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Oregon - Another Outbreak of Gun Control Madness from one-time gun friendly State. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2011
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SF Bay Area
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(Disclosure, I am a native of Oregon).

Two kinds of demographic transformation has been remaking America for the last 50 years. The first is foreign immigration, the second is internal migration from blue states to red states. Oregon is one of the best examples; in the mid to late 1980s Californians, disgusted with the decline in their quality of life began bringing their left of center politics with them. The promise of inexpensive housing and a funky bohemian working class atmosphere in Portland and elsewhere lured the baby boomers looking for a new state to ruin.

Initially most Oregonians were native born and working class (Democratic and Republican) and was fairly homogeneous, the decedents of early settlers from the NE of America. Not unlike places like New Hampshire, they shared a outdoorsmen tradition of hunting and fishing, where Oregon blueberries and jam making was more typical topic of conversation than any political subject.

Now the majority are from out-of-state (at least those in the urban areas), Californians having fled liberal immigration policies that transformed their state into a branch of Latin America and the UN.

Clueless as to how they ruined California, they have created unaffordable gentrified enclaves of upper class liberaldom, native Californians replacing native Oregonians. With housing prices skyrocketing to be nearly equal to that California, the working class sensibilities of the cities, especially Portland, have been replaced with white liberal Yuppie and Dink transplants, those under 30 coming to find utopia, all of them indifferent to prior Oregon values. And now, the virtue mongering transplants have turned their attention to gun control, making proposals that were unthinkable 25 years ago.

Among the proposed new bills:

Senate Bill 501, requires a permit to purchase or receive a firearm, with each permit requiring training but only being valid for 90 days. It prohibit the possession of ammunition magazines with a capacity greater than five bullets, require background checks for purchasing ammunition, restrict ammunition purchases to no more than 20 rounds within a 30 day period.

House Bill 2551, would define many commonly owned semi-automatic firearms as “assault rifles,” prohibit young adults under the age of 21 from receiving such defined “assault rifles,” require firearm transfers be delayed for up to 30 days for the Oregon State Police to conduct background checks, and impose stiff criminal penalties for those who allow a minor to access a firearm.

Senate Bill 275 and House Bill 2505, sponsored by Representative Barbara Smith Warner (D-45), would include language from the failed Initiative Petition 44 of 2018. It would restrict the right to self-defense by imposing a one-size-fits-all requirement for the storage of firearms.

Senate Bill 87, would prohibit young adults under the age of 21 from purchasing firearms and allow firearm dealers to discriminate against and refuse to sell firearms, ammunition, or firearm components to adults of any age.

Twenty-five years ago Oregonians, if they had the power to stop migration, would have done so and been the happier for it. Newcomers have taken their culture and values and imposed their own. Another lesson on the evils of immigration for the native born in America or in a state, in both a domestic and international context.

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You could always take one from the Trump page and wall off Oregon! :shrug: :mrgreen:
You could always take one from the Trump page and wall off Oregon! :shrug: :mrgreen:

This seems to be common sense legislation and might possibly stop a couple nut job kids from killing people.
This seems to be common sense legislation and might possibly stop a couple nut job kids from killing people.
If only dems cared as much about illegals killing Americans as they did Americans killing Americans eh?
Limiting ammunition purchases to no more than 20 rounds per 30 days? How, exactly, do they expect people to meet the training requirements is they can't legally own enough ammunition to train with?

They really should just do what they really want and restrict the ownership of firearms to ONLY those which were manufactured before December of 1791.
If only dems cared as much about illegals killing Americans as they did Americans killing Americans eh?

I imagine it has something to do with their being like three vs several thousand.
Limiting ammunition purchases to no more than 20 rounds per 30 days? How, exactly, do they expect people to meet the training requirements is they can't legally own enough ammunition to train with?

They really should just do what they really want and restrict the ownership of firearms to ONLY those which were manufactured before December of 1791.

Either that. or muzzle loading fire arms only .. even if they are more modernly made.
Oregon is part of Blue State America....If the gun nuts don't like the new law then get your fat asses out of there...and move
Oregon is part of Blue State America....If the gun nuts don't like the new law then get your fat asses out of there...and move

I agree that all conservatives, Republicans and independents should move out of Blue states and take their jobs and money with them.
Oregon is part of Blue State America....If the gun nuts don't like the new law then get your fat asses out of there...and move

Oregon was a part of Red leaning America, and I am sure you'd have been the first to tell the wave of California and other anti-gun transplanted nuts to move elsewhere if they didn't like that - right?
You could always take one from the Trump page and wall off Oregon! :shrug: :mrgreen:

If they could have, they would have. Californians have destroyed a heritage populations prior quality of life, which is why I may never move back.
I agree that all conservatives, Republicans and independents should move out of Blue states and take their jobs and money with them.

