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NFL Pick'Em Game 2016! (2 Viewers)

New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers

Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns

Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions upset pick of the week

Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans

Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots

New Orleans Saints at New York Giants

Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers

Dallas Cowboys at Washington Redskins

Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals

Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams

Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos

Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders

Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers

Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears

Now, onto Week 2! Get yer picks in before the game starts! GO!
















Gotta pick against my Colts-defense sucks and is injured to boot1
Congrats to Calamity.. 14 picks is impressive no matter what week it is.

My picks.

Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills - Watching the all-22 boy did TT suck bad, he missed MANY open guys. I hope he bounces back this week.

Sunday, September 18, 2016
San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016
Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears

Good luck everyone.

At the risk of being persnickety, as per my picks in post 11, I believe I had 10 wins - just saying :)

Did I get some game wrong?

1 point penalty for being canadian:2razz:
Congrats to all who did better than I this past week, particularly Calamity - well done, indeed.

And thanks again to POS for taking on the task of keeping us rolling once again this year.

Down to business:


Thursday, September 15, 2016

New York Jets

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens
Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs
New England Patriots
New York Giants
Pittsburgh Steelers
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Seattle Seahawks
Denver Broncos
Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars
Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016

Chicago Bears
Wow the hind titty for me.:3oops: Can't do much worse, but.....

Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016
San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016
Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears
Week 1 Results:

calamity 14
rjay 13
PirateMk1 12
Kobie 11
Bucky 11
Top Cat 10
Botanist 10
Rico Suave 10
Middleground 10
Opopanax 9
CanadaJohn 9
Simplexity 9
gdgyva 9
Hicup 9
Crovax 9
Ontologuy 9
Your Star 9
Higgins86 9
PoS 8
Tigerace117 8
penn1954 8
VanceMack 8
Zyphlin 7
coldjoint 3

And the wiener for week 1 is... calamity! That's right, he takes first blood with an astounding 14 picks! Good job, dude! :peace:party:bravo:

As for the ones who didn't do so well... R-E-L-A-X! This is a long game and the last two champions started near the bottom too- so dont give up now! There's plenty of time to catch up. In fact the ones who started at or near the top in the first few weeks did not go on to win the overall game, so the odds are with you! :mrgreen:

Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016

San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016

Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears

Now, onto Week 2! Get yer picks in before the game starts! GO!

Should I just bag it, or should I submit another week of picks?

This week looks a lot easier

Predicted winners in bold:

New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016
Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears
Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016
San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016
Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears

My picks;

Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016
San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016
Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears

My picks;

At the risk of being persnickety, as per my picks in post 11, I believe I had 10 wins - just saying :)

Did I get some game wrong?

Should I just bag it, or should I submit another week of picks?

Oh crap, sorry guys, I missed out on a few things- I guess it must be because we have a lot of players this season.

Here is the updated official count:

calamity 14
rjay 13
PirateMk1 12
Humbolt 11
Kobie 11
Bucky 11
roughdraft274 11
Top Cat 10
Botanist 10
Rico Suave 10
Middleground 10
CanadaJohn 10
Opopanax 9
Simplexity 9
gdgyva 9
Hicup 9
Crovax 9
Ontologuy 9
Your Star 9
Higgins86 9
PoS 8
Tigerace117 8
penn1954 8
VanceMack 8
Zyphlin 7
coldjoint 3
Well, I seriously doubt I'll nail more than 10 this week, but here goes...

Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016

San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers Can't be a Cinci homer here...Steelers at home, no way.
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings I may like Minnesota here, but no way do I think they will win

Monday, September 19, 2016

Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears Go Bears!
Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016
San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016
Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears
Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016
San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016
Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears
Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016

San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016

Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears
Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016
San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans , This should be close.
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants Brees will make this close.
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington, The Boys will steal one
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals, Cards should win, but TB might steal this.
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams , Wilson is banged up and the Rams give the Hawks fits. But after Monday can anyone pick the Rams?
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders , Just Win Baby!
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Viking My Upset Special. I hope the Vikes can score 20. I think they hold GB to 17.

Monday, September 19, 2016
Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears
Let's get it on!

Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016
San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016
Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears
Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016

San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016

Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears
Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016
San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016
Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears
Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016

San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016

Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears

Congrats to Calamity on Week #1

Thursday, September 15, 2016
New York Jets at Buffalo Bills

Sunday, September 18, 2016
San Francisco 49ers at Carolina Panthers
Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans at Detroit Lions
Kansas City Chiefs at Houston Texans
Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints at New York Giants
Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys at Washington Redskins
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Arizona Cardinals
Seattle Seahawks at Los Angeles Rams
Indianapolis Colts at Denver Broncos
Atlanta Falcons at Oakland Raiders
Jacksonville Jaguars at San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers at Minnesota Vikings

Monday, September 19, 2016
Philadelphia Eagles at Chicago Bears

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