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On Reparations (2 Viewers)

Theft is theft

What was stolen belongs to the original owner and should be returned to the owner or owners family.

In the case of slavery it was labour that was stolen. The wealth that should have been generated from it should be returned to the family of the person that generated the labor.
Isn't this really saying that Trillion's upon Trillion's spent On Lyndon Johnson's "Great society" is really just a failure?

What say you?

Why don't Republicans just run on repealing "The Great Society"?

What? They can't? It's too popular? OK, then.
Hey Yank, mind your own business. I'll post whatever the hell I want within forum rules, with or without your permission. Got it?

Yup yours, which is where your opinion belongs. You seem to be a yank wannabe, yet can't pull it off. Got it?
Why don't Republicans just run on repealing "The Great Society"?

What? They can't? It's too popular? OK, then.

You're correct

Once you give free candy away it's hard to stop free candy

The citizenry our Founders feared is here
That question has already been answered. And the claim of 10’s trillions of dollars (adjusted) is dubious at best.

Yes, they have benefited.

That question has already been answered

Yes, answered very poorly

And the claim of 10’s trillions of dollars (adjusted) is dubious at best.

Okay, would you settled for 5 Trillion?(LOL)
Theft is theft

What was stolen belongs to the original owner and should be returned to the owner or owners family.

In the case of slavery it was labour that was stolen. The wealth that should have been generated from it should be returned to the family of the person that generated the labor.

Says you.......(Rolling eyes)
What punishment?

Fines in the form of money taken from me to award anyone else.

That money does not just magically appear. It needs to be taken from one pocket to put it into another pocket.

I'm not opposed to paying a fine if I did the crime, like parking in the wrong spot. These reparations is just a case of stupidity.
Fines in the form of money taken from me to award anyone else.

That money does not just magically appear. It needs to be taken from one pocket to put it into another pocket.

I'm not opposed to paying a fine if I did the crime, like parking in the wrong spot. These reparations is just a case of stupidity.

So, IOW, no actual punishment at all. Got it. Thanks.
Theft is theft

What was stolen belongs to the original owner and should be returned to the owner or owners family.

In the case of slavery it was labour that was stolen. The wealth that should have been generated from it should be returned to the family of the person that generated the labor.

Well would you like to give back the land the white man stole from the American Indians? How about the Mexicans we stole land from in texas and california? Bet there are still spanish land grants on file for those.
Well would you like to give back the land the white man stole from the American Indians? How about the Mexicans we stole land from in texas and california? Bet there are still spanish land grants on file for those.

So you are perfectly fine with theft

You would have no issue if I took your home from you, or had you do some work for me, in which I did not pay you for
So you are perfectly fine with theft

You would have no issue if I took your home from you, or had you do some work for me, in which I did not pay you for

Difference is i won't let you get away with it.
So theft is ok if people can get away with it?


Now lets see. From the begining man has had slaves. Conquered people were put in chains. How did the Egyptians build pyramids?

The greeks, the romans, the english, the dutch, the spanish, all the african tribes, the myans, the aztec, the american indians

None of those slaves have asked for reparations. None of those countries or civilizations have been condemned for participating in slavery.

Why should America be any different.

What is done is done. Get over it!

Now lets see. From the begining man has had slaves. Conquered people were put in chains. How did the Egyptians build pyramids?

The greeks, the romans, the english, the dutch, the spanish, all the african tribes, the myans, the aztec, the american indians

None of those slaves have asked for reparations. None of those countries or civilizations have been condemned for participating in slavery.

Why should America be any different.

What is done is done. Get over it!

So theft has occurred for thousands of years, we should just get over it?
Giving 40 acres and a mule to someone who had actually been a slave is very different from reparations paid to distant descendants of slaves.

”Giving 40 acres and a mule to someone who had actually been a slave is very different from reparations paid to distant descendants of slaves."

There are many cases of locating “distant descendants” having a legal right to whatever is found that is due that descendant. There are records that can track back people living today proven to be descendant of specifically named slaves.

What you say implies that you accept “40 acres and a mule” as a basis of reparations back when, just that it does not fairly translate, based on the reasoning you give, to now. Actually, it should translate to a future value of a whole lot more. I understand there are complications. Even back then, that 40 acres and a mule had strings attached.
So, IOW, no actual punishment at all. Got it. Thanks.

Maybe there should be punishments.

Perhaps all people who are Demographically White, world wide, should be made to ride in the back of the bus.

Maybe these White people, world wide, should be forced into schools that are inferior, but can be shown to be separate but equal. In this way the folks with better, less pale, skin colors can be properly served.

Could be that people of exclusively Northern European Heritage, world wide, should all be forced into unpaid servitude to the benefit of anyone with the superior skin color tones you may wish to define.

What the heck are talking about? How many wrongs are required in your twisted and unjust, bigoted and prejudiced view of the world to make a right?
Maybe there should be punishments.

Perhaps all people who are Demographically White, world wide, should be made to ride in the back of the bus.

Maybe these White people, world wide, should be forced into schools that are inferior, but can be shown to be separate but equal. In this way the folks with better, less pale, skin colors can be properly served.

Could be that people of exclusively Northern European Heritage, world wide, should all be forced into unpaid servitude to the benefit of anyone with the superior skin color tones you may wish to define.

What the heck are talking about? How many wrongs are required in your twisted and unjust, bigoted and prejudiced view of the world to make a right?

What are you braying about now? What twisted and unjust, bigoted and prejudiced view of the world are you babbling about?

Your emotional hyperbole isn't doing you any favors.
Isn't this really saying that Trillion's upon Trillion's spent On Lyndon Johnson's "Great society" is really just a failure?

What say you?

No, because when you talk about impoverished African Americans you’re talking about a minority within a minority.
What are you braying about now? What twisted and unjust, bigoted and prejudiced view of the world are you babbling about?

Your emotional hyperbole isn't doing you any favors.

What other punishments do you recommend for people you seem to dislike who did nothing to anyone?

Is being hated by you now considered to be a crime in Tanngrisnirstan?
What other punishments do you recommend for people you seem to dislike who did nothing to anyone?

Is being hated by you now considered to be a crime in Tanngrisnirstan?

What 'punishments' have I recommended?

Why are you so consumed with so much hatred that you'd be compelled to lie like that?
What 'punishments' have I recommended?

Why are you so consumed with so much hatred that you'd be compelled to lie like that?

Taking money from one person to award to another is generally considered to be a punishment to person from whom it is taken.

This action performed with monies routinely referred to as "fines".

This is the action that reparations demands.

Do you seriously not understand this?
Taking money from one person to award to another is generally considered to be a punishment to person from whom it is taken.

This action performed with monies routinely referred to as "fines".

This is the action that reparations demands.

Do you seriously not understand this?

No, no rational, sober adult thinks of that as 'punishment'.

Do you seriously not understand that?

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