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On Reparations (1 Viewer)

No, no rational, sober adult thinks of that as 'punishment'.

Do you seriously not understand that?

Why don't you explain to me how a fine is not a punishment.
Why would I have to? You're the one who make the asinine assertion that they are, and you have yet to back that up.

Doesn't seem to be much of a leap. Reparations are sought from the government to compensate for a grievance. The government gets money from people.

Are you unaware of the role played by money in reparations?
Doesn't seem to be much of a leap. Reparations are sought from the government to compensate for a grievance. The government gets money from people.

Are you unaware of the role played by money in reparations?

No, I'm quite aware of its role.

Pity you couldn't back up your claim about 'punishment'.
No, I'm quite aware of its role.

Pity you couldn't back up your claim about 'punishment'.

The punishment exists as the money is taken forcibly from some for acts committed.

You seem to have an issue connecting dots.

This might help and you might get a great deal on prime day!

The punishment exists as the money is taken forcibly from some for acts committed.

You seem to have an issue connecting dots.

This might help and you might get a great deal on prime day!

Have fun pretending that punishment is something that it isn't.

Sorry you had to run, screaming and hair on fire, from your own asinine claims.
Have fun pretending that punishment is something that it isn't.

Sorry you had to run, screaming and hair on fire, from your own asinine claims.

I'm not running and screaming.

I'm only wondering why you continue to write about something on which you have no clue.
Damn. So you admit you're running away screaming.


Not sure how to help you out with your issues.

You can get this on Amazon. it will be well worth your investment.

Not sure how to help you out with your issues.

You can get this on Amazon. it will be well worth your investment.


Your cowardice in backing up your own claims isn't my problem.

Since you're forced to retreat from them, why even make them?

Your cowardice in backing up your own claims isn't my problem.

Since you're forced to retreat from them, why even make them?

View attachment 67260280

What ever it is that you imagine to be my "own claims" is a mystery to me.

You will need to send a Reality to Tanngrisnir decoder Ring so I can track your misunderstandings.

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