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Practice saying "President Clinton." (1 Viewer)


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Jun 20, 2008
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Donald Trump isn’t running a bad campaign. He’s not really running a campaign at all.
It's become commonplace in political circles to bash Donald Trump for running a bad general-election campaign since he secured the GOP nomination seven weeks ago today. But that misses the point. Donald Trump is not running a bad campaign. He is barely running any sort of campaign at all — at least not by any definition that any political person would recognize.

Take Trump's fundraising. He collected $3.1 million in the month of May and ended the month with $1.3 million in the bank. Trump's campaign released a statement Tuesday insisting that "the campaign’s fundraising has been incredible and we continue to see a tremendous outpouring of support for Mr. Trump and money to the Republican Party," but little evidence is available to suggest that's accurate.
Put aside those senior positions, and things look even worse. As of the end of May, Trump had 69 people on staff. Hillary Clinton had 683 people on staff.

The article is overwhelming in the difference it illustrates between Clinton and Trump's campaign. While Trump has been having a jolly time getting free press for saying ridiculous, amoral, and extraordinarily inconsistent things, that will not transform into a general election win. Meanwhile, Clinton's campaign machine was thoroughly constructed, up and running since the beginning of her primary campaign. You'd almost think she's done this before.

Consider the differences in ad spending in critical swing states:


I first became aware of the claim some weeks ago that Trump wasn't actually running a campaign, but I think this article most clearly delivers the numbers that supports this theory. It's also why I am tempted to risk making a fool of myself and join the voices who say that Donald is deliberately running a failed campaign to deliver the White House to Hillary. But what do you think? After reading the article and taking in the stark contrast with Clinton's strategy, do the numbers support a picture of a campaign intended to win?
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Donald Trump isn’t running a bad campaign. He’s not really running a campaign at all.

Donald Trump simply isn't running the typical campaign. He's not going to bring in a bunch of money and buy expensive ads. He's using social media, he's playing the media to spread his message etc. and even though I loath the mans message, up until this very bad two weeks he's had, it worked very well for him. He was getting his supporters fired up without spending much money at all. If campaign spending meant anything then Jeb would be the nominee.

I think Trump will win or lose based on how he behaves and evolves as the election goes on, and I think he has a yuuge hill to climb. But I doubt his lack of funds will be the deciding factor. I'd say that a lack of contributions hurts the republicans down ticket, if it extends to the RNC, far more so than Trump.
Donald Trump isn’t running a bad campaign. He’s not really running a campaign at all.

The article is overwhelming in the difference it illustrates between Clinton and Trump's campaign. While Trump has been having a jolly time getting free press for saying ridiculous, amoral, and extraordinarily inconsistent things, that will not transform into a general election win. Meanwhile, Clinton's campaign machine was thoroughly constructed, up and running since the beginning of her primary campaign. You'd almost think she's done this before.

Consider the differences in ad spending in critical swing states:

View attachment 67203086

I first became aware of the claim some weeks ago that Trump wasn't actually running a campaign, but I think this article most clearly delivers the numbers that supports this theory. It's also why I am tempted to risk making a fool of myself and join the voices who say that Donald is deliberately running a failed campaign to deliver the White House to Hillary. But what do you think? After reading the article and taking in the stark contrast with Clinton's strategy, do the numbers support a picture of a campaign intended to win?

Find a source not behind a paywall would ya?
Donald Trump isn’t running a bad campaign. He’s not really running a campaign at all.

The article is overwhelming in the difference it illustrates between Clinton and Trump's campaign. While Trump has been having a jolly time getting free press for saying ridiculous, amoral, and extraordinarily inconsistent things, that will not transform into a general election win. Meanwhile, Clinton's campaign machine was thoroughly constructed, up and running since the beginning of her primary campaign. You'd almost think she's done this before.

Consider the differences in ad spending in critical swing states:

View attachment 67203086

I first became aware of the claim some weeks ago that Trump wasn't actually running a campaign, but I think this article most clearly delivers the numbers that supports this theory. It's also why I am tempted to risk making a fool of myself and join the voices who say that Donald is deliberately running a failed campaign to deliver the White House to Hillary. But what do you think? After reading the article and taking in the stark contrast with Clinton's strategy, do the numbers support a picture of a campaign intended to win?

