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NRA sues Florida to block new gun law - CNN today (1 Viewer)


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(CNN)The National Rifle Association is suing the state of Florida after Gov. Rick Scott signed Senate Bill 7026 into law Friday, the first gun control legislation enacted in the state after the Parkland school massacre on February 14.

"This bill punishes law-abiding gun owners for the criminal acts of a deranged individual," executive director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action Chris W. Cox said. "Securing our schools and protecting the constitutional rights of Americans are not mutually exclusive."
I think this mess will take most of the wind out of the sails of Rick Scott's hopes to make it to the Senate.
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CNN)The National Rifle Association is suing the state of Florida after Gov. Rick Scott signed Senate Bill 7026 into law Friday, the first gun control legislation enacted in the state after the Parkland school massacre on February 14.

"This bill punishes law-abiding gun owners for the criminal acts of a deranged individual," executive director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action Chris W. Cox said. "Securing our schools and protecting the constitutional rights of Americans are not mutually exclusive."
I think this mess will take most of the wind out of the sails of Rick Scott's hopes to make it to the Senate.

From what I read their case is pretty weak. Raising the age for gun purchases is not going to be found unconstitutional.
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Thank you NRA. This is what Americans pay you to do. It's okay to take your own side.
From what I read their case is pretty weak. Raising the age for gun purchases is not going to be fond unconstitutional.

The present conservative SCOTUS is nothing to depend on as far as the 2nd. The second should be repealed because it is out of date. We don't have militias any more.

Second Amendment. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

This was written by 18th century lawyers. In 18th century legalese, the sole intent of these amendments were stated in the preamble: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State

When this was written there were state militias & every member had a musket. But now there are no militias because we have standing armed forces. This amendment has been misused for the greedy gun makers.
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The present conservative SCOTUS is nothing to depend on as far as the 2nd. The second should be repealed because it is out of date. We don't have militias any more.

I can't say I agree that the 2nd should be repealed. All rights have limits, and I think that the limits set in this current law are reasonable, especially the part regarding the mentally ill. That needed to be there before this happened, it most likely would've been prevented if so.

CNN)The National Rifle Association is suing the state of Florida after Gov. Rick Scott signed Senate Bill 7026 into law Friday, the first gun control legislation enacted in the state after the Parkland school massacre on February 14.

"This bill punishes law-abiding gun owners for the criminal acts of a deranged individual," executive director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action Chris W. Cox said. "Securing our schools and protecting the constitutional rights of Americans are not mutually exclusive."
I think this mess will take most of the wind out of the sails of Rick Scott's hopes to make it to the Senate.

**** the NRA! Shills for gun manufacturers.
I can't say I agree that the 2nd should be repealed. All rights have limits, and I think that the limits set in this current law are reasonable, especially the part regarding the mentally ill. That needed to be there before this happened, it most likely would've been prevented if so.

I find it hard to believe that a self-proclaimed liberal would defend the 2nd. It is so obviously out of touch with reality & serves only as the basis of the gun lobby.
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The present conservative SCOTUS is nothing to depend on as far as the 2nd. The second should be repealed because it is out of date. We don't have militias any more.

Second Amendment. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

This was written by 18th century lawyers. In 18th century legalese, the sole intent of these amendments were stated in the preamble: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State

When this was written there were state militias & every member had a musket. But now there are no militias because we have standing armed forces. This amendment has been misused for the greedy gun makers.

Weird how no court decision agrees with you, and neither does history.
Weird how no court decision agrees with you, and neither does history.

SCOTUS has misused a number of Amendments, such as the 14th. I thought these conservatives were supposed to be 'strict constructionists'. They lost their way some years ago on that score.
The gun advocates claim they are simply a riffle organization, nothing more, nothing less.

Yet, they are sending their armed lawyers to attack their own.

The NRA is a cult.
I can't say I agree that the 2nd should be repealed. All rights have limits, and I think that the limits set in this current law are reasonable, especially the part regarding the mentally ill. That needed to be there before this happened, it most likely would've been prevented if so.

Would you be ok it there was a law that made it 21 to vote or 21 to get an abortion?
The gun advocates claim they are simply a riffle organization, nothing more, nothing less.

