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Ocasio Cortez: ‘The World is Going to End In Twelve Years If We Don’t Address Climate Change’ (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 24, 2017
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In yo' grill
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Slightly Conservative
The gift that keeps on giving.

During an event honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) cautioned the audience that climate change would “destroy the planet” by the year 2031 if people fail to address a generational challenge she likened to “Word War II.”

“Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us are looking up and we’re like: ‘The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?’” Ocasio-Cortez told interviewer Tanehisi Coates at an “MLK Now” event in New York.

Does that mean that, in 12 years, she'll shut the **** up about it?

My God I love this chick.
She could probably "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and not "lose any voters."

The timeline Ocasio-Cortez referenced was likely based on a U.N. backed report. LMAO! I wonder where we get evidence that proves conservatives lack a few brain cells? :lamo

Gosh, the Left is telling us if we don't believe Ocasio-Cortez that the World will end in 12 years, we must be stupid.

Perhaps if we give $500 Billion a year to poor countries, everything will be alright?
Gosh, the Left is telling us if we don't believe Ocasio-Cortez that the World will end in 12 years, we must be stupid.

Perhaps if we give $500 Billion a year to poor countries, everything will be alright?

Well, that's what happens when you don't believe science...……...people start thinking you are lacking a few brain cells. Now, fortunately there is a way to resolve this, but conservatives haven't figured it out yet! LMAO! I hope they never do.
Let me guess: the only way to stop the end of the world is to give the government total control of the private sector. :lamo
Well, that's what happens when you don't believe science...……...people start thinking you are lacking a few brain cells. Now, fortunately there is a way to resolve this, but conservatives haven't figured it out yet! LMAO! I hope they never do.

Science has said that the world will end in 12 years?
Does that mean that, in 12 years, she'll shut the **** up about it?

Pretty sure she's saying "The World As We Know It" and for the most part, she is probably somewhat right.
Have you been to Norfolk or Virginia Beach, or Miami lately, or to the Louisiana Delta country, or anywhere around that part of The Gulf?

That's a tiny hint of larger things happening...it is one of the few visual aids, although there are others.
Pretty sure she's saying "The World As We Know It" and for the most part, she is probably somewhat right.
Have you been to Norfolk or Virginia Beach, or Miami lately, or to the Louisiana Delta country, or anywhere around that part of The Gulf?

That's a tiny hint of larger things happening...it is one of the few visual aids, although there are others.
I live in Va Beach. What are you referring to, rising water levels?
Well, that's what happens when you don't believe science...……...people start thinking you are lacking a few brain cells. Now, fortunately there is a way to resolve this, but conservatives haven't figured it out yet! LMAO! I hope they never do.

When science tells me the only way we'll save the World is by giving hundreds of Billions a year to poor country, I lose interest.
AOC - the prettiest bone-headed moron ever elected to Congress.

I don’t entirely disagree agree with you, but I’m glad someone in government is speaking up and hope others join Ocasio Cortez in her (all of ours really) cause.
I don’t entirely disagree agree with you, but I’m glad someone in government is speaking up and hope others join Ocasio Cortez in her (all of ours really) cause.

AOC is following the winning strategy that saw Lenin shoot to the top in power over the masses. The only problem with this latest shooting star is that she will flame out long before she actually grows up and can become a serious contender for higher office.
AOC is following the winning strategy that saw Lenin shoot to the top in power over the masses. The only problem with this latest shooting star is that she will flame out long before she actually grows up and can become a serious contender for higher office.
Uh huh, that’s one opinion. :roll:
Pretty sure she's saying "The World As We Know It" and for the most part, she is probably somewhat right.
Have you been to Norfolk or Virginia Beach, or Miami lately, or to the Louisiana Delta country, or anywhere around that part of The Gulf?

That's a tiny hint of larger things happening...it is one of the few visual aids, although there are others.

And these visual aids, are what exactly?

When science tells me the only way we'll save the World is by giving hundreds of Billions a year to poor country, I lose interest.

VIA the UN, which, of course, will extract its "CUT"....as AOC joins the Al Gore Parade....

al gore.jpg
Gosh, the Left is telling us if we don't believe Ocasio-Cortez that the World will end in 12 years, we must be stupid.

Perhaps if we give $500 Billion a year to poor countries, everything will be alright?

No, it means you are deliberately obtuse if you take a comment like that to mean she believes the world will end in 12 years. Good grief! AOC really drives conservatives bonkers. Gotta love it.
No, it means you are deliberately obtuse if you take a comment like that to mean she believes the world will end in 12 years. Good grief! AOC really drives conservatives bonkers. Gotta love it.

If rolling on the floor laughing = being driven "bonkers", by all means.

No one takes her seriously enough to go "bonkers" over her amusing antics....and with good reason.
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I live in Va Beach. What are you referring to, rising water levels?

Among other things, yes. Miami has it much worse but down where you're at the reports come in about two or three times a year, flooding is becoming routine in neighborhoods that never knew it as such for a century or more.

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