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"Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12:46] (1 Viewer)

Infinite Chaos

DP Veteran
Oct 28, 2007
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A Labour MP has stepped down as an aide to John McDonnell after it emerged that she once backed a plan to relocate the state of Israel to North America.
Naz Shah, who represents Bradford West and has now apologised, had shared an image on Facebook before she became an MP that argued the move was a “solution for the Israel-Palestine conflict”.



What a disgrace of a woman, will the Labour Party do anything about this or think that the apology is enough?
re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

What a disgrace of a woman, will the Labour Party do anything about this or think that the apology is enough?

whats wrong with relocating israel to the USA?
re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

why not relocate palestinians to iran?

what about making it illegal for anyone to live there, ever again?
re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

What a disgrace of a woman, will the Labour Party do anything about this or think that the apology is enough?

You mean relocate people to start a new country irregardless of the fact that people allready live there? Who the hell would suggest that?!
re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

You mean relocate people to start a new country irregardless of the fact that people allready live there? Who the hell would suggest that?!
Are you alluding to the Arabs coming from the Arabian peninsula claiming that the land belogns to them irregardless of the fact that Jews were already living there?
re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

What a disgrace of a woman, will the Labour Party do anything about this or think that the apology is enough?

Generally the left is not very friendly towards Israel. In Germany this has been more and more evident and has been openly visible in a number of recent cases.

The idea of moving Israel to the US is interesting, though, a British MP might be nicer to offer a space in Cornwall. I have never understood why the allies did not give the Israeli Bavaria after the war as re-compensation. That would have been much more elegant. Then they could travel to Jerusalem as well loved tourists and the population would welcome them with cheers.
re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

The Labour party is on a roll with those anti-Israeli loons it seems.
re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

Generally the left is not very friendly towards Israel. In Germany this has been more and more evident and has been openly visible in a number of recent cases.
In Italy on monday was the Liberation Day (from nazi-fascism). We usually have demonstrations in the main cities.
The leftists movemets, as usual, attacked verbally the Jewish Brigade representatives chanting pro-palestinian slogans. (they probably are not aware of the fact that Arabs were strong allies of Nazis..... Or just pretend to don't know...). In Milan they also waved Hizb'Allah flags.
In Bologna instead they attached some palestinian flags in front of the Shoah Mausoleum. But hey, how could they be considered anti-semites?
re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

Generally the left is not very friendly towards Israel. In Germany this has been more and more evident and has been openly visible in a number of recent cases.

The idea of moving Israel to the US is interesting, though, a British MP might be nicer to offer a space in Cornwall. I have never understood why the allies did not give the Israeli Bavaria after the war as re-compensation. That would have been much more elegant. Then they could travel to Jerusalem as well loved tourists and the population would welcome them with cheers.

So the Jewish people have no greater links to Jerusalem, than the average tourist? OK, I see.....
re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

Moderator's Warning:
OP deals with specifics relating to the I/P conflict. Specifically "solution for the Israel-Palestine conflict”. As all discussions specific to the Israel and Palestine conflict are to be housed in the Middle East forum as per the forum rules, thread will be moved to the ME Forum. Please note that ML is now in effect for any posts going forward. Thanks.
Re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

What a disgrace of a woman, will the Labour Party do anything about this or think that the apology is enough?

She forgot one item on the list: "The season finale of Netflix's Daredevil will be rewritten and re-released to have The Punisher actually kicking ass."

I wonder if anybody thought to tell Naz Shah about things like Isis, the Arab Spring, Al-Qaeda, the war in Yemen, the Syrian civil war or the ongoing conflict between Sunnis and Shiites. My guess is "no."
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Re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

Naz Shah suspended from Labour Party

To her credit, she has apologised and accepted her words were anti-semitic and wrong, she issued an apology (to parliament) in the House of Commons. She doesn't say anything about her offense to the people of Israel however.

And then on the other hand... and old adversary of the state of Israel (Ken Livingstone) turns up to claim she wasn't being antisemitic.

Who next?
Re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

What a disgrace of a woman, will the Labour Party do anything about this or think that the apology is enough?

I don't think that Israel would want to be a State, it would want to be an independent country. So this wouldn't work too well.
Re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

Naz Shah suspended from Labour Party

To her credit, she has apologised and accepted her words were anti-semitic and wrong, she issued an apology (to parliament) in the House of Commons. She doesn't say anything about her offense to the people of Israel however.

And then on the other hand... and old adversary of the state of Israel (Ken Livingstone) turns up to claim she wasn't being antisemitic.

Who next?
Is it any more racist/antisemitic then people suggesting the Palestinians should be moved as Faithful Servant mentions above my post or Ben Carson suggesting they should be moved to Egypt? Just an update Mike Huckabee made a similar suggestion to what Ben Carson said.
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Re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

This is still funny.
Generally the left is not very friendly towards Israel. In Germany this has been more and more evident and has been openly visible in a number of recent cases.

Especially ironic since it was leftists that founded the damn place.
The idea of moving Israel to the US is interesting, though, a British MP might be nicer to offer a space in Cornwall. I have never understood why the allies did not give the Israeli Bavaria after the war as re-compensation. That would have been much more elegant. Then they could travel to Jerusalem as well loved tourists and the population would welcome them with cheers.
There was plenty of anti-Jew hate in the Levant before the birth of Israel.
Re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

This is still funny.

Especially ironic since it was leftists that founded the damn place.

There was plenty of anti-Jew hate in the Levant before the birth of Israel.

There was hatred of jews in many places back then.
Re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

How about just moving them a few miles into Syria/Lebanon?? It's still in their ancestral homeland that they claim to be so attached to.

Why don´t you move back to your ancestral homeland? This line of argument really shows a disturbing lack of empathy.
Re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

Never goes out of style.

Odd, really. The Jews I have known were smart and usually charming.
Re: "Move Israel to the US" Naz Shah disgraced [W:12]

whats wrong with relocating israel to the USA?

Among other things... Jerusalem.

But is does remind me of Will Rogers....

"I've got a plan that'll stop all wars. When you can't agree with your neighbor you move away. With your wife, she either shoots you or moves away from you. Now that's my plan. Move nations away from each other. Take France and Germany. They can't agree, so take France and trade places with Japan. Let Japan live there by Germany. If those two want to fight, let 'em fight. Who cares. We'd run excursions to a war like that.

We don't always agree with Mexico. Well, trade Mexico off for Turkey, harems and all. Now we got men in this country that would get along great with Turkey.
And that would solve the Irish problem. Take England and move 'em away from Ireland. Take 'em over to Canada and let 'em live off their son-in-law. When you move England away from Ireland don't you let Ireland know where you're taking 'em, or they'll follow 'em and get 'em."

From an early recording, circa mid-1920s.

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