I am surprised libs were not singing "We are the champions" by Queen the second Trump became the republican nominee considering how horrible Trump is.
Donald Trump isn’t running a bad campaign. He’s not really running a campaign at all.

The article is overwhelming in the difference it illustrates between Clinton and Trump's campaign. While Trump has been having a jolly time getting free press for saying ridiculous, amoral, and extraordinarily inconsistent things, that will not transform into a general election win. Meanwhile, Clinton's campaign machine was thoroughly constructed, up and running since the beginning of her primary campaign. You'd almost think she's done this before.

Consider the differences in ad spending in critical swing states:

View attachment 67203086

I first became aware of the claim some weeks ago that Trump wasn't actually running a campaign, but I think this article most clearly delivers the numbers that supports this theory. It's also why I am tempted to risk making a fool of myself and join the voices who say that Donald is deliberately running a failed campaign to deliver the White House to Hillary. But what do you think? After reading the article and taking in the stark contrast with Clinton's strategy, do the numbers support a picture of a campaign intended to win?

Trump never deliberately fails

He doesn't need to put that much effort into failing.
Find a source not behind a paywall would ya?

I'm not getting a pay wall, and I have no subscription to the Washington Post.
Donald Trump simply isn't running the typical campaign. He's not going to bring in a bunch of money and buy expensive ads. He's using social media, he's playing the media to spread his message etc. and even though I loath the mans message, up until this very bad two weeks he's had, it worked very well for him. He was getting his supporters fired up without spending much money at all. If campaign spending meant anything then Jeb would be the nominee.

I think Trump will win or lose based on how he behaves and evolves as the election goes on, and I think he has a yuuge hill to climb. But I doubt his lack of funds will be the deciding factor. I'd say that a lack of contributions hurts the republicans down ticket, if it extends to the RNC, far more so than Trump.

Trump is in for a rude awakening. The press gleefully gave him all the airtime he wanted. Allowed him to say crazy stuff and did not call him on it. Good for both rating and at the same time tilted the primary to someone Hillary may actually be able to beat.

Now that he is firmly in control of the nomination, the same press is going to kill him over the same words they fawned over a couple of months ago.
Donald Trump simply isn't running the typical campaign. He's not going to bring in a bunch of money and buy expensive ads. He's using social media, he's playing the media to spread his message etc. and even though I loath the mans message, up until this very bad two weeks he's had, it worked very well for him. He was getting his supporters fired up without spending much money at all. If campaign spending meant anything then Jeb would be the nominee.

I think Trump will win or lose based on how he behaves and evolves as the election goes on, and I think he has a yuuge hill to climb. But I doubt his lack of funds will be the deciding factor. I'd say that a lack of contributions hurts the republicans down ticket, if it extends to the RNC, far more so than Trump.

The social media strategy worked well with a very specific subset of the Republican party (the incredibly stupid and bigoted subset), but I don't see that strategy working beyond that faction. I'm not seeing a promulgation of his message but rather the unification of everybody else against him. If his strategy was successful then the GOP wouldn't be looking to change the rules in order to oust him as the primary nominee.
The article is overwhelming in the difference it illustrates between Clinton and Trump's campaign. While Trump has been having a jolly time getting free press for saying ridiculous, amoral, and extraordinarily inconsistent things, that will not transform into a general election win. Meanwhile, Clinton's campaign machine was thoroughly constructed, up and running since the beginning of her primary campaign. You'd almost think she's done this before.

