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Obama tells cops: Admit (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
Obama: Police Can 'Make the Job of Being a Cop a Lot Safer' by Admitting Their Failures

America's police will be safer when they admit they have a problem, Pres. Obama declared on Sunday at a bilateral event with the prime minister of Spain in Madrid.

Fielding a question on Sunday, July 10, about the violence against police in Dallas, Texas last week, which left five officers dead, Obama said police officers will be safer once they acknowledge their failures:

Obama: Police Can 'Make the Job of Being a Cop a Lot Safer' by Admitting Their Failures | MRCTV

WTF? Talk about putting the blame on the wrong people!! obama is the biggest ****ing asshole President, bar none!

This is OUTRAGEOUS!!! :2mad:
Do you deny the Blue Wall of Silence exists? Do you deny that usually when one cop sees another cop abusing his power the usual response is to look the other way instead of reporting or arresting the offending officer?
One would think that should work both ways. When, for example, a guy figured out that he's backed the wrong horse in a number of lawful police shootings because he reacted before all the evidence had come out, he should apologize too.
Do you deny the Blue Wall of Silence exists? Do you deny that usually when one cop sees another cop abusing his power the usual response is to look the other way instead of reporting or arresting the offending officer?

Nope, but this is not the time for this kind of rhetoric from the President, with so many officers dead and so many families grieving, this past week. And what you are talking about, are isolated incidents. This IS NOT the sign of a leader and Trump said that last night on 60 Minutes! Trump is absolutely correct.

One would think that should work both ways. When, for example, a guy figured out that he's backed the wrong horse in a number of lawful police shootings because he reacted before all the evidence had come out, he should apologize too.

Exactly. Very poor leadership going on here. The SOB couldn't even begin to do the job, he's too much of a coward!
One would think that should work both ways. When, for example, a guy figured out that he's backed the wrong horse in a number of lawful police shootings because he reacted before all the evidence had come out, he should apologize too.

And the fourth officer brought up on charges by that racist bitch DA, over Freddy Gray in Baltimore, has been found not guilty.


MOSBY 0-4...
Obama: Police Can 'Make the Job of Being a Cop a Lot Safer' by Admitting Their Failures

America's police will be safer when they admit they have a problem, Pres. Obama declared on Sunday at a bilateral event with the prime minister of Spain in Madrid.

ielding a question on Sunday, July 10, about the violence against police in Dallas, Texas last week, which left five officers dead, Obama said police officers will be safer once they acknowledge their failures:

Obama: Police Can 'Make the Job of Being a Cop a Lot Safer' by Admitting Their Failures | MRCTV

WTF? Talk about putting the blame on the wrong people!! obama is the biggest ****ing asshole President, bar none!

This is OUTRAGEOUS!!! :2mad:

BO could make the lives of all people a lot better by admitting his own failures. It is where we are today (a worse time than most of us can every remember) with regards to racial issues, that we owe to BO. He's a pot stirrer plain and simple. But the bigger question should be why? And then followed by "BO - what have you done to help the lives of the black people since you took office 7.5 years ago?). If we want truth then that is what needs to be asked and answered.
Obama: "Police can 'make the job of being a cop a lot safer' if they stop wearing such slutty dresses, being a flirty"

Seriously, discuss how certain actions could lead to a situation in which a rape is able to occur (or, for example, an attempted shooting of a cartoon contest can occur) in the follow up to such a thing, and you're lambasted as being unsympathetic, victim blaming, etc.

But make it cops, and...okay?

I wish society would get it's hands around this. Is it or is it not okay to talk, not directly to the victims but in a general social setting, about an incident after it happens that does critically examine the actions of the victims or the target group? If it is, okay. If it's not, okay. But this pick and choose of when it's okay or not screams of an agenda more so than any actual care of the issue.
Yeah, Obama to officers, just throw yourself on your sword and all will be forgiven. Sure, that will work.
BO could make the lives of all people a lot better by admitting his own failures. It is where we are today (a worse time than most of us can every remember) with regards to racial issues, that we owe to BO. He's a pot stirrer plain and simple. But the bigger question should be why? And then followed by "BO - what have you done to help the lives of the black people since you took office 7.5 years ago?). If we want truth then that is what needs to be asked and answered.

