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Population Decline (1 Viewer)

Population Decline

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Comrade Brian

DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2005
Reaction score
NE, Minnesota
Political Leaning
Is a population decline a good or bad? Overall.

I think it is good, e.g. less resource use, and less people to feed.

Other comments encouraged on anything on the subject.
IMO the big problem with the population decline is it's in the wrong end of the gene/socio-economic pool. From what i've seen the more intelligent, successful, and higher educated are having less and less children; while the less intelligent, less succesaful and least educated are still breeding like crazy.
It might also be good too, that these places are in decline, because they use more resources per person than a poorer place. But then pop. decline I think is good pretty much anywhere.
Comrade Brian said:
Is a population decline a good or bad? Overall.

I think it is good, e.g. less resource use, and less people to feed.

Other comments encouraged on anything on the subject.

Being that I'm human and have children ,I'm more in favor of a population decline in wolfs ,bears and sharks to meantion a few creatures .

Under the rule of certain low-life's this country resembles a " shht-pit ran by a turd-herd "',which should mean that I like the population decline and I do consider the trend in population decline among the wealthy a blessing from God . :roll:
Comrade Brian said:
Is a population decline a good or bad? Overall.

I think it is good, e.g. less resource use, and less people to feed.

Other comments encouraged on anything on the subject.

Who is going to pay for all those nice social services that you enjoy?
Blind man said:
IMO the big problem with the population decline is it's in the wrong end of the gene/socio-economic pool. From what i've seen the more intelligent, successful, and higher educated are having less and less children; while the less intelligent, less succesaful and least educated are still breeding like crazy.

The intelligence level/education received by a parent, from what I understand, has no real bearing on how smart their offspring will be, nor does it directly determine how much education that child will receive. My husband is one good example. His father never went beyond the ninth grade, yet my husband is well on his way to a college degree. I certainly have received more education than either of my parents, and I know that in at least some areas, I am more intelligent than they are. On the flip side of that, there are plenty of folks out there that could be classified as geniuses that end up having rocks-for-brains children. Levels of success would factor into that same scale. Just because your parents couldn't make more of themselves doesn't mean you can't, and vice versa.
jamesrage said:
Who is going to pay for all those nice social services that you enjoy?
Those that are still around. A more automated workforce means higher productivity/employee resulting in much larger profit margins that easily compensate for the decrease in income tax revenue.
Population decline would be good in places like Africa and the Middle East. It's bad in places like Europe and North America, where less people means less productive minds to solve the problems of the world. Of course, it's the places where population decline is bad where it's actually occuring.
jfuh said:
Those that are still around.
If the population is living longer while at the same time the population is decreasing in size that means there could be less money.

A more automated workforce means higher productivity/employee resulting in much larger profit margins that easily compensate for the decrease in income tax revenue.

You really think that with all the outsourcing going on all those companies are still going to be around to pick up the slack?Technology will make outsourcing more easier.
Stace said:
The intelligence level/education received by a parent, from what I understand, has no real bearing on how smart their offspring will be, nor does it directly determine how much education that child will receive. My husband is one good example. His father never went beyond the ninth grade, yet my husband is well on his way to a college degree. I certainly have received more education than either of my parents, and I know that in at least some areas, I am more intelligent than they are. On the flip side of that, there are plenty of folks out there that could be classified as geniuses that end up having rocks-for-brains children. Levels of success would factor into that same scale. Just because your parents couldn't make more of themselves doesn't mean you can't, and vice versa.

All I can say to that is what you understand is relatively small. Your post looks to be more of a backlash attack against modern genetic studies than anything else. Yes there are exceptions to every scientific model, your husband may be one, but it is an exception, not the other way around.

The odds of Jimbo the Trailer park backyard wrestling king fathering a child that goes on to be a Nobel Prize scientist are close to zero. Not zero, but damned close. Genetics has shown that traits are more likely to be evidenced in a new generation when one or both of the parents have that trait. Furthermore trends such as intelligence, social extroversion, athleticism etc. are likely to be seen in relative continuity through a family tree. It's like trying to say that heart disease and cancer likelyhoods aren't passed through generations. One only has to look at a broad sampling of humans to understand these trends continue through generations.

in sum it sounds like you took my post as a personal attack. In the future if you personally distance yourself from the subject and examine the facts in a larger context your arguments will come across more cogently no matter what side of a debate your arguing.
Blind man said:
All I can say to that is what you understand is relatively small. Your post looks to be more of a backlash attack against modern genetic studies than anything else. Yes there are exceptions to every scientific model, your husband may be one, but it is an exception, not the other way around.

The odds of Jimbo the Trailer park backyard wrestling king fathering a child that goes on to be a Nobel Prize scientist are close to zero. Not zero, but damned close. Genetics has shown that traits are more likely to be evidenced in a new generation when one or both of the parents have that trait. Furthermore trends such as intelligence, social extroversion, athleticism etc. are likely to be seen in relative continuity through a family tree. It's like trying to say that heart disease and cancer likelyhoods aren't passed through generations. One only has to look at a broad sampling of humans to understand these trends continue through generations.

in sum it sounds like you took my post as a personal attack. In the future if you personally distance yourself from the subject and examine the facts in a larger context your arguments will come across more cogently no matter what side of a debate your arguing.

