time I checked Iran condemned the attack and even had a national moment of silence...
Are you prepared to have a serious discussion with me or just give me lame 5-word sentences like this?

Megyn is married with kids.

Did you catch the Kelly interview with Sen. Sessions on immigration that is going viral?

I currently have Senators Blumenthal and Murphy discussing ACA on the Last word.
Lawrence O'Donnell is very good.
Two of my favorite DEM Senators Heitkamp and Manchin, along with King, are not committing to Reid as Minority Leader--neither am I .
Are you prepared to have a serious discussion with me or just give me lame 5-word sentences like this?

Did you catch the Kelly interview with Sen. Sessions on immigration that is going viral?

I currently have Senators Blumenthal and Murphy discussing ACA on the Last word.
Lawrence O'Donnell is very good.
Two of my favorite DEM Senators Heitkamp and Manchin, along with King, are not committing to Reid as Minority Leader--neither am I .

Keep me informed, I missed Kelly this evening. I'm busy refighting the Civil War right now.
If I need reinforcements can I count on you Nimby ?
Nice... three birds one stone.

1) Making an ally out of Iran
2) Getting a nuke agreement
3) BIG regional partner against IS​

Hope like hell it works. Making an ally out of Iran might strain our relationship with Saudi Arabia and a little with Israel... but honestly, I'd much rather have Iran as an ally than the Saudi's. Every time we turn around those that actually cause us problems from that region almost always seem to emanate out of or have ties to the Saudi's.

BO's strategy for ISIS has failed.....moreover we are not making an ally out of Iran. CPW already pointed out one very good reason we can't be. Iran is a State Sponsor of Terrorism.

If other Leaders overseas don't believe it a good nuke deal.....why would the Left here think it is?

Big Regional Power against IS.....yet at the same time they are arming the Shia. Who have been assassinating, kidnapping, and killing Sunni Arabs.

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