Correct in total!!

But he would never divulge all his weaknesses, he's to much of a dickhead for that!

Obama: Police Can 'Make the Job of Being a Cop a Lot Safer' by Admitting Their Failures

America's police will be safer when they admit they have a problem, Pres. Obama declared on Sunday at a bilateral event with the prime minister of Spain in Madrid.

Fielding a question on Sunday, July 10, about the violence against police in Dallas, Texas last week, which left five officers dead, Obama said police officers will be safer once they acknowledge their failures:

Obama: Police Can 'Make the Job of Being a Cop a Lot Safer' by Admitting Their Failures | MRCTV

WTF? Talk about putting the blame on the wrong people!! obama is the biggest ****ing asshole President, bar none!

This is OUTRAGEOUS!!! :2mad:

Yeah, 'cause it's UNAMERICAN to ever admit when we do anything wrong, huh? It's UNAMERICAN to admit when we have failures that need to be addressed, huh?

I guess that's why y'all love Trump. I guess to modern-day conservatives, "Being conservative means you don't have to admit you're wrong about anything ever!"
Yeah, 'cause it's UNAMERICAN to ever admit when we do anything wrong, huh? It's UNAMERICAN to admit when we have failures that need to be addressed, huh?

I guess that's why y'all love Trump. I guess to modern-day conservatives, "Being conservative means you don't have to admit you're wrong about anything ever!"

Read post #4 and #6......

The Dallas police had drastically changed their policing methods.....what good did that do?

Most police shootings are totally justified....why don't you admit that!!!

No prejudice with you is there?
Yeah, 'cause it's UNAMERICAN to ever admit when we do anything wrong, huh? It's UNAMERICAN to admit when we have failures that need to be addressed, huh?

I guess that's why y'all love Trump. I guess to modern-day conservatives, "Being conservative means you don't have to admit you're wrong about anything ever!"

Don't play naïve. What happens after the officer admits making a mistake? Their careers, their very lives, lives of service, are destroyed. They get thrown to the mob.
One would think that should work both ways. When, for example, a guy figured out that he's backed the wrong horse in a number of lawful police shootings because he reacted before all the evidence had come out, he should apologize too.

Well, not only that. The communities in question need to admit their failures as well.

Their failure to obey legal LEO orders when issued.
Their failure to curb black on black murders and shootings (which by far are taking more lives - and should be the priority, really)
Their failure to discourage violent confrontations with LEOs.

So it's not all such a one sided thing as some would have you believe.
Read post #4 and #6......

The Dallas police had drastically changed their policing methods.....what good did that do?

Most police shootings are totally justified....why don't you admit that!!!

No prejudice with you is there?
Yes, they did, but if you think changes have immediate effect you're delusionally naive.
Obama: Police Can 'Make the Job of Being a Cop a Lot Safer' by Admitting Their Failures

America's police will be safer when they admit they have a problem, Pres. Obama declared on Sunday at a bilateral event with the prime minister of Spain in Madrid.

Fielding a question on Sunday, July 10, about the violence against police in Dallas, Texas last week, which left five officers dead, Obama said police officers will be safer once they acknowledge their failures:

Obama: Police Can 'Make the Job of Being a Cop a Lot Safer' by Admitting Their Failures | MRCTV

WTF? Talk about putting the blame on the wrong people!! obama is the biggest ****ing asshole President, bar none!

This is OUTRAGEOUS!!! :2mad:

He sure has been racking up the stupid awards lately. This guy needs to learn to shut the **** up.
Do you deny the Blue Wall of Silence exists? Do you deny that usually when one cop sees another cop abusing his power the usual response is to look the other way instead of reporting or arresting the offending officer?

Sure there is a wall. But, do you think it's going to come down after people start shooting cops?

I have a bridge for sale, if you do.
Yeah, 'cause it's UNAMERICAN to ever admit when we do anything wrong, huh? It's UNAMERICAN to admit when we have failures that need to be addressed, huh?

I guess that's why y'all love Trump. I guess to modern-day conservatives, "Being conservative means you don't have to admit you're wrong about anything ever!"