First off, you know nothing about me, therefore, you're hardly one to determine how I took your post.

Secondly, I've seen no evidence showing that intelligence is a trait. There is NO way that you can show me that success and education levels are traits.

If you're going to make outrageous claims such as you did, show some facts to back them up. Because right now, all I'm seeing is your opinion. You may think that I or my husband are the exception, but have you really taken a good look around you lately?
Comrade Brian said:
Is a population decline a good or bad? Overall.

It's really a question of how one wants human life to end, isn't it? Do we want our great-grandchildren to sit huddled together in vast, decaying cities watching their kind disappear, or do we want them to destroy each other in some apocalyptic battle over the last of a dwindling supply of resources? The Earth is already overburdened in that it is simply a physical impossibility for all human beings to enjoy the same quality of life as those in the industrialized nations do.

In a perfect world, the human population would have levelled off a couple billion people ago, but obviously that didn't happen. I suppose the best thing, then, would be depopulation; it is the lesser of two evils.
For me it all depends on who is declining. I want normal, mainstream white Americans to be competitive with the other 4, 6, 8-kid families of the world because we are the people who actually tend to place some form of value on America, its traditions, and its values.

The more everyone EXCEPT us reproduces, the more people we will have within our borders (voting in our elections) who are all for doing away with everything that makes this country great.

Europe is in the same boat.

In London, white Anglos are now a minority to Muslims. How long do you think the West's ideals and principles are going to remain intact with all the West's populations in decline and being replaced by people who have nothing in common with us?

Part of it is inevitable though, we have abortion, birth control, condoms, social programs that make it unnecessary to have kids, etc. They often don't
aquapub said:
For me it all depends on who is declining. I want normal, mainstream white Americans to be competitive with the other 4, 6, 8-kid families of the world because we are the people who actually tend to place some form of value on America, its traditions, and its values.

The more everyone EXCEPT us reproduces, the more people we will have within our borders (voting in our elections) who are all for doing away with everything that makes this country great.

Europe is in the same boat.

In London, white Anglos are now a minority to Muslims. How long do you think the West's ideals and principles are going to remain intact with all the West's populations in decline and being replaced by people who have nothing in common with us?

Part of it is inevitable though, we have abortion, birth control, condoms, social programs that make it unnecessary to have kids, etc. They often don't

This isn't true in the western hemisphere per say I think. I imagine Latin America wants to have more in common with the USA/Canada than North Africa does with Europe.
jamesrage said:
Who is going to pay for all those nice social services that you enjoy?


This goes to the heart of why China is headed for economic disaster. They are (and have been) drastically cutting their population because they can't grow their economy fast enough to accomodate everyone, but at some point soon, they are going to very suddenly be a nation largely of old people without a workforce to generate the wealth for the existing social programs.

They will have to abruptly import a huge immigrant workforce or abruptly cut their economy in half-in either case, it will be devastating to their economy.

India is in the same boat, and if you look at who the immigrants are that live around them, you can see that both of these nations are going to become Muslim countries seemingly overnight.
128shot said:
This isn't true in the western hemisphere per say I think. I imagine Latin America wants to have more in common with the USA/Canada than North Africa does with Europe.

That is a great point. They ARE much more different than Latinos are with us, but just by virtue of them spending most of their lives in another country, immigrants aren't attached to our customs, our values, our history. They come here for a better life and, thanks to multiculturalists, they now don't even feel obligated to speak our language or integrate in any other basic, functional way.

Many things that make America America don't matter to foreigners of any kind-because they are foreigners. Thus, I find the depopulation of Middle America VERY alarming.
aquapub said:
That is a great point. They ARE much more different than Latinos are with us, but just by virtue of them spending most of their lives in another country, immigrants aren't attached to our customs, our values, our history. They come here for a better life and, thanks to multiculturalists, they now don't even feel obligated to speak our language or integrate in any other basic, functional way.

Many things that make America America don't matter to foreigners of any kind-because they are foreigners. Thus, I find the depopulation of Middle America VERY alarming.

Well, thats nature for you.
aquapub said:

This goes to the heart of why China is headed for economic disaster. They are (and have been) drastically cutting their population because they can't grow their economy fast enough to accomodate everyone, but at some point soon, they are going to very suddenly be a nation largely of old people without a workforce to generate the wealth for the existing social programs.

They will have to abruptly import a huge immigrant workforce or abruptly cut their economy in half-in either case, it will be devastating to their economy.

India is in the same boat, and if you look at who the immigrants are that live around them, you can see that both of these nations are going to become Muslim countries seemingly overnight.

