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NRA sues Florida to block new gun law - CNN today (2 Viewers)

Bull****! I'm sure those kids are shilling for violent criminals. All you do is reject any kind of limits on gun purchases and use. Everyone is a "gun banner" who dares to disagree with you. People are getting sick of it. You can try and brow beat me all you want but I'm sick of it too.

if the shoe fits, wear it. Most of you pretend you are sick of armed criminals killing innocents but rather than complain about them, you whine about the NRA. NRA members aren't shooting people. Conservative gun owners aren't the ones causing the deaths. If you all were about crime control-stop whining about law abiding individuals and stop pushing laws that only restrict the rights of law abiding gun owners.
Plus a college fund.

Agreed. It helped a friend of mine become a heart transplant surgeon. He served a full 20 years, but left during the second Iraq war due to his objections to it. He wanted to stay, but felt he couldn't in good conscience. And yes, he was deployed in the second war to treat soldiers injured in combat. He felt he and the military were being used for inappropriate reasons, so he left. He said leaving was the hardest thing he's ever done. He would not discuss it with me further than that. He loved being in the military.
Agreed. It helped a friend of mine become a heart transplant surgeon. He served a full 20 years, but left during the second Iraq war due to his objections to it. He wanted to stay, but felt he couldn't in good conscience. And yes, he was deployed in the second war to treat soldiers injured in combat. He felt he and the military were being used for inappropriate reasons, so he left. He said leaving was the hardest thing he's ever done. He would not discuss it with me further than that. He loved being in the military.

My one enlistment (after a year of university), no combat, was all good. The college fund was all used. I support the overthrow of genocidal dictators in violation of countless unsc resolutions. I also support rebuilding aid. It's too bad the rebuilding effort had so many failures and difficulties, but in a couple generations Iraq will be a democracy with human rights instead of darkness and suffering.
if the shoe fits, wear it. Most of you pretend you are sick of armed criminals killing innocents but rather than complain about them, you whine about the NRA. NRA members aren't shooting people. Conservative gun owners aren't the ones causing the deaths. If you all were about crime control-stop whining about law abiding individuals and stop pushing laws that only restrict the rights of law abiding gun owners.

You just outlined the problem I, and many people have with the NRA- they have pushed moderate and liberal gun owners out- I illustrated that in post #13 with an article. They did so by injecting themselves into issues which have nothing to do with the 2nd amendment. They also automatically oppose any restrictions, no matter how reasonable.

To me, being liberal is being for the most freedom you can reasonably have, and that includes gun ownership. When I was a kid in the 70s, my dad taught me that I had no business with a gun in my hand until I had proper training. And trust me, I grew up using guns. I also went through lots of training. The NRA at that time, was a much different organization. Now its something I don't even recognize.
if the shoe fits, wear it. Most of you pretend you are sick of armed criminals killing innocents but rather than complain about them, you whine about the NRA. NRA members aren't shooting people. Conservative gun owners aren't the ones causing the deaths. If you all were about crime control-stop whining about law abiding individuals and stop pushing laws that only restrict the rights of law abiding gun owners.

Again its the NRA that are shills for the manufacturer. What is so terrible about raising the legal age to purchase from 18 to 21? The manufacturers are actually hurting since 5 deferment cadet bone spurs took office. The NRA and its lackeys are having trouble scaring the conservative folk to drum up business.
Turn 18, Join the Marines, carry Fully Auto Machine guns, go on leave, get told you're not allowed to buy a rifle...

Can't drink hard liquor either. So what?
Again its the NRA that are shills for the manufacturer. What is so terrible about raising the legal age to purchase from 18 to 21? The manufacturers are actually hurting since 5 deferment cadet bone spurs took office. The NRA and its lackeys are having trouble scaring the conservative folk to drum up business.

The NRA always bows to the Mule and his awful demands of mayhem and chaos....It so appears
My one enlistment (after a year of university), no combat, was all good. The college fund was all used. I support the overthrow of genocidal dictators in violation of countless unsc resolutions. I also support rebuilding aid. It's too bad the rebuilding effort had so many failures and difficulties, but in a couple generations Iraq will be a democracy with human rights instead of darkness and suffering.