I agree that all liberals, Democrats, Greens, and Social Democrats should move out of the Red states they have moved into and leave the rest of America alone. After screwing up California, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and the North East they shouldn't be allowed out - its their messes, send them back to clean it up.
If they could have, they would have. Californians have destroyed a heritage populations prior quality of life, which is why I may never move back.

This brings to mind the “Stars and Bars.” Statehood came in 1859; was there any effect of the events of 1861-1865?
This brings to mind the “Stars and Bars.” Statehood came in 1859; was there any effect of the events of 1861-1865?

I'm sure you think there is a nexus - it just isn't obvious to those not in the choir.
[FONT=&](Disclosure, I am a native of Oregon).

Two kinds of demographic transformation has been remaking America for the last 50 years. The first is foreign immigration, the second is internal migration from blue states to red states. Oregon is one of the best examples; in the mid to late 1980s Californians, disgusted with the decline in their quality of life began bringing their left of center politics with them. The promise of inexpensive housing and a funky bohemian working class atmosphere in Portland and elsewhere lured the baby boomers looking for a new state to ruin.

Initially most Oregonians were native born and working class (Democratic and Republican) and was fairly homogeneous, the decedents of early settlers from the NE of America. Not unlike places like New Hampshire, they shared a outdoorsmen tradition of hunting and fishing, where Oregon blueberries and jam making was more typical topic of conversation than any political subject.

Now the majority are from out-of-state (at least those in the urban areas), Californians having fled liberal immigration policies that transformed their state into a branch of Latin America and the UN.

Clueless as to how they ruined California, they have created unaffordable gentrified enclaves of upper class liberaldom, native Californians replacing native Oregonians. With housing prices skyrocketing to be nearly equal to that California, the working class sensibilities of the cities, especially Portland, have been replaced with white liberal Yuppie and Dink transplants, those under 30 coming to find utopia, all of them indifferent to prior Oregon values. And now, the virtue mongering transplants have turned their attention to gun control, making proposals that were unthinkable 25 years ago.

Among the proposed new bills:

Senate Bill 501, requires a permit to purchase or receive a firearm, with each permit requiring training but only being valid for 90 days. It prohibit the possession of ammunition magazines with a capacity greater than five bullets, require background checks for purchasing ammunition, restrict ammunition purchases to no more than 20 rounds within a 30 day period.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]House Bill 2551, would define many commonly owned semi-automatic firearms as “assault rifles,” prohibit young adults under the age of 21 from receiving such defined “assault rifles,” require firearm transfers be delayed for up to 30 days for the Oregon State Police to conduct background checks, and impose stiff criminal penalties for those who allow a minor to access a firearm.[/FONT]

[FONT=&]Senate Bill 275 and House Bill 2505, sponsored by Representative Barbara Smith Warner (D-45), would include language from the failed Initiative Petition 44 of 2018. It would restrict the right to self-defense by imposing a one-size-fits-all requirement for the storage of firearms.

Senate Bill 87, would prohibit young adults under the age of 21 from purchasing firearms and allow firearm dealers to discriminate against and refuse to sell firearms, ammunition, or firearm components to adults of any age.

[FONT=&]Twenty-five years ago Oregonians, if they had the power to stop migration, would have done so and been the happier for it. Newcomers have taken their culture and values and imposed their own. Another lesson on the evils of immigration for the native born in America or in a state, in both a domestic and international context.


Oh my, I'm feeling the need to break out some cheese. Oh well I'm sure the first residents of Oregon felt the same way when the "early" settlers showed up.

Regarding the legislation, extreme bills are always proposed (from both sides of the aisle), get back to us when one of them has a realistic chance of actually passing.
Oh my, I'm feeling the need to break out some cheese. Oh well I'm sure the first residents of Oregon felt the same way when the "early" settlers showed up....

As the early settlers spread across Oregon, I can hear them telling the native Americans not to worry as they're bringing the rule of law, morality and civilized behavior with them. It's funny, because that's the exact same thing I tell the xenophobic descendants of the early settlers of every state.

The natives couldn't stop settlers from forcing their morality on them and red states can't stop the spread of equality, justice, fairness and inclusion blue state residents bring with them as they spread across this great land. This is happening all over America, they need to get used to it.

I worked the last six years in Portland before I retired, spreading those evil blue state values. The last two were spent living in a floating home on the Columbia. It's a gorgeous state, if I could have endured no sun for nine months a year, we would have retired there...
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I agree that all conservatives, Republicans and independents should move out of Blue states and take their jobs and money with them.

Good...Good Riddance....Move to where Gun Nuts are welcome...Not in Blue State America...Get out!!
Good...Good Riddance....Move to where Gun Nuts are welcome...Not in Blue State America...Get out!!

To all blue leaning people, don't move to any conservative state!
Its your stance only 3 people have been killed by illegals?

Thousands have and that does not count other violent felony crimes such as rape and aggravated assault.

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