Well we certainly can't get the black community to admit that they have a problem with their poor young men and start dealing with them. Start teaching them that the way out of poverty is through hard work. Start teaching them respect for others and themselves. The biggest demographic in this country that this nation has failed at showing them how to be good citizens are poor young black men. But if you point out that what we're seeing is a result of that failure and the resultant actions, you're called a racist.
Well we certainly can't get the black community to admit that they have a problem with their poor young men and start dealing with them. Start teaching them that the way out of poverty is through hard work. Start teaching them respect for others and themselves. The biggest demographic in this country that this nation has failed at showing them how to be good citizens are poor young black men. But if you point out that what we're seeing is a result of that failure and the resultant actions, you're called a racist.

It's not like the guys killed by cops were model citizens, doing as they were told either. With rare exception, they were armed men, breaking the law, or they were unarmed and physically assaulting a cop.
Yes, they did, but if you think changes have immediate effect you're delusionally naive.

I'm neither delusional or naive. But the largest problem is with the Black Community, the cops merely react to what they have to deal with! If you have never done the job, all you got is very little. When you deal with retreads, you have blowouts!

He sure has been racking up the stupid awards lately. This guy needs to learn to shut the **** up.

Yes indeed! STFU obama!

Sure there is a wall. But, do you think it's going to come down after people start shooting cops?

I have a bridge for sale, if you do.

Great point.

And after all the support the Baton Rouge citizens have given the police, this guy comes from out of town and murders cops! He came from St. Louis, right next to........Ferguson! I'd say that part of the US, has some serious issues.

Well we certainly can't get the black community to admit that they have a problem with their poor young men and start dealing with them. Start teaching them that the way out of poverty is through hard work. Start teaching them respect for others and themselves. The biggest demographic in this country that this nation has failed at showing them how to be good citizens are poor young black men. But if you point out that what we're seeing is a result of that failure and the resultant actions, you're called a racist.

Excellent post!
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One would think that should work both ways. When, for example, a guy figured out that he's backed the wrong horse in a number of lawful police shootings because he reacted before all the evidence had come out, he should apologize too.

Well said. Not to mention if people would also "rat" on the criminals that are actually murdering thousands each year, extorting money, raping their women and children, and otherwise engaging in thuggery of all manner.

Sent from my grapefruit using smoke signals.
well said. Not to mention if people would also "rat" on the criminals that are actually murdering thousands each year, extorting money, raping their women and children, and otherwise engaging in thuggery of all manner.

Sent from my grapefruit using smoke signals.

Anyone supporting obama's speech here, is an idiot!

He's a poor leader...a race baiter and a racist.
Obama: Police Can 'Make the Job of Being a Cop a Lot Safer' by Admitting Their Failures

America's police will be safer when they admit they have a problem, Pres. Obama declared on Sunday at a bilateral event with the prime minister of Spain in Madrid.

Fielding a question on Sunday, July 10, about the violence against police in Dallas, Texas last week, which left five officers dead, Obama said police officers will be safer once they acknowledge their failures:

Obama: Police Can 'Make the Job of Being a Cop a Lot Safer' by Admitting Their Failures | MRCTV

WTF? Talk about putting the blame on the wrong people!! obama is the biggest ****ing asshole President, bar none!

This is OUTRAGEOUS!!! :2mad:

Please tell me he did not really say that so soon after the killings of those innocent cops in Dallas. They probably weren't even past rigor mortis yet.
I'm neither delusional or naive. But the largest problem is with the Black Community, the cops merely react to what they have to deal with! If you have never done the job, all you got is very little. When you deal with retreads, you have blowouts!
The totality of your collective posts suggests otherwise. You're basically little more than an emotionally-driven small-time thinker who cannot get past his own limited myopic experiences.
Well, not only that. The communities in question need to admit their failures as well.

Their failure to obey legal LEO orders when issued.
Their failure to curb black on black murders and shootings (which by far are taking more lives - and should be the priority, really)
Their failure to discourage violent confrontations with LEOs.

So it's not all such a one sided thing as some would have you believe.

Damn straight! :thumbs:

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