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On Reparations (1 Viewer)


Another California Refugee
DP Veteran
May 17, 2019
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Political Leaning
Isn't this really saying that Trillion's upon Trillion's spent On Lyndon Johnson's "Great society" is really just a failure?

What say you?
Isn't this really saying that Trillion's upon Trillion's spent On Lyndon Johnson's "Great society" is really just a failure?

What say you?

Or the Community Reinvestment Act
Or Affirmative Action
And on and on and on
I'd say the debt, if there ever was one, has been paid.
Isn't this really saying that Trillion's upon Trillion's spent On Lyndon Johnson's "Great society" is really just a failure?

What say you?
No, because they are different things entirely.

LBJ’s Great Society policy, affirmation action, and other like programs objectives were to level the playing field by helping historically disadvantaged groups.

Reparations is simply payment for damages done to certain groups.
I'd say the debt, if there ever was one, has been paid.

Which brings up a good point. When is enough enough? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Opportunity has to meet hard work and sacrifice.
No, because they are different things entirely.

LBJ’s Great Society policy, affirmation action, and other like programs objectives were to level the playing field by helping historically disadvantaged groups.

Reparations is simply payment for damages done to certain groups.

I never owned a slave. My forebearers never owned a slave. In fact, by ancestors did not enter America until AFTER the Civil War. At that point, they all settled in Minnesota.

Would I be required to pay a part of the Rip-off-rations despite having had absolutely no connection in any way at any time for the foundational justification of the rip off?
No, because they are different things entirely.

LBJ’s Great Society policy, affirmation action, and other like programs objectives were to level the playing field by helping historically disadvantaged groups.

Reparations is simply payment for damages done to certain groups.

What is considered enough?
How many programs do we have now?
What about other groups throughout history we treated unfairly? Do we give reparations to the American Indian, Asians?
Do we force other countries to give reparations? What about the Africans that sold the slaves to the southern landowners?
The US received about 6% of the slave trade. The majority went to Brazil and The Caribbean. Can we get them to pay?
I never owned a slave. My forebearers never owned a slave. In fact, by ancestors did not enter America until AFTER the Civil War. At that point, they all settled in Minnesota.

Would I be required to pay a part of the Rip-off-rations despite having had absolutely no connection in any way at any time for the foundational justification of the rip off?
Yes you would because its being argued that the debt is not owed by individuals but by the federal gov. So everyone who pays taxes would be paying the debt.

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Isn't this really saying that Trillion's upon Trillion's spent On Lyndon Johnson's "Great society" is really just a failure?

What say you?

Let’s be honest, this is simply a political ploy to buy the black vote.
Let’s be honest, this is simply a political ploy to buy the black vote.

No, let's be honest and agree that this is just your opinion based in nothing but idle speculation. What 'ploys' do you think are used to buy your vote?
Every American including the descendants of slaves should thank God that their ancestors came to this country for whatever reason. If you think that you would be better off somewhere else by all means go. In America you have that Freedom.

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I never owned a slave. My forebearers never owned a slave. In fact, by ancestors did not enter America until AFTER the Civil War. At that point, they all settled in Minnesota.

Would I be required to pay a part of the Rip-off-rations despite having had absolutely no connection in any way at any time for the foundational justification of the rip off?

What is considered enough?
How many programs do we have now?
What about other groups throughout history we treated unfairly? Do we give reparations to the American Indian, Asians?
Do we force other countries to give reparations? What about the Africans that sold the slaves to the southern landowners?
The US received about 6% of the slave trade. The majority went to Brazil and The Caribbean. Can we get them to pay?

My post was meant to be informative, not an endorsement. I do not support the idea of reparations.
Which brings up a good point. When is enough enough? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Opportunity has to meet hard work and sacrifice.
If you truly believe that everyone now gets a fair shake in America, you’re kidding yourself.
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If you truly believe that everyone now gets a fair shake in America, you’re kidding yourself.

Oh, I don't and color of one's skin isn't the only reason why.
Oh, I don't and color of one's skin isn't the only reason why.

That is correct.

