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NRA sues Florida to block new gun law - CNN today (1 Viewer)

I doubt the Supreme Court will even hear the case ... there is nothing that refers to age in the 2ed.

The US has different age laws already.

That's why SCOTUS won't agree with the 18-20 year limitation just because of age...there is no age requirement in the second amendment.
It is not a clear issue at all. Try to explain dry counties or blue (Sunday) laws - are they legal constituional rights free zones?

Again, is there any part of The Constitution that is solely interpreted as an individual right to consume alcohol as the second is for guns?
Ever hear this joke punch line? "We already know what you are. Now we're just haggling over the price." You accept gun control already when you accept any age limit, and any prohibitions. That acceptance kind of disqualifies your relying on the 2nd. amendment anymore.

Ever been any challenges in court for age limits and mental capability for example?
Again, is there any part of The Constitution that is solely interpreted as an individual right to consume alcohol as the second is for guns?

No, and I never claimed otherwise.
you miss the point. if someone can be trusted to vote or operate massively destructive military equipment at 18, they are old enough to own a rifle. that has been the law for over 50 years-its idiotic to change the law and punish millions because of ONE case where LE screwed up massively
I do not agree, on missing the point that is. The 18 years old youth is trusted to handle all that "power" ONKY AFTER extensive training, professional training, the best training and I have absolutely no problem making exceptions for the military, but considering how, unfortunately, under-equiped so many of our youth are today, as a precaution I have no problem with that restriction. Of course this is a personal opinion only.
I do not agree, on missing the point that is. The 18 years old youth is trusted to handle all that "power" ONKY AFTER extensive training, professional training, the best training and I have absolutely no problem making exceptions for the military, but considering how, unfortunately, under-equiped so many of our youth are today, as a precaution I have no problem with that restriction. Of course this is a personal opinion only.

why does one nut case demand the law to be changed after 50 years
The long relationship I have had is with mass shootings. My father lived through 20 U.S shooting before I was born. I have lived through over 100.

really-so you were present-you had the blood splatter of the victims smear your clothes, the cries of the dying in your ears? What oozing bovine excrement
It's relevant to his argument that his "old" 50 year old law is immovably established. The country managed perfectly well without it for the 475 years since Columbus landed

before that youth could buy guns without any restrictions federally
really-so you were present-you had the blood splatter of the victims smear your clothes, the cries of the dying in your ears? What oozing bovine excrement

I went and saw the Dark Knight Rises in a movie theatre. It could have been any one of us.

When one person dies from gun violence, it hits everyone, particularly the kids. Well, those kids will grow up and take down the NRA.
why does one nut case demand the law to be changed after 50 years
A good question and two possible answers. If we were to debate only principle than clearly no change is warranted, but reality is a bitch and we HAVE to deal with that. Think of it this way, a tactical concession when there is no question that the pound of flesh will be extracted. It might as well be from a part that hurts the least.
Ever been any challenges in court for age limits and mental capability for example?

I don't know. Has there? How did they turn out?
For example, does a 21-year-old Down's Syndrome person have a constitutional right to buy a gun? See, as soon as you open the door, as soon as you say the right can be taken away from some, it's no longer a right. It's a privilege. If the government can say that a dishonourable discharge, for another example, means you can't own a gun anymore it's not a right, it's a privilege. It can't be a right for you if it's not a right for everyone. It's a privilege you enjoy that's denied to others.
Or can the government take your right away from you?
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I don't know. Has there? How did they turn out?
For example, does a 21-year-old Down's Syndrome person have a constitutional right to buy a gun? See, as soon as you open the door, as soon as you say the right can be taken away from some, it's no longer a right. It's a privilege. If the government can say that a dishonourable discharge, for another example, means you can't own a gun anymore it's not a right, it's a privilege. It can't be a right for you if it's not a right for everyone. It's a privilege you enjoy that's denied to others.
Or can the government take your right away from you?

One could deny guns rights to those mentally incapacitated. One may deny gun rights to felons (and voting rights, too).

What's the thinking process to deny every 18-20 year old the right to own a gun? How is preventing every 18-20 year old from owning a gun going to prevent gun violence?
One could deny guns rights to those mentally incapacitated. One may deny gun rights to felons (and voting rights, too).

What's the thinking process to deny every 18-20 year old the right to own a gun? How is preventing every 18-20 year old from owning a gun going to prevent gun violence?

I don't know. But it has to be argued on it's own merits. There's no way to cite the constitution once you've accepted that some limits on the 2nd. amendment are necessary. It's either a right or it's not. If it's available to you but not to me it's not a right, it's a privilege you have but I haven't.
Unless the government can take rights away. That how it is? The government decides who has the right and who hasn't? If that's the case, nobody's rights are being infringed on when the government decides they're in a category that hasn't got the right to bear arms. It's all on a case-by-case basis.
I don't know. But it has to be argued on it's own merits. There's no way to cite the constitution once you've accepted that some limits on the 2nd. amendment are necessary. It's either a right or it's not. If it's available to you but not to me it's not a right, it's a privilege you have but I haven't.
Unless the government can take rights away. That how it is? The government decides who has the right and who hasn't? If that's the case, nobody's rights are being infringed on when the government decides they're in a category that hasn't got the right to bear arms. It's all on a case-by-case basis.

You advocate preventing every 18-20 year old the right to own a gun but don't know if this will lessen gun violence?:lamo Yeah, let's experiment with every American's rights.
You advocate preventing every 18-20 year old the right to own a gun but don't know if this will lessen gun violence?:lamo Yeah, let's experiment with every American's rights.

I didn't advocate anything. I'm just arguing hypotheticals.
Got anythingto say about what I actually said?

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