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Mrs. Bill Clinton's TV show cancelled (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 3, 2005
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
In a stunning blow to the candidacy of Mrs. Bill Clinton, the show which pretended not to be about her being the President has been cancelled. The shows audience has dropped form a premier 16 million to 10 million for it's last episode.

I'm sure the liberals will say it was Bush's fault.
Stinger said:
In a stunning blow to the candidacy of Mrs. Bill Clinton, the show which pretended not to be about her being the President has been cancelled. The shows audience has dropped form a premier 16 million to 10 million for it's last episode.

I'm sure the liberals will say it was Bush's fault.

Woo hoo! I don't care whose fault it is. She has no chance of being president--EVER.
aps said:
Woo hoo! I don't care whose fault it is. She has no chance of being president--EVER.

How about Democrat nominee?
Stinger said:
How about Democrat nominee?

That, too, Stinger--that too! :mrgreen:
I don't think TV ratings are a good indicator of who the next president will be. I mean, "The Shrub" is president. Yet, I doubt Hee Haw would garner high ratings in this day and age.
AndrewC said:
I don't think TV ratings are a good indicator of who the next president will be. I mean, "The Shrub" is president. Yet, I doubt Hee Haw would garner high ratings in this day and age.

LOL... I just had to pipe in here. Too funny. :rofl
Yet, I doubt Hee Haw would garner high ratings in this day and age.

I luv Hee Haw! Look for it on re-runs every chance I get! Roy Clark can really pick! But you're probably right, without Buck and Roy, Junior Samples, Grandpa Jones and all the rest, it just wouldn't be the same. Can't replace a classic like that!
I'm confused?? What is this Mrs. Bill Clinton TV show you speak of?
scottyz said:
I'm confused?? What is this Mrs. Bill Clinton TV show you speak of?

Surely you jest! Commander in Chief of course. Even with all the overblown press it got it still got cancelled.
aps said:
That, too, Stinger--that too! :mrgreen:

I think she's odd's on favorite right now.
oldreliable67 said:
I luv Hee Haw! Look for it on re-runs every chance I get! Roy Clark can really pick! But you're probably right, without Buck and Roy, Junior Samples, Grandpa Jones and all the rest, it just wouldn't be the same. Can't replace a classic like that!

If they brought it back they'd probably RAP!:shocked2:
I hate to burst any bubbles, but Commander In Chief hasn't been cancelled. Not yet, anyway. It is simply going on a broadcast hiatus until spring so that ABC can premiere a new series, Sons & Daughters. Networks do this stuff more often than people realize. Fox does it every year for the World Series. :shrug:
Stace said:
I hate to burst any bubbles, but Commander In Chief hasn't been cancelled. Not yet, anyway. It is simply going on a broadcast hiatus until spring so that ABC can premiere a new series, Sons & Daughters. Networks do this stuff more often than people realize. Fox does it every year for the World Series. :shrug:

Yay I know. This freaking thread almost gave me a heart attack so I had to go look. And the show just won a Golden Globe. Obviously popular with someone. Just paving the way for our next president.
Kelzie said:
Yay I know. This freaking thread almost gave me a heart attack so I had to go look. And the show just won a Golden Globe. Obviously popular with someone. Just paving the way for our next president.

You know, I'm not a regular viewer of this show, but I've caught a few episodes, and I thought it was really good from what I saw......

I'm still too ticked about Fox cancelling Reunion this year, and Point Pleasant last year, to be able to watch any more new series, though.
From what i've read this show is about a Republican Vice President who ascends to the role of President after the President elect dies. What does that have to do with Hillary?
scottyz said:
From what i've read this show is about a Republican Vice President who ascends to the role of President after the President elect dies. What does that have to do with Hillary?

She's an independent. I think they're preparing the American subconscious for the inevitable.
Stace said:
You know, I'm not a regular viewer of this show, but I've caught a few episodes, and I thought it was really good from what I saw......

I'm still too ticked about Fox cancelling Reunion this year, and Point Pleasant last year, to be able to watch any more new series, though.

It's a great show. The only one I watch actually.
Kelzie said:
Yay I know. This freaking thread almost gave me a heart attack so I had to go look. And the show just won a Golden Globe. Obviously popular with someone. Just paving the way for our next president.

That would be Condy Rice..........;) The first Arican American female Conservative president.......
Navy Pride said:
That would be Condy Rice..........;) The first Arican American female Conservative president.......

And she very well might be. After eight years of Hillary.
Kelzie said:
It's a great show. The only one I watch actually.

Up until last year, I didn't watch much TV at all. I didn't get into Smallville or The O.C. until the 2004-2005 season...somehow, I was able to catch up on three seasons of Smallville and one of The O.C. without missing too much of those seasons, and then of course whatever I did miss, I caught up with when those DVDs came out this past summer....I also caught up with the first season of Desperate Housewives, 'cause I was sick of hearing all of my friends talk about it, and not having a clue as to what was going on, and of course I'm addicted to that now. I saw the previews last year for Point Pleasant, thought it was interesting, and them bam, as soon as I actually start watching, Fox cancels it.....got caught up in Reunion this year and they had to go and cancel that, too....

Anyway, my tv watching is more or less limited to regularly watching The O.C., Smallville, Desperate Housewives, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report. Hubby and I did watch My Name Is Earl, but they went and moved that to Thursdays when The O.C. is on, and even though our DVR is SUPPOSED to record it, it doesn't, so we'll have to catch that one on DVD now....
Navy Pride said:
That would be Condy Rice..........;) The first Arican American female Conservative president.......

Mind sharing with us what an Arican American is? Never heard of them before......
Kelzie said:
And she very well might be. After eight years of Hillary.

Please let her get the democratic nomination....Every night before I go to sleep when I say my prayers I say a little prater that she gets the nomination...........I can't think of anything better for conservatives in this country..........
Kelzie said:
And she very well might be. After eight years of Hillary.
Or should I just start in on it now? So far? Dennis Miller has the best line yet.

Miller: "I'm sorry, but if she runs old Bill is just gonna do it again. He can't help it."

Do you know what the Football is? The guy who carried it while Clinton was in in office has some sweet stories. Go see if you can goggle the elevator story. Yea, we need her as CIC.

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