Some people do not do very well because:

1. They do not apply enough effort.

2. They are not too bright in certain areas. (E.g., I am as stupid as they come in math and the sciences.)

3. They are satisfied with just doing enough to get by.
That is correct.

Some people do not do very well because:

1. They do not apply enough effort.

2. They are not too bright in certain areas. (E.g., I am as stupid as they come in math and the sciences.)

3. They are satisfied with just doing enough to get by.

Not everyone is born into wealth and connections, having nothing to do with skin color. Some white child born in dirt-poor Appalachia isn't going to get the same "shake" as a black child born to a wealthy black family in Atlanta.
This notion that equality will bring about Utopia is just plain ******* dangerous.
I never owned a slave. My forebearers never owned a slave. In fact, by ancestors did not enter America until AFTER the Civil War. At that point, they all settled in Minnesota.

Would I be required to pay a part of the Rip-off-rations despite having had absolutely no connection in any way at any time for the foundational justification of the rip off?

Deliciously irrelevant. Your ignorance of history is meaningless.

Slavery by Another Name - Wikipedia
Every American including the descendants of slaves should thank God that their ancestors came to this country for whatever reason. If you think that you would be better off somewhere else by all means go. In America you have that Freedom.

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Your 'freedom' is illusory, and that idea has been bludgeoned into you from birth. You're only as 'free' as your government allows you to be. It's a shame that your beacon of Democracy and Freedom doesn't apply it's loudly touted 'principles' when it comes to foreign policy.
I have never had the US military protect me or my property so why should I pay for their equipment and salaries?

I do not go, nor have I ever gone, to a Christian school so why should my tax dollars go to subsidizing "faith based" social programs?

I have never been harmed, in any way, by an immigrant, so why should my tax dollars go to border security or deportation efforts?
Your 'freedom' is illusory, and that idea has been bludgeoned into you from birth. You're only as 'free' as your government allows you to be. It's a shame that your beacon of Democracy and Freedom doesn't apply it's loudly touted 'principles' when it comes to foreign policy.
You have the "freedom to leave at any time. You are correct that we have squandered liberty in many cases. It is why the 2cnd ammendment is as important as ever. Our government is only as totalitarian as we allow it to be.
We can be that shining city on the hill but we can not force people into the light nor can we isolate ourselves in an ever smaller world.
Again, you have the freedom to leave; rejoice that you do not have to.

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How has it been paid? Please be very, very specific and don't run away like you usually do.

Be very very specific as to how you feel a black person is entitled to reparations for slavery that was committed 140 years ago.

The Federal Government pays the following to people in poverty. These programs are not specific to black families, however 41.6 percent of the black population and 36.4 percent of the Hispanic population participated in at least one government assistance program in a given month.
The top federal programs are:
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps)
Medicaid and the Health Insurance Marketplace.
CHIP (Child's Health Insurance Program)
Housing Assistance
TANF (temporary assistance for needy families)
EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit)
Head Start
Federal Pell Grant Program

I'm sure there are other programs available.
I'm sure there are programs at the state and local level such as free college at state colleges.

When combining both federal and state programs, the cost is nearly a trillion a year.

Let's go one step further. All the Hispanics in the concentration camps, should be freed immediately and given a reparation check. 51 percent of immigrant (legal) led households in the US are enrolled in one or more government welfare program.

Is this specific enough for you?

If you can prove that someone was specifically effected by slavery 140 years later, then give that person a check, but you can't.
I have never had the US military protect me or my property so why should I pay for their equipment and salaries?

I do not go, nor have I ever gone, to a Christian school so why should my tax dollars go to subsidizing "faith based" social programs?

I have never been harmed, in any way, by an immigrant, so why should my tax dollars go to border security or deportation efforts?

Dumb analogy.
There is smart and stupid use of our tax dollars. Roads, courts and defense are smart uses of our tax dollars (for the most part, there are exceptions). Paying reparation for a wrong 140 years ago stupid use of tax dollars.
Black folks aren't going to get a dime. This money will go to the race hustlers and the community organizers and will fund "black studies" at universities.

It'll be one of the biggest ripoffs of tax payer dollars in United States history.

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