We can only hope they westernize enough to embrace freedoms.
jamesrage said:
If the population is living longer while at the same time the population is decreasing in size that means there could be less money.
No correlation to my argument at all. You're assuming another hypothetical situation that is not what I've argued about, thus irrelevant. Stay on cue.

jamesrage said:
You really think that with all the outsourcing going on all those companies are still going to be around to pick up the slack?Technology will make outsourcing more easier.
Again, completely irrelvant to the situation I proposed. Not to mention such automation and outsourcing already occurs even with a growing population. THus by default with your argument the situation would only get worse with a large population because this population would largely be un-employed. Question, how's that foot taste?
This post violates several DP rules. Please refrain from posts of this nature in the future.


aquapub said:
For me it all depends on who is declining. I want normal, mainstream white Americans to be competitive with the other 4, 6, 8-kid families of the world because we are the people who actually tend to place some form of value on America, its traditions, and its values.

The more everyone EXCEPT us reproduces, the more people we will have within our borders (voting in our elections) who are all for doing away with everything that makes this country great.

Europe is in the same boat.

In London, white Anglos are now a minority to Muslims. How long do you think the West's ideals and principles are going to remain intact with all the West's populations in decline and being replaced by people who have nothing in common with us?

Part of it is inevitable though, we have abortion, birth control, condoms, social programs that make it unnecessary to have kids, etc. They often don't
You ****en nazi racist son of a bitch. Go **** yourself in your trailer park wasteland. You truly think you're superior to the rest of us huh? Yea go ahead report me, I don't care about it, you're a racist degenerate white trash piece of ****.
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jfuh said:
You ****en nazi racist son of a bitch. Go **** yourself in your trailer park wasteland. You truly think you're superior to the rest of us huh? Yea go ahead report me, I don't care about it, you're a racist degenerate white trash piece of ****.

I think you missed his point. We are a predominantely white nation, believe it or not.

So it is a kind of Euro culture here-Euro American. And we happen to be white.

Its not Nazism.....

He did say that if immigrants (no specific nationality here) assimilated better he wouldn't have a problem.
128shot said:
I think you missed his point. We are a predominantely white nation, believe it or not.

So it is a kind of Euro culture here-Euro American. And we happen to be white.

Its not Nazism.....

He did say that if immigrants (no specific nationality here) assimilated better he wouldn't have a problem.

Melting pot, ring a bell? Why must any immigrant have to assimilate into a so called american culture in order to be american? Let me ask you, what defines american culture? Is there a national religion? is there a national heritage? No, none of those things, the US is a nation founded on immigration and freedom. The entirty of "assimilation" assumes that there is a national identity associated with being American when there is anything but. Yes the US is predominently white I'm not going to debate that, but how is ushering in a white supremacy going to solve any goal? How is this any different from the slave trade in which there was total white supremecy and also pre-civil rights when we in the minority because of our skin tone or the facial features we have then determine that our ideas or our identities are in any way less then that of the caucasian race.

Aqua's statement is nothing short of racism and I take incredible offense to it.

Him and those that follow his thought are the exact reason why the US expereinces so much racial tensions. Those of us 1st generations that immigrated here what's the first thing that we're mocked at? Why so fobbish? Why the accent? Why can't you think like us? Sorry you're not in "insert nation" anymore, this is America. As they knew what it meant to be American.
jfuh said:
Melting pot, ring a bell? Why must any immigrant have to assimilate into a so called american culture in order to be american? Let me ask you, what defines american culture? Is there a national religion? is there a national heritage? No, none of those things, the US is a nation founded on immigration and freedom. The entirty of "assimilation" assumes that there is a national identity associated with being American when there is anything but. Yes the US is predominently white I'm not going to debate that, but how is ushering in a white supremacy going to solve any goal? How is this any different from the slave trade in which there was total white supremecy and also pre-civil rights when we in the minority because of our skin tone or the facial features we have then determine that our ideas or our identities are in any way less then that of the caucasian race.

Aqua's statement is nothing short of racism and I take incredible offense to it.

Him and those that follow his thought are the exact reason why the US expereinces so much racial tensions. Those of us 1st generations that immigrated here what's the first thing that we're mocked at? Why so fobbish? Why the accent? Why can't you think like us? Sorry you're not in "insert nation" anymore, this is America. As they knew what it meant to be American.

I love the idea of a melting pot, I'm a multi-culturalist (Just come here legally is all I ask), however I was pointing out that he wasn't intending to be racist (I think, I could be wrong).

I think the apparent lack of a required fluency of a second language is what is costing this country so much problems, honestly.
128shot said:
I love the idea of a melting pot, I'm a multi-culturalist (Just come here legally is all I ask), however I was pointing out that he wasn't intending to be racist (I think, I could be wrong).

I think the apparent lack of a required fluency of a second language is what is costing this country so much problems, honestly.

aquapub said:
I want normal, mainstream white Americans to be competitive with the other 4, 6, 8-kid families of the world because we are the people who actually tend to place some form of value on America, its traditions, and its values.
Perhaps to ppl not of the minority this wouldn't seem racist. However to those of us that are, this is the exact attitude we recieve from racists a$$holes. You're not any better then me because your identity is with your country of origin and not of the US. For a country where everyone (native american excluded) can trace thier roots to originating from another country I don't see how that's any true. Counterperspectively I think it saddening that there is such attitudes that persist into disaknowledging that lineage. It's a disgrace to thier ancestors to have a later generation as such that doesn't recognize thier own roots or disclaim that identity all together.

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