Trump had a moment where he could have taken the presidency, but I think that moment has passed. There will be ups and downs in the election, but I think it's overwhelmingly clear that Trump is physically incapable of shutting up and toning down his racist, xenophobic, misogynist, and reactionary language. That will terminate his presidential bid for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that he needs to the tune of a billion to have the presidency, but he's only got a few million. At this point, even the RNC won't back him (in the form of donations) over what he's said (and it's clear they can't control him), which is something Republicans cannot function without. Secondly, he made it through the Republican primaries with some pretty abhorrent things to say, but the people voting for him also felt similar abhorrent things. The general electorate is what he has to deal with now, and he only had the end of May where things were looking up --then he started digging his own grave. And I don't think he can dig himself out now. I think that Trump, like the Republican party, is locked into a path of self-implosion. It's still possible he can dig himself out, and this election is pretty wild, but if Trump could shut himself up, I'm not sure why he's not shutting himself up, toning down, and shifting towards more "central" positions.
He's down a max of 7 or 8 point nationally. Give the GOP voters a chance to see the error of their ways and realize what Clinton would be like as POTUS and BOOM, Trump surges on election day.
Trump had a moment where he could have taken the presidency, but I think that moment has passed. There will be ups and downs in the election, but I think it's overwhelmingly clear that Trump is physically incapable of shutting up and toning down his racist, xenophobic, misogynist, and reactionary language. That will terminate his presidential bid for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that he needs to the tune of a billion to have the presidency, but he's only got a few million. At this point, even the RNC won't back him (in the form of donations) over what he's said (and it's clear they can't control him), which is something Republicans cannot function without. Secondly, he made it through the Republican primaries with some pretty abhorrent things to say, but the people voting for him also felt similar abhorrent things. The general electorate is what he has to deal with now, and he only had the end of May where things were looking up --then he started digging his own grave. And I don't think he can dig himself out now. I think that Trump, like the Republican party, is locked into a path of self-implosion. It's still possible he can dig himself out, and this election is pretty wild, but if Trump could shut himself up, I'm not sure why he's not shutting himself up, toning down, and shifting towards more "central" positions.

That Socialist selective hearing must be a bitch.

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Trump had a moment where he could have taken the presidency, but I think that moment has passed. There will be ups and downs in the election, but I think it's overwhelmingly clear that Trump is physically incapable of shutting up and toning down his racist, xenophobic, misogynist, and reactionary language. That will terminate his presidential bid for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that he needs to the tune of a billion to have the presidency, but he's only got a few million. At this point, even the RNC won't back him (in the form of donations) over what he's said (and it's clear they can't control him), which is something Republicans cannot function without. Secondly, he made it through the Republican primaries with some pretty abhorrent things to say, but the people voting for him also felt similar abhorrent things. The general electorate is what he has to deal with now, and he only had the end of May where things were looking up --then he started digging his own grave. And I don't think he can dig himself out now. I think that Trump, like the Republican party, is locked into a path of self-implosion. It's still possible he can dig himself out, and this election is pretty wild, but if Trump could shut himself up, I'm not sure why he's not shutting himself up, toning down, and shifting towards more "central" positions.

[bold mine]

I absolutely agree that he could "reinvent" himself because the voting public has a middlingly shorter attention span than a fruit fly's, and the new tin foil hat I've donned has led me to believe that he hasn't done so because he doesn't want to be President. In fact, if we were to plug a pair of headphones into his brain and listen to his thoughts, what we'd hear would be probably be, "Wait, what? I won the primary? Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ, what do I have to say to get kicked out of this damn race?"
I am surprised libs were not singing "We are the champions" by Queen the second Trump became the republican nominee considering how horrible Trump is.

The rank and file kook left is in panic mode. They know deep down DJT is going to rake Crooked Hilly over the coals. Whether you like the guy or not, he's going to kick Hilly's butt up between her shoulders. Win or lose it's going to be funny as hell this summer. Can't wait.
Trump is in for a rude awakening. The press gleefully gave him all the airtime he wanted. Allowed him to say crazy stuff and did not call him on it. Good for both rating and at the same time tilted the primary to someone Hillary may actually be able to beat.

Now that he is firmly in control of the nomination, the same press is going to kill him over the same words they fawned over a couple of months ago.

I'm sorry, but I don't recall the press "fawning" over his words. They reported it. They bashed him hard for attacking Cruz's wife, but it didn't make a dent in his support because he was courting the crazy block. I think Trump did great cause he stood out head and shoulders in a group of 17 candidates. Now he's in a two person race with an incredibly experienced politician with name recognition and some of the best politicos working beside her.

