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nieve americans (1 Viewer)

Uncle Shane

New member
Aug 1, 2005
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hello friends, i do realise that most of you are american and that a spell everything wrong

americans seem to me extreamly nieve arguments about issues turn into war on political positions compleate with slogans and pesidents why is it that you have to classify people and drop the actual issue is it becouse youve run out of slogans or becaouse cant you dont understand the actual issue.

i proobay wort be on for awile feal free to ban me but plz dont deleate the post
Ooh, Galen, you're beautiful when you're angry. :2wave:
Whats funny is you think no one has ever told American's this before. And with much better grammar too might I add.
galenrox said:
coming from a guy from Australia, England's armpit, way to go.

I'll be damned if I'm gonna stand idly by as some jackass from a prison island says that I am uninformed. Keep in mind that you come from a country that still uses the term "niggerfish".

It's ****ing idiots like you who motivate Americans to vote for jackasses like Bush, because they don't want to vindicate you. The fact is that some Americans are informed, and some aren't, same as Australia (although I'd have to believe that Americans are by and large more informed than the Australians, or island limeys, as I tend to call them). The other fact that remains is that you are very clearly dumb as a ****ing rock to draw such ridiculous conclusions. I'd call you a scumbag, but that would be unfair to bags of ****ing scum!!!

So yeah, learn to read, grow some teeth, and wait until at the very least have the most basic understanding of what the **** you're talking about before you post again. ****ing jackass!

I'm Australian, and until now I'd never heard the term "niggerfish".

Do you realise that you sound like a complete idiot to anyone with an IQ higher than Forrest Gump? Brilliant way of defending the US and proving you're an enlightened soul - just mock another country instead. :roll:

galenrox said:
:yeah, I can't stand America bashing. Bash the government, or distinctive groups of Americans, but once someone bashes all Americans, that just enrages me.

So what gives you the right to Australia-bash? How can you demand that people respect your country, when you refuse to respect ours? :roll:
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Galen, I'm gonna have to take a cold shower! :3oops:
galenrox said:
yeah, don't ****ing like it much, do you?
To be completely honest I don't really give a **** about what you think about me. I really don't. Anyone with even a shred of intelligence knows that you can't accurately say anything about any large number of people.

So if you hate America, **** you, we hate you too. If you hate me because I'm American, I hate you because you're from wherever you're from, it really doesn't matter.

So if I sound like an idiot to you, don't read my posts, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it, cause from what I've read of your posts the jury is still out over whether or not you have that IQ over Forrest Gump.

So yeah, go ahead, bash America, just keep in mind that it just shows how ****ing ignorant you are.

:roll: :rolleyes: And where did I America-bash, numbskull? I certainly don't agree with Uncle Shane.

Pause for a moment. Stop frothing at the mouth. Seeing as you said "you can't accurately say anything about any large number of people" and that if someone were to America-bash, it'd show how ignorant they are... well, then logically doesn't the same apply regarding Australia?
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So many asterisks.......

Feel the rage inside you, gooooood gooooood, come to the dark side.
No, you obviously don't understand what is coming out of your own mouth. Firstly, you say that it's wrong to generalise and bash one country, then you proceed to do the same yourself. That's called hypocrisy. Secondly, you put words in my mouth by assuming that I agree with bashing America. I don't. Therefore, I don't deserve a taste of any medicine.

This argument involved me once you mentioned my homeland, just as it involved you once Uncle Shane mentioned yours.
vergiss said:
No, you obviously don't understand what is coming out of your own mouth. Firstly, you say that it's wrong to generalise and bash one country, then you proceed to do the same yourself.

Let me break it down for you. Often people don't get how what they say and do affect others until they have had it done to them. G-rox was doing just that.

That's called hypocrisy. Secondly, you put words in my mouth by assuming that I agree with bashing America. I don't. Therefore, I don't deserve a taste of any medicine.

However, you bashed g-rox, therefore bringing the wrath upon yourself.
I wasn't uncivil. I hardly called you an idiot in that post, did I?

Obviously you don't comprehend the hypocrisy of your failed argument. Or rather, you refuse to. I shall cease trying, as all I'll get in return would be something along the lines of "**** you, kangaroo girl!"
vergiss said:
I wasn't uncivil. I hardly called you an idiot in that post, did I?

Obviously you don't comprehend the hypocrisy of your failed argument. Or rather, you refuse to. I shall cease trying, as all I'll get in return would be something along the lines of "**** you, kangaroo girl!"

Give galenrox a little credit. He might have a dirty mouth (;) ) but I believe the hypocrisy of the statement was the reason he made it. Something like "why is it okay for you to speak badly of my country, but not okay for me to speak badly of yours?" Or something. Don't want to put words in his mouth here...
galenrox said:
Thank you, now all we need is you to become a capitalist and we'll be set :lol:

Ha! I'm too nice to be a capitalist.:2razz: I've been the little guy that it crushes in the dust. Not too much fun. In fact, if it wasn't for the few socialist policies we have in the US (aka food stamps, etc.), I'd be a much sadder girl.
Kelzie said:
Give galenrox a little credit. He might have a dirty mouth (;) ) but I believe the hypocrisy of the statement was the reason he made it. Something like "why is it okay for you to speak badly of my country, but not okay for me to speak badly of yours?" Or something. Don't want to put words in his mouth here...

