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Obama pulls plug on part of health overhaul law (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
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WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration Friday pulled the plug on a major program in the president's signature health overhaul law - a long-term care insurance plan dogged from the beginning by doubts over its financial solvency.Targeted by congressional Republicans for repeal, the program became the first casualty in the political and policy wars over the health care law. It had been expected to launch in 2013.
"This is a victory for the American taxpayer and future generations," said Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., spearheading opposition in the Senate. "The administration is finally admitting (the long-term care plan) is unsustainable and cannot be implemented."
Proponents, including many groups that fought to pass the health care law, have vowed a vigorous effort to rescue the program, insisting that Congress gave the administration broad authority to make changes. Long-term care includes not only nursing homes, but such services as home health aides for disabled people.
News from The Associated Press

I applaud President Obama for this bold, and intelligent move to start dismantling the disaster that is "Obamacare".
From the OP's link"

But a central design flaw dogged CLASS. Unless large numbers of healthy people willingly sign up during their working years, soaring premiums driven by the needs of disabled beneficiaries would destabilize it, eventually requiring a taxpayer bailout.

After months insisting that could be fixed, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, finally admitted Friday she doesn't see how."

So the light is finally coming on. Hurry a bill through Congress, that Pelosi said we have to pass to see what is in it.
When is WO going to learn that changes to healthcare takes time to think things through and should not be done from the hip.

I have a recommendation on how CLASS can be fixed. Any overrun should be paid for by rich Democrats.
This flawed bill is a perfect example of why the GOP just doesn't "hurry up and pass" Obama's half assed bills. He just seems to have a severe disconnect from the concept of cause and effect.
So he'll be able to run on the idea that when the USSC overturns the mess he can say that he was first.
Administration Dismantles Significant Piece of Obamacare

Good on them. It looks like even they are perhaps coming to recognize that this thing can't get implemented. not "shouldn't", can't.

The Obama administration Friday pulled the plug on a major program in the president's signature health overhaul law - a long-term care insurance plan dogged from the beginning by doubts over its financial solvency.
Targeted by congressional Republicans for repeal, the program became the first casualty in the political and policy wars over the health care law. It had been expected to launch in 2013...

But a central design flaw dogged CLASS. Unless large numbers of healthy people willingly sign up during their working years, soaring premiums driven by the needs of disabled beneficiaries would destabilize it, eventually requiring a taxpayer bailout.

After months insisting that could be fixed, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, finally admitted Friday she doesn't see how...
Re: Administration Dismantles Significant Piece of Obamacare

Yeah. Hopefully we'll get a much better single-payer system implemented soon.
From the OP's link"

But a central design flaw dogged CLASS. Unless large numbers of healthy people willingly sign up during their working years, soaring premiums driven by the needs of disabled beneficiaries would destabilize it, eventually requiring a taxpayer bailout.

After months insisting that could be fixed, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, finally admitted Friday she doesn't see how."

So the light is finally coming on. Hurry a bill through Congress, that Pelosi said we have to pass to see what is in it.
When is WO going to learn that changes to healthcare takes time to think things through and should not be done from the hip.

I have a recommendation on how CLASS can be fixed. Any overrun should be paid for by rich Democrats.
That's the first cog to slip out of place, and it won't be the last, the same principles also apply to the health insurance market, if they thought that a lot of unhealthy people would overwhelm LTC just wait until the mandate kicks in(god forbid).
This flawed bill is a perfect example of why the GOP just doesn't "hurry up and pass" Obama's half assed bills. He just seems to have a severe disconnect from the concept of cause and effect.

Health care reform was debated for like a year. I read the entire bill in one day. If you think it was passed "in a hurry," I just don't know what to tell you. The GOP had plenty of opportunity for input. They didn't offer solutions, they offered NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. If you think that the GOP's motivation for resistance had anything to do with the content of the bill, you're delusional. They said from (before) day 1 that their first priority was to make sure Obama didn't get reelected. In the middle of the worst recession in modern history, their first priority wasn't to govern, it was to win.
This part of BOCare has always been known to be unsustainable. CLASS was designed to fool the idiots in the CBO to score it as a benefit using a static econometric forecasting model. If BOCare is allowed to go fully operational, our economy will collapse. We are just at the beginning of this free-fall.
The healthcare bill ended up being a piece of crap, mostly because it did not have bipartisan support. I still support a reformed health care system in our country, but not via this particular bill. People blame Obama for the way it turned out but the GOP made it an uphill battle and would not compromise whatsoever.

Our government is ineffective.
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Health care reform was debated for like a year. I read the entire bill in one day

you can read 2,000+ pages of legalese a day while comprehending it?

If you think it was passed "in a hurry," I just don't know what to tell you. The GOP had plenty of opportunity for input.

actually they didn't. with the exception of a single televized potemkin conference that was designed to have no impact on the actual bill whatsoever, the GOP was locked out of the negotiations - the reason it took so long to pass was fierce debate among democrats.

They didn't offer solutions, they offered NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

that is also incorrect - the GOP has offered multiple alternatives which would actually make the healthcare market better as opposed to disasters like what we see in the OP.

If you think that the GOP's motivation for resistance had anything to do with the content of the bill, you're delusional. They said from (before) day 1 that their first priority was to make sure Obama didn't get reelected. In the middle of the worst recession in modern history, their first priority wasn't to govern, it was to win.