Hillary should be happy to face trump and would have a much more difficult time with just about any of the other republicans, but to say that this is the press's fault for not reporting on the crazy things he's said is just silly. You can report what was said, but you can't make them listen.
The rank and file kook left is in panic mode. They know deep down DJT is going to rake Crooked Hilly over the coals. Whether you like the guy or not, he's going to kick Hilly's butt up between her shoulders. Win or lose it's going to be funny as hell this summer. Can't wait.

Panic mode? I think you've confused them for the GOP, who is currently busy rewriting the rules so they can opt for a different nominee.
The social media strategy worked well with a very specific subset of the Republican party (the incredibly stupid and bigoted subset), but I don't see that strategy working beyond that faction. I'm not seeing a promulgation of his message but rather the unification of everybody else against him. If his strategy was successful then the GOP wouldn't be looking to change the rules in order to oust him as the primary nominee.

Political parties are always scared of anything new. And I agree, right now the Trump plan is faltering, but not because of the method, only because of his terrible two weeks and that he has finally apparently crossed a line. If done right, I could see it having big advantages. Who knows if it will work or could work, but it's a fascinating idea in any regard.
It would be nice if you posted something that wasn't a steaming pile of hot crap. Just once.

And I would like to be fellated by the Swedish Bikini Team. Neither you or I are likely to get what we want.
Ready? Hilla...:2sick1:
[bold mine]

I absolutely agree that he could "reinvent" himself because the voting public has a middlingly shorter attention span than a fruit fly's, and the new tin foil hat I've donned has led me to believe that he hasn't done so because he doesn't want to be President. In fact, if we were to plug a pair of headphones into his brain and listen to his thoughts, what we'd hear would be probably be, "Wait, what? I won the primary? Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ, what do I have to say to get kicked out of this damn race?"

I have no idea. I think he's egotistical enough to want it, but he also literally cannot seem to stop himself from saying some of the dumbest, most unthoughtful, tediously self-unaware comments; he's been doing that for a year now, but given that he's now entered the post-primary stage, he doesn't seem like he can adapt at any level. But his whole approach is such a cluster **** that it is honestly too difficult to guess what's going on here. Trump is either not capable of stopping himself from acting like a crazy narcissist or else he is every bit of the crazy narcissist that people expect him to be.

That Socialist selective hearing must be a bitch.


I see contentless, fatuous posts still aren't beneath you.
I'm not getting a pay wall, and I have no subscription to the Washington Post.

Yeah, well... I got a paywall, might not have been yours... strange.... gonna apologize now.
He's down a max of 7 or 8 point nationally. Give the GOP voters a chance to see the error of their ways and realize what Clinton would be like as POTUS and BOOM, Trump surges on election day.

And just think, DJT hasn't spent any money while The Queen of Corruption is dumping millions on ads. LOL
Political parties are always scared of anything new. And I agree, right now the Trump plan is faltering, but not because of the method, only because of his terrible two weeks and that he has finally apparently crossed a line. If done right, I could see it having big advantages. Who knows if it will work or could work, but it's a fascinating idea in any regard.

While it would certainly be unique for a workable strategy to deliberately eschew a functioning campaign for ridiculous soundbites and bigoted tweets, I feel relatively confident saying that it's not going to happen. While many references have already been made to Idiocracy, we're not quite there yet. The fact that Clinton is projected to win by "only" 7.6% is an illustration of Clinton's creepy inhuman-ness, and not because of Trump's superior ideas.
[bold mine]

I absolutely agree that he could "reinvent" himself because the voting public has a middlingly shorter attention span than a fruit fly's, and the new tin foil hat I've donned has led me to believe that he hasn't done so because he doesn't want to be President. In fact, if we were to plug a pair of headphones into his brain and listen to his thoughts, what we'd hear would be probably be, "Wait, what? I won the primary? Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ, what do I have to say to get kicked out of this damn race?"

He hasn't toned down because he is psychologically incapable of doing so. He's an extreme narcissist. Toning down would require him to recognize that what he does won't work, and he psyche won't allow him to admit he is wrong. Not ever. In addition, his winning the GOP nomination just reinforces his belief that he's on the right path

he's been doing that for a year now

Correction: He's been doing that for all of his life

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