I sincerely hope you're right. But I am afraid that it might be just like a lot of ME countries, backward and awful. Time will tell. My friend told me one thing, and would not say anything else, I'm sure he's bound by certain laws not to. And that was this, "This war is not worth one more life. It's useless. Don't ask me to explain, because I'm not going to. This is the end of this conversation."

I let the conversation end for sure. It was not my place to push. He is one of my best friends, so I respected that. He's seen things I hope I never will. To this day, we have never talked about it.
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From what I read their case is pretty weak. Raising the age for gun purchases is not going to be found unconstitutional.

It should as you are denying a legal adult the right to keep and bear arms.
You just outlined the problem I, and many people have with the NRA- they have pushed moderate and liberal gun owners out- I illustrated that in post #13 with an article. They did so by injecting themselves into issues which have nothing to do with the 2nd amendment. They also automatically oppose any restrictions, no matter how reasonable.

To me, being liberal is being for the most freedom you can reasonably have, and that includes gun ownership. When I was a kid in the 70s, my dad taught me that I had no business with a gun in my hand until I had proper training. And trust me, I grew up using guns. I also went through lots of training. The NRA at that time, was a much different organization. Now its something I don't even recognize.

Most of us who have been active in second amendment advocacy for decades believe the NRA is too willing to suck up to Republicans who are NOT pro gun and too willing to compromise.
The NRA always bows to the Mule and his awful demands of mayhem and chaos....It so appears

this qualifies as an asinine comment
Again its the NRA that are shills for the manufacturer. What is so terrible about raising the legal age to purchase from 18 to 21? The manufacturers are actually hurting since 5 deferment cadet bone spurs took office. The NRA and its lackeys are having trouble scaring the conservative folk to drum up business.

if you think 18 year olds cannot own rifles then raise the draft, voting age and contract age to 21.
Most of us who have been active in second amendment advocacy for decades believe the NRA is too willing to suck up to Republicans who are NOT pro gun and too willing to compromise.

Well, be that as it may, I see you're from Ohio. I grew up there. Which part do you live in? I grew up in cornfields outside Canton.
if you think 18 year olds cannot own rifles then raise the draft, voting age and contract age to 21.

What does one have to do with the other. We don't have a draft anyway. The drinking age is 21 for a reason. I don't think the law prevents them from owning them, just purchasing. But I could be wrong. If a parent buys them one so be it. But then they should also be responsible until the kid is 21. Just like I make sure my kids have auto insurance.
What does one have to do with the other. We don't have a draft anyway. The drinking age is 21 for a reason. I don't think the law prevents them from owning them, just purchasing. But I could be wrong. If a parent buys them one so be it. But then they should also be responsible until the kid is 21. Just like I make sure my kids have auto insurance.

this law has been on the books for 50 years, so you think one case is grounds to change it? if someone is old enough to serve in the military or be tried as an adult, and VOTE, its idiotic to claim they are too young to buy a rifle
To Hari Seldon it totally makes sense...Your kind wouldn't understand

my kind being rational logical and well educated citizens
Well, be that as it may, I see you're from Ohio. I grew up there. Which part do you live in? I grew up in cornfields outside Canton.

Grew up on what was the last 6 acres of what had been in the family for 200 years in east walnut hills (4 miles from downtown Cincinnati). Now live in Warren county near the big ATP tennis facility
my kind being rational logical and well educated citizens

Your kind being some kind of NRA apologist who apparently believes there should be NO guns laws anywhere for anybody
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Your kind being some kind of NRA apologist who apparently believes there should be NO guns anywhere for anybody

you need to read the moronic idiocy you just wrote and figure out why it is the nadir of stupidity
Imagine if the tobacco companies sued for sixteen year olds to be able to smoke.
The Gun Jihadist types seem awfully touchy when confronted it seems

Why would an NRA apologist argue for no guns? Figure out how to un**** that earlier sentence and come back and try again.

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