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Photopost gallery interest? (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right

I would like to purchase this for the site.
It is $129 for a year /w $39 yearly renewal

But, we currently do not have the funds. :(

If we can get at least 3 more $25 donators we can hit next months bills and purchase this as well. Livin' on the edge. :mrgreen:

If not, I might ask my wife if I can get it for my b-day. It's a toss up for this or a few T-shirts when the store opens. So no, I am not begging. :rofl

There are free gallery's available, but not with all the features.

I think Billo and teacher would have a field day. Other than those crazy dudes, are there enough folks with an interest in a photo gallery? Our member pics thread has really taken off; thus sparking my interest even further.
I think it could be an excellent addition, vauge. I'd donate some more money myself, but funds are kinda tight around here lately. :( Even though I typically use Snapfish and my own website for storing photos that I share with my online friends, I know that not everyone has those options, and it'd be a great way for me to save photos that I don't share elsewhere (such as the anti Bush photos :mrgreen: ).
How about a site auction to raise funds?
cherokee said:
How about a site auction to raise funds?
Hey someone gave me that idea a few weeks ago... forgot to look into it. :3oops:

/me makes mental, paper, and email note to follow up.
vauge said:

I would like to purchase this for the site.
It is $129 for a year /w $39 yearly renewal

But, we currently do not have the funds. :(

If we can get at least 3 more $25 donators we can hit next months bills and purchase this as well. Livin' on the edge. :mrgreen:

If not, I might ask my wife if I can get it for my b-day. It's a toss up for this or a few T-shirts when the store opens. So no, I am not begging. :rofl

There are free gallery's available, but not with all the features.

I think Billo and teacher would have a field day. Other than those crazy dudes, are there enough folks with an interest in a photo gallery? Our member pics thread has really taken off; thus sparking my interest even further.

Can photobucket do some of the same features for free? It's free and easy to sign up for that, perhaps we could create a DP account for everyone to use? I'd be willing to set one up with an open username/pword so that everyone from the site could use it to post pictures in posts.
RightatNYU said:
Can photobucket do some of the same features for free? It's free and easy to sign up for that, perhaps we could create a DP account for everyone to use? I'd be willing to set one up with an open username/pword so that everyone from the site could use it to post pictures in posts.

That might get a little messy, with a bunch of us trying to get in there at once, and I hate to say it, but someone might get ticked off at someone else and go in and delete some of their pictures or something....
Well, I broke down and got photopost. Gunna get some taxes back this year.


It looks pretty cool so far.

Just need to tweak the permissions and set the gallery categories.
Every registered member will have thier own personal gallery as well.

We will have to be careful not to up copywrited content, unless credit given.
Videos will work too!

I *know* we need a Bush basher... anything else we can think of?

Was thinking for categories:
- Bush Bashing
- I met a politician
- Political Cartoons
- If Pigs could fly (off topic)

Hmmm....I would say something for member pics and sigs, but those would probably be best kept in the individual member's gallery....maybe something for smilies that Kelz doesn't want to add permanently to the database (like Deegan's infamous alien :shock: )?
Well...if we have a Bush Bash....why not a Hillary Hallmark Moment....though you would need to place a "frightens small children" disclaimer on it...heh
Back by popular demand.:2wave:

Can everyone see the ip address of the poster?
How do you get to the photo's without going through this thread?:confused:
Simon W. Moon said:
Can everyone see the ip address of the poster?

didnt check but that should be for mods and admins only right?

just checked and didnt see any....
cherokee said:
didnt check but that should be for mods and admins only right?

just checked and didnt see any....

I like those fish. :)
vauge said:

I like those fish. :)

thanks and
thanks for adding the pic site...:2wave:
cherokee said:
thanks and
thanks for adding the pic site...:2wave:
How much megs does it allow for you?

Just checking it all before I create linkage in the menus.

It looks to be top notch and easy... best of all - can post videos and stuphs.
vauge said:
How much megs does it allow for you?

Just checking it all before I create linkage in the menus.

It looks to be top notch and easy... best of all - can post videos and stuphs.

I think I read 16 max..??..

What I see...

Allowable Image Types:


Maximum File Size: No file size limit.

ZIP file uploads allowed (16.00mb limit).

Disk space allowed on your account: Unlimited

Disk space used on your account: 1,200kb (1,228,495 bytes)

Disk space remaining for your account: Unlimited
I think it may be something only that only registered members can see and use???...yes/no?

"Users browsing the gallery: cherokee, Captain America, cnredd, vauge and 1 unregistered user"
Neato...I'm good for 25.00 bucks....
Here's a question....I noticed that there's no direct links to any specific members' galleries? I set mine to be public, obviously I wouldn't be putting pictures in there if I didn't want to share them.....am I missing something, or is there a way we can make a category for that?
Stace said:
Here's a question....I noticed that there's no direct links to any specific members' galleries? I set mine to be public, obviously I wouldn't be putting pictures in there if I didn't want to share them.....am I missing something, or is there a way we can make a category for that?
I think I goofed up the link to the member gallerys. Trying to fix it. lol

Until I get it linked again, click on "My Gallery" and it will have a link above to "Member Gallerys".

Disk space allowed on your account: Unlimited
I think I got it set up for:
Registered users = 2 meg space
Gold Donators = 10 meg space
Silver Donators = 25 meg space
Platinum Donators = 100 meg space
Deegan said:
How do you get to the photo's without going through this thread?:confused:
Still making sure we have everything setup right, then will add linkage to the menus.
vauge said:
I think I goofed up the link to the member gallerys. Trying to fix it. lol

Until I get it linked again, click on "My Gallery" and it will have a link above to "Member Gallerys".

I think I got it set up for:
Registered users = 2 meg space
Gold Donators = 10 meg space
Silver Donators = 25 meg space
Platinum Donators = 100 meg space

Wasn't there a link for Paypal donations to the website? Can't locate it.
Captain America said:
Wasn't there a link for Paypal donations to the website? Can't locate it.
Very top - right beside your mood selector.

I think I goofed up the link to the member gallerys. Trying to fix it. lol
Ok, this is working now.

We call all have our own member gallery and we can create albums as well.
Albums can be private or not - up to you.

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