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Neil Armstrong Refuses to Swear on the Bilble that he Walked on the Moon (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 16, 2013
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East Coast USA
Political Leaning
This the moon thread has me wondering why NASA Cosmonaughts seen to behave so strangely. Why won't Neil do the simple act of swearing on the bible about it ?

And look at these guys, instead of being excited about the MOON LANDING, the look and act like they are being interrogated. :confused:

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This the moon thread has me wondering why NASA Cosmonaughts seen to behave so strangely. Why won't Neil do the simple act of swearing on the bible about it ?

Why should he swear on an old book of stories just to please an idiot? The Russians have cosmonauts, the USA has astronauts, by the way.
This the moon thread has me wondering why NASA Cosmonaughts seen to behave so strangely. Why won't Neil do the simple act of swearing on the bible about it ?

Perhaps the fact that he wasn't a Christian might explain his reason for not jumping through that hoop of disingenuousness. Or perhaps he judged that to dignify the request with acquiescence would give the question the legitimacy it did not deserve.
But Eugene Cernan did.

I'd ignore the asshat too were I one of those astronauts because having done the deed I'd have nothing to prove to anyone else.
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Why would any moron even ask him to?
Why would any moron even ask him to?

The guy with bible does seem to a pushy **** stirrer, so Neil may have not wanted to engage in any manner, I give ya that.
The guy with bible does seem to a pushy **** stirrer, so Neil may have not wanted to engage in any manner, I give ya that.

And he has nothing to prove. He landed on the Moon.
The guy with bible does seem to a pushy **** stirrer, so Neil may have not wanted to engage in any manner, I give ya that.

Why would any moron even ask him to?
This the moon thread has me wondering why NASA Cosmonaughts seen to behave so strangely. Why won't Neil do the simple act of swearing on the bible about it ?

And look at these guys, instead of being excited about the MOON LANDING, the look and act like they are being interrogated. :confused:

When the private trips begin we will see, if the stuff they left is still there, I guess.

If it isn't, Nixon will be known for having pulled a real Nixon on his contemporaries.
What does swearing on a Bible have to do with anything. I wouldn't swear to anything on a Bible either - its against my religion.

Why don't you show the video where Buzz Aldrin decked that stupid asswipe?
What does swearing on a Bible have to do with anything. I wouldn't swear to anything on a Bible either - its against my religion.

Why don't you show the video where Buzz Aldrin decked that stupid asswipe?

Now there is a video I would actually watch
The person doing the asking was Bart Sibrel. He had been stalking Armstrong for several months and had already jumped other astronauts with his film crew. He was reported to the police for trespassing on Armstrong's property.

If you listen to what he says, he actually gives it away. "Mr Sibrel, knowing you that's probably a fake Bible".

ie. he knows him.

As for the press conference. These guys were test pilots and not media celebrities. I would be uncomfortable in front of that amount of people.

Here is an alternative view on the press conference:

Its brilliant
I just watched it. Funny! He clearly didn't see that coming. As well as being a looney-tunes conspiracist, he also appears to be a religious nut. Nice combo!
When the private trips begin we will see, if the stuff they left is still there, I guess.

If it isn't, Nixon will be known for having pulled a real Nixon on his contemporaries.

There's a reflector set up you can bounce a laser off.
Sure there is. :lamo

There is. It's how we know that the moon gets closer to the planet every year. It was also used to test several theories on light travel.
Sure there is. :lamo

No, really. That "Big Bang Theory" episode wasn't making that up. (although it would be pretty difficult for an amateur to do on their own, you'd need precision to a few arcseconds I think.

Here's a BBC bit on it.
There's a reflector set up you can bounce a laser off.

That's cool. But are you sure it was not dropped by a Tralfamadorian taking off from Mars. ;)
I think several Apollo missions left retro reflectors on the moon.
I know a guy who worked on the University of Hawaii's lunar range finding project in the 70's,
really bleeding edge stuff back then.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) - University of Hawaii Lure Observatory. [lunar laser ranging system construction
The way optics work, for such things is when the beam diameter is expanded, the divergence decreases.
By using the large diameter Astronomy telescopes, they can minimize the divergence of the laser beam.
By firing the laser in known patterns, they were able to detect the (very minor) returning signal,
and measure the round trip distance.
This the moon thread has me wondering why NASA Cosmonaughts seen to behave so strangely. Why won't Neil do the simple act of swearing on the bible about it ?

You nailed it! It is very simple. They NEVER WENT TO THE MOON,
I think several Apollo missions left retro reflectors on the moon.

No, they didn't. They were put there by unmanned vehicles. Just like the Russian have done.

The Russians didn't claim they had put men on the moon!

It is all one big hoax!
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) - University of Hawaii Lure Observatory. [lunar laser ranging system construction
The way optics work, for such things is when the beam diameter is expanded, the divergence decreases.
By using the large diameter Astronomy telescopes, they can minimize the divergence of the laser beam.
By firing the laser in known patterns, they were able to detect the (very minor) returning signal,
and measure the round trip distance.

But they could do that even when there were no reflectors on the moon! they did that years before the, alleged, moonlandings!

It is all one big hoax.

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