Yet, they are sending their armed lawyers to attack their own.

The NRA is a cult.

Hypocrites digging for the gun lobby's gold & waving the Constitution.
I find it hard to believe that a self-proclaimed liberal would defend the 2nd.

I'm a liberal in the sense that I believe in the most amount of freedom we can reasonably have. I also eat meat and grew up in farm country- killed my own food with my own hands. However, I also find factory farming disgusting and wrong, and purchase as much as I can from free range sources. I also grew up around, and used, guns. I see no problem with that as long as reasonable restrictions are in place and enforced.

I do not like the NRA as it currently exists. They do nothing to help their cause and I feel they work against any restriction, no matter how reasonable, just to keep gun manufacturers happy. They've also become political another areas, which have nothing to do with their function:


That article explains exactly why I simply cannot understand anyone supporting them at this point.
From what I read their case is pretty weak. Raising the age for gun purchases is not going to be found unconstitutional.

It could be if there is an age discrimination law in Florida.
Would you be ok it there was a law that made it 21 to vote or 21 to get an abortion?

If there were some reasonable argument to made for such laws, yes. But you've not presented such arguments so- no.
Hypocrites digging for the gun lobby's gold & waving the Constitution.

They're defending our civil rights.

That reminds me; I need to send them a hundred bucks.
If there were some reasonable argument to made for such laws, yes. But you've not presented such arguments so- no.

If 18 y/o's are too immature to own guns, they too immature to vote.
I find it hard to believe that a self-proclaimed liberal would defend the 2nd. It is so obviously out of touch with reality & serves only as the basis of the gun lobby.

Most American liberals don’t support repealing the 2nd Amendment.
I'm a liberal in the sense that I believe in the most amount of freedom we can reasonably have. I also eat meat and grew up in farm country- killed my own food with my own hands. However, I also find factory farming disgusting and wrong, and purchase as much as I can from free range sources. I also grew up around, and used, guns. I see no problem with that as long as reasonable restrictions are in place and enforced.

I do not like the NRA as it currently exists. They do nothing to help their cause and I feel they work against any restriction, no matter how reasonable, just to keep gun manufacturers happy. They've also become political another areas, which have nothing to do with their function:


That article explains exactly why I simply cannot understand anyone supporting them at this point.

I think it is entirely reasonable for individuals to have guns for home defense. An AR-15 is designed as a battlefield assault weapon to kill & maim other soldiers. It has no reasonable use in a polite society. I own 2 guns: a 12-gauge pump & a .22 magnum revolver. But here in PA there is part of this nationwide mania for concealed carry permits. I drive less & less because of the specter of getting involved in an accident or road rage incident where I am unarmed but the nut in the other car is angry, high on adrenaline & has a 9mm semi-automatic handgun in his hand. No thanks!
The present conservative SCOTUS is nothing to depend on as far as the 2nd. The second should be repealed because it is out of date. We don't have militias any more.

Second Amendment. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

This was written by 18th century lawyers. In 18th century legalese, the sole intent of these amendments were stated in the preamble: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State

When this was written there were state militias & every member had a musket. But now there are no militias because we have standing armed forces. This amendment has been misused for the greedy gun makers.

as long as there are criminals and big government control freaks, the second amendment is more important today than it ever was. Liberals want to repeal it because they hate the fact that the NRA called BS on their bogus claims that gun control is crime control.
Most American liberals don’t support repealing the 2nd Amendment.

Then they are either misguided or misinformed or both. If anything it should itself be amended.

This thread belongs in its own gun control forum so I'm stopping here.
**** the NRA! Shills for gun manufacturers.

that's the current left wing propaganda nonsense that I guess works with those who hate gun makers but its crap that invariably comes from people who are neither gun owners nor second amendment advocates. The gun control groups are shills for the Democrat party and violent criminals
If 18 y/o's are too immature to own guns, they too immature to vote.

You are entitled to your opinion. However, you have made no case as to why that is so.
If there were some reasonable argument to made for such laws, yes. But you've not presented such arguments so- no.

There has been no reasonable argument to raise the gun buying age to 21 that wouldn't apply to other rights

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