I'd have thought so too, but the way in which he continued it to me, when I had done nothing of the sort, makes me think otherwise.
galenrox said:
lol, yeah, I've been dirt poor before, it's not fun times :2razz:
I believe in certain socialist policies, but I also know economically that they are not efficient, although neccisary. I also find it speaks sad volumes about a society if they don't do these things without the government forcing them to do it.

I believe society is a long, loonngg way from doing these things themselves. And it's hard to measure the efficiency of these programs. For instance, my mom was on food stamps when I was a kid. She was raising two young girls while she went to to college, and wasn't able to work. So she got food stamps for, I don't know, 4 years maybe...Anyway, now she is a geological engineer working for the government, contributing to taxes, and generally being a model citizens. Because we had a decent upbringing (and we were able to eat) both of her daughters are going to college, to also join the workforce. But if you look at the food stamp program, the government lost money on her, because how do you measure the successes?
Kelzie said:
I believe society is a long, loonngg way from doing these things themselves. And it's hard to measure the efficiency of these programs. For instance, my mom was on food stamps when I was a kid. She was raising two young girls while she went to to college, and wasn't able to work. So she got food stamps for, I don't know, 4 years maybe...Anyway, now she is a geological engineer working for the government, contributing to taxes, and generally being a model citizens. Because we had a decent upbringing (and we were able to eat) both of her daughters are going to college, to also join the workforce. But if you look at the food stamp program, the government lost money on her, because how do you measure the successes?

Woohooo! A white person (I'm assuming from the fair complexion) that believes in welfare and food stamps and such! They are hard to find, but be glad when you do. As many of the older people in my extended family are or were on welfare, I support it. As far as measuring success, while some of them were not able to become well educated, they realized this and raised their children to be 50 times more successful than them, I call that success.
galenrox said:
I didn't check who was writting what, I saw Australia, and I was in "I hate Australia" mode. If you look back to "The World Hates America" thread, you can see where I got into "I hate Romania" mode, and I'm fairly consistently in "I hate France" mode, which is ironic, since I work for a french firm, my main mentor is french, and I drink wine and eat cheese for breakfest on occasion.

Thus, the hypocrisy. Albeit a temporary one.
HTColeman said:
BTW, Kelzie, other than being a vegetable, you are great.


I think.:mrgreen:
galenrox said:
Unfortunately I agree with you 100%. (about how far we are from doing this ourselves)
The inefficiency I spoke of is the actual bearing down on the economy that government enforced social welfare causes. But you make an extremely great point on that!
Yeah, tell your mom that Galen thinks she's fantastic!

It's so strange. All my friends adore her, and she doesn't understand why. I couldn't have prayed for a better mom. She's been buying me alcohol since I was 16. The result? I'm 22, and I think getting drunk is kinda lame. Always have. How many other 22-year olds (besides the ones in Europe) think that? And she encouraged me to experiment with drugs. As long as she doesn't have to check me into rehab she said. So of course, I never got crazy with them. I mean if your mom's okay with them, they can't be that cool, right? :lol: If I have kids, I hope I'm half as good of a mom as she was.
Kelzie said:
It's so strange. All my friends adore her, and she doesn't understand why. I couldn't have prayed for a better mom. She's been buying me alcohol since I was 16. The result? I'm 22, and I think getting drunk is kinda lame. Always have. How many other 22-year olds (besides the ones in Europe) think that? And she encouraged me to experiment with drugs. As long as she doesn't have to check me into rehab she said. So of course, I never got crazy with them. I mean if your mom's okay with them, they can't be that cool, right? :lol: If I have kids, I hope I'm half as good of a mom as she was.

I'm glad that method worked for you, but it doesn't work for everyone. As far as the alchohol, just about everyone I know whose parents let them have alchohol hardly drink. As far as drugs, if some of my friends parents told them to "experiment" their brains would be fried b/c they are too thick headed to know what is "experimenting" and what is "abusive".
I really think America should learn a lesson from how small of a problem drinking is for the youths of Europe and lower the drinking age. If you don't make it a big deal, it won't be.
Amen! I don't drink, but I am tired of hearing my peers (not friends) bragging about how trashed they got last weekend. If they were allowed to, they wouldn't brag, and if they have no reason to brag about it, half of them won't do it.
HTColeman said:
I'm glad that method worked for you, but it doesn't work for everyone. As far as the alchohol, just about everyone I know whose parents let them have alchohol hardly drink. As far as drugs, if some of my friends parents told them to "experiment" their brains would be fried b/c they are too thick headed to know what is "experimenting" and what is "abusive".

I don't think that fear of getting caught be parents is what keeps some kids from getting fried by drugs. The people that are going to abuse it, are going to whether their parents encourage them to experiment or not. At least that way, they will have a close, open relationship with their parents so they can ask for help. And I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like she pushed me to experiment. It was more of a, "if you want to, that's okay" type of thing.
HTColeman said:
Amen! I don't drink, but I am tired of hearing my peers (not friends) bragging about how trashed they got last weekend. If they were allowed to, they wouldn't brag, and if they have no reason to brag about it, half of them won't do it.

OMG, "Dude, I was sooo drunk last night, you won't believe what I did..." stories drive me nuts too! And I refuse to listen to people complaining about their hangovers. If you brought something upon yourself, I don't want to listen to you whine about it.

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