If Obamacare is such a wonderful addition to the US body politic, then it is doomed for success - ergo, such spirited opposition to it would have reflected negatively on Republicans. The only way that Republicans can benefit politically to make Obama a one term president from their opposition to Obamacare is if it's actually bad policy.
The healthcare bill ended up being a piece of crap, mostly because it did not have bipartisan support. I still support a reformed health care system in our country, but not via this particular bill. People blame Obama for the way it turned out but the GOP made it an uphill battle and would not compromise whatsoever.

Our government is ineffective.

The Dems had the votes to not need the GOP. They couldn't even agree with each other, the GOP should have?
Re: Administration Dismantles Significant Piece of Obamacare

Yeah. Hopefully we'll get a much better single-payer system implemented soon.

Obamacare was designed to fail, so we could have exactly that.
Health care reform was debated for like a year. I read the entire bill in one day. If you think it was passed "in a hurry," I just don't know what to tell you. The GOP had plenty of opportunity for input. They didn't offer solutions, they offered NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. If you think that the GOP's motivation for resistance had anything to do with the content of the bill, you're delusional. They said from (before) day 1 that their first priority was to make sure Obama didn't get reelected. In the middle of the worst recession in modern history, their first priority wasn't to govern, it was to win.

You read two thousand pages in one day? Right!!!!
you can read 2,000+ pages of legalese a day while comprehending it?

actually they didn't. with the exception of a single televized potemkin conference that was designed to have no impact on the actual bill whatsoever, the GOP was locked out of the negotiations - the reason it took so long to pass was fierce debate among democrats.

that is also incorrect - the GOP has offered multiple alternatives which would actually make the healthcare market better as opposed to disasters like what we see in the OP.

If Obamacare is such a wonderful addition to the US body politic, then it is doomed for success - ergo, such spirited opposition to it would have reflected negatively on Republicans. The only way that Republicans can benefit politically to make Obama a one term president from their opposition to Obamacare is if it's actually bad policy.

The liberals added hundreds of pages of legislation that could not have been read by anyone, including the members of congress, since it was produced in secret meeting in Pelosi's office and published the day they voted on the measure. Hell, at least pelosi was honest and said we had to pass the bill to actually see what was in it.

The CLASS act was stuck in the bill to create a fictitious $70 billion in savings over ten years. Keep in mind the CBO last scoring of that POS bill was the legislation would produce $124 billion of projected deficit reductions.....half came from the CLASS provision that nobody believed would actually work. Of course there was also the $500 billion of fictitious medicare cuts in that scoring as well.
Re: Administration Dismantles Significant Piece of Obamacare

Yeah. Hopefully we'll get a much better single-payer system implemented soon.
That's even worse. Damn! Do you Leftoids really have that much disdain for the private sector??
Re: Administration Dismantles Significant Piece of Obamacare

And so it goes. The numbers couldn't be made to work so it was jettisoned. Great. No one ever claimed that the HCR bill was a perfect diamond that, once cut to shape, could never be altered. It's an immensely complicated bill that will obviously require adjustments over time. Baby ... bath water. Don't confuse the two.
Re: Administration Dismantles Significant Piece of Obamacare

CLASS was always intended to be a fraud on the public. This was a major "cost savings" that nobody expected to actually come true....much like all of the other fraudulent aspects of BOCare. We have only just begun to see the epic disaster this fraudulent POS legislation truly is. We need to convene a political Death Panel, just like the one in BOCare, and its first order of business should be to kill BOCare.
Re: Administration Dismantles Significant Piece of Obamacare

CLASS was always intended to be a fraud on the public. This was a major "cost savings" that nobody expected to actually come true....much like all of the other fraudulent aspects of BOCare. We have only just begun to see the epic disaster this fraudulent POS legislation truly is. We need to convene a political Death Panel, just like the one in BOCare, and its first order of business should be to kill BOCare.

CBO estimated that CLASS would lower short-term deficits but that it would increase deficits in the long term, so it was of course never claimed to be "a major 'cost savings'". Typical BS.
CLASS was a voluntary insurance plan to help provide long-term care for the elderly and infirm. The bill required that the trust fund be solvent over a 75-year period. Not enough people signed up (funded) for it to be solvent over that period of time.

Why didn't people sign up? It would have been less expensive than private long-term care policies. Publicity? How many people knew about it? It was not funded to be marketed adequately. People not have enough extra income to spend for something 30 years down the road? People not have any income to spend for something 30 years down the road? All of the above?

Before the bill passed the CBO predicted 5% of the population would sign up, the CMS actuary said 2.5%, and AAA (American Academy of Actuaries) said 6%. About 5% of Americans currently have private long-term-care insurance.
Health care reform was debated for like a year. I read the entire bill in one day. If you think it was passed "in a hurry," I just don't know what to tell you. The GOP had plenty of opportunity for input. They didn't offer solutions, they offered NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. If you think that the GOP's motivation for resistance had anything to do with the content of the bill, you're delusional. They said from (before) day 1 that their first priority was to make sure Obama didn't get reelected. In the middle of the worst recession in modern history, their first priority wasn't to govern, it was to win.

Duece can read 2,000 page bills in a mere day. He is: SUPER BILL READER!

I think this post right here, effectively seals his reputation.

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